Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 05, 1944, Image 1

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News From
The Boys at
The Front
SEPT 26.
Marion G. Krebs of Cecil Ore.
was commisisoned a second lieu
tenant in the Army Slept. 26 upon
successfud completion of the offi
er candidate course at the infan
try school at Fort Bennnig, Ga.
Lt. Krebs is the son of Mr. 'and
Mrs. Georgp, C. Krebs of Cecil.
. The new lieutenant enlisted in
the army on March 29, 1943 and
served with the ROTC at Oregon
State college and took basic at
Camp Roberts Calif, before going
to Officer Candidate school four
months ago. He held the rank of
corporlal before being commis
sioned. Hta is a graduate of Ar
lington high school and attended
Oregon State college for three
years where he was a prominent
member of Sigma Cli fraternity.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hayes were
surprised Wednesday evening with
a telephone call from their son
T-4 Richard T. Hayes, who called
from a California point. He stated
that he would be home in less
than nine duys, coming from Fort
Lewis where he will receive his
furlough orders. Rich, as he is fa
miliarly known to the home folks,
has been in the "down under" ter
ritory for 30 months; going first
to Australia and then on th New
Guinea where he has been in com
bat service the past 12 months. He
told his parents that the good old
USA sure looks good to him.
CPO Chester Brown was given a
medical discharge from the Sea
bees the past week and he and Mrs.
Brown returned to Heppner Wed
nesday from Pleasanton, Calif,
where they have been living most
of the past year. They plan to spend
the winter near Monument for the
benefit of Mr. Brown's health. Mrs.
Browne's son, Frank Christensen,
has signed up with the air corps
which he will join upon completion
of high school, Pete Christensen has
been seeing plenty of action in the
south Pacific Saipan and other
recent battles. Major Chet Chris
tensen has bden granted a leave
and is expected home soon, and
Duane Brown has been in the south
Pacific over two years and partici
pated in numerous major battles.
Mrs. Mabel Davidson received a
message from the war department
Sunday stating that her son, Staff
Sgt Herbert R. Davidson has been
missing since Sept. 13 when he was
engaged in a flight over Germany.
Mrs. Davidson has not given up
hope that Herbert is still alive,
although possibly a prisoner of the
More than 50 young people gath
ered at the parish house of All
Saints Episcopal church Wednes
day evening to honor service men
home 'on leave or furlough. The
party was sponsored by women
of the church and invitations were
extended to high school students
and other young people of the
town. ,
Dancing was enjoyed for a couple
of hours, during which time light
refreshments were served.
Among the numerous service
men on leave and on furlough this
week are Reece and Merle Burken
bine, sons of Mrs. A. E. Burkenbine.
The boys have been together the
last several days and feel Very for
tunate, in being allowed to visit
home together.
Rainfall in 1944
Lags Behind Three.
Previous Seasons
Showers Few and
Far Between, Rain
Chart Discloses
Jupfe Pluvius will have to give
down regularly the next three
months if he intends to put the
year 1944 in a class with the years
1941, 1942 and 1943. He is behind
schedule in Morrow county as of
October 1 and although light show
ers fell yesterday and during the
night there is nothing to indicate
that he will each up before the
year wears away, unless
Searching the records as kept by
Len Gilliam it is found .that the
first seven months of 1944 have
gotten along with a precipitation
of 5.49 inches. There was nothing
recorded in August, and Gilliam's
record for September has not been
posted but may have been suffici
ent to bring the record up to six
inches. Recorded by months the
figures stand: January .31; Febru
ary 1.36; March .59; April 1.52;
May .49 June 1.20 and July .02.
Compared with previous years,
this is not quite so good. Seven
months of 1943, JanuJary-July, 7.50
inches; 1942, 8.70 inches and 1941
11.38 inches.
September 1941 was the wettest
month of the three-year period,
registering 2.18 inches; 1942, .18,
1943 1.02. ' .
'These figures are for Heppner
and vicinity. It is possible that V.
L. Carlson can make a better show
ing for the Gooseberry section,
particularly since that region was
visited by a heavy shower recently
that amounted to nothing more
than a trace in town.
P-38 Makes Forced
Landing Near lone
Losing his bearings while flying
over the north end pf the county
late Monday, tlie pilot of a P-38
from Redmond airbase made -
wheelless landing in Werner Riet
mlann's stubble , field near lone.
The pilot, an officer, was flying
alone. ,
Although the pilot was uninjur
ed, the plane was considerably
damaged. Before, leaving for help
the officer stripped the instrument
board to remove any evidence of
new gadgets that might be of use
to the enemy.
