Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 21, 1944, Image 1

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    to tn
O r o
U to
Special Clinic for
Teachers Underway
At Local School
Supervisors From
State Department
Giving Instruction
A special clinic designed to in
struct and assist teachers to meet
problems arising from dealing with
children suffelring from physical
defects such as vision, hearing and
Speech, is being held at the Hep
oner school. Wednesday through
Friday. Instructors are supervisors
from the state department of edu-
cation working under plrovisions
of an act passed at the last legis-
lature which is designed to check
attendance at state schools throough
proper instruction in the
, ,
, ,
Personnel of the clinic includes
Z the
John E. Taylor, supervisor
deaf and hard of hearing
of Oregon- Dr Leon Lassers,
01 vregon, ur. ion jjda&cis.,
supervisor of speech correction,
also staff consultant, ild guid-
ance extension, University of Ore- the demand.
gon Medical school; Ethel Nestell ' The speaker cited damage claims
Fortner, supervisor of education against the company as one in
of visually handicapped, also staff stance f the patrons' patience,
consultant. State School for . the Some cases have been pending sev-
Blind and Eva A Davis of the
Sate bSrd of health field con-
Stant extern Oregon
i!!!! "fff
see all children of the county who
" " . ulc ""r
J .i"
have a hlandicap or disability that 'ed the claims are promptly paid, f . 0 , --- uou luua, ulc C1C vvCx w.,.v sayg. you may serve ag(ain
affects their school work. Those he said. Toleson begged further n information so they with linoleum, the lighting system ana again and yet again as a county
mentioned vision, hearing and indulgence of patrons as he could headed on, towards lone. Just south has been temporarily overhauled chairman or house-to-house can
speech defects are the most com- see no immediate relief from the Jordan fdm? m4e U,pon and m be completed as soon as vasser in the bond drives, salvage
mon and the supervisors are in- help shortage which is affecting the eir friends in somewhat of a materials are aval able, and the en- or War campaigns
structing the teachers in the best railroad company as much if not heap along ,slde hlghwav- trance steps and approach built you may ke hour after hour out
methods of handling these and more than other public utilities; e- victims were"; brought to Gf concrete, widened to seven feet. 0f your business or social life to do
other problems in the class room.
They give tests and mlake recom-
mendations for educational better-
ment. self and Orville Smith failed to Partv trom "na, driving to we finishing work N D. Baoey United Nations' cause on the battle
School has been dismissed Thurs- bring much encouragement in re- Roundup by car, was expected to charge of me concrete work fronts 0f Europe and the Pacific."
1 tti i- -l ii t tUr. :i..4.: come this wav and take them back , ., . , ,L. ...n Mmrm.,
day and r riaay vo vieai uic majr
ior the clinic.
Hiatts Take Over
Jones Apartments
An important real estate transad
tion which was under negotiation
Sept. 6 when Mr. and Mrs. John W.
t i rou urao mnaimmaed
iur scvciai ncciu " "-j
tt te .Tnnes ipoart-
ment building from Mrs. Emma
Jones. In reality, the Hiatts had
taken over operation of the build-
ing on Sept. 1, pending completion
of the deal. The property had been
orerated bv Mrs. Jones since the
J. D. Jones.
death of her husband, the late T.
iuc "',v-
i i 1 a nrln U, Mr Tnn
a LTU LIL x" yxzcuo au wj i'. w
filling a desire on his part to give
the town a modern housing unit,
As first constructed it contained
eight apartments and later the attic
eight apartments
was utilized by the building of two
more suites, creating a third floor.
It has been a popular place since
the beginning, always full of ten-
nants and a waiting list besides.
Mr. and Mrs. Hiatt will make
their home in the residence recent-
ly acquired trom Mrs. Alice Len-
try and formerly occupied by Mr.
and Mrs Henry Aiken. The Aikens
have purchased the former R. W.
Turner property at the lower end
Main street and moved their
household effects there.
J. 0. Agee of Boardman was a
business visitor in Heppner Mon-
day. He is enjoying a few days va-
cation from his work with the state
highway maintenance crew in the
north end of the county.
