A Heppner Gazette Times, September 21 , 1944 EDITORIAL '. . to alL" Sincerely yours, Lucile McAtee Hare CHURCHES HAMUU fi.Awfk Re peace new enterprises will come which will bring I Ajrnffton . , ealtny Growth Best ,HHitinnai numbers of oeooie-not extensive num- -e'nsion . , , Heppner has never experienced what may be bers Derhaps, but enough to warrant the town to operate a farm for Leo Gorger. termed a building boom sucn as occurs wun uie advent of a large manufacturing plant, a land rush, or even a wartime industry. There have been times when business demands have prompted a realignment along main street or an increase in population called for new housing facilities, but occasional spurts may not properly be termed booms. It is a natural condition and not stimulat ed by prospective rapid growth. A community built up in this manner has time to build substan tially and avoid a mushroom growth which, if the place holds its own throughout the years, must be rebuilt or remain to embarrass the citizenry. There are signs that Heppner is growin? and is about ready for another building spurt. This is more evident in the residential quarter at pres ent, since housing is a problem still giving con siderable worry. It is a situation that cannot be greatly improved until building materials ai"e released in sufficient quantity to permit a general construction program. How soon this will be per mitted is a matter of conjecture for we do not know when the war will end. When that time comes Heppner should be prepared with a build ing program that will offer housing to those who desire to locate here as well as offer better homes to a good many now residing here. A well housed community is a satisfied community. It is stated that those engaged in lines of bus iness not represented in the town are looking arourid for locations. Unfortunately there is little left to offer encouragement to new enterprise unless some buildings are altered or something . , r 'i ice v 'oroi a i q nircrr lort inr be on the alert to prepare tor ana reaeve tne "T" 1 " :,, newcomers. fegin her fresninan year at the 0 ' University of Oregon. No Man Made Fires . T , . Something of a record has been established in the Heppner division of the Umatilla National forest for the season of 1944, Up to date there , have been 14 fires in this area and not one of thiem CHURCH OF CHRIST hi hppn railed hv the carelessness of man. It O. Wendell HerHson, Pastor is gratifying to learn that mankind has learned to appreciate the timber resources to the extent that each individual accepts the self-appinted task of guardian of the forest. It has not been without se rious consequences that the lesson has been learned, for in times past losses have been heavy, Professional Directory Jos. J. Nys ATTORNEY AT LAW Puters Building, Willow Street Heppner. Oregon Bible school 9:45. A class for ev ery age. Morning worship 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m. Evening service, 8 o'clock. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Bonnie Howe, Minister thanks to the unthinking user of the forest whose SUNDAY Sept. 21: responsibility may have been laid to carelessness, Divine worship at 11 a. m. lack of knowledge, or even maliciousness. 1 . Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. A campaign of education sponsored by the for- Thought for the Week: est service and responsible timber operators over . re 13 Vti place . r . . . . for the man who works well. a long era has, in a large measure, attained its episcopal goal. It may be added with pardonable pride that cnmCH i. 0. Peterson La 'est Jewelry and Gift Ooodn Wair.hek Clock - Diamond ii.xi.t rt Watch and Jewell . Repairing Heppner Oregon the newspapers have coontributed a . generous share in this education of the public to a fuller appreciation of our greatest natural resource. The campaign must go on and it will be the privilege of the press to cooperate to the fullest extent. 0 In reading Stephen Vincent Benet's lovely book "America" today, something significant seems to me to have stood out. When the Constitutional convention met in Philadelphia in 1783 and no men, individually or by n aw nut nn As stated before there is no boom in Philadelphia ciaht hut if th businesses are desirous of lo- collectively, ever had a more difficult or impor- cating here there should be an effort made to pro- tant work to do, nor will ever have the average vide suitable quarters for them when they come, age of the men making up the convention was 42 There is no doubt but that Heppner is experi- Governor Dewey's age. G. W., of Alexandria, encing a healthy growth and with the coming of Va., in the Washington Post. Gifts Appreciated McCaw Patients Sincerely, follows: Cpl E. L. Settlemyre. "Both boys were bom in Hepp- H T- fPUnw-.nrx-t.