Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 21, 1944, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Heppner Gazette Times, September 21 , 1944
News Notes of Comings and
Goings in lone and Vicinity
Forsythe, Ajgott Lundell and M,i. Pauline Boyer of Seattle is COME FOR ROUNDUP
Franklin Ely. visiting Mrs. Delia Corson. jTr. nnd Mrs. J. V. Crawford of
The Cooperative church dinner P'otrnn has lented his ivyf'and v.-re Heppner visitors
and reception for the lone teach- the Lloyd Morgans. Mr. Md-v mmu, wim uu n.,
ers Wednesday evening was well pMirann pns to move to . '.s
lone and try city li e
attended. The tables were heanti- house in
Among the lone boys in service home on furlough before reporting t-iiv decorated and a delicious ror a while.
who are visiting at home are Mel- to Oglethorpe, Ga. for duty over- meal was served to 56. After a ?d ""r ?,. Laxton MoMutt"
vin Brady, S ljc who is on 16-day seas. snort program following the dir- ' nt Sunday visiting Mr. ?nd
leave while' his ship is in dry dock; UttJe Ann Paberg daugh- ner group singing was enjoyed in T.I 3. ?icJ MsMtr-a? of He-n'ston.
Pvt. Rodney (Pete) Crawford on 10 ter of Mr anj Mrs Darrell Pad- the evening. s " -d M "' d 1 rn;iy "
days furlough from Camp Pendle- berg) met with accident Satur- Cleo D:ake end son Bob returned Hevmiston visited in lone Wednes-
ton where he is in Marine train- jav aftprnoon when she came ud from Portand Saturda" rvn;rm
ing; nowrara ,uanKs e ic, ac- behind her father who was wield
comjpamed by his wife, on 18-day hl, sh0vel. The handle struck Jt!!WrJJlllJW
oute to Pendleton for the closing
y of the big show. They were
? g-tcris of M's Florence Berg-
d Mrs. Norton King, who
,r. 1 -m.ied them to Pendlejion
,V:i ,1- v. Miss B"rgst-om accom
n.'od them to Portland the first
the xesk to take p.ut of her
leave from Seattle; Sgt Henry Bus. Lee Ann just below her right eye. w&Kwv.xfi' rw-?.-
chke 011 10 day furlough from El she was taen to Heppner where
Oranda, Cant. two stitches were ivecessarv to
There will ba a booster night close the wound,
meeting at Willows grange Satur- Mrs Gladys Ciider and daughter
day Sept. 30. All g.Hange members, Marbeth and Clarence Schrantz of .
friends and lone school faculty are Bickleton, Wash, were visitors of
invited. There will be a potluck Mr and .Mrs. H. E. Yarnell Satur-
dinner at 7, p. m. with program and jay eVening and Sunday on their 1
social time afterwards, return home from the Pendleton
Mr. and Mrs. Clel Rea became Round-up.
the parents of a 7 pound son Sun- Mrg Baureceived word
da morning. The young man, who that hor brother Harry peterson has
is the Rea' sixth son, has not yet befl geut overscas. ' .
been named. Mr and Mrs Deibfcrt Emert and
Word has been' received that smr 11 daughter Mary returned from
Merle Lundell, six year old son of Oakland Calif, last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lundl of Miss Gertrude - Do Boer of Far-
Milwaukiee met with an accident ragut, Ida. has been visiting her
last week when he fell from a tree brother Rev. Ralph DeBoer.
in the school yard and broke both Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Troedson of
bones in his lower left firm near Heppner were pleasantly surpised
his wrist. last Thursday when a number of
Mrs. Ivan Churchill of Elgin ladies of the lone union ladies aid
came Tuesday to visit at the home spent the afternoon at their home.,
of her sister, Mrs. John' Potts.. Guests present ' were ' Mesdames
' Mrs. Ira Morgan of Seattle re- L-axton McMurray, Delia Corson,
tuned to her home Tuesday. After Mary Swanson, Ella Davidson, C.
a few days ' business trip she will W. Swansoh; : Ann ' Smouse.i Omar
return to lone to help with the Rietmann, Minnie Forbes of the
care of Mrs. Milton Morgan Sr. Mrs. lone roup, Mr. and Mrs. Otto
Frank Engelman is caring for Mrs. Lindstrom ' of Morgan and Miss
Morgan now. Opal Briggs of Heppnter.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rietmann ac- Mr. and . Mrs. Robert Buchanan
companied by Joel .Engelman were took Mrs. Buchanan's sister, Miss
The Dalles visitors Thursday. Joel Jeanette Reno from the hospital
returned to Portland to report af- in Pendeton to her home in Walk
ter his 21 day leave. Walla last week. Miss Reno is re
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Baker land covering satisfactorily from injur
Mrs. H. N. Waddell drove to The ies received in a recent auto
Dalles Thursday. While there they accident.
bought some fresh river salmon. Miss Caro Odom, daughter of
Frank Engelman returned to Mr and Mrs. Foster Odom is stay
lone Wednesday evening after a ing with her grandparents, Mr. and
week' visit in Portland and Stlattb. Mrs. J. A. Troedson of Heppner
Mr. and Mrs. David Rietmann &nd! (attending school there,
and Mrs. Etta Bristow spent Sun- The Topic club social meeting is
day visiting relatives in Walla Wal- scheduled for 2:30 o'clock Sept. 23
la. Pvt Dorothy Swenuon of the in the Masonic hall. Hostesses a e
Wars, niece ofi Mrs. Bristow is Mesdames Charles Carlson, B. C.
ow Locates
In Heppner
Roofing and Siding Contractors and
For Information Write Box 726, Hepp
ner, or phone 83, Condon, Ore.
j , ; Rom wiiere I st...Jy Joe Marsh
Keeping American
AVo're great home lovers in our
town. Family folk-like most
Americans. So when war came,
,':nd the boys left in uniform, and
the girls went into war plants,
folks began to shake their heads.
Take Ben !Ry'Vv's family, for
i ..iance all doinnj something
different. Yonnj? ?pn's in the
Navy, and his sister's in the air
plane 'plant. Ben's foreman at
the tool shop, and Ma spends her
days at the Canteen.
A broken home ? Don't you be
lieve it! When Ben relaxes with
his evening glass of beer, and
Mom and Sis sit down to write
their daily : letter to Ben Jr.,
they're closer together than ever
. . . bound by a strong and com
mon purpose to keep their fam
ily, Iheir America, intact.
From whore I sit, the strength
of America lies in that family
spirit in (he tolerance and mn
tual respect und understanding
that have made the American
family a strong and vital force
for Good!
y! ? A
THE gaunt, weary creatures in the upper
picture are boys from your home town.
That isn't death in their strained eyes . . .
but it's pretty near death it's battle fatigue.
They're the same men in the lower pic
ture. Rested. Smiling. A million miles from
the agonizing experiences of a few hours
before. Enjoying a U.S.O. Camp Show
financed by you.
Yes, U.S.O. Camp Shows and more than
3,000 U.S.O. clubs and other units are made
possible by your contributions to your Com
munity War Fund.
This great war service helps in countless
other ways. It makes life more bearable for
American war prisoners. Fights juvenile
delinquency. Helps service men's wives
have and care for their babies. Your Com
munity Chest benefits. Every dollar eases
war suffering somewhere where help is des
perately needed.
You give only once for ail these. Think
of the miracles your money can perform
and give every cent you can.
Give generously to
Representing the NATIONAL WAR FUND
No. 95 of a Series
Copyright, 1944, Brewing Industry Foundation