John Lane returned home Thurs
day of last week from Camp Rob
erts, where he was in training sev
eral weeks. He has received his
discharge from the army due to de-
iective vision.
... . .. ...
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, September 21, 1944
Because of a change of date
in Umatilla county, the Boy
Scout waste paper drive sched
uled for Saturday of this week
has been postponed a week to
Sept. 30. Those having bundles
ready to bring in this week are
asked to bring them and leave
an the labor hall on Chase
street. Full announcement will
be made next week.
Citizen Cooperation
Lightens Work of
Railway Employes
Sympathetic understanding
the part of business men and cm-
zens m .general has lightened the
work of railroad employes to a
certain extent, Floyd Tolleson, local
Union Pacific agent, told the lunch-
eon forum of the Heppner chamber
of commerce Monday noon. Tolle-
cUXl UllCIUV V L LI. 11 J-AJ, BU11IC W1V
difficulties eneuntered in main-
eM.,rU Art tKccA
taining freight service during these
rtm.iu.toM rrf said but for
the cooperation of the patrons of
the branch line it would have been
next to impossible to aeuver se -
vice anywhere near coi
mparame to
eral months, but like in many other
lines, they have to wait until the
lodal office can get around to pre-
t. th to thp lim ant TTs-
.... ... .
" i" .1" .u::" 7J: 7r I; "
ually when that official is inform-
.... . . .
P. W. Mahoney reported to the
club that a recent visit with '.e
, ..... ....
housing authorities made by him-
e.m t u im-oi iiuuouig wuwuun.
It is possible that a suiyey will be
mlade here before a definite ans
wer is given. In the meantime sev- TEACHERS RECEPTION DRAWS
crai employes ot tne neppner uim-
Der company are housed at the CCC
Walter Ready made a reoort on
the investigations of the special
committee appointed at the Sept. 11
meeting to investigate nossihlp sit.ps
- i
for an airoort. He said the Quarter
section of land lying east of the
highway on Heppner flat known
as the Parker ranch and owned by
the I. O .0. F. lodge was chosen
as the number one site. Another
quarter on the southwest part of
the same ranch was put in number
two spot, and a strip of land on.
the MoMurdo ranch is hM ac a
., ... zi . "
TKwsihilitv Th rvacrnlar nmmi tnn
i j o wuuiui,
was instructed to contact the own-
ers to see wnat arrangements can
be made to buy or lease one of
these properties.
A recent letter to Miss Opal
Briggs from Mrs. Blanch Parrett
or MCMinnvuie announces the pass-
ing of A. T. McNay, who was a
iiaeni, ana aray operator or nep-
pner until 1901 when he disposed
of his interests here and moved to
Newberg, making his home there
most of the time since.
Mr. McNay was 92 years of age.
His wife preceded him in death' arlet geranium blossoms, was the , " 7 C , , omand this morning on a busi
several years ago. He is survived nier of attention following the I v i. Mona- ness trip. They were accompanied
, survivea han. Mr. Monahan has not been so bv Mrs. Dinlr wn, r-
by four daughters, one of whom,
Mrs. Lillian Balsiger, is well known
in lone. Funeral services were
held Friday, Sept. 15, from the
Hodson Funeral home in McMinn
Mrs. Frank Monahan Jr. has re
turned to Heppner to make her
home with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. James Farley, for the dura-
tion. Her husband recently en
tered training for service with the
armed forces.
. l . . . . .
4-H Clubs of County to
Display Products Here
Arrangements have been com- divided into six classes, each of sev
pleted for the Morrow county 4-H eral divisions and is as follows:
exhibit day which will be held in Class 1, Clothing; Class 2, Cooking;
Heppner Saturday, Sept. 23. Pre- Class 3, Canning; Class 4, Garden
para tions for the event are under ing; Class 5, Heialth, and Class 6,
the supervision of Arnold Ebert, Room Improvement,
county agent, and Mrs. Lucy Rod- There will be a poUuck lunch at
gers, county superintendent of noon, followed by demonstration
schools, who announce that the ex- contests and the showing tf colo in
hibits will be on display at the ed pictures of 4rH club work in
Oddfellows hall.
