Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 12, 1944, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 Heppner Gazette Times, October 12, 1944
Teachers' Meeting
Set for 19th-20th
Tefichers of eastern Oregon will
assemble at La Grande 'the morn
ing of Oct. 19 for the two day an
nual regional conference of the
Oregon State Teachers association.
Sessions will be held at the East
ern Oregon College of Education,
with educators of the college tak
ing a prominent part in discussions
and sectional meetings.
The two-day program is crowded
with special talks and lectures by
prominent educational workers in
cluding Miss Joy Hills, prinicipal
Leslie junior high school, Salem;
Dr. Elmo Stevenson, O. S. C; Win
ston Purvine, state department of
education; Miss Marion Zollinger,
Portland public schools; Miss Beryl
Holt, mathematics, Salem schools;
Dr. T. C. Yerian, secretarial science
O. S. C; George B. Cox, industrial
arts, O. S. C; Miss Berlha Kohl
hagen, state department of educa
tion, and Miss Agnes Shields, state1
library, Salem.
Banquet speaker Thursday eve
ning will be Amos Berg, world
traveler and explorer who recent
ly rturried from a South American
expedition where he visited 14
countries as official representative
of the Pan-American Union. He al
so is a member of the staff of the
National Geographic society.
Schools of Morrow county will be
closed to enable the teachrs to at
tend the La Grande meeting.
Farmers desirous of learning the
truth about the New Deal set-up
are urged to tune in at 6:30 a. m.
each morning Monday through
Saturday to hear what a real
southlern Democrat thinks of the
political situation. Senator W. Lee
O'Daniel, former governor of Tex
as and now representing that st.ite
in the United States senate has a
qpot on the radio and while it b
k bit early for town folk, propo
nents of real democracy are urging
that farmers hear this great cham
pion of the American way of life..
Search your dial until you locate
the Texan's program.
Legion Auxiliary
Hears About Jungle
Life of South Seas
American Legion auxiliary held
its regular session Monday evening
- m
Willi HOiHSci
. i v y . v
$ ' r 'ill
Signal Corps Photo
This scene looks peaceful. How
ever, on the back of this ox is
laden munitions for our fighting
forces on a Pacific island. Your War
Bonds are in action everywhere and
tinder strange conditions. You can
be sure your War Bonds do a full
day's work. Step up your payroll
savings. Buy an extra. War Kond
today. u. S. Treasury Department
Kin your
vrrr t ad9
Ye6, and in Your
Attic Too!
Turn Those Things
You Don't Want Into
Money with a Want Ad
Legion halL After the business navy for two years and he told
meeting a program observing Navy many interesting facts of various
day was presented with a navy man places he has been, covering many
and his wife as special guests. Mil- of the jungle islands of the Pacific,
ton Morgan A M M 2c and Mrs. At the conclusion of the program
Morgan. Milton has been in the delicious refreshments were served
by Mrs. O. E. Ferguson and Mrs.
Harold Cohn. The tables were at
tractively decorated with red, white
and blue candles and silver ships.
The auxiliary will sponsor a card
party Oct. 30 in the Legion hall.
Big Aeetkm
at R
unnion Corrals-Heppner
1 o'clock P. M. sharp
vv eanesciay,
100 Head of Livestock, consisting of Cows, Calves, Yearling Steers, Yearling Heifers,
big fat 2-year-old Steers, 2-year-old Heifers, Milk Cows, and special lots of three reg
istered Cows and calves from the Roy Robinson herd, and one registered bull from
the Jim Morgan herd of Lonerock. . . . some feeder and weaner pigs and fat hogs;
work horses, saddle horses. . . . One Clipper No. 2 fanning mill; one 4-burner Spark
Flamo range, broiler and dual oven control; harness; grease guns; vise, anvil, and
one 4-wheel (iron) wagon, and numerous other articles.
