Lexington News Mrs. Mary Edwards Another Lexington landmark .will soon be no mo-e. The old rastin building that belonged to the late R. H. Lane and the Phillips hoys is being razed by Herman Green and Art Hunt. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Grant and Ben drove to The Dalles Tuesday where funeral services were held for their sister Phyllis who passed away in that city last week after a linger ing illness. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Campbell were transacting business in Pendleton Tuesday. The Ladies aid have received a supply of Red Cross material and would appreciate having all who tare to help with this work to moet at the aid rooms on Wednesday afternoons. Lt. Ladd Sherman of the U. S. navy came home Monday night on a short leave which he is spending with his family in Lexington. E. J. Evans was one of the suc cessful hunters here. He came in with a big buck after being out only a few hours. Heppner Gazette Times, November 2, 1944 3 Ben Grant reported back to Far- iv gut rave.' t"ami-g t-rov YeJ ntidcy. tls v,us caV.sd ho:-. -8 or. ac .our. .. o. the Jaadi of his sister Mrs. Ruth Van Winkle and Mrs. He: man WaPi-ce ha,-e returned from California where they visited their husbands who are stationed at Camp Roberts. Mr and Mrs. Carl Allyn and M s. James Cowins were visitors at the George AJlyn home Thursday aft ernoon. 1he carnival sponsored by the Lexington school was a huge suc cess, both financially and from the point of entertainment Everyone had a good time. Oddfellows and Rebekahs had a Halloween party at the lodge hall Tuesday night and everyone had a good time. A large crowd attended. Mrs. S. G. McMillan was honored at a surprise party Wednesday af ternoon at the ladies aid rooms, the occasion being her birthday The aid presented her with a beautiful sandwich . tray. Refreshments of cake end coffee were served. Mis. Nellie Palmer made a beautiful birthdiay cak? for the occasion. REAUCRATS Mrs.' Ruth McMillan entertained at a Halloween oarty for the skat ing dub "Tuesday evening at the rink. Mr. and Mrc. C. H. Brashears fnd Mrs. Marie Stan gall attended the confraternity of the Catholic diocese at Hermiston last week. . o MORE IONE returned to their home Monday. Other Sunday guests of the Carl sons were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Ebert and son Stephen of Heppner. Little Brenda Kay, the small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Townsend was taken ta Heppner Saturday to have the doctor re move a piece of lead pencil which had broken - off in her ear. She suffered no serious results from th accident. Mrs. D. A. Kyle of Minneapolis is visiting her sister Mrs. Stena Schleevoight. The two sisters plan to go to Newberg to visit other relatives' while Mrs. Kyle is in Oregon. Mrs. Lonny McCabe caused a bit of excitement Sunday when she was reported lost while hunting in the mountains, but according to her she knew where she was all the time. Mrs. Leroy Turner with her small daughter Jo Ann and her mother-in-law, Mrs. Blaine Turner of Portland are visiting in lone for a few days. Mrs. Leroy Turner will return to Gresham where Jo Ann is undergoing medical treatments. Mrs. Walter Corley arived Fri day evening from Alabama where she has been with Pvt. Corley. She is visiting at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Seehafer until she hears where her husband has been transferred, then she plans to join him. Tbie P. T. A. are planning an auction on Friday, Nov. 17 to help with the expenses of the hot lunch es. There will be a program be fore the auction and pie and coffee will be sold afterwards. The Birthday cjub held their monthy meeting at the home of Mrs. Ernest Heliker on Tuesday. The honor guests were Mrs. Heli ker and Mrs, Harry Yarnell. . FOUND Cocker pup. Came to ranch near Matteson butte." Call 9F31. 32-33p o FOR SALE Heating stove, dining table. Rosa Eskelson.' 32-33p FOR SALE Young white Leghorn . pullets . soon laying; rtabbits and -rueovy, auackless ducks. Clif ford W. Noble, City, Glen Hayes jJace 213 Water street. 32c LIGHT plants bought and sold or serviced. For prices call 383. 32tf FOR SALE OR TRADE 4-hole Flamo range, duel oven control, Spark. Bob Runnion. 32p We are now supporting 3,000,000 employees on rhe Federal pay rolls, more rhan 2200 bureaus, agen cies and commissions. Directive follows direc tive. Inefficiency, waste and confusion increases. And up goes the tax bill imposed by New Deal ex travagance. DEWEY WILL GIVE FARMERS A SQUARE DEAL. READ THIS SUM MARY OF HIS FARM PROGRAM; "The wide fluctuation of prices, of farm products following the lastwar will not fee tolerated.' A floor will be placed and maintained under farm prices with assurance of seal- up crop loans. A proper farm pro gram wilt be created and so oper ated that the farmers will have control and operation of their program without domination or dictation of appointed , bureaucrats." fc Cov. Dewey, Minneapolis, Minn. Oct. 24, '44. I i II THIS YEm"..v.7.... Paid Adv. Republicon Stote Central Committer, Morgwy Buildir.j, Poriland, Oregon, Carl Moser, Exc. Sec INSULATE YOUR HOME WITH U. S. Rock Wool Installed by machine, in summer. Write Saves fuel, also 15 degrees cooler O. N. Sutton 431 S.W. Court St. Pendleton, Oregon vi. WHY N E Believes all classes should have equal representation. Wants the American markets for the American farmer. Opposes bureaucratic controls that force farmers to hold 15-cent-a-pound lamb until it becomes 10-cent mutton. Wants Canadian preferential re moved from Oregon lumber. Wants a post-war organization to enforce a lasting peace. Elect WAY K MORSE IS. 5.. 5 e ei u t o r Paid adv. Morss for Senaior Commixes Ralph D. Moores, Morgan Bldg., Portland, Ore. Announcing Appointment of Dealership for aroer Winch Sal es ana oervice o Light your house by wind power efficient and inex- pensive means of having the added convenience of electric lights and power for other needs. Any owner of a Wincharger plant, old or new, is urged to call on us for that much-needed servicing. Any light plant owners, gas or wind power, in need of batteries of any voltage, please contact us as we can furnish a complete line of 10-year warranted batteries. Heppn r Horn Phone 383 e service Box 60I