Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 14, 1944, Image 1

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    -a ro
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2 (MlBHS
Desire for Airport
Seen in Post-War
Plane Expansion
Air Freight and
Passenger Service
Likely Activity
tu4. ttv j i
of thp ponrifv qhnuM look forward
to airport development in neaY fu-
tnre .nr1intf nn th pt nf W
ZiftTZMf iZ
speakers at the -chamber of com-
merce luncheon Monday noon. The
speakers, R E. Laumeister of Pen-
dleton and Larry Moore of The
Dalles has been invited to the
luncheon by the newly appointed
of commerce Orville Smith P. W.
fiifport committee of the chamber
Mahonev and Walter Readv
ivKUiuncjr cuu ircutci ivouj .
to obtain recognition by the gov
ernment as well as
is pointing out
the direct benefits
nitv obtaining from ownership and men's Service; War Prisoners' Aid; that which shall have come from ntence to your prayer, that this gdes run higher, the juniors rat
operation of a modern airport. ' As lian War ReUef BOciety. Brit- the headquarters of General Eis- thing called Global War may never, ing 19 land the seniors 15. There is a
lines can be formed following the
war thtere will be need of airports
at every town, he stated. Perhaps
j. u i . ,. . , . ., .
of call by such lines .but it will
Ul., .r jij-
be handy to have a good landing
field in case something goes wrong
, , . . c. jiijT
meister 'also called attention to
il-... j i c - l 1 f:.u e
standpoint of a training center for
i.i it till vtfiiLtfyt? ui a khhi it?i(i I rum
. .
young pilots. It win, be necessary to
have a competent' trainer in charge
,i j-. i i i .
oi me lieia or nave arrangements
with a nearby training center to
provide an instructor for two or
three dbys a week, he said.
Larrv Moore of The Dalles flew
i.diry moore or ine jjaiies new
to lieppner to attend tne meeting
nut hv thp time hp fn.nnrl a cintahlo
----- -
Ktuuuis . iiciu uw iiuiviiwii
was nearly over, lhe group re
mained to meet him and hear a
brief talk along the lines followed
by Laumeister.
At the suggestion of Walter
Ready, a group accompanied Lau
meister and Moore on an inspec-
uon uup oi prospective sues m me
vicinity of Heppner. One ideal site
was put down as number one and
two or tnree others were placed
fin thp nnnclHoratmn lict An of-
fort will be made to contact the
owner of the number one' site to
see if it dan be bought or leased,
The 'visitors, both experienced fly-
ing men, as well as Ready, a pilot
of many years standing, were
agreed that the site in question
is as good as may be found near severai horses and saddle TIRE INSPECTION RECORD Bauman and Mrs. Earl Evans, An effort is being made to enroll
any town. horses. Too many applications for the Ae meeting. members in the club by this week
Several guests were introduced Those interested in the sale are new A gas books tare reaching the TT TT. '. . end 811(1 a so"citor has not called
at the luncheon including Mr. Lau- avid that the date wfcs changed local rationing office unaccompan- fr an .LfaS W,?"11,!. T, y? X nn tottrec.ving
meister and Larry Moore, Miss to Wednesday to avoid mterference ied by tire Inspection certificStes. pZtloL the pS Sk Sr mo" Z cltSn T Mt ?h
Margaret Fw Gillis new county jft to;k sh: PPh - make it clear Ts SSSS SfSjgAfi
nuse, Rev. Walter Duff, evangelist niJ Wednesday sales aPPhcations wiU not be acted companied her to Pendleton and and mail to Mr. Dix at once. The
holding meetings at the Methodist will provfe when 0nCe upon unless the tire inspection cer- returned home Friday .Mrs. Earl state 50001 club has asked for a
church this week, and Oral Wright, public becomes accustomed to the tificate accompanied them. Bryant and children who came list from each county which will
Hodge Chevrolet Co. mechanic idea. If you were one of the many to to stay with their grandfather dur. be shown Mr. Dewey on the oc-
and plane enthusiast.
Teacher Reception
c j i n-r-A
SnnncnroH hv P.TA
r '
Under sponsorship of the Parent-
Tclacher association, a reception to
the teachers of the Heppner schools
will be held Wednesday evening,
Sept. 20, at the parish house of All
Saints Episcopal church. A cordial
invitation to the general public has
L.A 1 ;x j.1 1 C
been extended and it is the hope of
those in charge of the affair that all
interested in the welfare of the
school parents, taxpayers of the
district, friends of education avail
themselves of this opportunitty to
meet the teachers, listen to the pro-
gram, and discuss school affairs.
