Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 12, 1944, Page 8, Image 8

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    K Heppner Gazette Times, October 12, 1944
County Committee
Provides Funds for
Numerous Gifts
By Mrs. Ralph Thompson
As the October meeting of the
Blue Mountain Camp and Hospital
council was in Pomeroy, Wash, no
one attended from Morrow county.
Anyone going that far felt they
should visit McCaw hospital in
Walla Walla.
Morrow county reported the fol
lowing gifts for September: clock
for McCaw library, Mrs. Earl Gil
liam; 15 prizes from home econo
mics club of Bhea creek grange;
books and magazines, Mrs. Ralph
Thompson; books, Mrs. Rob Run
nion; hunting and fishing maga
zines, donor unknown; westerns
and comics, Harley Anderson, and
two afghans given by the Eastern
Star lodge of lone.
it i
Our committee ordered one doz
en harmonicas for the boys leaving
on the carriers from Pasco Naval
Air station and we were fortunate
in finding these in Portland.
We sent a $60 check for a port
able phonograph and $10 for cake
and icecream for a party in Morrow
county's ward. This ward has been
changed to ward No. 49 and any
one going to McCaw should visit
this ward as the boys fel every
one in Morrow county is a friend.
Mrs. R. A. Thompson sent 21 prizes
for the Bingo party.
. Starting with October we sent
the usual $25 check for Mrs. Reser's
account which will helr purchase
curtain material for the lounge
in the recreation hall; $5 for tele
phone call at the monthly birthday
party; $10 for westerns and comics;
$100 for three more new radios.
Radios are badly needed at McCaw
as the old ones have been in use
over two years and they were old
ones to start with. We have asked
the other counties in the Council
to match this gift of six new ra
dios we have given since July.
Anyone wishing to start a Christ
mas gift on its way towards Mb
Caw might give $35 for a new radio
or $12.50 for a floor lamp. As these
must be ordered through the niavy
service it takes a month or more
for them to arrive.
Blaine Elliott returned to town
Wednesday from the mountains
where he accompanied his brother
and nephew, L, F. Elliott and
Wayne "Elliott of Portland on a
deer hunt. It wlas Blaine's second
snouicier. ine orotner aua nepnew
remained with the intention of tak
ing some Blue mountain mule deer
meat home with them.
Brownies Active
During Past Week
Brownie Girl Scout troop No 2
met Oct. 4 in the music room at
th3 school house. .After one half
hour of singing, games and folk
dances, the group adjourned to the
gymnasiumi for a short period of
At the Oct. 11 meeting the
Brownies enjoyed a hike on the
school house hill. This troop has
subscribed to "The American Girl"
to be sent to the Heppner library
where Brownies and other girls
may enjoy reading it.
The leaders of Troop No. 2 are
asking mothers of Brownies and
their friends to give their waste
kitchen fats to the Brownies to
sell. Th pennies derived from the
sales will help finance the troop
and iat the same timte the Brownies
will be doing a war service.
Organization cf all Republican
war veterans in Morrow count,
has been comphtrd and will fur
nish a focal point for veteran poli
tical activity, it wes announced to
day by Loyal Parker, who has
been named chairman of this acti
vity for the county. Harold J.
Warner, Portland, has been ap
pointed state director of the new
veterans organization. Patty O' Harra of Lexington who
The stfcte as a whole will see has ben accepted as a nurse cadet.
20,000 veterans organized in sup-
port of the Republican ticket. War
ner announced in Portland.
Mrs. Alex Green drove to La
Grande the past week, taking her
daughter Louise, who entered East
ern Oregon College of Education to
take up the teacher training course.
Accompanying them were Dorothy
and Doris Worden who have en
rolled in secretarial science, and
C. J.
Pd. Pol. Ad
in the "Burke Bill". Just as
in 1918 the "drys" are at it
again. Protect your freedom
defeat prohibition.
Arlington, Oregon
These are busy times
especially so for the one
who ras to plan and pre-'
par; the meals for the
i i:T! Iy for she too is do
le: share of war work.
It will be a oo?t to !.-.:';
and the family's morale to eat out occasionV.ly -to
enjoy one of our STEAK D1NNE ,S. or i i
oyster supper, or any one cf the wide vnrr-rv
excellent meals to be found on our bill of fare
Come any time . . . we're always prepared.
Elkhorn Restaur
VOTE 313 X 10
Paid Adv. Thf Anti-Prohibition Committed
of Oregon. G. J. Mr Person, Chairmatt
Pearson-4th Ave. P'dg., Portland
STAR Reporter
Friday-Saturday, October 13-14 f
Ghost Catchers
Olsen and Johnson, Gloria Jean, I
Martha O'Driscoll, Andy Dcvine,
Leo Carrillo, Lon Chancy, Kirby
Grant, Walter Catlett, Ella Mae j
Morse, Henry Armctta, Morton f
A hey-dey for the many fans of j
Olsen and Johnson nonsense. I
Cheyenne Roundup j
Johnny Mack Brown, Tex Hitter, j
Fuzzy Knight, Jennifer Holt I
Outlaws, m'usic, comedy and action.
Sunday-Monday, October 15-16
Betty Grablc, John Harvey, Martha f
Rayc, Joe E. Brown, Eugene Pal- I
lettc, Skating Vanities, Charlie j
Spivak and his Orchestra
An all-singing, all-dnncing, all- j
laughing musical that's a dream j
come, true. In Technicolor too! I
Tuesday, October 17 j
One Shall Escape
Marsha Hunt, Alexander Knox, j
Henry Travers. A powerful in- j
dictment of Germany's leaders, j
Also Three Stooges Comedy I
Wednesday-Thursday, Oct. 18-19
Andy Hardy's
Blonde Trouble
Lewis Stone, Mickey Rooney, Fay
Holden, Sarah Haden, Bonita
Granville, Herbert Marshall, the
Wilde Twins
Andy's in double trouble because
he's wild about those Wilde Twins!
o o o ONiif
V- 75c '
While You Wait
We Will... $w"
Finest Suit Tailoring All Wool Fabrics m
All-wool worsteds and gabardines. A .7S
tailored smoothness that lasts ! . A multi- f m
tude of stripes and plaids.
Men's Broad Shouldered Overcoats)
Soft fleeces, smooth coverts, durable Cav- , .5 O
airy Twills, warm Lheviots every one
all-wool! Brown, Blue, Tan.
n Check Liquid Level and Add
U Necessary Amount of Water.
2 Clean and Wash Top of
Inspect, Clean and. Grease
Cable Terminals.
Inspect Vent Well Openings.
gm Recharge on Firestone
Hi-Rate Charger.