Heppner Gazette Times, September 28, 1944 3 Irrigon News Notes Frank Fxedrickson place, taking son of Mrs. Gordon Banker, Hepp- : ; . . i i n t By MBS. J. A. SHOTTO i-vraocoaiun m i cui uaij. ner nas Deen , reiurneu iiuiii coin- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ames and In naming the Round-up visitors bat dirty and is stationed Bt the -small were- Heppner visitors Friday we left out the John VoUe rehabmtation Klam Tuesday; Mr. and Mrs. A.mes, for- family. Juanita rode m the parade merly of Antelope, purchased the and looked very nice. She is a good Falls. William Wilson place in the spring rider. and has plenty of practice Camriflia escaoed injury while and moved ' here last week. The especially since her brother Billy participating in the attack and cap Wilsons have moved to Victory is in the fermy. She may be seen ture of Eniwetok Atoll, square in' Hermiston. , most any time on her faithful gray His wife, Jeanette L. Campiglia, The high school student body horse rounding up the cattle or resides in Vallejo, Calif. elected officers .and yell leaders shP or riding for the fun of it. . . jp-Jq kJOTFC for the coming year. They are De- Mrs. Earl Connell is spending the lUnC nCYTJ rtUICJ lores Knighten, president; Ella Mae most, of two weeks with her mo- Bj ma otAab, bietmash Grim, vice . president; Kathleen in Wallowa county looking for a and Mrs. Louis Halvorsen, Mr. and Poulson and Patty Markham, yell new location. Albert is staying Mrs. Garland Sanson Mr and secretary and reported; Kathleen ther, Mrs. Gene Lewis. Mr. Lewis is Mrs M.bert Emert Mr. and Mrs. Poulson and Patty Markhom, yell with Mrs. Emma Stewart and going Clifford McCabe Mrs Clarence leaders to school. Harrls and Mrs- John Darst Coach Elliott has organized a six- Chief Warrant Officer Wiley Be- Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Emert and man football team and has equip- nefiel is now stationed in Alaska daugnter spent Sunday with Mrs. ment for two competitive teams, according to the -E A. Stephens Mary Emert and daughter Patricia The freshmen were initiated last family. He is their son-in-law. of Hermiston. Wednesday and Thursday, ending , Charles Acock Jr. and Mrs. Ge- Mr. and Mrs. Garland Swanson with a party Thursday evening. neve Acock went to La Grande left Monday for Portland to secure Alvin Allen, S2c, is in a hospital Saturday. They brought back with a medical and dental check-up. in Corona Beach. Calif. He has them Lois Markham who will visit Mrs. Charles Carlson was hostess rheumatic fever and does not im- the Harry Smith . family, and Betty at a, party for Mrs. Howard Eu prove very rapidly. Acock. They have a 10-day vaca- banks and a shower for Mrs. John W. C. Grim is working in a ma- tion. They are cadet nurses. sammmmmm chine shop in Umatilla since he has Darst, Tuesdya. The lad'ies who enjoyed the afternoon were Mes dames Raymond Lundlell, Clarence Harris, Lloyd Morgan, Louis Hal vorsen, Milton Morgan, Robert Heald, Delbert Emert, Herbert Ek strom, Virginia Farr, John Eubanks -,nd Franklin Lindstrom, with the honor guests and hostess. Earl (Mike) McCaba, CMM ar rived homte Saturday on his first leave after 2V2 years service. He has been in faction recently in the Eu ropean area. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McCabe, 'parents of Mike, also re turned home Saturday from. Pe 1 dlcton Mrs. McCabe has recovered sufficiently from an operation to be cared for in her home. 1 1 o CARD OF THANKS . . . We wish to thank our i.,any friends for their kind expressions of sympathy and words of comfort upon the loss of our wife and mother. Alex' Hunt Edward and Elwood Hunt finished his farm work. Mrs. Tom Harris and Mrs. Harold Hill were Sunday visitors at the John Voile home. Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Van Schoiac of , Heppnier and Mrs. John Voile and daughter Juanita went to Ce lilo last'week-end. John Voile's truck broke down last Monday. As repairs had not .been receivted he is still there. He has bene hauling watermelons. Miss Hazel Osborne and her friend are coming to Irrigon Sat urday.The ladies will hold services at the Presbyterian church Sunday and each evening at 8 p. m. through out the week. They will live in the Bailey trailer house while here. , Cpl Andrew Shoun of Com ETO writes that according to the news papers the war is nearly over but it does not look that way to him there. He is in Europe. The Wallace Mende family have odd out with three more weeks nere. Last winter-, they bought the BACK FROM COMBAT DUTY Marine Pfc Harry E. Campiglia, THE ORIGINAL AIR DEODORAMT banish ODORS in Living Room Before and after the party spray with Sweat Aire. A whilf cleanses the air instantly . . . dis sipates odor completely! For Good Eats Go to the v 1CTORY Humphreys Drug Company faff Remodeled for the convenience of our public We now have plenty of Bulk Ice Cream for the hometrade Keep a supply on hand .for emergencies. Fountain service and lunches as usual AFE lone, Oregon Roy and Betty Lieuallen Proprietors We Are Serious About this Waste Paper Business There is something more to it than just a good deed job for the Boy Scouts. It has a direct bearing on the conduct of the war as well as carrying on the battle of the home front. If you have not already done so, tic up all the old papers around the house (magazines, too) and box up all scraps and waste paper and put it all in a neat pile at a convenient spot for the Boy Scouts to pick up at 9 o'clock Saturday morning. Central Market &K H Scottys Jim. mi mm tm mm. ttk iss m mfWt ' di lis n mi ii n rrr-i nrr-"'"! 1 )1 if -mimm DRESS PANTS Drastically Reduced! $3 jllHlllfMllllimillltHdlllHIIIIIIIHIIUI m It HHiiimiiMmiiiMimimmiiHitiiimiiiNMiiiiiin 1 niiiniiiiKiiiiiiiiimnmim FOR SALE- 1107 Acres 10 acres irrigated; 375 acres summerf allow being seeded; 100 acres to be plowed. 17 cattle and 11 calves; 15-30 Interna tional tractor on rubber; farm machin ery and equipment; hay; wood for win ter. PRICE: $22,500 TERMS See TURNER, VAN MARTER & CO. Phone 152 Non-Rationed SHOES a Super Bargain! STRAW HATS Men's and Women's lOc Loose Leaf Binders a Close-out Feature! 5c DIME VALUES BEANIES JABOTS PLACE MATS lOc THI WZnA WW WWH WOMEN'S . PURSES While They Last! 25c GIRLS' JACKETS Quick Action Savings! $2 and $3 WOODEN SHOES Non-Rationed Values! Oc Rationed ' DRESS SHOES Savings Galore! $2.50 3