Saturday's exhibition will not in- em Oregon. ionfaj War Fund, have begun to
iude livestock as it is planned to Special awards will be made in- come in, according to Blaine E.
give 4-H club beetf and calf clubs eluding a prize to the club having Isom, chairman of the' I Morrow
their day a little later. The premi- the biggest percentage of jparents county unit. Voluntary subscrip
um list for Saturdlay's exhibit is attending. tions of approximately $80 had
fair lnVOlVd in
kinorevee Cnjll
"iwiwifcjvic pi
railing w negowaw; a auit iuiii
, j, j
Iuau VVi
Mr. and Mrs. Muck ay Cadell of
riUnd to take a bad spill last
Thursday night. Both of them re-
yea ana u, u-
thoueh no broken bones were found
pxflmmw Dhvsiciari.
- - - ,
ine i-auom . aim ivu. aiiu
Harry Nelson were enroute to
Heppner from where they expect-
ed to go to Pendleton to lattend
the Roundup. The Nelsons were
mi hhm fit v fiim.i? mill iiinii i ni i i v -
: 7 7. 7 .
m m "f waited some
fo,r em
alainied' back down
the road to see if they could locate
thpm Tnmiinncf at T.vinOTnn. thpv
tow" wnere injuries were
caxed; tof an they proceeded to
i nu n y'i n it m kui r k pr nfiTTif- r iriiiii
Ule , . . "
to Portland the first of the week
lrienuiy auuienre idxeu uie
g TP V uT n m f
Wednesday evening when the P-TA
.! ! i .1 1. 1
held open house for the Heppner
faculty and townspeople.
Vi ith Kenneth House a
as master of
. .11.
ceremonies, an interesting program
moved with dispatch. Mayless John-
son, pupd of Walter Skuzeski, play-
d two accordion numbers. Mrs.
Ture Peterson, accompanied by
Mrs- J- 0- Turner sang The Crown
of the Year and A Friend or
ftlrs- otepnen ihnmpson, presi-
dent of the Parent-Teachers grouD
i j it i , ,
Dresented the teachers. fach nf
- r
whom acknowledged the introduc-
rising, iuciie uanow wai
ker sang two popular numbers. She
was acompanied by her sister,
Marie Barlow. Marvlou Ferguson
Played two piano solos and a short
skit, "Behind the Scenes at a Re-
cent Wedding," closed the pro-
gram. The cast was small, hut high-
two nianrw snlns an A a tlinr
lY -Kueniea ana neia tne interest
of the audience tensely to the very
a. v. ntnueu xiei oison, un
aided, enacted the dual role of the
hero and heroine, dressed appro-
pnateiy halt and half.
An attractively appointed tea
centered with a bouquet of
Program. Tea
and cook e.s were
Sunday will be promotion and
rally day for the young people of
the Church of Christ Sunday
school. The children will take over
fV, ?,mj, i, iA
special program at 9:45 o'clock.
JZ .
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Dick were
.... .. ..
Portland visitors tne first of the
week. '
some of the other counties of east-
Dedication Service
Scheduled Sunday
Dedication services commemor-
, . - ,
uu6 vumuvn w auciawiiu wau.
be held Sunday evening, Sept. 24,
at All Saints Episcopal church
Bishop William P. Remington will
presiae ana lauowmg uie services
there will be a social hour and
refreshment, in the narish house.
program of rebuilding the in-
of church was started in
gpring by Archdeacon Neville
Blunt. The floor of the chanie1
was iowered to one steD above the
: c .1.- .mn
"iain "WI uie "1&tU1 wcu 1C
moved, and the entire interior re-
lined with firtex. A bulging wall
on the south side of the edifice
WM mJ1i lnte bv the use 0f
; ! iU ;1 .., J
Bennie Howe of the Metho-
church assisted Archdeacon
Blunt with tlie iob. doing most of
ana tne tasK oi realigning uie wan.
