Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 19, 1944, Page 8, Image 8

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8 Heppner Gazette Times, October 19, 1944 " , . '
- t v,.;. triahti rt . Mrs. Ida M. Banton of Camp 5 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Drake,
J Yes, all of this, was heard as the people who find it blard to get Was in town Monday, bringing her nd daughter N?.ncy of Corvallis
students were having meir pictures Pi0ng without Heppner-made bread children in for a medical check-up. p. e spending a tew cays at me
taken for the Annual by Mr. 03m- you wjH not find the going easy home 0" Mr. D-ake s parents. Mr.
stead of the Elite studio of The for the next two weeks or maybe DRIVE TO PORTLAND Ray Drake in gand
Dalles. longer. G. A. Sanders, proprietor Mrs. Arnod Piper and daughter wn,.
The second student body meet
ing was held last Thursday. Dur
S Group pictures were taken with of the Heppner bakery, is taking Mardeile of Lexington and Mr. and
different back grounds this year, an enforced rest and rinds it ne-
with bread
Msr Ifomn Dipt 1ft Kv car this
therefore lending a little variety ccssary to dispense . with bread moming or Portland for a short
when looking through the annual, baking for at least two weeks. He ,
Tha Aw if eVmntint pndpd with will trv to sumJv his Datrons with -
. -C 1 !r,rf O " . ' C' " . '
ing tne course ui u '"& " the camera still in tact and the pastries, etc., but may have to SEEKING MEDICAL AID
motion was passed that the school rf looking forward abandon that branch of the busi- . . aaWnrn . an0 tn Vnrt
purchase some stationery and have e JL they can gaze ness if his condition does not im- 'J L!f
it incm-ihpH fit the Uazette limes ,, ,. . , 1 . . . ,. . 1 . . 1 iu iti mcuiiai uiieiiuii. ivu.. tuiur
It lnSCTlWU dl U' ua'vl'"; imnn tho. finioVlfvH nirtlirps . vwtro Thtn. urart mo trnnH is tak- ...
upon me nnisneu piuiuie,. . prove, mie wartime gimu i u.- Mra w)11- iwrfmm J-,, him
SPEAKER LECTURES TO CLASS ing its toll and Sanders is heeding tQ Wednesday.
Thursday's senior social econom- his doctor's orders by taking a
Hn,r TTiah sohon . Mustangs. iw e- run isvi oicyf s. ure
etc Any profits off these sales Bert Johnson t to e them CRARQ
office for sudents wishing ,to buy
i for personal use. The inscription
would pertain to something about
would go into the studbnt body wnaamentauy Dasea on
How to Get a Job and Keep it.
AMin th armimenl. over whether reminded them that jobs at
& :
FOR SALE Bicyc"?
C. J.
Pd. Pot Ad
A card from Mrs. Lera Crawford
this week states that her sons John
vi . , ... , . . una wka .
the H-club or the student body tne present time are mucn easier w we n California
- i Trtr nrirt vmrt kvi it t- - nriA t-i qo iiti i i
should take the mianey made &cu alV
(mm tVio tfnmoa Hnrl n.av thf exnen- n0 lst.
c rn ThiQ suhieirt was dis- He stressed many points
cussed in the first meeting although thoufht honesty should be prac
nothing dtfmite was settled, in srecial training. .
the previous meeting a speaker yourself and everyone that you are 'Craord,s &irA son, Cal-
from both sides gave his views and "es ' . , l .. vin : stiii in the north with the
IU 7
awaiting orders for sea duty. John
has been visiting his mother at
Berkeley while Hugh is stationed
at San Diego where he is taking
i i i l l J ;i
reasons wny nis siae snouia gisi n , j c pnhees
If you . are intelligent, willing
Qnrl tVior, Q urvfo urge Violrl Tt xx;na
.3:jj u ' ..j uli a good job. Although you may be watcher.
the funds direct and the H-club you must pull together Do suggest things o your em
would control the advertising and Wlt yUT M7 men' ln ther at ? Lon
such and prbsent their bills to the W0T' eal Jork- . b"?nef r'i.W vn , n
student body e as ecl thn seniors, "Uo you state definitely that you . are going
attend to duties or are you disor- to do something.