Miss ica Humphreys is general
chairman; Mrs. Conley Lanham is
in charge of program arrangemnts; ra Mr and Mr s Jack ? CoMure Id W??k. at lhe,DaUes- Donald W. Jones is home on fur
Mrs. Kenneth House, decorations; m?r d OUt dunng .theirt ab" .TMr- and lTMrs ' Jack .C uture a"d Nelson BaUey spent a day and a lough visiting his parents, Mr and
Mrs. Harry Van Horn, invitations; ff1 and pending repairs to it Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth House ob- half of a 10-day furlough at home Mrs A. W. Jones Don has been sta!
Mrs. E. O. Ferguson, solicitor of re- e front door be locked. In served their respective wedding an- visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. tioned at Lemoore, Calif, several
freshmentts, and Mrs. Claude Gra- the meantitme some rearranging of niversaries with a dinner party at N. D. Bailey. Nelson has been in months after receiving his basic
hlam, clean-up committee. equipment is taking place. the House home Tuesday evening, training in Texas. training in Texas.
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday September 14, 1944
War Chest- Drive
Officially Opens
Friday, Sept. 15
. . . ,
Oilicial opening of the drive to
tore luuiiow uouniys quota oi tne
National War Chest has been set
for Friday, Sept. 15 by Blaine E.
Isom, county committee chairman.
Tin.) I r i i i
vviV a lew suoscnpuons nave
been corning in, the .regular cam-
paign will not open until timorrow.
Some dissatisfaction has appear-
ed among donors to the war chest
last year because they be-
Ueved tl w6re vinS once for
almost all of the various agencies
- J- - -
Ae war chest some of Ae re"
iief agencies continued to send so-
licitors out as in previous yefars,
while others filled the mails with
For the benefit 01 those who wish
to contribute to this one oenral
fund, he list of national and state
agbnces coniing under the war
. k wv, n;
once for all of these:
"Tu" ,,c" A . , x'Tje
Service Organizations); Umted Sea-
ish War Relief society; French Re-
nd Af Luxembourg;
Greek WDarvRf el onL0r;
wegiau iiiiei, rvxiau vvdi xvcuci,
Queen Wilhelmina fund; Russian
War Relief; United China Relief;
TT .. , ' . . D . TT .. '
United Czechoslovak Relief; United
Yugoslav Reief- Refu ee Relief
, TT ' g .LX
Trustees, iand U. S. Committee Care
a , .4 , . -,
Oregon State-Wide Child Caring
Aencies: Waverly Baby Home;
Bovs and Girls Aid Societv: Catho-
charities: chilrrens Farm Home
nrpemn Prrtpntiv Sr,HptvAlhpr.
uicLuu riuicuuve kjuuic L.y liuei-
. w , . . .. ,T. T tt
.. .. . ",,, .. . . '
ii j A i. ITT.;' li r'l 1.11
w. " ' TT
"f' ,V.W1U1 7',
America-Mothers and Child-
iens home
jn jviorrow county, the Blue
Mountain Uouncu ol lioy bcouts oi
Ameiida has .been added tot he list
oi Oregon agencies.
Runnion to Open
Sale Season 20th
t; o.c. iv.
Heppner has been annpunced by
with the first sale scheduled for
V. R. (Bob) Runnion, auctioneer.
Wednesday, Sept. 20. This will be
nrMivnl nf;.. inJ T?nnnT
states that he has a bunch of high
cifcss stuff to offer prospective
a saie win open at iu.jui m
10 cuspose or au items exclusive or
livestock. Beginning at 1:30 p. m.
Runnion will ofler the livestock
, . . , . . , 1t-n . ...
Ci -3 i ; c j
b I a ted tor Sunday
Retiring of the church debt will
be marked by special services at
St. Patrick's Catholic church Sun-
day morning. Breakfast will follow
nine, o'clock mass, after which the
parishioners will witness the burn-
ing of the $24,000 mortgage pledg-
ed on the handsome church, edifice
l 'ii. 1 1
built three years ago.
Special observance of Catacheti
cal day will be held at the morn
ing service.
