Heppner Gazette Times, September 14, 1944 3 Irrigon News Notes By MBS. J. A. SHOTTN Teachers for Irrigon high school are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Elliot and Mrs. Joy Smith; for the grades, 1st and 2nd, Miss Margaret Ken nedy; 3rd and ..th Flora Bell Eddy; 5th and 6th Miss Wilcox; 7th and 8th, Muriel Herold. Mrs. William Gollyhorn is cafeteria cook again and John Zabranski is the janitor. The A. H. Jacksons of Heppner came to Irrigon Sunday to take Mrs. A. W. Gollyhonr and son Wayne back with them where they plan to make their home. Mr. Gol lhorn is in the army in Maryland. Mrs. Jack Smith and children have moved to Ordnance where Mrs. Smith is a teacher. The R. E .A. meeting was held at the school house Tuesday eve ning where two directors, A. C. Houghton and George Russell were nominated for directors to be voted upon in October, one to be elected. It was also voted to stagger the terms of the direcors. Ensign and Mrs. Donald Hough on left Friday for San Francisco where he is to report for duty af ter spending a leave with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Houghton. JMjrs. Houghton will go to ther home in Uanver when the Ensign goes over seas. ' Neighbors gathered at the Earl Isom home Tuesday eventing to give, the young couple a rousing charivari at the Houghton home. They had a shower for them and games and1 refreshments fininshed up a pleasant evening. Mr. and Mrs. Batie Rand, and sons arrived home Tuesday after spending several days in Portland. Leroy Minnick Sljc left for his California base Friday .k He had been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Minnick. Willard Jones has also been home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Jones. He is in the army. Misses Lucille Jones and Paula Haberlein left Tuesday for Maryl hurst college. This is Miss Jones' fourth year and Miss Haberlein's sceond. Averil Church of Idaho arrived Saturday to visit the 1 Jorge Rus sel family. The Frank S'tevers family of Pendleton visited her brother Em ery Bediwcll and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Van Cleve and son Leonard were week-end vis itors of their daughter Mrs. Mil ton Bailey and family leaving Sun dajy evening. Leonard is making a 'onger stay here. Jerry White was in The Dalles Wednesday. He is now working at tjie Ordnance depot. Henry Gabarding of Hermistoi? was a Thursday night visitor in Irrigan. BROTHER DIES IN SOUTH Word of the detath of Arthur Le rass, brother of Mrs. Bennie Howe :f H ppn:.r, was received Wednes day morning. Mr. Leraas passed away at Hemet, Calif., in the Los Angeles area, following an illness of several months. Mrs. Howe had gotten' a reservation on the Union Pacific to visit her brothers and father, expecting to leave Wednes day evening. She did leave last night, accompanied by Mr. Howe, and expects to remain in the south indefinitely. Her father is an el derly man, well up in the eighties, and resides on an acreage near He met. Mr. Howe will return to Efcppner after a short visit in the south. one , . Continued from Page two lone schools began Mond"v with the entire building newly renovat ed. Thirtv-six students registered the first day in high school and 80 in the grades. The youngsters in the beginners class are Margaret Ann Bristow, Jean Ann Swanson, Barbara Warren, Dean Lee Deves eaux, Ann Margaret Jepson, Alvin McCabe, Ernest Drake. Lindsay Kincaid and Billy Doherty. Teach ers in chkrge in the grades are ,Miss Helen Lindsay, 1st and 2nd grades; Mrs. Kathryn Lindstrom, 3rd and 4th; Mrs. Gladys Ely 5th and 6th; Wm. Burk, 7th and 8th and principal. In the high school Miss Barbara Lever will teach Commerce, Miss Jane Huston, Eng lish and Horace G. Holcomb, sup erintendent, will teach mathemat ics, shop, band and glee club. Do you know about the crusade to lower the cost of hearing? Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Lindstrom and family left Hast week for a trip including Portland, Vernonia and the coast Misses Jean Coleman and Mar jorie Peterson left Sunday for Port land where they were inducted in to the Waves Monday. They will return before going into training. