Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 05, 1944, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 Heppner Gazette
Pendieton Ready .
For Major League
Baseball Exhibition
Second appearance of a big league
barnstorming group of American
and National diamond stars in Pen
dleton -will take place Sunday, Oct.
S, at the Round-Up park, making
their only Orgon appearance of the
trip which includes games at Boise,
Tacoma, and Wenatchee. A similar
game was staged here last October
with the Nationals edging out the
Americans 3 o 2 in a sparkling ex
hibition tilt witnesstd by approxi
mately 6,000 fans from the Inland
The game will be played at 3:15
p. m. and reservations already are
being received at the Pendleton
chamber of commerce for box and
grandstand seats. Bleacher seats
will not be reserved, and members
of the armjfcd forces below com
missioned rank will be admitted
free to bleacher seats.
The game, sponsored by the Pen
dleton chamber of commerce, will
be played by two teams selected
from the following list of players:
American league: Thurman Tuc
ker, fielder, Chicago; Joe Orengq
shortstop, Detroit; Eddie Lake, in
fielder, Boston; Roy Partee, catch
er, Boston; George Melkovich, first
baseman, Boston; Al Unser, catcher
and infielder, Detroit; Jo Jo White
oul'ielder, Philadelphia; Hershell
Martin, lieldfer, Yankees; Don
Black, pitchier, Philadelphia; Rus
Christopher, pitcher, Philadelphia
and Milo Candidi, pitcher, Wash
ington. National league: Jim Tobin, Bos
ton, pitcher; Paul Ericksen, pitcher,
Chicago; Steve Coscarart, second
baseman, Pittsburg; Bob Elliott,
third baseman, fieldtr, Pittsburg;
Steve Messner, third baseman, Cin
cinnati, Eddie Miller, shortstop.
Cincinnati; Tommy . Holmes, field
er, Boston; Butch Nieman, fielder,
Boston; Phil Masi, catcher, Boston;
Fritz Ostermeuller, pitcher, Pitts
burg. E. C. Olsen, Pendleton cham
ber of commerce baseball commit
tee chbirman, said other names
would be added to the two squads
when the group started west at the
close of the major' league season.
Lexington News
Mrs. Mary Edwards
Mrs. S. C. McMillan and Mrs.
Eula Barnhouse drove to Portland
last Thursday. They were called
" down on account of the sudden
death of the infant daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McMillan.
Mrs. Bethel Taylor entertained
the high school tat her home last
Friday night, honoring the fresh
men and the eighth grade students.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Green have
moved into the house recently va
cated by the Merritt Grays who
moved to Pendleton.
Mrs. Nettie Davis and son James
have gone to Stanfield to visit the
Gene Grays and will go to Top
penish later to visit another daugh
ter, Mrs. Loren. Mikesell.
A. M. Edwards was a business
visitor in Portland Monday and
Miss Patty O'Harra has gone to
La Grande where she has enrolled
as a cadet nurse.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McMillan
entertained at dinner Monday eve
ning for Mr. and Mrs. Owen Helms
and Alex Hunt and sons , Edward
and Elwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lester of Wil
son creek and Mr. and Mrs. Sou
thard of Ephrata, Wash, were vis
itors at the Edwards home last
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Klinger are
parents of a son born Oct. 1 at the
Mollahan nursing home. The young
man weighed eight pounds and
has .been named Kenneth Charles.
T. Sgt and Mrs. Clarence Hayes
are the proud parents of a new
daughter born at Hermiston, Oct. 3.
Claude Hollingsworth, army en
gineer, civilian branch, has been
visiting here this week with Mrs.
Lucy Rodgers and Mrs. Sara Mc
Namer. He recently from Attu Is
land in the Aleutians and while
awaiting transfer to another area
decided to spend a few days with
hia friends in Heppner.
Times, October 5, 1944
The executive committee of the
American Legion auxiliary met in
Legion hall Monday, Oct. 2.
Plans for observance of Navy day
were made, for the regular meeting,
Oct. 9 at which time it is hoped to
have talks by some of the navy
personnel who are home on leave.
A card party has been announced
for the night of Oct. 30," in the hall.
This will be a benefit party.
