Heppner Gazette Times, Octobr 26, 19il 5 0 3 uu if 1 H 0 M (pi 10 f 1 I f III 1 1 v I v. j "This basic issue was clearly revealed in the recent announcement by the Director of Selec tive Service in Washington. He said that when Germany and Japan have been defeated it will still be necessary to demobilize the armed forces very gradually. And why? Because, he said, We can keep people in the Army about as cheaply as we could create an agency for them when they are out. "For six months we have been hearing state ments from the New Deal underlings in Wash ington that this was the plan. Now it is out in the open. They have been working up to it. Be cause they are afraid of peace. They are afraid of a continuance of their own failures to get this country going again. They are afraid of America. "I do not share that fecr. I believe that our members of the armr 1 forces should be trans ported home and rcased at the earliest prac tical moment after victory. I believe that the occupation of Germany and Japan should very soon be confined to those who voluntarily choose to remain in the Army when peace comes. I am not afraid of the future of America either immediate or distant. I am sure of our future, if we get 'a national administration which believes in our country." -Thomas E. Dewey Addreu-Philadelphia Pa., September 7, 1944. gpgr to 8 J: 1 j (V ? ' Ir-v 'Mm0m(- VOTE FOR AND ON NOV. 7 This Advertisement Sponsored by the orrowuounty J. O. TURNER, Secretary Pd. Adv. by Morrow County Dewey 50001 Club JOS. J. NYS, President