War Fund Drive to Close October 15 - The drive to put Morrow county over the top in the National War Chest campaign has reached the fi lial stage and an effort is being made to meet the quota by Oct. 15. "In the absence of Blaine E. Isom, county chairman,' figures on the drive to dfate are not available, but no real activity has been in evi dence until the past few days. That is the situation in Heppner, at least. F. W. Turner, business district 'chairman, made a personal cam paign Tuesday, covering his ter ritory. Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, residen tial district -chairman, put her -workers in the field the first of the week. The town has been di vided into two sections, north and south Heppner. Mrs. L. D. Neill is in charge of the north side and Mrs. Tress McClintock the south side. It has been suggested that it will lessen the work of the solicitors if residents will miake an effort to turn in their contributions. In some instances workers have made several caDs without contacting householders and it is urged that these people see their district leader or one of the solicitor at once. Mrs. Neill's group includes Mrs. A. J. Chaffee, in charge of the area east of Mf.ui street, and Mrs. J. J. Nys, Mrs. Pat' Mclntyre, Mrs. Alex Green, Mrs. Burl Coxen and Mrs. Harold Sherer. Mrs. McClintock's aides are Mrs. Everett Smith, Mrs. Harold Evans, Mrs. Millard Nolan, Mrs. Harry Van Horn, Mrs. Harold Beckett, Mrs. J. L Hamlin and Mrs. Harry Plumondore. V K J, I i Expert hands to smooth the way to new beauty lor you ... to give you the most flattering make-up you ever had I Expert advice to aid you in keeping your complexion lovely through the years! That is the thrill you have in store for you during the . Beauty Week visit of MIS? (BEAUTY SPECIALIST'S NAME) Cara Nome Specialist By appointment only, Miss (Beauty Specialist's name) will de vote 45 minutes to you for an individual skin analysis, a beautifying facial and make-up and advice for daily complexion care. Mist (Specialist's name) comes at our own expense to extend this courtesy to our friends and customers. Make your appoint ment Howl Only 10 consultations Can bt given daily 9 A.M. to 4:45 P.M. Parallee Kendall Octobes 16 to 21 THI OHUO SfOtl BEAUTY WEEK HUMPHREYS DRUG COMPANY Irrigon News Notes By MBS. 3. A. SHOTTN M.s. W. H. Fowler of Boseman, Mont, arrived Thursday , to spend some time with her sister, Mrs. Lily Warner. Mrs. Ida Slaughter left Thursday for La Grande to spend a week with friends and relatives there. Mrs. Lester Sites sprained her ankle Wednesday. Mrs. Carl Had dox hlas been driving the school bus for her. Mrs. Walter Grider went to Vale Thursday with her sister and hus band, the George Browns who are moving there. Mrs. Gridler returned home Sunday evening. . J. A. Shoun was a Heppner vis itor Monday. Mrs. Grace Misner of Heppner was an Irrigon visitor Thursday. The school Held a carnival Fri day evening. Loretta - White was chosen queen. Heen Russell, Mari etta Haddox, Eunice Miller and Jo anne Slate were princesses. There was a record crowd with over $500 taken in, somfe of which will go for expenses. Frank Leicht, Slc, arrived home from The Dlalles Tuesday. He has tlsen in the navy since November, 1942 and has been in the south and central Pacific most of that time. He has not been home since he wtent away. Sunt. Edward Elliot left Thurs day for Salem where he attended an educational conference for all principals of the state. Miss Eddy, third and fourth grade teacher is taking his place and Mrs. Allie Ha berlein is taking Mis Eddy's place until Mr. Elliot returns. Irrigon will play football ,with Umatillla, Friday. , Tr-rit Stenhens snent Sunday with his mother Mrs. Mary Steph ens: in Arlington. , 1 Mrs. R. M. McCoy has received word that her son Mack McCoy will embark for service in the army soon. Mrs. Mock McCoy will return here after he leaves. TTie Irrisron Comets rclaved foot ball with the Stanfield Timers and lost, to the Tigers 25 to 0. The loclal team played without substitutes. , Marshall Markhnm and Bill Grteybeal were lucky hunters over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Van Cleve and son Vernon of Kennewick were Sunday visitors at the Milton Bail ey