Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 05, 1944, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Heppner Gazette Times, October 5, 1 944
News Notes of Comings and
Goings in lone and Vicinity
By STBS. OMAB BIETMAWS on their quilt Saturday, Oct. 14.
lone P.-T.A held its first fall J. Fred Stilwell of Yamhill was
meeting at the school auditorium a guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. M.
Wednesday evening, Sept. 27. Mrs. Baker on Saturday of last week.
transacted during the evening in- ,
eluded affiliaiting with the national Se?. wltl acue attack of
council; ordering .a public address appendicitis, Carolyn Bauman was
system for the school; and decision shed Pendleton hospital
to serve a complete hot luncheon where she submitted to an opera
for both grade and high school tlon, Friday. She is recovering
students for a nominal cost of 10 ly. according to her mother,
cents a meal. After the meeting a Mrs Harvey Bauman who return
short program was presented fol- f of week to
lowed by a reception for the teach- to take care ot secnd daugh"
ers after which delicious refresh- er' Marjone, who has the mumps.
ments were served. EEBEKAH MEETINGS
Mr. and Mrs. Hed Troge of Estsa- members of Sans Souci Re
cada were lone visitors last week, i0(ige are bemg urgeci by
They were the guests of Mr. and fae grand) Mrs Deila David
Mrs. Ernest Heliker. sorlj to at lodge Friday evening,
Mr. and Mrs. George Balsigar of 0ct 6 at which time the district
Portland were overnight guests of chairman, Mrs. Harvey Bauman,
Mr. and Mrs. Omar Rietmann Wed. w announce plans for the dis
nesday. They ware on their way to trirt rnnvpntinn in HWmpr rpt
Coulee dam to look 'after property 20. There will be sessions in both
interests there. . the afternoon and evening, with a
Fred Buchapian returned ffrom blanquet at 6:30 p. m.
Portland last week driving a new-
ly purchased Ford. SENDS PICTURES
Mrs. Ira Morgan is again caring Mrs. J. L. Hall received a letter
for Mrs. Milton Morgan Sr. having and some pictures a few days ago
returned from Seattle Wednesday, fromi her son ' Kenneth Hoyt. He
The lone high boys won their writes that the weather is very
first football game of the season hot and that he is fine, and the
Friday. The score was 22 to 0 pictures verify that statement. He
against Stanfield on the lone field, is as brown as a nlative and looks
The rally was held Thursday eve- very well.
ning with speeches and fun for all.
Due to windy weather the bonfire CUSTOMERS RECEIVE
was postponed until Friday night. CHECKS FROM P P & L
Hershel Townsend was painfully Checks in payment of Placifij
injured Friday afternoon when he Power & Sh'8 second 1944 "rate
was thrown from a tractor he was dividend' were in the mail Wed
driving onto the discs drawn be- nesdav and - the company's
hind. No bones were broken but customers throughout Oregon and
he suffered from shock and bruises. Washington received their share of
The Townsends afle living on the the $300,000 distribution on Thurs
Smith brothers place recently va- dav r Friday.
cated by the Ted Smiths. Llke a simllar Payment made to
Topic club will meet Saturday P- P- & L customers earlier in
at the home of Mrs. Ella Smith in 1he vear- individual checks equal
Heppner. The hostesses are Mes- haU oI a tvPlcal monthly electric
dames Griffith, ' O'Connor, Smith bm
and Mason.
Some of the lucky lone hunters PETERSON SELLS RANCH
were Wid Palmateer, Bob Drake C- Peterson, m from Monu
and. Darnell Padberg, each gating nlent tdncsday to attend the auc
Mrs. Mathew Ball and Mrs. Ruby Von saleL a e Run,"on yards- in"
their deer before boon on Sunday. ,ms he Gazette Tincs that he
Kincaid were hostesses for a fare- J?8 sold h.s ranch on the John
ii , e ir t n i Day tnd expects to move to the
well party for Misses Jean Cole- . .
j nir r i u Willamette valley .sometime m No-
man and Marjone Pcteison who , ' .
lne !.: .-rr ..
