Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 07, 1944, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 Heppner Gazette Times, September 7, 1944
Gifts of Month to McCaw
Listed by Morrow Chairman
Heppner Soldier
Married m South
Manfe r.f thi1 sin Hfnrv
AiVen Jr.. wag announced by Mr.
and M'-s. Henry Aiken upon their
arrival, in Herroner this week from
By Mrs. Ralnh Thompson Oma Cox, records guitar, books
J . oamps from Mrs. Frank L.
arnvaj. in nnwiei una wrn. ...... fnrtwinr licit comnnses tne , , ,
Portland whre they are residing .PV-fJ'uJS nr tnP Parker, records and smaU gifts from
during the political campaign, Henry r w l, rad
" " ., ,,,.;,. Dooks ana cresceni wreucii uwu
was sent to provide new furniture Lexington,
in ward 42 Mrs. Reser ob tamed . a s Harold
very good looking maple set with wraDDed gifts
rust and green upholstery wun employes 0f the First Nat-
davenport and two chairs as well I
iterial. The cur- 17 - ... :
group of four mompsoii 10 p.oviui n.ita
Sr. beintr chairman of the democra
tic state central committee.
The bride was Miss Maxine Grieg
m , 1 n n - J .1- i f TITw.
or toteeievme, mo. aauumn ui mi. - ,
and Mrs. J. C. Grieg of that place " and f een
and the ceremony which was a
single ring service, was re"ror"ied
the Presbyterian manse at San Lu
is Obispo.
as new curtain mat
4 p, m. Monday, August 23, at ,.ii . " " tw pd ward 9 and many otner gilts.
f t a Lt - " w " . ,
large white rings on the rods and This report was left al the coun
,u.r cU Konlr prrl forth easily cil meeting as well as a check for
The bride was given in marriage ' ' . 1ookin2 in the $79 which provides $25 for Mrs.
by Cpl Hugh Murphy. Her brides- "".1 prinT Resers recount, $5 telephone call
maid was Lt. Shirley Murray from t t'ert waf J an- for Sept. birthday party, $10 for
the station hospital, while Pfc Eric " JY that Slln room . new comics and westerns, $10 for
Horst was best man. Hie bride was .e " the entire ping pong table for ward 43 which
charming in a brown two piece the n cest i(Jes is used by ward 42, $29 for last
dress with brown accessories and buy.ng prewar table model of philco radio
wore an orchid corsage. the for ward 42. Thi3 ward is looking
Following the ceremony . wed- "Jto to arrival Qf por.
ding dinner was served at the Ho- mnnthc ' table electric phonograph given by
tel Andrews in San Lu.s Obispo. the o Lexington.
The young couple wi l reside in 8 Qur ty now has a sunroom
San Luis Obispo for the present S Wilkinson, two to sponsor and those patients will
while the groom ,a stationed here. from eight be fortunate to enjoy a new radio
Pvt. Aiken is with the medcal de- Gerald Berg. and phonograph. We hope people
taehment traning there. two lawn wiU be interested ln buying new
Mrs. Henry Aiken Sr went south books and new records for these
for the wedding but Mr and Mrs 2g recoj.ds from p,tients. 0ne of has at
Grieg were unable to be present. Ihomp&on McCaw since Dec. 14. No more old
r,Itrn " ri'.rrw T -Other gifts taken to McCaw at records will be taken to McCaw
Lf , cl f , D , , the council meeting the first of as they can not be turned in at the
Ira L. Britt will go to Portland g mh box of old records WaUa WaUa music stores and the
this week-end for a check up of fnm Mpg want new popular pieces
an injury received two years ago '
while working on the section crew
Mew's Notes From
Rfsftioning Office
Help is needed at the rationing
office. Truck and A books are due
to be out this month and the regu
lar force is unable to cope with
the situation. Volunteers should ap
ply at the office.
About 50 persons entitled to fuel
oil have not applied for fuel ration
ing, the local offiee states. These
persons are urged to get their ap
plications in immediately so they
can be processed in time to avoid
discomfort from cold weather. .
Be sure to mail your tire inspec
tion record with your application
for an A book. Disregard what oth
ers tell you regardng this ruling,
rationing officials state. It has to
be done in Oregon.
New stamps now in use: Sugar
No. 33, five pounds as of Sept.l.
Red stamps E5, F5, G5, Sept. 3.
Blue stamps G5, H5, J5, K5, L5,
Sept. 1.
C. J.'
5? FOR
Pd. Pol. Adi
He is still under industrial accident
STAR Reporter
Joe Hughes Jr. Jack Edmondson Leaving their son Gene in charge
and Archie Padberg Jr. left Thurs- of Miss Mildred Clowry at the
day night for -a week's visit in Se- Heppner hospital, Mr. and Mrs. H.
attle at the home of Jack's sister. Merle Miller and the other child
The boys, all Heppner high school ren drove to Portland Tuesday,
students, will be home in time for taking their son David to a bone
school opening. specialist and the grls to an occulst.
Friday -Saturday, Sept. 8-9
Edward G. Robinson- Lynn Ban,
Victor McLaglcn
Thrills that take you to Tampico,
the double-cross roads of the world,
where the enemy listens and strikes
Sun Down Valley
Charles Starrett, Jeanne Bates, Dub
Taylor, Jimmy Wakely
A western story takes on a modern
twist without losing a bit of the
bangup action of a true saddle saga.
Sunday -Monday, Sept. 10-11
Once Upon a Time
Cary Grant, Janet Blair, James
Glcasoii' Ted Donaldson
This is the fabulous story of a fab
uilous jjuy and the wonderful things
that happen to him . . whimsically
woven of laughter and that tiling
called "heart."
Imperialism 1944. What is the fu
ture of Britain's great empire
one-fourth of the entire world
lands where our boys are fighting
Tuesday, Sept. 12
The Bridge of
San Luis Rey
Lynn Bari, Akim Tamiroff, Francis
Lcderer, Naximova, Donald Woods
Thornton Wilder's Pulitzer prize
winning novel of the five who fell
with the bridge and of the beautiful
"Perichole" who rode from the
dance halls to rule in the halls of
the mighty.
Bugs Bunny : Freddie Fisher Band
Wednesday-Thursday, Sept. 13-14
Special Roadshow Engagement
Franz Werfel's
with Jennifer Jones, William Eythe
Charles Bickford, Vincent Price.
Lee J. Cobb, Gladys Cooper
One showing only, starting at 8 p.
m. each evening . . prices this at
traction only: Adults $1.10, Service
Men 76c, Children 55o. All prices
include Federal Tax . . A really
great picture, winner of five Acad
emy awards, including "Best Act
ress of the Year" to Jennifer JoneSj
that offer
extra mileage
I A P. I S K i II j
i 1 A
1 M BJ 11 j II ft 9 U 3
Smooth Leathers
Or Rich Suedes
Step-ins, spectators, gy MQ
openioe bow pumps
. uiiu laiioicu uaiuiuj.
rut , 4tjv
Goodyear Well Construction
m m a. m A 1 &
MEN b mS
Moccasin or plain toe m TQ S'i
bluchers, straight '
Moccasin oxfords f
for , school, and
dressy Tstrap m
pumps, bizes izd.
Siwi IVi to IIVj.
fine quality, selected
capeskin, pliable and
well matched. Top
quality tailoring:. Full
cut for roomy comfort.
Will give years of
Bervice.Tan or bro'ra.
- yd i .
Motor Company