Anyone wishing to put up items or livestock may bring them in morning of
sale, except stock, which should be at corrals evening before sale. '
R. V. RUNNION, Auctioneer
The Undersigned, Intending to Fold Up, will S"I1 at Public Auction at Haney's Corner, 2 Miles North of Wart Factory, on th,e Bulltolad
Road East of the App"ndicitis Farm.
Beginning at 1 g. m. the Following Described Property:
18 HEAD HORSES 1 Spavined Mare, 39 years old; 1 Big Bay Horse, Weight 413413 lbs., 1 Iron Gray Gelding Mare with false teeth,
always 5 years old; 1 Sorrel Hoss, well matched; 1 Mare Mule with colt at side; 1 Brown Worked Hoss, a good feeder; 1 Man-eating
Jackass, shod with Giant Grip Horse Shoes, some kickers; 1 Running Horse, runs at the nose; 9 hmd of Colts, 6 Steers and 3 Geld
ings; 1 pedigreed Stallion, easy to handle if "hog-tied."
18 HEAD CATTLE 12 Cows, good kickers, will farrow in August; 7 yearly Heifers, coming 4 years old; 2 brood Cows with cream
separator at side; 1 Poland China Bull, good as new; 2 Calves with pink stockings and high military hieels; 7 Condensed Milch Cows, 2
of which are bulls; also two Fell cows, bells attached; 1 Plymouth Rock Calf, will hjave pups by day of sale, weather permitting; 1
Bossy Cow, boss of thie farm.
SHEEP, GOATS, POULTRY SHEEP: 1 Hampshire Ram with detachable rims; 7 Yous; 10 Lambs, 7 Mary, 3 not. GOATS: 5 Billy
Goats with red whiskers, a la mode, do excellent team-work as they are very strong; (also unexcelled for dairy work, as each' is a
good butter; 3 Nanny Goats 1 Goatee. POULTRY: 1 Democratic Rooster, serving 3rd term; 1 Republican Rooster, retired; 4 dozen
Hens with egg; 4 Spring Chickens, 6 years old; 7 Single Comb Jeryes Ried Hens (some chickens); 7 hens, can vote; 7 Dappled Gray
Chickens with croup.
2G HEAD HOGS 1 Hired Man, coming 37 years old; 2 Old Bores, coming 20; 14 Rhode Island Red Sows; 7 Brown Leghorn Pigs with
their goldlen hair hanging down their blacks; 7 Bowlegged Spring Pigs; 1 Crossed-eye Sow.
MACHINERY Combination milking, mowing, harvesting and debt reducing machine, well financled; 1 Rolling Pin; Separator, with
mortgage attached; Narrow-toed Corn Cultivator; 2 Bull Rakes;, 1 Cow Rake; 1 Sulkey Rak'e; 1 Sulkey wilfe; DeLaval Hay Loader,
with 10 rods wire; Dearn Corn Planter; Crow Corn Separator; Road Drag, never used; International Riding Saw; Set Rope Harness,
twin condition; Pint Gasoline; 1 Old Fashioned Buck Saw, with full directions for use; 1 Triple Extension Bicycle, patent lever, with
jewels; 1 Holstein-Friesen Plow, will be ftf?sh by d(ay of- sale; 1 Berkshire Wheel-barrow, glared 120, can trot, pace or gallop; 1
Pearl Handled Oliver Chilled Plow with vtlvetine flounces; 1 Six-Cylinder Stone Boat with automatic cut-oflf.
HOUSEHOLD GOODS Talking Machine, bad as new; Sideboard, nothing in it; 6 Kegs, eralpty; 18 Pint Bottles, emty; 1 Keep-It
Still, large capacity; used correspondence course on "How to make the farm pay"; Baby Carriage . with balloon tires; .Iso other
articles too sad to mention.
WW ,1 miW, MIHIWrtiimHiHIII Mill
U. SOKEN, Auction"er
R. U. SNAKEY, Prop.