Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 05, 1944, Page 7, Image 7

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Classified : and
Want Ads
QUILT CHESTS now at Gamble's
and Gilliam & Bisbee's same
price. Any type or color on or
der. Bud Winter. 27.28c
FOR SALE Three blackfaced
bucks. One 18-ft watering trough.
A. V. Wright. 27-28p
FOR SALE 7-room house near
Heppner school. Mrs. Austin De-
yin. 27-28p
FOR SALE 27 tens first quality
alfalfa hay. V. C. Brown, lone
Ore. ' 27-30p
' FOR SALE Split cedar posts in
carload lots. W. A. Nieman, Box
128, Sandpoint, Ida. 27-28c
FOR SALE Lincoln bucl three-year-olds.
W. H. Instone. 27-28c
es closets LINED with CEDAR t
make moths mad!!! Bud Winter.
FOR SALE Dry board ends, $2 pe.
large trailer load 74 cubic feet.
See Edwin or Eldon Tucker. 6tf
FREE! If excess ad causes you
pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indiges
tion, Heartburn, Belching. Bloat
ing. Nausea, Gas Pains, get free
sample, Udga, at Humphreys
Drug Company.
WANTED to buy used irons, ap
pliances, electric motors, wash
ing machines, etc. Heppner Home
Service. ' 19tf
FOR SALE Romney and Hamp
shire yearling and lamb bucks.
F. M. Page, Monument Ore. 21-34p
Get Your Radio Power Pack Bat
teries from Rosewall Motor Com
pany's fresh stock. 23tf
I BUY, sell and repair all makes
of telephones, new or old.
Also as parts are becoming avail
able I am again repairing house
hold appliances. McCaleb. 26-31p
FOR'SALE 530 ewes 230 2 and 3
year-old; 200 5-and-6-year old.
Will sell separately. Bert and El
lis Cason, Lonerock, Ore. 25-28p
FOR SALE One Jersey cow and
heifer calf. Cow just fresh. Dar
lene Biddle, lone Ore. 28c
FOR SALE One 6-foot floor dis
play case, $20. Peterson's Jewel
er. ?8I8
LOST Saturday evening, tie -clasp
and chain, Elks tooth hanging on
chain. $5 Reward. Leave at Ga
zette Times. J. C. Lorenz. 28-9p
FOR ALTERING mending and
sewing, at Case Apt. No. 4. Mrs.
K. M. Slocum. 28-31p
FOR SALE Ice refrigerator, $0.
Lee Cantwell. 28 p
LOST in lone phone booth, lady's
coin purse containing $10. Leav-j
at this office. Reward. 28c
If you are not using your car
and do not need it why not sell
it to us and llct us place it in the
hands of an essential user. We pay
top ceiling prices for late' model
Oars in good condition.
Rosewall Motor Company
Your Ford Dealer
Legal Notices
September 19lh, 1944, I am auth
rized and directed to advertise and
sell fat public auction at not less
than the minimum price herein
set forth:
The North 90 feet of Lot '1
and all of Lot 2 in Block .3,
Sperry's ' 4th Addition to the
City of lone, Morrow County,
Oregon for tho minitrun price
of $30.00, cash.
THEREFORE, I will on the 21st
day of October, 1944 at the hour of
10:00 A. M., at the front door of the
Court House in Heppner, Oregon,
sell said property in the highest
and best bidder.
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregvii.
Came to my place in July, one
bay mare, weight about 1200,
branded I over an H on shoulder.
Has rope halter. Owner may re
claim" same by paying feeding and
advertising charges.
lone, Oregon.
Came to my place about first of
August, ' m one bay horse, saddle
marked, no visible brand; weight,
1,000 pounds; one brown mare,
unbroken, weight 900 pounds, no
visible brand, Owner may have
some by paying feed and adver
tising charges.