In student council it was moved ganized? This w(ll Ih another Judge Johnson named over many
and passed that the Sophomore question you must ask yourself, community jobs that we could help
class give the first assembly on Are obedient?" "Are you neat in during summer and after school
Unday, Oct. 1. Also people talcing and dean m apearance and and even more permanent, jobs. He
cars carrying players to toll games work? These are all important gave the right and wrong ways to
questions that determine whether approach your prospective em-
will receive four cents to mile.
PICTURES TAKEN you get a job or not. ployer.
Monday of last week was indeed Some of the dos and don'ts after ' The class then held open discus-
a day of hasty preparation. Every you have a job are: Don't iask your sion on this subject, giving their
year this one day is looked forward employer what your salary will be, opinions and asking Judge Johnson
to, -but when it arrives students the first thing. Don't be a clock- questions.
can be heard uttering such words
as, "Why wasn't my mother built
STAR Reporter
Friday-Saturday, October 20-21
Up in Mabel's Room
Marjorie Reynolds, Dennis O'Keefe,
Gail Patrick, Mischa Aucr, Char
lotte Greenwood, Lee Bowman,
John Hubbard, Janet Lambert,
Binnie Barnes
Such Monkey Business! When she
raises the shade, you lower your
eyes; when she lowers the shade,
you raise your eyebrows! Then you
laugh, laugh, laugh!
The Falcon Out West I
Tom Conway, Barbara Hale, Don
Douglas, Lyle Talbot, A western
is crossed with a detective film and
the Falcon rides the plains in this
latest of the series.
Sunday-Monday, October 22-23
Maxwell Anderson's
The Eve of St. Mark
Anne Baxter, William Eythc, Mich
ael O'Shea, Vincent Price, Ruth
Nelson, Ray Collins
The love story of a soldier, so ut
terly honest, so simply moving, it
becomes the most impelling ro
mance you will ever take to your
Tuesday, October 24
My Best Gal
Jane Withers, Jimmy Lydon, Frank
Craven. Song and dance num
bers plus a story that will tug at
your heartstrings.
Wednesday-Thursday, Oct. 25-26
Meet the People
Lucille Ball, Dick Powell, Virginia
O'Brien, Bert Lahr, Rags Racland,
June Allyson, Vaughn Monroe
and his Orchestra, Spike Jones
and his City Slickers. Gay song,
dance and comedy.
These are busy times
especially so for the one
who has to plan 'and pre
pare the meals for the
family for she too is do
ner share of war work.
It will be a boost to her's
and the family's morale to eat out occasiqnally
to enjoy one of 'our STEAK -DINNERS, or an
oyster supper, or any one of the wide variety of
excellent meals to be found on our bill of fare.
Come any time . . . we're always prepared.
Elkhorn Restaurant
on the following sized tires:
4:50 x 21 5:50 x'l7
6:50 x 15 7:00 x 16
32 x 6 eight ply
32 x 6 ten ply
7:50x20 eight ply
8:25 x 18 ten ply
8:25x20 ten ply
We are receiving fresh shipments of tires
every week. If your size is not listed above
it may arrive within a short time.
Motor Company
From where I sit ... Joe Marsh,
As American as
HudiEebsny Finn
About the best-read books in our
town are the works of Mark
Twain who wrote Tom Sawyer
and Huch Finn and all those
other lovable, undying stories.
And I think it's because he's
the most American of all our
writers. He understood his.fcl
low men and loved them as he
loved all humanity.
You may remember what he
said of Tolerance and Freedom
those principles so basic to our
way of life. Mark Twain believed
in them, of course. He fought for
them. But he cautioned: "Never
let tolerance become indiffer
ence, never let freedom become
From where I sit, that's timely
wisdom for a troubled world
whether it applies to interna
tional politics, or to a man's right
to enjoy a friendly glass of beer
occasionally. .
For tolerance respect for the
othen fellow's rights is impor
tant not just in the big things,
hut in the little human everyday
l,,inEM-00- Oct k
No. 99 qf a Series
Cjpynsht, 1944, Brewing Industry Foundation
Gentle touches in the sparkling jew
eled necklines and belts, the softly
shirred bodices. Slim lines in the'
gracefully gored or gently draped;
skirts, the trim boleros and flattering'
V-necklines. Of chalk-smooth rayon'
crepe in gay colors, black or. two! .
tnnM. 12.20. .&
' J