Heppner Gazette Times, September 21, 1944 3 Irrigon News Notes By MBS. J. A. SHOttl Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Grayb'sr1 "d , daughter Nancy were Round-up visitors Friday. Mr. Grabepl has his new house about finished. It is a new front on the old part. Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Rolertson of Portland spent from Thursday to Sunday with the Batie Rand family. The teachers, Miss Muriel Har old, Miss Kennedy, Miss Kino ptH Miss Wilcox ?nd the J. A. Phounr were Round-Mr- vHtcs Sruy as were Clarke Stephens nd Rob ert Waters Saturday t verin.. Th?- Walter Griders and Mrs. Emery Bediwell went to Pendleton Monday. Rev. and Mrs. K. J. Walpol? and daughters of Pilot Rock were vis itors et the A. E. Stephens home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Markham and three daughters, Esther and Beth Warner, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Schneider and three children and Clara Fraser were in Pendleton for the Round-up parade and a Pente costal Sunday school rally in the afternoon. Mrs. J. S. Jersen of San Fran cisco is visiting her daughter, Mrs. William Slate and family. ' W. C. Isom and Earl Isom moved the James Arnberg garage to tho Earl Isom place Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Harhenri der spent Sunday . at the George McNeary ranch. Georgs McNealy, Mrs. Alice Woods and son Frank were from across" the Columbia Monday. . ; Mrs.. Joy Weigand of Kennewick was an Irrigon visitor at the Harry Smith home visiting little Theresa Weigand who is living with, her giandparents here. ; Ihe following people of Irrigon were at the Round-up Friday: the Jerry Taylors, the Wm. Slates, the John Zubranskis, . Hugh Glasgow, and Johnny Tade, Mr. .uid MiS. Ffaul Haberlein, Carl Haddox and tvo children, Don Kenny and two sons, Hazel Steagall and two Chil dren, Mis. A. E. Stephens and tv children, Eula Amis, Kathleen Um iker, the H. H. Whippks, Sam Umi wia, the Dan Hills, and the Harry McCoys June Good- OLo Bentiiel of Portland spent ..! weK-end with hs sister, Mrs. .L.i il. ddocK, and other relatives 'irr Joanne Tade who has been v,-cr'::i:g ?t Ordnance since she. fin--i.J ii'fh school in June, has gone Lo Mount -Vngal college. The James - to'.; her down. li. h'ppe was a K-rner . .'si tor Wednesday. Avery Shoun ..a . ai o thcie Wednesday. . .:e e will be no school here as lzr-.':-.-.s will be in Heppner ,hu id: y End Friday. M:. and Mrs. Roy Davis are the p oLd pa.ents of a son. Ihey are in Ji.ea.vaw;r Nebr. now but wee .oirner residents of Irrigon. loin Iiaddox of near Bremerton is visiting his sons Carl and Leo and their families. Mr. and Mrs-. Lee Smith spent a week with her daughter near Free water. Ihey returned home Sun-uay. Paul Smith spent the week-end in La Grande and Union on business. ndy Jont's and Don Ford both of the U. S. Navy are spending er.e on the project. L:.:s. Harry Thoipe is teaching seventh day ladventist school at Hermiston. Lexington News Mrs. Mary Edwards Mrs. Etta Hunt of Portland is visiting relatives here and attend ing to business matters. Cpl and Mrs. Everett Crump ar rived Saturday from his station at Pratt, Kan. Mm. Crump plans to remain with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Breshecxrs while h:r husband is overseas. Miss Jerrine Edwards left Sat urday for San Francisco. She has a position with the Columbia Steel ccJmpany there as teletype opera tor and enjoys her work immensely. Roger Camjpbell drove to Port land Sunday. He was accompanied by Mrs. Herman Wallace and Mrs. Gene Mojeske who were going down to visit their husbands who were recently inducted into the navy. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Way arrived home Sunday after a visit with rel atives in the valley. Mrs. Way be-; gan her work as cafeteria cook at the school Monday. Pete McMillan spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. G. McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Gray have moved to Pendleton where he will Continued on Page Four BOARDMaN news .AHGARBT THORPE Mr. and Mrs. Warren Dillon --e the parents of a son born Thursday, Lw-pt. 14. Warren was home on a 0- tiay "isave from the navy and 1- t in the moaning beiore the baby was born in the afternoon. xJathers icccption and PiA was he.d Jiiuiday night at the school ,y . . w jJLiicn at Meiers for the year- wjie. as (follows: ' president, Clyde llannehill,' : vice .president, .-.-; J;v&iviuiligan and secretary treasurer, Zoe Billings. After a brief meeting the evening was ' sepat in paying games. . -.a auction sale. was held at Jack Gorhams Saturday', to, sell iiJiioiiocl go-'Oo. my.' and Mis. (Jor i.wue no immediate plans -o uij iuture. uu. and Mis. J. K. Walpole and daughters o Pilot Rock spent Sat urday afternoon nt, the auction sale. dA& your green, f to the I Give generously to YOUR COMMUNITY WAR FUND Representing the NATIONAL WAR FUND '"r i-rzf : rj- THE ORIGINAL MP. DS090RANT banishes COOKING ODORS instantly Spray away cooking and other unwanted odors with this mar velous air cleanser. II dissipates odors completely. FOR SALE 1107 Acres 20 acres irrigated; 375 acres summerfallow being seeded; 100 acres to be plowed. 17 cattle and 1 l'calves; 15-30 Interna tional tractor on rubber; farm machin ery and equipment; hay; wood for win ter. PRICE: $22,500 TERMS See TURNER, VAN MARTER Cr CO. Phone 152 Humphreys Drug Company For Good Eats Go to the ICTORY C AFE lone, Oregon Roy and Betty Lieuallen Proprietors 1 The biggest dollar you ever gave liHll' i il I ..I Aid to servicemen's families is among the many causes your dollars support when you give to your Community War Fund. We can't let them down new! Give to YOUR COMMUNITY WAR FUND .,m.( ... NATIONAL WAR FUND Central Market Order your Fruitcake NOW for that over seas Christmas package! HEPPNER BAKERY MR. S. HOULE Factory Representative for the Chamberlain Metal Weather Strip Co. Will Be at Hotel Heppner the week of September 25 Your Government is urging you by Radio and Press to conserve fuel with installation of Metal Weather Strips and Rock Wool Insulation. The CHAMBERLAIN COMPANY can assist you with their Home Comfort Products ( WEATHER STRIP Around all openings to keep out Winter cold and Summer heat, out Cold, Rain, Dust, Soot. Prevent soiling of Drapes and Furnishings. Stops Windows Rattling. INSTALLATION We have our own trained In- .TirT.T . ", ' i-i stallation Crews and cfin install all Products in CALKING-To seal the cracks around window YOUR HOME without any inconvenience to you and door frames WHY WAIT? ROCK WOOL INSULATION For ceilings and side walls. Fireproof and ever-lasting. Keeps TERMS No down payment 12 to 36 months. "BUY DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER1