Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 19, 1944, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Heppner, Gazette Times, October 1 9, 1944
News Notes of Comings and
Goings in lone and Vicinity
Bv Bras. OMAB KJTMANN Those attending the conference
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph I. Hovde, of the Mid-Columbia congregational
(Nettie Mason) of Portland are vi- church at The Dalles Friday were:
siting in lone with her brothers Mrs. Ljaxton McMurray, Mrs. Delia
and sisters. Corson. .Mrs. Omar Rietmann, Mr.
. Tuesdav evening a meeting wis and Mrs. E. M. Baker Rev. H. N.
held at the lone city hall to nomi- Waddell and Mathew Ball. Mr. Ba
nate city officers. A motion carried ker was elected vice moderator for
to nominate all the present officers the association. lone will be host
tor reelection: Mayor Bert Mason; for the conference next fall,
recorder, Omar Rietmann; marshal, MrS- j)ia Corson remained in
P. J. Linn; treasurer, Mrs. Grace The Dalles until Monday to visit
Linn; councilmen, P. J. Linn. A C. her brother Arthur Reid and family.
awanson, uanana owanson; eo. w F. VarnM anri Sfm Alto-
Ely, Ernest Heliker, J. H. Bryson.
The meieting wfas poorly attended.
Mrs. O. O. Mathews and daughter
Ruth of Roseburg, have been visit
ing Mr. pnd Mrs. Wnllaj? .Mathors.
for U. 5. Senator
nlrl aAv Mart for Senator Committee
Ralph D. Moorel, Morgan Bldp., Portland, Ore,
are Portland visitors this week.
Some of the dieer hunters this
week-end were Donald Heliker,
Bob Buchanan and Alvin Bunch in
or;e party and Roy Lindstrom,
Charles O'Connor and H. E. Yarnell
in another. Buchanan and Lind
strom were the lucky hunters, each
party getting a deer.
Willows grange gave a party for
Misses Jean Coleman and Marjorie
Peterson at the hall Friday night.
The girls were presented with
boxes of stationery.
The monthly fellowship supper
was held at the Congregational
church rooms Oct. 11. Mrs. E. M.
Baker serv'ed strawberry short
cake with strawberries fresh from
her berry patch.
Mrs. Alice Wiles who is recov
ering from a fractured hip is re
ported sufficiently improved to' be
moved from a Portland hospital to
tha home of her daughter Mrs. Ned
Carn.. It seems she is able to walk
with some help.
The Topic club met at the Ma
sonic hjall Saturday. The book
"Dragon Seed" was reviewed. Next
meeting will be at the home of
Mrs. Ted Smith in Heppner Oct 28.
The Cooperative church was
sponsor for a Halloween party for
the high school students Monday
evening. Many thrills and chills
weita enjoyed by all. The young
people organized their Sunday
school dDass at the close of the
party. Miss Shirley Smouse was
elected president, Bob Rietmann
vice president and Miss Alice K.
fichoson secretary. Twenty -seven
young people attended, with one
cavload coming from Lexington.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Heliker
were hosts at a iparty at their
home Saturday ' evening in honor
of Mr. and Mlrs. AJjvin Bunch.
Other guests were Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs.
Milton Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Pettyjohn, Mr. and Mrs. Marion
Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Lundell, Mr.' and Mrs. Clifford
Yarnell, Mr. and Mrs. Armin
berg, Mrs. Garland Swanson and
Wihlon, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Pad
Mrs. Lloyd Morgan.
The grange Home Ec club will
meet at the home of Mrs. Lewis
Halvorsen Oct. 20.
Mrs. Clarence Brenner of Port
land is in the Emanuel hospital
suffering from three fnactures in
her left leg, a result of a fall down
the stairs in hfer home Sunday.
Ularence, who was due to leave
for service, was granted a 30-day
extension before he is to report.
Mrs. W. W. Smith, Mrs. Brenner's
mother is caring for the Brenner
Bill Eubanks arrived at his home
in Portland Tuesday on a 12-day
Miss Charlotte Cannon of Herm-
Lowell Stockman was bom in ner drove to Portland Sunday.
Eastern Oregon and has lived James Doherty and Bob Rietmann
here all his life. He graduated in left Tuesday for Portland to report
Aericulture from Oregon State f physical exams.
College in 1922 and has farmed
continuously ever since. He
stands for common sense busi
ness principles applied to na
tional issues. During his two
years in Congress he established
a wide acquaintance and influ
ence among his fellow members
of Congress and a reputation for
industriousness, efficiency, coop
eration and attending to busi
ness. Lowell Stockman is one of
Oregon's all-Republican delega
tion to Congress.
for re-election to
Eastern Oregon's
giving his undivided
attention to the needs
of Eastern Oregon
The Maranathrf club met at the
Congregational church Saturday. A
dinner and bazaar have been
planned for Nov. 4, the place to be
announced later.
. o
Came to my place in July, one
boy mare, weight about 1200,
branded I over an H on shoulder,
lias ropo hoirer. Owner may re
claim same by paying feeding and
: dvertising unuigcs.
iaiic. Oregon.
Who Buys Most of the
Woman for years has controlled the bulk of jewelry
buying. By nature she is instinctively attracted by grace
in design, beauty in finish, value and quality.
It is understandable then why particular women
choose quality jewelry for themselves and as gifts.
Although complete stocks of jewelry are not current
ly available, because of war, we invite your inspection of
the. several items we have in stock.
OOD really needs no introduction to America. '
It has built most of America's millions of homes, has given
us paper and innumerable other products.
Perhaps you won't recognize wood after this war is over. So
many new uses are being developed that it has become known as our
most versatile raw material.
The most important fact about wood
is that it is a renewable natural resource.
We may run out of minerals, but trees
Forest indnstry operators, custodians
of our com. ial trees, recognize this
fact Harnesb.i.g growth, they are using
wood today, and prodicing more wood
for the future. A forest isn't a mine,
that can only be depleted. It is a fami
that can produce forever.
l St i dO
J C -a A" nlil
V O T E 2 1
Paid adr., Lowell Stockman for Congreit Committor
Jamee H. Sturgii, Secretary, Pendleton, Oregon
Mr. and Mrs. Noah Clark of
Redmond, are visiting at the home
a1 their son Barton Clark on Eight
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