John Kenny
Heppner, Oregon. 27-29p
No tresspassing or hunting will
be permitted on any of the proper
ties of the undersigned in Morrow
county. Anyone found violating
this order will be prosecuted to the
full extent of the law.
Mrs. D. O. Justus
F. D. Cox
STRAYED One Hereford white
face bull, weight about 1900
pounds. EH brand on right hip.
Call or notify Myles Martin, Lex
ington, Ore. Phone 36F4 27-28p
Sept. 26, 1944, I am authorized and
directed to advertise and sell at
public auction at not less than the
minimum price herein set forth:
The North 50 feet of ' Lot 1,
Block 2 in the City of Heppner,
Morrow County, Oregon, for
the minimum price of $300.00
Lot 3 in Block 9 of the city of
Boardman, Morrow County,
Oregon for the minimum price
of $10.00 cash.
THEREFORE, I will on the 28th
dlay of October,, 1844, at the hour
of 10:00 A. M. at the front door
of the Court House in Heppner,
Oregon, sell said property to the
highest and best bidder.
Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon
. 27-31
1912, AND MARCH 3, 1933
Of The Heppner Gazette Times, pub
lished weekly at Heppner, Oregon, for
October, 1943.
Before me, a Isotary Public in and
for the State and county aforesaid,
personally appeared O. G. Crawford,
who. having been duly eworn accord
ing to law, deposes and says that he
is the Publisher f the Heppner Ga
zette Times, and that the following i3,
to the best of his knowledge and be
lief, a true statement of the ownership,
management, etc., of the aforesaid
publication for the date shown in the
above caption, required by the Act of
August 24, 1912. as amended by the
ct of March 3. 1938, embodied in
section 537, Postal Laws and Regula
tions, printed on the reverse of thia
form, to-wit:
1. That the names and addresses of
the publisher, editor, managing editor,
and business managers are:
Publisher, O. G. Crawford, Heppner,
Editor, O. G. Crawford, Heppner,
Business managers, O. G. and Viola
D. Crawford.
2. That the owner is: (If owned by
a corporation, its name and address
must be stated and also immediately
thereunder the names and addresses of
stockholders owning or holding one
per cent or more of total amount of
stock. If not owned by a corporation,
the names and addresses of the indi
vidual owners must be given.. If own
ed by a firm, company, or other unin
corporated concern, its name and ad
dress, as well as those of each indivi
dual member, must be given.)
O. G. and Viola V. Crawford, Hepp
ner, Oregon.
3. That the known bondholders,
mortgagees and other securities hold
ers owning 1 per cent or more of total
amount of bonds, mortgages or other
securities are: Lera Crawford. Berke
ley, Calif, and J. O. Turner. Heppner,
Oregon. Mortgagees.
4. That the two paragraphs next
above, giving the names of the owners
stockholders, and security holders, if
any, contain not only the list of stock
holders and security holders as they
appear upon the books of the company
but also, in cases where the stock
holder or security holder appears up
on the books o fthe company as trustee
or in any other fiduciary relation, the
name of the person or corporation for
whom such trustee is acting, Is given;
also that the said two paragraphs con
tain statements embracing affiant's
full knowledge and belief as to the
circumstances and conditions under
which stockholders and security hold
ers who do not appear unon the books
Legal : Advertisin
of the company'as trustees, hold stock
and securities In a capacity other than
that of a bona fide owner; and this
affiant has no reason to believe that
any other person, association, or cor
poration has any interest direct or in
direct In the said stock, or other se
curities than as so stated by him.
Sworn to and subscribed before me
Ihls 27th day of September, 1944.
Notary Public for Oregon
My commission expires Feb. 18, 1947.
At the Rationing
Good results have been obtained
by the price panel during the past
week, it was revealed at a meeting
of the panel Monday evening.
Stores of the county were survey
ed last week and eating places are
being visited this week. Mrs. Fran
ces Dobyns of Pendleton, field op
erations executive, has been here
assisting with the work. Mrs. T.