The rationing office today mail-
ed out C89 "A" books, it is announc
inv.iv. u.v. ...vv.iv.w -j--..
tions on hand, lacking tire inspec-
.. nr. eMM,jnta, POQj;r,c
Qnd thege may corrected Appli.
cants who know they failed to mail
inspim or speed.
eiuiei uie uit: unucvuuii ui djjctju-
u..ij t
tQ make correcli board
u m tion record has en lost
it advisable lo go before a notary
mbke fi Btatement which
. PTvtH Kv the hoard
Mrs. W. R.
, Irwin of Rockaway
Lis Irwin of Portland
, '
ana mxs. jciiiis irwin oi x-oruana
are spending a few days in Hepp-
ner this week. They came from
Rp, Both ladies
. flook. un relatiVPS
r.!nQ..rein Z?
, .-j t.it iL..
. .. . ...
to ST)ent eater Dart of it..:.
hes ere Ml EUis
Irwin is the
ahter 'of Irve Bennett and a
sister of nheri Qqx
rv, ti ,nu nr. n
j E jr
. , . ,
, ?.,,: ma , Z' C
fr0m JacksnviUe. here she
. 6, 7" J . 7" "
wiell the past few months and re- Peterson and little daughters who
cently spent some time in St. An- will continue on their way to As
thony's hospital at Pendleton. toria to spend some time visiting
The room in the McCaleb build
ing formerly occupied by the Hep-
Pner bakery is being remodeled
wek mto.'an
will be occupied by Mrs. R. M.
Rice and son, La Verne Van Mar-
ter. Frank W. Turner is having the
i j , , . . ..
woris aone ana is supervising tne
Volume 61, Number 26" r
Campaign Opens
To Raise Funds for
National War Chest
County's Quota to
Be Same as Last
Year, Isom States
Contributions to the Oregon War
Chest the state division of the Na-
been received the past week, Isom
sported Monday, and the cam-
paign was expected to get under
full steam by the end of this week.
In pointing towards the goal of
some $3,500 again this vear. atten-
. '
uim is uiutu u uie uiai wm-
ning the war in Europe has not
lessened the Hask of the relief
agencies. On the other hand, it has
increased the responsibility of the
United Nat on a fnr thiv mnt
anA .Wv, . m... 1- k
- . - - -
oeen one way or another cared tor
by the Axis powers. By the same
rule the activities of the USO and
other service organizations have
have been greatly extended during
r f r i inrn njMtr taM.itnrir 'i-n.n ma in
, x.w.jr.
the past year as our armed forces
for more thoughtful and generous
Ernie Pyle, in "This Trj Your
... ,. '
Y0UR share on the home front, but
you can never keep pace with the
men and women who serve the
u" mui uicci. iia quu-
ta, says Chairman Isom.
Mrs T TJ V to e in i
A.A TS. J -1 Ol HIT I 1 .. 1
wlV w 11. u n0spltal
in WaUa Wallia after submitting to
operation for the removal of
a ruptured appendix. Funeral ser-
vices will be conducted today,
ti i ,
Ihursday, at Weston.
- Mrs. Key was the mother of Mrs.
ClarenceL Rsewall of Heppner,
wh mth hr when death
She was a pioneer of the
Weston section. The husband, two
sfns, three daughters, three bro-
thers and one sister survive.
Clarence Rosewall drove to Wes-
,rr u VT
mornm to attend the
..Harv White, proprietor of the
"f1 Caf!'
announced this week
mat the cafe wiU no longer be
ioseo on ihursday but will remain
aS uuay. He said this is being
i tf Serve enloyers
employes who patronize the cafe
uie weeJt out wnp can
get meals at home or elsewhere on
Sunday. The Hodge Chevrolet Co.
also is announcing a new time
schedule in this issue.
mT- flna Mrs. J. J. Nys drove to
Zl' LTun
Miss Margaret Wright has vo
spendmg a few days in Heppner
visiting friends. Miss Wright was
a teacher in the Heppner system a
couple of years ago Sh u
, . - -o-. uvn
employed m recreation work in the
Portland system,