8 Heppner Gazette Times, October 26, 1944 Pendleton Plans Concert Season Revival of the winter concert se ries which proved popular before the war is in prospect at Pendle ton with the probability that five programs will be scheduled for the winter months. The plan is rapidly taking shape and memberships in the Civic Music association are 'be ing sold in Heppner this week. Members" signing typ have the privilege of expressing preference forgive types of entrtaiiynnt, or enijejrtaj'.ril -s, jiry-lui ( ng pianists, duo-pianists, violinists, sopronos, mezzo sopranos, contraltos, ensem bles, baritones and basses, tenors, guitarist, harpist, cellists and flau tist. In addition there are special atractions in the form of Ballet Theatre, Philadelphia Opera com pany, Original Don Cossack chor us, the Katherine Dunhlam Dan cers, Argentinita and her Spanish Ensemble, and National Operatic quartet. Mayor and Mrs. J. O. Turner have been assigned thp privilege of securing memberships in Hepp ner and are meeting with consider able success. Transportation stands in the way of many who would enjoy the concerts and unless sat isfactory arrangements can be made to get to md from Pendle ton sale of tickets may be limited here. Only holders of membership cards will be admitted to the con- VOTE FOR C.J. Sfj(0MB FOR certs and those desiring to attend Howes any or all of them should get in touch with the local committee immediately. GIFT SHOP CONDUCTED BY AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY This newspaper was in error last week in stating thrtt gi't shops are maintained at veterans hospitals by the American Legion. It is the wo men's branch of the legion, the American Legion auxiliary, which sponsors the shops. The Oregon auxiliary operates a shop at the vet erans hospital in Portland to which the Heppner unit has contributed. Gifts provided by the women are placed at the disposal of hospital ized veterans to make selections for their immediate families at Christmas time. This year the auxiliary is asking the public to contribute gifts , as well as its members, and for the convenience of those who wish to' do so a receptacle will be placed in the Humphreys Drug store where the parcels will be received. PINCKNEY ASKS SUPPORT FOR BANK MEASURE B. p. Pinckney, manager of the First National bank, urged support of the amendment to provide al ternative means for securing bank depositors, a measure prepared by the 42nd legislative assembly. Pinckney said that national banks in Oregon recognize the justice of removing the double liability clause from state chartered banks and are supporting the amendment. It is proposed that the state banks be prmitted to substitute the double liability against stockhold ers through membership in the Federal Deposit Insurance Cor poration, placing them on an equal basis with the national banks. 1 V) re DC CONGRESS r CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for their kindnesses and beautiful floral of ferings in our recent bereavement of our father and husband. Mrs. Myrtle Reaney and children. MARK-UP PRICE ON FRESH CRANBERRIES RELEASED An OPA trade bulletin of recent date established the mlark-up price granted local rcafters operating under groups one and two relative to the sale of fresh cranberries. Allowed mark-up over net cost is 102 cents per pound. All varieties of fresh cranberries are included but not limited to ear ly Blacks, Searles Jumbos and ( faiiW Pd. Pol. Ad CANNON-EUBANKS Miss Chfarlotte Cannon, daughter of Mrs Ada Cannon of lone, and William Eubanks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eubanks, were mar ried in Portland Oct. 18. The groom was on leave from the navy, com ing from Norfolk, Va., where he is stationed. The young couple visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John. Eubanks ' at lone the fore pare of the week. The bride has been em ployed at 'Humphreys Drug com pany in Heppner since finishing high school. o EXHIBITS ART Three carvings of exceptional ar tistic merit have been on display this week in one of the Gilliam & Bisbee windows. They are the work of Leo Perry and represent many hours of his spare time on shipboard during his nearly 20 years of service with Uncle Sam's navy. Leo and Mrs. Perry will leave Saturday for Washington. D. C. STAR Reporter Friday-Saturday, October 27-28 Son Fernando Valley Roy Rogers, Trigger, Dale Evans, Ann Gillis, Bob Nolan and the Sons of the Pioneers One of the finest of this popular star's many splendid action films. .-PLUS Scarlet Claw Sherlock Holmes, as portrayed by Basil Rathbone, presses relentlessly on the trail of his criminal, assisted by the stuffy but lovable Dr. Wat son, portrayed by Nigel Bruce. Sunday-Monday, October 29-30 Buffalo Bill Joel McCrea, Maureen O'Hara, Lin da Darnell, Thomas Mitchell, Ed gar Buchanan, Anthony Quinn A Technicolor western of the first order. Tuesday, October 31 The Black Mask of Dmitrios Sydney Greenstreet, Peter Lorre, Zachary Scott, Fayc Emerson, Victor Francen A thrilling hunt for a daring and ruthless man of evil, from the novel by Eric Ambler. Wednesday-Thursday Nov. 1-2 Take It or Leave It Phil Baker. Phil Silvers, Edward Ryan, Marjorie Massow Baker brings some of his $64 ques tions to the screen-ryou'll have fun trying to identify famous start and jfiims before the answers are an nounced. PLUS MARCH OF TIME'S WHAT TO DO WITH GERMANY Famous statesmen express their views of the attitude that should be taken by the United Nations in or der that the coming peace may not be lost. A film of high purpose &nd importance. These are busy times especially so for the one who has to plan and pre pare the meals for the family for she too is do her share of war work. It will be a" boost to her's and the family's morale to eat out occasionally to enjoy one of our STEAK DINNERS, or an oyster supper, or any one of the wide variety of excellent meals to be found on our bill of fare. Come any time . . . we're always prepared. Elkhorn Restaurant FACTS that is what you want to know about Your Health Seeing Is Believing STARTING MONDAY, OCTOBER 30 and Shows Why You Are Sick Our 13-point 5-day Examination Includes lX-Ray 2 Case History 3 Weight 7 Ear 8 Nose 9 Throat 'o"1 iu Abdominal urzans 4 Blood Pressure n Nerve Test 5 Heart Sounds 12 Blood Hemoglobin 6 Sinuses Scale Test $4.75 Complete Examination Nurse in Attendance Bring this ad and morning urine sample DR. W. H. ROCKWELL Naturopathic Physician Phone 522 Heppner, Ore. Hours 1 p. m. to 8 p. m. VOTE (X)28 for enry Pete rson Candidate fcr S'.a'o RcprrssiVf '$ frsri the 22nd Representative Disfrr'ci To the Voters of the 22n i District: These are troublous times seriour times whsn'calm thinking and sober action are essentia! to the preserva tion cf our American way of life '"hile prosecuting the war to a successful conclusion. We need MEN in the sta,te legislatu j wf:o are pic JeJ to a prognm of con sistent legislation, :?.sii or. needs rather than political expediency. We present Henry Pci rs.jr, lxs2 service in the lastjegis lature warrants his return. II!:; c.n;roi:ce as a legisla tor and his knowledge of tne needs of fie district ani the state eminently quali"- iiirn f-.- in.: fosi. VOTE PC" VCuk si . Vote for Henry Pelcrc:- Pd. Adv. by Morrow County Republican Ccrtrrl Covvi'"i-- " 7 ITS AV 1 ff.tfHLiVJS'T.r m THIS WEEK ONLY 1. Draining and flushing worn, thin oil from crankcase. 2. Refilling' with 100 pure Pennsylvania motor oil. (Limit 5 qts. 25o oil) 3. Filling transmission and differential with correct weight lubricants. (Limit 6 lbs.) 4. Giving your car a complete chassis lubrication. 5. Checking front wheel bearings. 6. Testing battery with hydrometer. t$3t -- ... Rosewall Motor Co.