Although Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hall
have returned from their vacation
"Scottv's" will have to remain clos-
a w riava ipr. A mtu1mopr
V-Day Proclamation
By Mayor J. O. Turner
Tt has hppn 'frpnuent.lv coniect-
- 1 "
ured that unconditional surrender
of me foraes may be expect-
pa flnv Hav. and that such informs-
t0I1) wnen officially received, will
occasion a jubilant celebration in
f, . rmmfr anr
As it has en agreed by and be-
tween me merchants and business
men oi' Heppner that in the event
the official notice of such surrender
should be received prior to 6:00 o'-
clock P- m- daV that a11
.business houses will close immedi-
""-T"hrf 17
and regularly open for business the
following morning; in the event
such news is received at night, then
ail business houses will remain
closed all of the following day and
open for business the following
morning; in the event that such in-
formation is received on Sunday,
all business houses will open for
u..: i a. 4n...:
XT I ...ill U- J
" W1U UK dTO"
as final, on this occasion, except
Announcement of official infor-
Forest Officials
Welcome Change to
Cooler Weather
Local forest officials are breath
ing easier since Wednesday morn-
ing when a drop in temperature and
overcast skies gave promise or re-
"ei to me venae sjiuauon wim;ii
has prevailed for several months
anQ naa parutmariy uibiuiy
. ... ,
me the past lew weeks. Warm, dry
weather such as has prevailed in
mis area could easily mean a cub-
astrous iire if one got started in
the timber.
Fortunately, fires have not been
numerous this season and those
J..i 1 Ai- i a..- i i i
siariea in mis aisinci nave oeen
brought under control with me mi-
nimum ol loss.
A small iire starting in a wood
camp just over the line in Wheel-
er county called out equipment
Saturday. Main loss was the wood
saw and seven cords of wood. The
H!a7p was pvtincnisVipd aftpr
spreading over 2.01 acres
While the national forest service
has been quite fortunate, it is a
different story with the state forest
"c"""u p"- vflutuie
t ciuu ux biiiiui ill Ultr vv d Lei ll let ll
ditrlfct sou 0i ,Spray " fene
- " J -
ed a considerable body of merch-
antable timber. At last reports the
SDreadinr. burning towards
, , : . '
Baldy mountain.
omit the certificate, you will save
time in cetine the zas tickets bv
reTlying-but put mat tire in-
spection record in without fail. .
Mrs . Iwrence and daugh-
ters Patricia and Ann, are in Pen-
dleton where they went last week
to place Ann in the academy. Mrs.
Lawrence and Patricia had not in-
tended to remain there more than
a day or so but Patricia became ill
h a u i
a uic wpv uvci euiu iii iuuuici
took her to a hospital where she sub
mitted to an aDoendectomv
muted to an appendectomy.
Set. John McNamee is home from
North Africa on a furloueh of three
to four weeks. He is visiting his
mother, Mrs. Anna McNamee and
his fathpr. TWi MrMm.
,o11 ao wo,f.0 , t . ' .
mation will be given in Heppner
hv nnp lnno Vilact nf tK.
-w " - ft fciwi wa 1UC DllCil
on direct current. It will not be
j-.V. nit; a,-p ,nwi r:
flora all hazardous, dangerous or
unmanly conduct, and it must be
remcmhorw) that, all rit,
geious conduct and excessive
diunkenness will not be tolerated.
Cessation of hostilities in the
European area may be a good cause
of celebration to those whose loved
ones are 1x1 that area, but don't
forget, your neighbor's husband or
T I 5 6 v
and some will die tomorrow. Your
neighbor will not feel so jubilant,
As a suggestion, it would t be a
fitting attitude, whether you be
Christian, Agnostic or Atheist, when
this V-day is announced, il you
would go into the presence of your
God just once and offer up your
thanks to Him tor the victory. At
k i ,u, f
. cjw
the boys in the Pacific; that that
,U .....
wl , ""s l" ' y
victorious conclusion. And whue
nevti, nappen again.
you are in the mood, add another
kfiw nM .
POy dCOUr Taper
firivo ontfimker 95
A waste paper collection will be
Staged by the Boy Scouts, Saturday'
Sept. 23, announces Scoutmaster
John Fuiten, who urges that all-
citizens tie their bundles securely
and place them in fa convenient
soot lor oadine.
spot lor oading. lhe Scouts will
pick up all town bundles .and far-
mers are asked to brinff t.hpirs in.