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Emert and daughter Mary left Sept. 3 for Oak land Calif, for an extended visit with Mrs. Emert's aunt, Mrs. M. E. Scott. Mrs. Lloyd Morgan and small daughter Geraldine Joyce returned from Pendleton Tuesday. They were accompanied by Mr. Morgan and Mrs. Charles Carlson. Mrs. Earl Morgan of Porland ar rived Wednesday for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. John Eubanks. Mrs. Nola Bristow was given a farewell party at the Milton Mor- hor Good Eats Go to the Victory Cafe lone, Oregon Roy and Betty Lieuallen Proprietors gan home. Hostesses were Mesdam- es Morgan, Raymond Lundell and John Darst. A lovely cosmetic iase group. Nine guests were present. S. L. Wiles returned fiom Port land last week and reported that his mother, Mrs. Alice Wiles, will be confined for some time in a hospital in Portland as a result of her broken hip. Realizing a life long ambition ti ride a Shetland pony proved to b not' all pleasure to Mrs. Fred Nicho son. Thlei saddle turned as Mrs. Nichoson dismounted resulting in a badly spHained ankle. Evangelist Arthur Charles Bates who conducted services in Heppner the last of the week held services in the lone Christian church Tues day evening. FOR SALE 1107 Acres 20 acres irrigated; 375 acres summerf allow being seeded; 100 acres to be plowed. 17 cattle and 1 1 calves; 15-30 Interna tional tractor on rubber; farm machin ery and equipment; hay; wood for win ter. PRICE: $22,500 TERMS . See TURNER, VAN MARTER fir CO. Phone 152 SONO TONE HEARING CENTER SATURDAY, SEPT. 16 at the HEPPNER HOTEL Iwtu. cltdlr make an audiogram of your hearing. In 20 minute 70a can see just how much your hearin hai slipped, and whether or not jam need a hearing aid. No charge or obli gation. T. C. DOWNS If you find yourself straining to hear ... if you can't "get" all that's said at home, at business, at thea tres or social gatherings, you owe it to yourself to try this sensational new hearing aid. At its low price, it is helping thousands who could not "afford" to hear. Let your own ears decide you will not be pressed to buy. New Radionic Hearing Aid Ready to wear. com. plots with radionles tubes, crystal micro phono, 4-position out aide tons control uv teriea and battery t saver circuit. Liberal guarantee. One model on price ont quai fry Zenith' t tinnt. No ntraif-til " 40 nnai a ai iiiitii i i IKK UUN Ltt-IYiUIUrU. LOWELL THOMAS NEWS TIME 'A A Standard of California THIS STORE is headquarters for the types of food that go to make strong, healthy bo dies, whether they be workers, athletes, office clerks or school children. Don't forget the waste paper drive Sept. 23 Central Market Amtptti by America JfeaV kml Attoaiation Council ea W Inoftf You Com fai for Demomtratiam Stram Optica Company Pendleton, Oregon J These are busy times especially so for the one who has to plan and pre pare the meals for the family for she too Is do ner share of war work. It will be a boost to her's and the family's morale to eat out occasionally to enjoy one of our STEAK DINNERS, or an oyster supper, or any one of the wide variety of excellent meals to be found on our bill of fare. Come any time . . . we're always prepared. Elkhorn Restaurant MR. S. HOULE Factory Representative for the . Chamberlain Metal Weather Strip Co. Will-Be at Hotel Heppner the Week of September 18th Your Government is urging you by Radio and Press to conserve fuel with installation of Metal Weather Strips and Rock Wool Insulation. The CHAMBERLAIN COMPANY can assist you with their Home Comfort Products WEATHER STRIP Around all openings to keep out Winter cold and Summer heat. out Cold, Rain, Dust, Soot. Prevent soiling of INSTALLATION We have our own trained In- Drapcs and Furnishings. Stops Windows Rattling. . , ,,,. stallation Crews and can install all Products m CALKING To seal the cracks around window and door frames. YOUR HOME without any inconvenience to you - WHY WATT? ROCK WOOL INSULATION For ceilings and side walls. Fireproof and ever-lasting. Keeps TERMS No down payment 12 to 36 months. ft ii BUY DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER"