Heppner Gazette Times, September 14, 1944 5 compensation i coipissioN NOTICE An error appears in the first line Dated and first published this 14th r , . , r." . j. , d- o s-ptember, 1944. of the P P f L advertisement immediately XSsSJSSwSl Ae 28th below. The figure should read $70,000,000. NOTICE OF SEASONAL within the meaning of Section 126- "ofif-season'' (in calendar weeks) DETERMINATION ' 707 O. C. L. A. Any interested par- of each seasonal employer in Mor- Notice is hereby given that the ty may request a hearing beiore the row County is as stated be'.o.v: employer listed below has been de- Commission within ten days after - Reed Lumber Co., 47-10. termined to be a seasonal empliyt" 'rnal publication of this notice. The OREGON UNEMPLOYMENT ! i 1 ft "jfe1 DM whats eoine m WL IN NEBRASKA ? Nebraska has been held up to you as the shining example of a state-wide Super-PUD exactly such a Super-PUD as the organizers of Referendum 25 are now promoting in the state of Washington and are planning in Oregon. The Nebraska PUD is the biggest and oldest in the country. It is a $48,000,000 experiment. Let's see from its own reports how much it has actually accomplished ! It has a practical monopoly in 64 counties. It furnishes elec tricity to 95,000 customers. It is free from control by any governmental body, State or Federal. It issues its bonds without a vote of the people and the people who buy electricity from it had no vote or choice when the PUD decided to take over their local power service. It has absolute authority to fix its own electric rates. It buys power at wholesale from a government-financed "Hydro Pool" at only two-tenths of a cent per kilowatt-hour more than public agencies pay for Grand Coulee-Bonneville power. And it is immune from three-fourths of the taxes paid by Pacific Power & Light Company. Nobody can say the Nebraska PUD is hampered by any restrictions. That is what makes it the perfect pattern for the Super-PUD that would be introduced to the Northwest under Referendum 25 in Washington. NOW, AFTER 5 YEARS, LET'S LOOK ATTHE RESULTS! Everybody is interested in rates. If a PUD cannot deliver lower rates, with all of its tax subsidies and special privileges, there is every reason to vote against it. In Nebraska, the Super-PUD is charging an average of four cents per KWH for residential and rural electricity just TWICE AS MUCH as PP&L customers pay four cents against two cents! And then when you deduct the taxes paid by PP&L and by the Nebraska PUD, so 'as to get at the actual net rates, the difference is even greater 3.8 cents per KWH in Nebraska and only 1.68 cents on the PP&L system. AND, SPEAKING OF TAXES The Nebraska PUD took in more than $7,000,00 of revenue last year, and paid only $352,000 "in lieu of taxes." PP&L, doing about the same volume of business with the same amount of property, paid nearly four times as much $1,313,000 in taxes! The ordinary taxpayer, of course, made up the loss in Nebraska. The fact is that if the Nebraska PUD didn't get a free ride on the backs of the taxpayers it would have to scratch gravel to meet the interest on its bonds. THESE ARE FACTS NOT CAMPAIGN PROMISES These facts are taken from a 101-page sales-talk recently pub lished by the Nebraska Supcr-PUD to promote the sale of a new issue of $41,533,000 of so-called "revenue" bonds the same kind of bonds that would be issued by PUDs in Washington under Referendum 25. What kind of bonds are they? Nebraska people, the same as Washington and Oregon people, have been promised by PUD promoters that they are a special new kind of bonds that can't ever cost anybody anything. TAar is political bunk. But when the PUDs settle down to real business in the bond market, you find them pointing out in black type that the PUD pledges all of its revenues as security for the interest and prin cipal of these "free-for-nothing" bonds. If these payments arc not met on the dot, the bondholders are handed the right to step in and take over the PUD property. As Amos reminded Andy, "The big print gives it to you and the little print takes it away !" WHAT ABOUT LABOR? The Nebraska Super-PUD says to its bond-buyers in this reveal ing 101-page document: "The District has taken the position, in accordance with the express policy of most other public agencies, that as a public agency it could not and would not execute customary agreements with organized labor The District has no contracts outstanding with any organized labor union." This is a Super-PUD's private labor platform after it gets control of the situation. It is not the kind of talk you hear from any PUD speechmaker before election. WHO PROMOTED NEBRASKA'S PUD? Behind the scenes of all the big-money PUD promotions and bond issues, whether in Nebraska or Washington or Oregon, you find some of the same financial middlemen and professional "negotiators" going from one state to another and "advising" the local boys how to revise state laws, how to stage election campaigns, how to issue bonds, how to suck the eggs and hide the shells. The bigger the bond issues th.6 higher the middlemen's com missions and the louder they cheer for PUDs. After the cleanup in Nebraska, which yielded the promoters more than three quarters of a million dollars, they moved in on Washington and Oregon where the PUD laws and Referendum 25 were made to order for them. It is a far cry from the original principle of public powerto the new public power racket in the form of Super-PUDs " ,;c ownership, if it means anything, ought to mean public 1 of public money and a public hand on the management. It doesn't mean that under these new schemes. The great majority of believers in so-called "public power" are people who do not even suspect that Get-Rich-Quick Wallingfords are pulling the PUD election-strings along with the faithful and familiar PUD evangelists To every conscientious citlren we believe these PROVABLE FACTS about the oldest and largest PUD experiment in the country the Nebraska Super-PUD will be welcome. They are facts that would never be learned by citizens o all the com munities we serve unless we published them. Pacific Power & Light Company