Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 14, 1944, Page 7, Image 7

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    Heppner Gazette Times, September 14, 1944 7
Classified : and . Legal : Advertising
Want Ads
FOR SALE Dry board ends, $2 pe.
large trailer load 74 cubic feet.
See Edwin or Eldbn Tucker. 6tf
FREE! If excess ;
pains of Stomach
tion, Heartburn,
ing. Nausea, Gas
sample, . Udga,
Drug Company.
icid 'causes you
Ulcers, Indiges
Belching. Bloat-
Pains, get free
at Humphreys
range, thence West 440 feet,
thence South 34'36' West, 190
feet, thence South 8'50' West
975 feet, thence South 2550"
West 225 feet, thence South
395ff West 680 feet thence South
5Z5V West 130 feet n the Sec
tion line on the Wei side of
said Section 11, thence South
along said Section line 380 feet,
thense South 6004' East 275 feet,
thenceSouth 4404' East 750 feet,
thence South 614' East, 430
thence South 1122' East 325
WANTED to buy
pliances, electric
ing machines, etc.
used irons, ap
motors, wash
Heppner Home
FOR SALE Romney and Hamp
shire yearling and lamb bucks.
F. M. Page, Monument Ore. 21-31p
QUILT CHESTS Size 18x18x36.
Light oak, Maple, Mahogany, or
Walnut finish CEDAR LINED.
$10.00 each. Furniture Repairing.'
Bud Winter. Res., former Chris
tian church parsonage, Heppner,
Ore. $ 23p
Get Your Radio Power Pack Bat
teries from Rosewall Motor Com
pany's fresh stock. 23 tf
LIMITED AMOUNT of new farm
lighting plants now available. Or
egon Motor Service, Pendleton,
Oregon. 23-25c
LOST Refrigerator top, between
Lexington and Heppner. Reward.
Leave at Gazette Times office.
. AMINATTONS at your local Wel
fare Commission, Board of Health,
or U. S. Employment Service of
fice. Final filing date Sept. 18,
1944. Positions locally or through
out state. 25c
FOR SALE 530 ewes 230 2 and 3
year-old; 200 5-and-6-year old.
Will sell separately. Bert and El
lis Cason, Lonerock, Ore. 25-28p
FOR SALE Prewar all-metal
constructed boy's wiagon. Excel
lent condition. $10 cash. Phone
1483 Jack Yeager. 25p
FOR SALE Stack of Rex straw
(about 18 loads), $50. Stacked and
'fenced next to gravelled highway
. on my place on Rhea creek 12
files south of lone. Walter Jepson. '
FOR SALE 12 tons "of good alfal
fa hay. Hugh Salter, lone Oregon.
FOR SALE Walnut bed room set
consisting of bed, vanity and
chest. Also inner spring mattress
and steel springs. Phone 1462. 24tf
adults in family; pay $90 per
month. Alex J. Hunt, Lexington.
Legal Notices
that under and by virtue of an or
der and license dulv made and
issued out of the County Court of
the State of Oregon for Morrow
County, on the 29th day of Aug
ust 1944, the undersigned guardian
of the person and estate of PETE
CANNON, a minor, will from and
after the 29th day of September
1944, offer for sale and sell at pri
vate sale for cash, at the law of
fice of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner,
.Oregon, all the right, title and in
terest of said minor in and to the
following described real property
In Morrow County, Oregon, towit:
The Sy2 of Section 9, the SVz
of NEV4 and the Sy2 of Sec
tion io, swy4 of Nwy4 and wy2
of SWVi of Section 11, NW'A
of NWVi of Section 14, Ny2, NM
of Sy2 and Sy2 of SWy4 of Sec.
15, all of Section 16, EV2 of Sec
tion 17, NV2 of NEy4 and SEy4
of NEy4 of Section 20, the NMs
Ny2 of Sy2 and SEy4 of SEy4
' of Section 21, the NWJ4 and WV2
. of SWy4 of Section 22, all in
Township 5 South, Range 25
East of Willamette Meridian;
EXCEPT the following tract of
land. Beginning at the North
east corner of the SWVi of
Section 11 in said Township and
feet thence South 3218' East 245
feet thence South 45'35' East, 500
feet, thence North 4310 feet to
the place of beginning, contain
ing 70. acres more or less. AL
of the SEy4 of Section 10 and
the SWy4 of Section 11 in said
Township and range, lying East
the Heppner-Spray Highway,
said sale of said real property is
made subject to confirmation by
said County Court.
Dated and first published this
31st day of August 1944.
23-27 Guardian.
Notice is herey given that the
undersigned, Edna A. Hunt, Ad
ministratrix of the Estate of James
H. Helms, deceased, has filed her
Final Acpount with .the County
Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Morrow and said
court has fixed as a time and place
for hearing on said Final Account,
October 2, 1944 at 11:00 A. M. of
said day, at the Morrow County
Court House at Heppner, Oregon.
All norcnns Viavintf obiections to
said Final Account must file the
same with the Court on, or before,
the date set for said hearing.
Dated and first published at
Heppner, Oregon, this 31st day of
August, 1944.
23-27 Administratrix
FOR SALE 15 2-year-old Hamp
bucks; 6 4-year-old- Hamp bucks.
J. G. Barratt. 24-25c
Bob Runnion Announces the Opening
of the Fall Sales Season wi
at the Runnion Corrals
Beginning at 10:30 a. m.
Consisting of Cows, Calves, Yearling Steers, Yearling Heifers, 2-year-old Heifers,
several registered Bulls 2 to 4 years old, 10 head Milk Cows, tested for TB and Bangs'
Disease; several registered Hereford Bulls, Cows and bred 2-year-old Heifers. This is
an extra good bunch of Hereford cattle. All cows due to calve early in the spring.
.Several head good broke work horses and some good well broke saddle horses.
1934 Chevrolet truck, stock rack; one good 4-wheel trailer, good tires and rack, 14-ft
bed; several setts good heavywork harness; one dracjsaw, 2-bIadc; one good 2-horse
trailer; two 10-ft John Deere rod weeders; one good stock saddle, with bridle and
blanket; (possible chance-one brand new 15-inch saddle); one lot household arti
cles glassware, cooking utensils, electric lamps, one fluorescent lamp.
NOTE All small stuff will be sold during morning session. Livestock at 1 :30 p. m.
All stuff must bj on hand by 10 a. m. Wednesday. All dairy
cattle must be TB and Bands' Disease tested. All livestock must
have brand inspection before being offered for sale. Brand In
spector Frank S. Parker will be available on the grounds.
COMMISSIONS: livestock straight 5 per cent; machinery 5 per
cent; all other items 10 per cent.
Anyone reserving bids on nwn stuff vil' b charged coimSssioi.
I vry ih e'erk and ad'-'rrt-isiriff cbar's, furnish corrals and yards,
do the selling and collecting. Make all checks Jpnyftble to Bob
Runnion. I give my check for what is sold. The owner is abso
lutely responsible for his stuff until sold then responsibility
passes to the purchaser.
Terms: CASH
Bob Runnion, Auctioneer
Harry Dinges, Clerk