M. Ward, chairman has been in
charge, assisted by Mrs. Grace
Misner, price clerk.
Mrs. Joe Hughes, gas rationL.
dlerk, has mailed out 927 "A"
books and still has 15 incomplete
applications waiting for adjustment.
Truck tires are scarce, the ration
board states. Those having appli
cations in lare advised to give ad
ditional information . as only the
most essential users will be cared
for. All tires are scarce but the
shortage at present is in the 8:25
and lesser sizes.
Tire inspection is no lor ger neces
sary but the mileage record is es
sential, both for tires and gasoline,
and the inspection must be com
plete. Points Meats and fats, H, J, K5,
Oct. 1-29. Blue M. N, P, Q. R. 10
points, only, Nov. 1.
Truck "T" books have been
mailed out but anyone missed
should call at the oflice.. To date
693 trucks have been given gas, 20
others are beinig checked, making
a total of 713 to be served from the
Mexican Men
in f f
Heppner Gazette Times, October 5, 1944 7
Pomona to Meet at
Lexington Grange
Hall Saturday
Dr. Carl D. Thompson, consult
ant of the Bonneville administra
tion, has bleen scheduled by the
Morrow county Pomona grange to
speak on the subject of public po
wer at the bi-monthly meeting of
the group Saturday at Lexingon
grange hall. Anoher speaker has
bien booked to discuss the sales
tax which will be on the ballot
Nov. 7.
In addition to the speakers billed
County Agent Arnold Ebert will re
port or discuss some phase of the
work in his office and there will
be reports from the agricultural
war boards. Other features of the
lecturer's hour will be numbers
from each of the granges of the
The business session, will open at
10 a. m., followed by dinner at
noon. The evening session will be
followed with a social hour and
Mrs. C. C. Dunham returned Sat
urday night from the eastern coast
where she spent several weeks.
Tliree weeks were spent in New
York with her husband, Ph M 2c
Dunham, who shipped out on an
LCI ship, destination unknown. A
week was spent in Washington, D.
C. with Mate Dunham's sister, Miss
Ruth Dunham, formerly of Ash
land, and returning via Chicago,
Mrs. Dunham visited relatives in
Winnetka, HI., before boarding the
Empire Builder for the west. She
says it is a worthwhile trip to
visit the crowded, over-busy east
ern centers and makes one appre
ciate the hills of home all the more
when the trip is over.
Mrs. William Barkla has returned
home from Pendbton where she lie
( -tvTv submitted to an operation.
Eager for Mail After Day of Work
"W" r'i
P-TA Meeting Set
For Wednesday
Resumption of activities of the
Heppner Parent-Teacher associa
tion has been set for Wednesday
evening, Oct. 1, when the group
will meet at 8 p. m. in the music
room at the high school.
Mrs. Tress MeClintock, program
chairman, Announces that a good
program of music has been listed
and that there will be a panel dis
cussion of various home and school
subjects throughout the season, op
ening with the home Wednesday
Friends of education are always
welcome at the meetings. There is
a social period accompanied by the
serving of light refreshments.
Walter Gay is recovering at the
Heppner hospital 'following an op
eration Tuesday evening.
Andy Vanschoiack is home from
AmarUlo, Tex. where he has been
in training.
LftCK FAY3 m
Japanese-held prisoners of war
plainly show that their diet has
been deficient in fats p.nd pro
teins, according to I?r,'g. Gen.
Lewis C. Bsebe who waa tr.ken
captive along with Lt. C Jona
than Wainwright after the fail of
Camp diet consists mainly of
rice and a little meat or fish re
ports the Red Cross whose repre
sentatives interviewed American
prisoners on Formosa.
Gen. Beebe's statement empha
sizes War Food Administration's
report that fats and oils are
scarce all over the world, even
in Japan, whose predatory con
quest has dislocated the fats and
oils supply of the rest of the
world. This shortage will contin
ue until the Islands of the Pacific
again become oil producers.
t 4