tj O C 73 -0 to m o r 73 o H O U r - - ' u o u H O C O JO PI o . c r Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, October 12, 1944 Volume 61 , Number 29 ? Neivs From The Boys at The Front ST SGT McROBERTS AWARDED FOR DISTINGUISHED SERVICE Mrs. Grace Turner, clerk of the Morrow county draft board, has received a letter fronSt. Sgt. John McRoberts stating that he was awarded the Distinguished Service in Qr-tinn rppentlv in wuaa wiiuc i" ... nrTi1 the southwest racinc. was wounded and hospitalized for "rrlSTi . . . . . ner wrote McRoberts to una out whit mo frnniTiin whs rfiiii m iixo nis vviub - - reply he informed her J! . c u: this is tne nrst nonor ui una nature coming to a Morrow county irtan in the present war He was also awarded the comoat expert infantry medal. ( HOIWF ON FURLOUGH ?tt SSJLd Haves arrived the Sgt. Richard Hayes arnved tne first of the week from Fort Lewis, 9i Havs with his P W Mr" erJLyS ana omer memoes ox u.e . southwest Pacific, most of the time hB il.nndnlaLlnr! in New Guinea. With his parents visiting his brother Homer, special police at the big munitions depot. iiniviv nivr FTTRI.OIIflH Ti Ur,' nn nf Mr. and Mrs. Allen Johnson, is spending a furlough here with his parents. SGT AIKEN VETERAN OF NUMEROUS CAMPAIGNS ThpatFi of Ooera ....... t TT,nrrati" nnns iitvd&tuti . invuiwwM'"-.. K A. namp tanked on to the veteran Troop Carrier group to Portland for exhibition and sale away at the Hermiston hospital ward Mrs Ied McMillari) Holly, Housing critical list ;and the rents to which SlSg Joe Aiken is as- at the Portland Livestock show, after an illness of three weeks be- condud). Mrs Fratik Hurlbcrt charged will be under OPA regu- signed. For during its 27 months wartime substitute for the Pacific mg brought there from her home dlnplyin; Mrg J A iations. Occupancy will not be lim- oversoas the organization com- International Livestock exposition, m Portland. Troedson, Sapphire, outside guar- ited to war workers, manded y Col. John Cerny, Harri- County Agent Arnold Ebert, Mrs. The Grhves family came to the dian; Mrg Tom Wel,Sj S;ms Souci) NecJ for providin(, additional son Ida has . participated in the G. Herman and children Hilmuth county in 1921, locating first be- musician. Mj s. 0mar Kictmannr living units for general occupancy invasions of north Africa, Sicily, It- and Ingrid, and Faye, Vesta and low lone and later moving to a 3unch GrasSi LSNG; MrJ Ethol in congtstud areas ong has betn aly and southern Frande in addi- OniUe Jr. (Fritz) Cutsforth drove farm on Social ridge. In later years tailcyj Robekah assembly, RSNG; recognized but little could be done tion to rendering distinguished to Portland to attend the show. Mr. and Mrs. Graves moved to Mrs George Peck Hoy. RSVG nbout jt untU materials needed to service in the China-Burma-India Hilmuth Herman probably had no Portland where they acquired an Qnd Mrs llarom ml Sans conslruot housing for war workers thetater of operations. idea of becoming a stock exhibitor apartment house. LSVG could be released. While not a member of the com- when he accompanied his parents. Mjg. Graves, whose maiden name An invitation to all Reekahs to Local dealers and others interest bat crew that flies the big twin- to Morrow .less an -two was True Evelth, was born at attend the convention has been ex- ed in securing more housing facil engined C-47 transport planes of.3 ago. The family came from Hayden, Ind. 59 years ago. She L ended by the district officers, who ities had not been apprised of the his group, Sgt Aiken in the per- Chicago and rented the Harvey survived by thfe husband, four look forward to a profitable meet- ruling up to Wednesday noon, ex formance of his duties as a