Off facers and committee chair-
Mrs. Lucy Rodgers will attend a
committee meeting of the Oregon
State Tdachers' association Satur
day in Portland. The problem of
teacher recruitment will be under
discussion. Mrs. Rodgers will go on
to Salem for a school administra
tors' conference the first of the
Harvey Bauman returned1 Mon
day from Seattle where he went
for a business meeting with his
brother, C. J. D. Bauman.
r a
To lubricate Uncle Sam's sub
marine Diesel engines so they
run clean and smooth on long
cruises, the Navy uses RPM
The Navy is sharing this
"secret weapon" with the
home front . . . and RPM
DELO is doing a great job
in thousands of tractor, truck,
marine and stationary Diesel
engines. It's specially com
pounded to prevent sludging
and gummed-up pistons it
actually cleans and frees rings
stuck through use of other
oils. Millions of test miles in
laboratories and actual service
proved that it just about
Navy can't afford to take
chances with its fighting
Diesels and neither can you.
Get RPM DELO and you get
the all-around lubricant for
all Diesels.
100 Clean
Cuts Diesel Injector
Volve Wear
L. E. Dick
Phone 622
Heppner, Oregon
V K St
men for the year are as follows:
President Mrs. Chris Brown; 1st
vice, Mrs. L. E. Dick; 2nd vice,,
Mrs. Harvey Miller; secretary
treasurer, Mrs. Dick Wells; execu
tive committee,, Mrs. Loyal Parker,
Mrs. , Harvey Bauman, ,Mrs. 0. E.
Ferguson; historian, Mrs. Harold
Cohn; chaplain, Mrs.. Anna Bayless;
sergeant! fit- arms, Mrs. Millie
Evans; Americanism, Mrs. Ferguson;
child welfare, Mrs. Dick; commu-
quicsc rnuEF from
Symptoms of Distress Arising from
Must Help or it Will Cost You Nothing
Over two million bottles of the WILLARD
TREATMENT have boun sold for relief of
symptoms of distress arising from Stomach
and Duodenal Ulcer due to Excess Acid
Poor Digestion, Sour or Upset Stomach,
Gassiness, Heartburn, Sleeplessness, etc,
due to Excess Acid. Sold on 15 days' trial)
Ask for "Willard's Message" which fully
explains this treatment free at
Good Eats
Go to the
lone, Oregon
Roy and Betty Lieuallen
Is an American birthright won
by the blood and sweat of our fore
fathers slipping from our grasp?
James F. Lincoln, nationally known
expert of work incentives and pres
ident of The Lincoln Electric Com
pany, Cleveland, says it is.
Lashing out at Government poli
cies which discourage the people's
will to produce goods that go to
make up the nation's high stand
ard of living, the out-spoken in
dustrialist told in an interview how
he believes one of our birthrights
is being strangled.
A big, vigorous man of 61 with
ruddy complexion and .. full shock
of gray hair, Lincoln's eyes flashed
as he spoke of a planned drift to
wards socialism at Washington
which is taking away the incen
tive for the individual to develop
his latent abilities to the utmost.
Asked what the industrial in
centive system he favors has to
do with farmers, the industrialist
replied that his remarks were not
confined to industry or to systems,
rather he was thinking about the
incentive for any producer to pro
duce. "What would happen on two
neighboring farms," asked Lincoln,
who was reared on a farm him
self, "if one farmer applied him
self to intelligent planning, plant
ing and cultivation , of his crops
and backed it up with plenty of
hard work while the other farmer
did not apply himself so diligent
ly? You know which one of those
farmers enjoys the better stand
ard of living.
"Now. what would happen if the
Government came along and told
the more productive one that he
should have no more than the
other: so from now on he must
turn back all rewards received
from his farming in excess of
those of his neighbor?"
"The Government did it to us. It
could do the same to farmers," he
said in level tone, looking directly
irto the interviewer's eyes while
h. controlled the indignation with
in him. "Here is what happened."
Lincoln first reviewed the his
tory of his company. It took 110
Mau-heus to Btaka a 2410 ampac
. . , , , Jt ,
Industrialist Crusades To Keep An American Birthright I
nity service, Mrs. Bayless; Consti
tution, by-laws, legislative, Mrs.
Lucy E. Rodgers; girls' state, Mrs.
Bauman; hospital and rehabilita
tion, Mrs. Parker; junior activities,
Mrs. Bauman; membership, Mrs.