. - - rJ '
leaving them at the labor temole.
which is also Bov Scout headauar-
te.s. ,
The collection will be loaded out
the aame day and taken to Stan-
A;fe,cl lor shipment with the Uma-
tilla county salvage.
i .-,nn Aiivilinrw
"3 -
OpCnS Fall SeOSOn
Convening in the first meeting of
the fall season, the American Le-
gion auxiliary enjoyed an unusually
intprpstincf nrrvfram at the hall
interesting program at the hall
Monday evening, according to the
order's reporter.
Mrs. Lucv E Rodtrers furnished
me highlight of Hie program with
a talk on the Constitution, digress-
J j
a'u t, aL
, "" rtJLcl DJIOWI1' "ie Iiew P"?1"
uc,u " convenuon
held in Portland during August
;ia in rorxiana auring ugusi.
Twelve members were present
and the hostesses, Mrs. Harvey
ti,, i. . ,
served refreshments at the close of
m MrSl Thompsons absence, re-
tui?ed home Monday.
raised in rank tQ chief Commis.
sary Steward in the navy. This
js his third advancement since en-
tering the service, going this time
from the rank of Petty Officer lc
Reece had better look out or he
might come home an admiral.
Jack Edmondson and Joe Hughes
Jr- were hosts last night at a wie-
l 1 . r tt
ner pcuiy given in nonor 01 now-
i ii a a ' i i i ... . . ...
uPetWohn. who lei t today with
a' group of young men. to enter ac-
lve duty lhe party was giyen at
the Durward lash home.-
Rachel Cox, daughter of Mr. and
aijs Ben Cox wno nas been sick
much of the time summer,
1S recuperating at nome following
i appendectomy performed
Volume 61 , Number
School Population
Shows Increase in
V I r
'L-trlif I Jsnir4-tii.n
Growth in High
School Surprise
To Authorities
Surprise was expressed by Supt.
Peor Corwi? Wednesday morn-
mg ,en.,a eck-uP registra-
fJSfftSt ifaT-
tendance. Itt had been Corwin's
contention that the high school
population probably would be less
this ydar, in view of the number
armted services, yet figures reveal
OI high school youths entering the
8X1 increase over the 1943 enroll-
. Largest factor in the high school
increase is the freshmen enrollment.
. , .
"Z. 1 V i nT u" ,U1C
ill U1C lllOl, WOT. XUC
more class is not far behind with 31,
anj tu mrnnmmt Hmns ih
possioiiity mat the total attendance
may be raised in succeeding weeks.
This otal of 103 is for those actually
m ciass worK. uorwin stated mat
two or three more had come in but
were not fully matriculated. He
gave the full count as 106, which
equals the total attendance of last
year and bests the highest full at-.
tendance mark by 13 students.
This increase may be attributed
to the fact that 14 students from
neighboring districts have enrolled
here eight from No. 35 and six
from No
Hut V7 knrc in V, UinU
wv v Krjn ... um. .ui ov-auui,
;r.ir.n i Dnnnr!dm tr. rv, i
naid Pate who will have his first
opportunity to apply mid-western
style football to a western squad,
ihree grade rooms are at the
overilow stace 1'he first has. 44
" . 1311 '
second 43 and fourth 43. I he other
100'ns lrfave about normal atten-
dance' the total enrollment to date
btul8 295-
Bfl L; Knr
DeWeV 50001 CI lib
A group of citizens of republican
faith met Wednesday evening in
the city council room and formed
a '50001 Club" for the purpose of
" .. H . T . "x
wv.aci in uic inu V trill Ucr
election. County Chairman J. J.
Presided and was made chair
man of the new club, which is an
activity group within the county
organization. Henry Peterson was
chosen vice-chairman, W. O. Dix
treasurer and J. O. Turner secre-
casion of his visit in Portland next
12 YOT'
Twelve young men from Morrow
county left today for Portland for
induction into the armed forces. In-
eluded in the group were Howard
Bryant, James Healy, Jack Van
Winkle, Alex Thompson and Renn
Harris of Heppner; Dorr Mason and
Clarence Harris, lone; Herman
in ii -. , i ,
Wallace. Uueene MaTeske and Ken.
. : " J
neth Klinger, Lexington; Roy Ball
Jr. Boardman, and Harry Owen of
Jamps Tvler nf Boardman. srhpd-
uled to so at this time, was unable
to report due to the fact that he is
in a hospital.