person- Bauman farm south of Lexington. sonS) Henry Graves, Sparta; Shel- ing. ccpt the information contained nel classifications specialist in h Sot. the some, cal by Graves, Eugene; George Graves, o herein. However, Orville Smith' re group headquarters plays an im- lh,e flldlJn V m the 4-H Pendleton and John Graves, Her- lounchina of ShlD Prted Ulat the Heppner Lumber portant rbrt in helping troop car- aTnf 8teiF f f(el"g ftocfaaisers. miston; two daughters, Mrs. Or- l-OUnCnmg OT Ztip riercommfnd carry out its fmpor- efff at exhlbl1fg Cutsforft, Lexington and Ed- $ Gqq OcCQSIOn building and other wartime mater- tant missions, whlh include "the Xt'riS .TtipSS sntw u' " CCQSIOn iaW may now obtaintd dropping of paratroopers, towing J nfll " A shiP launching has a social at" Ugh prCSCribed pl0CeduJe from airborne troops evacuating wound- ed, carrying personnel, ammunitions and equipment. Sgt Aiken is the wearer of the Nortji-Afi'ican-Euliopean theatre ribbon with four campaign stars the good conduct medal. MET UNEXPECTEDLY No prearranged meeting could have been executed more accu- rately than that which happened wppk. Rfrt. KnrfpriP Dnhprv --,- enroute home from Camp Chaffee, to two Morrow county men last Ark. and his riephew, Dan Mc Laughlin was coming from New York. They met in Cheyenne, Wyo., an d made the balance of the trip me toMther. hbme together STATE REGISTRATION . AINU LilUtiiN 5ii KuiKt-u Certificate of war endorsement . ' p vnrt . tf was registered Monday due to out- top billing and it was Mrs. Giles been able to a-cure suitable quart is no longer sufficient in obtaining be as smooth as it was "at engage1ments . of several French's honor to break the bottle ers- .The P-TA is sponsoring a T rations for fleet owners, states Pfndlptnn Hprmi .nnV ctrpri,Th 5i members and the unfinished bus- of champagne over the prow of the movement to provide a center of P. A. Mollahan, chairman of the J known hut the IS Knv Jess of reducing the buck popula- Fon du Lac, while Mrs. J. C. Dix- of ac"vity for the youth of high Morrow county war production bJu tlon " the mountains. on of John Day and Mrs. Pinck- ool age. board. These tickets must now bear liver a d BTi" "ey Std by like Princesses as A short musical program was state registration and license or tAairltiM were. presented by Miss Rose Hoosier, in fleet name and address. GIRL SCOUTS MEET Initiation will be the order of the Sherman and Grant counties had charge for the evening, consisting During the week 43 more A Mrs. Merle Miller's group of evening at Ruth chapter, Order of sizable delegations at the launch- of a, vocal selection by Mrs. C. C. books were issued, bringing the to- Girl Scouts met Saturday afternoon Eastern Star, Friday evening. All but Morrow county had to Dunham land piano duets by Mrs. tal to date for the county of 969. at the home of their troop mothr, members are urged by the worthy rnake up -m quality what iacked J- O. Turner and Marylou Fergu- The list is not complete, according Mrs. R. L. Bfenge. This group is matron, Mrs. Claude Graham, to be m numbers. Pictures were taken' son- Refreshments were served at to rationing office personnel. sponsored by the Rebeklah lodge, present. of the three county groups. thje conclusion of the program. Hilmufh Herman's "Sleepy" County's Champion Steer Close Competition Features Annual 4-H Stock Show Eliminating Jean Rauch's choice nnorinorn faieer uy a uiuse iiidiyiii, rrn iU HV..',, X-far.T,A ctni- iiuiiiu.111 iiciiiitiiis xiticiwiu, orcci. .,,,, lMO QnniQ:moj Sleepy' was acclaimed grand - "r VC- -"J - rierUIW-T IVLJUUdV. IHC JUUIUMU ' . .,, A u. wac nnlw af. . , , , ..,. . .j . -, -r 11 11 f i.HrTn HVonlr Hanlf Pr hart Sum- rnal that he awa: ded the ch,Pio- -"1 ffl-and champion Lhm tn thp MPiip- nrn . .1 t t f. i cam animals at , , , , inrirfoH Kin- 0 . the snow Had Doen uugeu. ruu- bens vvtre awarded in snowradi- ''hi'-J' Shorthoins- US'U euros, beef and 8rand hTc , Carlson, lone placed tirst , . ' T Hlt,m.,n 11 3 1 ' -.