Heppner Gazette Times, October 19, 1944 5 A J S I 1 Hi 1 Hii . rmrnmmmmmmms 0 Ill is 10 "At the very outset I want to make one thing clear. This is not merely a cam paign against an individual or a political party. It is not merely a campaign to to displace a tired, exhausted, quarreling and bickering administration with a, fresh and vigorous administration. It is a cam paign against an administration which was conceived in defeatism, which failed for eight straight years to restore our do mcstic economy, which has been the most wasteful, extravagant and incom petent administration in the history of the nation and worst of all, one which has lost faith in itself and in the American people. -Thomas E. Dewey Address, Philadelphia, Pa., September 7t 1944 VOTE -FOR J , m k w & A . ,. , Ml tonsil &$4xwM&i?. 1 This Advertisement Sponsored by the Morrow county J. O. TURNER, Secretary Pd. Adv. by Morrow County Dewey 50001 Club JOS. J. NYS,. P.eddent