-n J 4t TTvtiF aVwuit nay ini liirAJ ViaTKk until ii7A voarc J 1 isbb. m - IVlia. AilVlHiyoVll. OUAJ3. J.iwn o.ivw itci oiiu uivu wwv w j t tSV frlCvflW r atientS lodges and granges taking some of ag0i jey enlisted in the navy rnon, "The Practical Usefulness of these sun rooms as a wartime worh., Christian Faith. Mrs. Ralph Thompson, chairman it does gjve you such gatisfac- two years ago. Arthur has served junior c. E. 7 p. m. of the Blue Mountain Camp and tion. If such la room is too expen- on a minesweeper off the Atlan- praise and preaching service 8 p. Honital Council is in receipt of sive, why not buy floor lamps and tic coast. He is now in convoy m Sermon "Patching Old Clothes." a letter from a wterd master at new radios for G. I. Joe. These duty. He was trough the recent Monday: Preaching service at GOSPEL MISSION Ralph De Boer, Pastor Sunday school 10 a. m. Preaching 11 a. m. Evening service 8 p. m. Bihjle School 10:00 a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. Young Peoople's 7:00 p. m. Evangelistic Service 8:00 p. m. Prayer meet 8 p. m. Wednesday. FIN E JEWELRY If the jewelry shows a well known trademark it is jewelry sold by jewelers only. We cling to the notion that good jewelry belongs in jew elry stores that jewelry stores are where the public ex pects to find good jewelry. We continue to deserve your good will and patronage in the years to come. More than ever BUY BONDS! Pzt lt When you Af. are through ipj ' with that match or cigarette, brec.li it up! . . .That is another thoughtful way to pre vent forest fires. KEEP OREGON GREEN ASSOCIATION SALEM, ORE. Blaine E. Isom All Kinds of INSURANCE Phone 723 Heppner, Ore. Archdeacon Neville Blunt Holy Communion 8 a. m. Church 'School 9:45 a. m. Morning Prayer 11 a. m. Dedication service 8 p. m. Bishop W. P. Remington. ST. PATRICK'S CHUftCH Er. Fravata MtoCw tk Paster SehestaU at Searicaa: Havener: Bmtmtf mmm at a. ra. m 14 m4 M mmirn; at 1K a. h. am ta U md . laa: 1M . M 34; Mt a. m- an mt r: . . i 1 J : . 1 j. romic vided money so our county could si openea ana aunng me uui - help those boys." The letter fol- two yeais they have not improved "Ausin is a. Seabee and served lows: with age. Both lamps and radios for 17 months in the Aleutians. may be purchased with an army He participated in the invasion of Dear Mrs. Thompson: Diioritv and at a discount if von Kkka. Hp has haA his 30-dav loavp As the ward master of Ward 42 buy in quantity. I would be glad and is now expecting to. be sent 10NE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH hpr. at. McCaw. I would like to fr list vnnr o-iftQ at the. nOV omm. .U-c,,l-,Or0 Qt Dn TTo v,ac Edward Caldwell Bowlen, Pastor take the pleasure of thanking you cil meeing, the first Friday in Oc- to visit Heppner on his 'embarka- and your committee for all you tober, or order them before that lion leave.' Arthur hopes to, too, have done for this ward. The fur- if you wish" if he should get Pacific duty. We niture which you gave us has been all think longingly jnd lovingly of greatly appreciated. FORMER HEPPNER BOYS the. old home town and are anxi- Besfore we received your help SERVING WITH NAVY ous to come back to visit eld we had the poorest sun porch in Lucile McAtee Hare has written friends when conditions permit, the hospittal but by your efforts asking that the Gazette Times be Meanwhle I know the boys would and help we now have the best. mailed to her sons Arthur and Aui- veiy mufch eniy reading about I wdl do my best to keep it that tin McAtee, both of whom are what on ere. way. serving in the navy. She writes as "Greetings and kindest regards HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, established March 30, 1883. The Heppner Times, established November 18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. Published every Thursday and en tered at the Post Office at Hepp ner, Oregon, as second class matter. O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor 0. M. YEAGER CONTRACTOR & BUILDER All kinds af carpenter work Country work especially Pheae 14S3 Waak 4ay laaaa at I a. m. First Prtfay at T:Sf a. at. CaaifMriaaa: lattiayg. 7:84 p. at. la tM p. at. Suafeya I:1S a. m. t-M a. at. CHUKCH ( IONB COOPERATIVE It. N. WMMell, raster Bible school II a. m. Worship service 11 a. m. Ser- NKW AUTO PCUCT A a m m 9 w. w. 14. Pn Ul 143 Ut A Cft. Pfticlps Fnnrcl Home LieenaW Funeral Directors Phone 1232 Heppner, Ore. t , 1 Heppner City Council Meets First Monday Each Month Citizens having matters for dis- I cussion, please bring before the Council J O. TURNER, Mayor A. D. McMurdo, M.D. Trained Nurse AfislBtunt PHYSICIAN & SURGEON off let- In Minnie Building HKPI'NTCR. ORK. Dr. W. H. Rockwelf Naturopathic Physician & Surgeor 227 North Main St. Office hours: 1 p. m. to 7:30 p. m, Exam free Ph. 522 Heppner, Or. J. 0. Turner ATTORNEY AT LAW Phn 177 Hotel Heppner Building Heppner, Oregon Morrow County Abstract fir Title Co. INC. AByTftAT3 OF TITLE TITLE INSTTBAHCB Office In New Peters Building Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician A Boiysob FIRST NATIONAL. BANK BUX Hit. Hhnno 1162 Office Phone 49V HEPPNER. OREGON Directors of . Funerals M. L. CASE G. E. NIKANDER r(2Phnnes 262 r P. W. Mahoney ATTORNEY AT LAW QENEBAL nSTTBAHOi: Heppner Hotei Building Willow St. Entrance