- second; Ida Lee Chapel, fourth and Hil- .Shorthorns: Jean Rauch, first, Audrey Maieske, second. r .1. t TT 1 .. "IP.:ir rc lUib- T-u, j. R ' pgy c t ; inglia ntrman, uiiiu, x oye uis forth, fourth; Vesta Cutsforth, ixth, and fifth, Lorene Mitchell, si John Mollahan, seventh I'avy beef: H.lmuth Herman, Carlson, third, and Ida Lee Chapel, fourth. Tmmpdiatelv following the iude- inn 11 Head of the prize animals - - .... ... were loaded on a truck and taken v , . . . . ... . lareer show , u , Meppner LrUSheS penoeton 38 tO 0 stin?inf, under the 7.0 defeat Vmpd them the previous week. ciaeh Leonard Pate's Mustang &oup ran wiJd 4r Pendleton Wh Saturdhv afternoon, running u a score of 38 to 0. It was a cor . r TTiii, j ttj j 1"""us"" as a scoring team which kept the Pendleton sophomore-junior squad bewildered, each f the fast Hepjner boys accounting for three touch- downs. Pendlelon threatened twice, but aah timp A, nn.Klp T niowl h0 earh time wfas unable to niprce the stnl born Hennner dpfense , "10"Udy 10 uuSe uie - three top counties in the fifth war Poscd recreation hall for the com siuuuoin neppntr ueiense. stock show. l,,.. ci. 11 . mimi.o . 1- . vuatii jrdie wiu wiie 111s liiiiuiiiu Coach rate will take his lighting , , TTprir, Tr,i ,pol G 0 P's Outnumber Democrats 5 to 3 Registration Shows Republican registration in Mor- row county has an advantage of about five to three over Democra- tic registration, latest figures from tne ounce or county ierK . w. rjvi-r ;cJaCo TVor art 1934 eligible Republican voters compar ed wi)th 758 of the Democratic faith. In addition there are 105 star" vice men cards, only a few of wnicn designate pany preieienue, .1 l: . ul:J J inev not UeillK. . uwixkcu iu uu au U1,der the Oregon soldier voting ij5. . , . " , " into procin ,e ,.V,,o nytir no. ks 00 wnv.. r ,1 n r,. 13! rBd,R. Dl!m.. ., ' ' ,1 - tv i ... -i m. 00 t. T "T ouiers 1; oooseaeiiy nup. ci.. , H 1R ' . Dm 20 others 9; IoneRep, 17Q Dem. 99 0,thers 14; Irrigon n 6? Dem 59 others g ReP' 37 Dem- 8; Lexington-Rcp. 12e Dem G8 others 7- North Hd- it). m. b8, others , loith lp- pner Kop JU(j uem, x35, ouiers iio; 14, Dem! 8, othrs l'; Dem. U1 others 23 Totals-Republicans 11, otneis ioiais i.epuDiicdns, 1,46 w-mocrats oa, ouiers iuo. Several soldier ballots have been ;.. ji : . r J:..- i. lOelVU, SOine CU-IlllIlt! llOIIl UlbUUl. . ' . , . . ironts. A number ol the service men home on furlough and leave wine Kofnro have done their voting before re- turninS to the service- m t J ft MrS. Ward UrOYCS MISS Of MermiStOn Funeral services for Mrs. Ward Grav, 59, were held Monday at ... .... . .-I ttcrmiston. . Mrs. uraves pas.;ea Mr. Graves will remain at tne Cutsforth honle for awhile. EBERT SPEAKER OF C OF C LUNCHEON GROUP MONDAY Origin and development of the "tld lS ! ZZZ L,.u.i?, l-i .? .T! of Se ' Heppner chamber of commeroe It was Mor ..TT.i " .r" 7Z ZJJl ' " "'7 -" y i- sidered it a good time for the numbers to lenrn mnrP nV,ni,t thi " i?" ion thai trTins the w nn, " uS Z Z e nit "Jf uc'M.r J?J t I iU"d TSJu f o ; d ' r Hormion who w f, M,,al, H.ermisrton, who was t,l " ' . ' ho rrVitoc- r.fJ,. : The lightest, attendant in mnnfh T " m mumns TYPEWRITER DONATED ALMOST AS SOON AS PAPER OFF PRESS Ink on last week's edition of Ae Gazette Times was scarcelv more than dry when Elbert Cox decided to donate the typewriter agked for atMcCaw 'General hos- ,, 1(T f-m,rpA t pital in vv a Lia n ci luii . - o could get along witnoux a ma chine if it would helip those boys fceep in touch with their rela tives and friends." Cox stated in turning the typewriter over to this office. The machine is a stan- dard mak.e mstrad ol a portaoic but can be fixed to use just as handily as a portable. If we had a bunch of bananas .... 