The P-38 will be taken back to
the base, not for repairs but to be
stripped for parts in repairing
other planes.
. .0
Scouts Collect Five
Tons Waste Paper
Five tons of waste paper were
collected Saturday morning by
Boy Scouts and their counsellors
of Heppner and Lexington, accord
ing to George Corwin, who drove
the big truck used to haul the sal
vage to Stanfield Saturday after
noon. Five tons of paper were gathered
in Heppner and one-half1 ton in
Lexington. It took Corwin and four
scouts two hours to unload the car
go which was carried into the car
on the siding at Stanfield.
Relatives in Heppner have been
informed of the death of Mrs.
James Wilson at Oakland, Calif,
Sept. 23. Her passing followed sev
eral months' illness. She is survived
by the husband, (and two children,
a son in the marines and a daugh
ter, by a former marriage, and one
brother residing in Oakland.
Mrs., Wilson spent two weeks
here last summer with her husband.
Heppner Oregon, Thursday, October 5, 1944.
Morrow County 4-H Beef
Show to Be Held Monday
A. M. at Fair Pavilion
Ten o'clock Monday morning is
the time set for opening the Mor
row county 4-H beef club show,
which is to be held at the county
fair pavilion. The show is being
held as a pre-view to the Portland
stock show to which point the 14 or
so animals to be shown here will
be tlaken late Monday afternoon.
The showing at Portland spells fi
nis to most of the animals as they
are put on the auction block fol
lowing the exhibition.
The program for the day has
been arranged as follows: 10 a. m.,
all livestock should be at the fair
pavilion as the judging contest is
scheduled to begin at that hour; 11
o'clock, showmanship contest; 1 p.
m. judging of 'heifer classes, and
1:30 p. m., judging of steer classes,
following which the animals will
be loaded onto trucks for shipment
to Portland. All beef animals that
ustangs Lose to
Honkers 7 to 0 in
Opening Contest
By LaVern Van Matter Jr
In their opening football game of
the 1944 season Heppner high
school's Mustangs went down to
defefat Friday afternoon 7 to 0, at
the hands of the Arlington high
school Honkers.
Playing through intermittent
showers on the Rodeo field before
a moJerately - large opening day
crowd, the two teams struggled
through three scoreless quarters
before a blocked Heppner punt in
the last period provided Arlington
with the break needed to score
what proved to be the winning
The tfateful kick came after the
Mustangs took over the ball on
their own 20 yard line after an Ar
lington punt rolled into the end
zone. The Mustangs lost five yards
on an end run then elected to kick
on second down. Arlington's fast
charging line swarmed through to
block Ulrich's kick before he could
get it away and an lalert Honker
fell on the ball on the Heppner 12
yard line.
In two plays Arlington scored.
Using a T-formation offense that
utj to this point had been held to
short gains, the Honkers struck
through the Heppner line on the
first play to the 2 yard line. Weth
erford, Arlington fullback, plunged
over on the next play. The conver
sion was also made on a line smash.
With only minutes remaining in
Continued on Page Eight
Can You Spare
A Typewriter?
Over in McCaw General hos
pital are numerous boys who
are unable to write with pen
cil or pen and ink. They have
suffered injuries that have par
alyzed hands or arms or other
wise handicapped them so that
correspondence by long-hand
methods is out of the question.
But they can, by employing the
hunt and peck system, carry
on correspondence by use of
a typewriter.
Those boys suffered their in
juries by offering their servi
ces in fighting off cruel ene
mies who would conquer and
destroy us. They would rather
do their own letter writing and
should be privileged to do so.
Can we not add to our, splendid
record in Morrow county by
donating a portable typewriter
or if one is not available, pro
viding funds for the purchase
of one?
ished will be taken while trios1
are fat enough and. properly fin
that are not good enough must be
left at home for further feeding.
Four classes will be judged. Class
1, Hereford steer, heavy; class 2,
Hereford steer, light; class 3, Short
horn steer, tand class 4, beef hei
fer. Suitable prizes will be offered.
Several club members and par
ents will accompany the livestock
to the Portland show which is be
ing held for club members as a
substitute for the Pacific Interna
tional exposition, discontinued for
the duration.
Audrey and Patty Majeske, win
ners in the home and garden ex
hibits two weeks ago, will lake
their display to Portland where it
will be shown at the Meier and
Frank company 4-H club fair put
on in conjunction with the Port
land stock show.
To accommodate late registrants,
County Clerk C. W. Barlow an
nounces that his office in the court
house will remain open until 8 p.
ni. Saturday, Oct. 7. The office
opens at 8 a. , m. and the clerk
urges those not registered to call
&s early in the day as possible.
