8 Heppner Gazette Times, September 14, 1944 Thanksgiving, Not Revelry, Advocated lone, Oregon, Sept. 11 1944 Editor Gazette Times: I have read your article regard ing procedure to be observed when that most welcome news comes that our boys have succeeded in knock- VOTE FOR C. J. SFORB FOR CONGRESS Pd. PoL Ad THE ORIGINAL AIR DEODORANT banish ODOR instantly A whiff or two of Sweet'Aire and un pleasant odors dis appear instantly. Not a "cover-up" per fume ... it dissi pate! odors. 8f Humphreys Drug Company STAR Reporter Friday-Saturday, Sept. 15-16 Henry Aldrich Ploys Cupid Jimmy Lydon, Charles Smith, Vera Vague, John Lytel A full measure of above-average entertainment for every member of the famiy. PLUS Forty Thieves The latest exciting adventure of Hopalong Cassidy, with William Boyd and Andy Clyde. Sunday-Monday, Sept 17-18 Lady in the Dark Ginger Rogers. Ray Milland- Warner Baxter, Jon Hall, Mischa Auer Drama with music . . the radiant revelation of a lady with lovelight in her eyes and three men on her mind. And all in the most glorious Technicolor you ever saw! Tuesday, Sept. 19 It Happened Tomorrow Jack Oakie, Dick Powell- Linda Darnell, Edgar Kennedy You'll never laugh harder than you will with this all-fun cast and this all-fun hit. SL..... i d ell mmj MJiMlMkV Wednesday-Thursday, Sept. 20-21 Show Business George Murphy, Joan Davis, Eddie Cantor, Nancy Kelly, Constance Moore, Don Douglas The laughs, loves and adventures of the famous people in the world's maddest profession, plus songs you can't forget. Also, the War Department film, "The Liberation of Rome'; Disney cartoon in Technicolor, and News-reel. ing hell into Hittler and his hordes of b'oodthirsty fiends. I have a very different opinion as to what would be the most pro per vay for all to observe the joy iul occasion. The war will not have been won when Germany has capitulated and we have too much work to do to waste a day in loitering or burning gas and rubber and taking chancss of some good workers being killed on the highways through too much celebrating. It is my most sincere thought if there was ever a time in the his tory of America when every citi zen should join in a Thanksgiving service and give praise to God from whom all blessings flow, that time will be when we receive the much wishedifews that our boys have crushed the enemy in -their own den. When the good news comes I am going to ask every person in the lone community to join in Thanks giving where each one will be giv en a chance to render thanks to God according to the dictates of his own conscience, be it praying, sing ing, talking or dancing. BERT MASON WEATHER BAD ON CORN Unusually hot weather fcr this tme of year mined the corn crops on Rock creek between Heppner and Lonerock, according to Ellis Cason who was in Heppner on business Monday. The weather would not have been bad for the corn if the yrfater supply had not run low, tHason said. o GOES TO ALBANY Mrs. F. E. Bloom, sister of Mrs. E. R. Huston, has gone to Albany FINALLY 19.75 Classic favorites . . . Chesterfields,, boy coats, reefers . . . with soft dressmaker details. Velveteen collars or piping, graceful flange fronts, roomy pockets. Of smooth, soft woolens in lively colors. 12 to 20. NEW ARRIVALS Austeile Frocks In the season's new est shades and smartest 7 OA styles to rpend a couple c' weeks. Her grprrcbon, Rcb?rt Blo -o-w-.-yl his wins Sept. 8 at an Arona flying school and was scheduled to fly home on a visit. He is in the army air corps. SPEND WEEK IN PORTLAND Mr. and Mrs. Alex Green and grandson Marion Green returned Friday from Portland where they spent several days. They accom panied Dr. and Mrs. A. D. MzY.ux do to the city. It was their privi lege to witness the launching of a big -transport ship at one of the Portland yards. Help Elect a Real Progressive to the Presidency Join the 50001 Club If you favor Tom Dewey for Presi dent, fill out this coupon ond en close check or bills; mail to W. O. Dix, Treasurer, 50001 Club, Hepp ner, Ore. Membership fee $1.09 I wish to become a member of the 50001 Club of Morrow County. Name P. O. Address.. No. Memberships.. Pd. Adv. by 50001 Club of Morrow County. f3 -K ft for Lasting Service r fen1 te Per RoD (Enough For art Avartg S'im Unfloord Aftk Cosh i L'Hl u 85.00) Joel Saving Tifr to 30 Partemp is the marvelous new fire-resistant cotton insulation that covers your home with a blanket of luxurious warmth in winter . . . and in summer keeps your rooms pleasantly, healthfully cooL Partemp is an inexpensive investment, yielding a lifetime of comfort. Another Firestone contribution to a better way of life I Sex TQeatota 706y 1. ECONOMICAL Under the FHA financing plan, you have three years to pay. Since it saves you to 30 in fuel costs, Partemp pays for Itself I 2. LIGHTWEIGHT Partemp is as safe to handle as a powder puff and very nearly as light! Does not settle but actually fluffs up under vibration! 3. WATER-REPELLENT All the natural oils and waxes are left in Partemp, thus making it highly resis tant to moisture absorption. NOT I, NOT 2, OUT 3-INCH INSULATION OK) Listen to the Voice of Firestone every Monday evening over N. B. i 37TA Sq. Ff. 4. FIRE-RESISTANT Partemp is subjected to a special treatment so that even a blow torch will not Ignite it. It will char under intense heat but will not carry fire. 5. INSTALL IT YOURSELF Partemp unrolls like s blanket. So easy to Install, you can do the job yourself if you wish. 6. GOVERNMENT APPROVED There is a XT. S. Government inspector in every Partemp plant. Every carton must bear his official stamp of approval. F. Me Z. PAY AS LOW AS 5.00 MONTHLY 3 WALL Motor Company