N. Schmaltz & Sons
' Peters Building, Heppner
Roofing and Siding Contractors and
For Information Write Box 726, Hepp
ner, or phone 83, Condon, Ore.
From where
d Hodges and the doctor were
holding forth about how words
only mean something when you
think about them; and that a lot
of words seem to lose their
meaning just because they're,
used too glibly.
As the doctor put it, "They
roll -off your tongue without go
ing through your mind. Take
tolerance for instance ... some
of the people who use it most
understand it least."
From where I sit, it looks like
the doctor is right But tolerance
is mighty easy to understand.
No. 97 of a Series
welder before incentives were of
fered 10 years ago and it takes 19
today, he said. A ton of welding
electrode required 72 man-hours to
produce then and 2 hours and a
few minutes today.
These remarkable gains were at
tributed by Lincoln tp his com
pany's incentive system which re
wards workers in proportion to
what each contributes to total out
put either by production efforts
or helpful ideas on production.
While such production strides
were being made, the average
yearly income of Lincoln factory
workers climbed from $1300.00 to
$5400.00 and the prices for their
output declined. For example, few
men in farm areas would have
found it practical to buy a weld
ing outfit 10 years ago at a price
of $550.00 to carry on a repair
business for broken farm equip
ment in their district, but many
are doing a useful and successful
business today with the same type
of welders bought from Lincoln at
$190.00. Simultaneously, the re
duced prices so widened the sale of
Lincoln equipment that the plant
had to increase employment from
206 persons to over 1000.
The widespread "know how"
r&ined during the past ten years
made welding oa: of the important
tools, n speeding war production
Mgrea aaqruiag
D;0a Davidson; music Mrs. R. B.
Ferguson; national defense and Pan
America, Mrs. Kenneth Blake; na
tional news and publicity, Mrs.
Wells, poppy, Mrs. Evans (and war
activities, Mrs. Cauman.
I sit ... Joe Marsh
Words That
Off Your Tongue
After all, it just comes down to
having respect for other folks'
. rights. I don't mean just in the
big things like maybe what po
litical party a fellow belongs to.
But in the little things, too, like
having a glass of beer or.
Seems to me if every time we
spoke about tolerance wo
thought about what it means
maybe then we'd all of us start
living it and not just talking
about it.
Copyright, 1944, Brewing Industry Foundation
dreamed in their wildest night
mares. After explaining how his com
pany had made this production-at-a-low-cost
and high-wage record,
Lincoln said:
"The Treasury Department step
ped in and slapped a $1,600,000.00
assessment on the company and
the Price Adjustment Board added
a renegotiation penalty of $3,250,
000.00 after this splendid team of
production workers turned its ener
gies to war production."
Lincoln questioned the Govern
ment's sincerity in desiring to
save the people's money through
renegotiation and stated that it
had cost this country billions of
dollars more than it had saved. He
stated that this was because ef
ficiencv hnd hppn npnoliVart t-nA 4v,
efficiency encouraged. "For exam-
pie, ne saia, "How long will the
efficient farmer, whom I mentioned
earlier, continue to
way when he finds that the results
oi nis emciency are taken fron
him, and the inefficient farmer
patted on the back? That ia i-n.
negotiation. That is an example of
nr v . . .... r
v asnmgion economic thinking.
"Renegotiation ." T.inr-nln ?
t f' T VV'll k3LlVA AO
makinsr it imnnssihle fnr ronnnnor.
sion to peacetime business in many
cuses. we are resisting in the
court3 Governmental threats to
our hard won efficiency just as
the efficient farmer would resist
having his earnings taken. To com
ply quietly with such threats
would cripple our incentive system
ana cui oui tne very guts of an
American method for giving the
nation the most for its monev in
war or peace."
If industry is so m'rmloi on
" I J'v co ,v
be unable to provide post-war jobs
unaer present Government - im
posed handicaps, Lincoln believes
the Government will have to step
in to become the "fpnal lnA"
furthermore, he believes "it is b&I
mg planned that way"
It doesn't make mnpVi Aitta,
what happens to The Lincoln Elec
tric Company or any other single
company but it is tremendously ira-
nortant what hunnona tj V Am-
ican standard of living, as Lincoln
cos iu no is devoting much tim
and worlcino wit.1i TI
which ar net inconsiderable, to
a .tw 9-9u to m toT