home. Mrs. Emma Stewart returned Monday from The Dalles where she had been staying with the Otto Meyers' family. y The Wallace Mendes are leaving for their old home in Illinois after spending some months here. Mrs. W. H. Grim went to The Dalles Sunday returning Monday. Her father, George Hux, an old time resident here, is in a hospital v "Us r&fi " ft 4 f Signal Corps Phota American soldiers m the Admiral ty Islands write a message and at tack the container to the leg of a carrier pigeon. The pigeon "aii force" does an invaluable job In communications in the difficult kind of warfare we are up against in the Pacific. Your War Bonds helped tc train this "air force." Keep up your Bond purchases until G. I. Jo reaches Tokyo.r.S. Tnanry Dtpartmtm Lexington News Mrs. Mary Edwards Mrs. D. R. Gibson of Hermiston was visiting relatives and friends here Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Bethel Taylor left Friday af ternoon for Portland and Salem. While in Salem she will attend the principals' conference in session there. Mrs. A. F. Majeske and Audrey and Patricia are in Portland at tending the state 4-H club fair. Mrs. Eugene Majeske left Tues day for Tacoma where she will vis it her husband Pvt. Eugene Ma jeskja who is stationed at Fort Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Breshears and Mrs. Helen Crump spent Sun day in Hermiston. They took Mrs. D. R. Gibson home. A. M. Edwards returned Wednes day from Ephrata, Wash, where he was called on business matters. Mrs. Kenneth, Klinger and baby have returned, home from the Mol lahan nursing home. there and is quite ill. She also vis ited her son, Arden Allen and family while there. Arden had his back injured while working in the ship yard there. Mis. Bailie Coulter of Ordnance was an Irrigon visitor Friday. Mrs. Earl Connell spent Friday and Saturday in Pendleton. George Linn, principal of the Boardnian school was an Irrigon visitor Friday evening. Mrs. Jolm Voile and nephew George Voile spent from Thursday until Saturday at Pendleton, Hepp ner and Lonerock. They bought 500 sheep which Mr. Voile and daugh ter Juanitta started after Saturday. They were trailed from Lonerock. Best quality blotting paper in 19x24 sheet for desk covers or cut smaller to suit your needs. Gazette Times printery. For Good Eats Go to the v ICTORY AFE lone, Oregon Roy and Betty Lieuallen Proprietors X 4 --,. :.h y! '- i.it is yi , i...ai "THE in the "Burke Bill". Just as in 1918 the "drys" are at it again. Protect your freedom defeat prohibition. ' VOTE 313 X U0 Paid Adv. The Anti-Prohibition CommltU. of Oregon. G. J. MePerion, Chalrman Pearion-4th Ave. Bide., Portland Heppner Gazette Times, October 12, 1944 3 CASON SCRITSMEIER RITES PERFORMED AT LEWISTON Mrs. J. B. Cason has announced the marriage of her daughter, Pa tricia Cason, to Harold Scritsmeier. The wedding was solemnized at Lewiston, Ida. Tuesday, Oct. 3.' After a wedding trip to Canada, Mr. and Mrs. Scritsmeier will take up residence at the Schitsmeier mill on upper Rhea creek where a house has been built for them. Scritsmeier .and (his brother Lee have operated the mill for several years. AMM2jc Milton Morgan and Mrs. Morgan left Tuesday evening for Hollister, Calif., where Milton will report for reassignment tor navy duty. Mrs. Morgan will remain with him until he takes off on his new assignment. They left Tony, their little son, with his grandpa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Morgan. FOR SALE- 1107 Acres 20 acres irrigated; 375 acres summerfallow being seeded; 100 acres to be plowed. 17 cattle and 1 1 calves; 15-30 Interna tional tractor on rubber; farm machin cry and equipment; hay; wood for win ter. PRICE: $22,500 TERMS See TURNER, VAN MARTER & CO. Phone 152 N. Schmaltz Cr Sons Peters Building, Heppner Roofing and Siding Contractors and Applicators For Information Write Box 726, Hepp ner, or phone 83, Condon, Ore. n If i! ii II if II ii When hungry x children come from school, have some of our delicious bak ery goods on hand for a real afternoon I treat. Use our enriched bread' for sandwiches I Heppner Bakery THE NATIONAL WAR FUND asks you to give generously to YOUR COMMUNITY WAR CHEST HOME FOR AN AFTER-SCHOOL SNACK A BAKERY TREAT FROM HEPPNER BAKERY