ON VACATION the time in the mountains on a Portland, called by the serious ill
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Rasmus are camping and hunting trip. ness .of his. mother Mrs. Sarah
on 10-day vacation from their re- CALLED TO PORTLAND Isom, who is due to rgo a
spective duties and are spending Blaine E. Isom left Tnosdav for major surgical operation rnoay.
Values in Diamond ngs
Not Attainable Elsewhere
Fine quality yellow 14K and 18K gold mountings, fea
turing hand carved wedding rings, matcthed sets,
solitaires and dinner rings.
Priced to fit your particular needs and a liberal
assortment to choose from.
uy More Bonds and Keep Them!
aie leaving for service in
Waves. This party is sponsored by
the Cooperative church. A pro
gram and games were enjoyed by
the young people.
Miss Doris Palmateer of Port
land spent Sunday with her family.
The home of, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Aldrich was the scene of a taffy
his cattle off the summer range in
preparation for a public sale which
ho will hold the latter part 'of Oct
ober at which time all stock, farm
equipment, hay and household
goods will be put on the block.
The lanch is live and one-half
miles below Monument and was
party Tuesday evening for the sen-
ior and junior classes and alumni ' m
of lone high. Rev. and Mrs. Bollen Mr. and Mrs. Will Kiik of Bel
of the Baptist church were hosts. lir.gham, Wash, are, visiting rela-
Mrs. Nola Bristow spent the tives and tiiends in Heppner this
week-end in lone making final ar- week. They are guests at the home
langements to move to Portland oi: Mrs Kirks mother, Mrs. Ada
where she is attending Western Cason, and sister, Patrici i Car-on.
States college. Mrs. Harley Ander- Kirk r;in a dray line hcle for a
son, sister of Mrs. Bristow, accom- numl,tT of yt,ars pi.ior to moving
jtmied her and the girls to the city. to Bellingham.
More than 100 persons including
members and friends with their A short letter from Mrs. Emery
families, attended the Willows Coxlen states that she will return
grange booster night potluck sup- to Heppner this week to again
per, program and dance. make her home here. Emery is
The Relx'kahs will serve dinner somewhere in thjo Pacific talcing
election day in the I. 0. 0. F. hall, his three months combat training
Pie and coffee will be served dur- prior to going into action
ing the afternoon. Also fancy work
and aprons will be sold during the
M. Sgt Alvin C. Bunch arrived
Sunday morning for a 21-day fur
lough with his. wife (Betty Man
kin) and son Jerry. Sgt Bunch ha.s
been in service four years, 2G
months m south Pacific aica
mostly in New Guinea where he
served as motor sergeant.
Clarence Harris has been assign
ed to Camp Roberts Calif, for
training. Mrs. Harris and children
will go to California soon to be
near him
The P.N.G. club met at the home
of Mrs. Dtjlla Corson Friday, Sept.
29. Nine ladies enjoyed the after
noon. The next meeting will bt
Oct. 27 at the home of Mrs. Paul
The Maranatha club will meet
in the Congregational rooms to work
y r v
... r (r?'(
for " vJLl
"f Er2E JKER
Paid Adv. The Anti-Prohibition Committee
of Oregon. G. J. McPerson, Chairman;
Pearson-4th Ave. Bldg., Portland
takes a tree crop $W
leaves the woods!
JL HERE was a time when the trees of the abundant Ameri
can forests stood on land needed for villages and farms,
forests were removed both for their timber and so that the
land might be used.
Today we have enough farm land. Our remaining forest
areas can be kept at the job of producing successive timber
Under modern perpetual-yield management the forests pro
duce the things we need, but the forest industries keep the
woods wooded. Through scientific cutting, maintenance
of seed sources, and planting of nursery-grown stock, young,
vigorous, forest growth replaces mature, slow-growing trees
which need to be harvested.
This company and the forest industries generally have
entered a period of managed, planned operations of the