11 or a bowl of cherries we wouia dH v nroshnt. either to Mr. Lox t ' 1 '"VL" 'in wnvns 1 r 1 ks a diwci i. Area Convention of Rcbekahs Set for Fridav, October 20 Sans Souci Rebeloh lodge of TIo-i nc- will nbv host to R?ho- knhs of the area Friday, Oct. 20, v,'hcn 6c c? Taml VIS,Ir' xe.vinann, lone and Morgfn ,od(?os of Morrow colmty and the Dayville and Fossil lodges of Grant 3 Txrl 1 rt nccnmKlp UIU VI.-C1UI ununira -- ' . , , T71 1 11 .1 OO..J at the 1. u. u. r. nnn in uie annual convention of the district. Mrs P.n Ipv. nrpp dent of the Mrs. Ethel Bailey, president of the Rebekah state assembly, will pay her official visit at this time. The afternoon session will onen at 1:30 o'clock, with the following district officers in the chairs: Mrs. Harvey Biauman, Snns Souci, chair- man; Mrs. Adolph Majeske, Holly, . tt t tt u 'JL; LIlcJll Hutu , iviia. j-utr xuvt , c . ,a. Mpiiw Ornss. OclilS kJUUUl, BCVJfiuij'-wwinMin , mosphere as well as a serious mien, in the opinion of two Heppner wonfcn who had the privilege of attending the christening of the Fon du I4ac in Portland Thursday of last week. There are luncheons and dinners, sightseeing excursions ot beautiful boquete of roses. oS , T' ?fw t fr la.unchmg aS rentatives of borrow county. Mr. Pinckney, as one oi me cnairmen, was unale to R0 to the citv as was P W Ma- t p u i u W. Ma- i n, and the "dies were the sole represntalives tT "T-V" cu ' CUntieS' erman Grant . t Z ? Ht , launching by virtue of being the """'" w v"lue 01 uelnS n... u,.. ; .u uiKiuidn, nui. oiuy leauer , . . . " . uregon out in the nation, was given Housing Shortage Area by N H Agency Unlimited Number Conversions Made Possible bv Order A press release from the Nation- al Housing aeencv headauarters in Portland bears the tidings that Heppner has been determined elig ible for an unlimited number of 1 , 1 .. .-!.: residential conversion prwriues Th . uinnnnnromptit o ows a re -1 .j by representatives of the .gency i: in response to a-re- ciut'Kt from the town thnt something be done to relieve housing shor tage, and was made by George W. Coplen, regional representative of the NHA. This action is in ac cordance with the recent an nouncement of the War Production b.ird and the National Housing ;lgcncy that Sl,ch priorities would be made available in areas where . . acicnnines uiai huum... shortages are causing extreme nmuoiiip. . . .. Apartment houses and other ex- dweiling units m.iy now be . . remodeled or converted to provide smaller housing uniis. Applications ror permission to . convert or re- strurturcB should be filed with the lederal Housing adminis- tration, a constituent unit ol imha. itl rr D1i.,it Tt,,;l.l;,f TJvflnnrl K TV r oi nr,n1i,,nt ha nprmittod hsp of mat.enals contained in the War "t rv-.v ...... - r - ine government and thought this may have some connection with the conversion order, While discussing the housing situation, Smith stated that the t.n,m, ; plans for converting some of the making 10 units to accommodate CmPIos- . . P-TA RESUMES WORK IN nuST FALL GATHERING Heppner Parent-Teu-her -issnH xicppntr rarent-leather associ- ahon resumed wk Wednesday evening in a meeting held in the r0m l high SchL lhcwas a. blKlnoss meetin l Tv gS ?eram-,Mrs- ' E- Ferguson reported on the pro- -b . -ei-oi luu on tne pro- in "'j & juuug peupie, siaiing ii...,. ,1 Ulul lne committee had not yet in O o n