Remember Saturday is the last
djay to register before the fall elec
tion. Be a good citizen register
and vote!
Hunters Get Into
Difficulties Here
Harry Neal' Browning of Herm(;s"
ton paid a fine of $25 and costs
when he appeared before Justice
J. O. Hjager Monday morning and
pled guilty to a charge possession
of an illegal deer. The charge was
preferred by Special' Officer Eldred
L. Wright, who stated that the ani
mal in question was minus the
forked horns specified in the state
game law.
Ain Roscoe Boyd phid a fine of
$5 and costs in the same court Mon
day for driving a car without pro
per operator's license. Boyd, a na
tive of Missouri, is employed at
(the Frank Wilkinson ranch. He
went hunting Sunday and was
picked up by the state police. Since
he did not have an Oregon driver's
license the law could have been
applied to consider him an out-of-state
hunter but the justice decided
to invoke the automobile provision
Officer Wright is from Lincoln
county and has boon assigned to
this district as special game war
den during the hunting season.
If there are any bathing beauties
or other types among the natives of
New Guinea, he missed them dur
ing his stay in the islands, Charles
Cox told the chamber of commerce
luncheon group Monday. He said
there are Javanese, Melanest and
other tribes of South Sea islanders
in Guinea but none .of them have
any special claim to beauty.
Cox said he did not want to
paint too bad a picture of the
country, but he like all other ser
vice men feels that if it were the
land they were fighting for it would
not be worth the battle. The main
object with the fighting men is to
run the Jais out and after that
they don't care who takes over.
Delmer O. Crawford has finished
his boot training at Farragut and is
spending his- leave with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Waite C. Craw
ford at lone.
Vol ume 61 , Number 28
Mayor and Council
To Ask Return for
Another Term
Petitions Signed
This Week to Place
Names on Ballot
City officers whose terms expire
this year have tossed their collec
tive tiles into the ring for another
period of service. Petitions for Ma
yor J. O. Turner, councilmen D. A.
Wilson, L. D. Tibbies, L. E. Bisbee
and Charles Vaughn, and Recorder .
Huston and Treasurer Dix were
circulated early this week, opening
the campaign as far as city politics
is concerned. So far no opposition
has shown up and no interest has
been manifested.
Due to the invasion of the Blue
mountains only one councilman was
present at the regular monthly
meeting of the council Monday
evening. Councilman Ferguson and
Mayor Turner sanctioned payment
of bills and that was the extent of
business transacted aside from in
structions to Marshal Bill Morgan
relative to complaints registered
about keeping livestock within the
city limits. Tbxt of the complaints
indicated thjat the aroma accom
panying the presence of livestock,
rabbits, poultry and hogs is becom
ing an extreme annoyance to neigh
bors, who would like to have the
city fathers do something about it.
Mayor Turner reiterated his de
sire to get a new well, stating that
he is lanxious to have the city take
up the offer made by A. M. Ed
wards last spring to drill for wa
ter on the Birratf property above
the Frank Monahan residence.
Tests made in the spring indicated
that a well at that point would
bling in around 200,000 gallons
daily, lhat amount added to pres
ent "supplies would guarantee a
plentiful supply for the present
population and take dare of pos
sible growth.
Study of School
Support Measure
Asked by Speaker
Hope that voters will study the
school supeport measure so they
may vote intelligently on the con
stitutional amendment on the No
vember ballot was expressed Mon
day by Dr. Ray Hawk to members
of the luncheon group of the Hepp
ner chamber of commerce. Dr.
Hawk, who was representing the
Oregon State Teachers' association,
is visiting eastern Oregon counties
in the interest of the amendment
and made several talks in the coun
ty the first of the week.
"I have no doubt about the out
come of the measure if the voters
will study it thoroughly and have
a complete understanding of its
aims and purposes," Hawk stated.
He pointed out that Oregon is be
hind other Pacific coast states in
the matter of support, calling at
tention to the fact that the state
land law is still in effect but that
there is no state land left to speak
of. The proposed constitutional
amendment will not necessarily
create an additional burden on the
tax payltr but will make for a bet
ter distribution of funds in which
the public schools will enjoy a
more bountiful share. He also add
ed that while teachers are support
ing the amendment it is not with
expectation that they will directly
benefit any more than that a sta
biization of school funds should
tend to create a corresponding
stabilization of jobs and salaries.
Frank Hulbert, a guest, spoke
briefly urging support for the
measure. These are days of special
ized jobs, he said, and every op
portunity should be given the youth
of today to prepare for these jobs.