Heppner Gazette Times, October 5, 1944 3 Irrigon News Notes By MBS. J. A. SHOTJN Snow McCoy of Hermiston spent the week-end here with her par ents the J. E. McCoys, leaving for home Sunday evening. William Wilson of Victory square Hermiston was an Irrigon visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jlay Berry of Port land are visiting her parents the J. E. McCoys. The Berrys, Mr. Mc Coy and the Russell McCoys left for the mountains to hunt der. Mrs. Sam Umiker sprained her ankle Friday. Betty Acock, cadet nurse, went to THe Dalles Saturday to finish "her vacation with her sister, Mrs. Adren Allen and family. She spent the rest of the time with her par ents, the C. W. Acocks. She re turned Sunday and was joined by Xois Markham, also a cadet nurse, and both girls resumed their train ing at L aGrande. Mr. and Mrs. George Hendler of Umatilla Were visitors at the W. C. Isom home Sunday. Ray C. Brown of Hanford spent Saturday night with the Floyd Sparks family. He took his daugh ter Jeanne to La Grande Sunday where she enrolled in Eastern Ore gon College of Education. She has . a scholarship which she won in high school here. Mrs. Marshall Markham and dau ghters Lavelle, JDelpha . and Mar lene went to Seattle Thursday where Lavelle entered the North western Bible school. The rest -got home Sunday night. ' Marshall Markham sold his . 12 acre farm West of Irrigon to R. M. McCoy who has taken posses rion. He plans to help feed the people who like Irrigon melons from i:. J. M. Smith has sold his place to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cribbs and family composed of two children. 13 and 9 years old. They have -taken possession also. Miss Hazel Osborn and Tylena Dike came up from Botardman Sat urday where they have been hold ing meetings. They are in the Mil ton Bailey trailer house. The first company of hunters to report, returned with three bucks to four hunters. They were Den Kenny, the Mulkey brothers and Harry Cooper. They got home Mon day night. Mrs. Emma Steward went to The Dalles Tuesday to spend the rest cf 'the week there. Otto Meyers came up for here Tuesday. Glen Darby who has been living in Boardman for some time has moved back to Irrigon where he lives with his sister, Mrs. Jerry White and family. Mrs. Jjoy Weigand spent Thurs da night with the Harry Smith family. John arid Wallace Fredrickson were Irrigon visitors Friday. The Irrigon football 'earn won its first game of the season here, defeating Weston 7 to 6. The, Roy Bediwells of Sunnyside Wash, arrived Saturday to visit his parents the Emery Bediwells. They oil went to the mountains Sundlay to hunt deer. SOARDMAN NEWS By MARGARET THOBFE Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith and Pauline and Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Thorpe and family will move to Union in the near future where Mr. Smith has traded his Board man property for a farm. A farewell party was held Friday night for Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gor- ham. A pot luck dinner was en joyed by a very large crowd of people. The remainder of the eve ning wlas spent playing games. Aldis Emerson went to Laurel wood Sunday to go to high school after spending the summer with his mother, Mrs. Harry Thorpe. Mrs. Foster of Newberg spent the Week-end at the Harry Thorpe home. Pvt Vernon Russell is home on furlough from Texas. The high schoool teachers at tended a meeting at Heppner Mon day afternoon. Pfc Alfred Turner who has just returned from service in the Paci fic area has been visiting on the project. He has loft to visit rela tives out of town. Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Moore and son are visiting in Portland Al McClouth is doing the" chores for them." foray against the forest denizens but after three days of tramping the hills the party returned to town minus "mowitch" but ahead on their ammunition supply. HERE FOR WEEK Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Chjapin are here this week from Portland attending to business matters and visifing relatives and friends. ARCHIE BALL JR. Archie Jr. is the name given their baby born Sunday, Oct. 1 to Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ball of upper Rhea creek. The little fellow weighed in at seven pounds. Mrs. E. R. Schaffer is taking care of Mrs. Ball and son. LOTTA HUNTING NO BUCK Maurice Smead returned to Port land Wednesday morning after j spending several days in this vi- j . cilnity in search of the elusive f buck. He joined Dr. A. D. McMur- do and Earl Hunt in an annuel j SOMEBODY ELSE Must Save These Men but YOU can help their families Much as we'd like to, we at home can't do much to relieve the suffering of these men. But we can see that their families get along while they're away. The men have the right to depend upon us for that much. The National Dar Fund pro vides for afflicted families through their own community funds, where a local community chest is in operation. ' This year we are asked to include a gift for the Blue Mountain Council of the Boy Scouts of America the amount you would likely give if solicited directly for this cause. Give one check for all the 1 8 national agencies, the state bene ficiaries, and the local Boy Scout fund. Let's maintain Morrow County's well-earned reputation for doing its share in the war effort. Heppner Lumber Company FOR SALE- 1107 Acres 20 acres irrigated; 375 acres summerf allow being seeded; 100 acres to be plowed. 17 cattle and 1.1 calves; 15-30 Interna tional tractor on rubber; farm machin ery and equipment; hay; wood for win ter. PRICE: $22f500 TERMS See TURNER, VAN MARTER & CO. Phone 152 iiiiimiiiiiiimiiiitmiilimi iitiiiiiinnmiiiiiiMiiitiiiiiiiiriiiiKiitiiriiiiniiifiiniuiiiiiiHiiHiNHMiHiiit. For Something Different Try one of Scotty's Hot Plate Lunches Pronto Pups Something new and tasty . SALADS SANDWICHES Scotty's (IIMtltimtltltHtltltHHIIHftlUlMIIII Be Prepared for crisp fall mornings with a supply of Sperry products. TO HELP A LADY LAN HER MEALS Martha Meade recipes in sacks of DRIFTED SNOW "HOME-PERFECTED" f- I I I n ENRICHED FLU UK We have a complete line of Sperry's Hotcake Flour Corn Meal, Drifted Snow Central Market