Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 07, 1944, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 Heppner Gazette Times, September 7, 1944
Build Hospital Now
Says Jone Citizen
Mrs. Briggs and Mrs. Martin were
in the. Hermiston hospital the
past week being treated for pneu
blooded American in the county Monday,
who has one that would not do-
nate his truck, to haul a load. Also,
I feel he would buy a hospital bond.
Urging earliest possible construe- Now is the time to build as we
tion of the proposed Morrow coun- need it NOW! Why wait? I have
ty hospital, Laxton McMurray of always wanted to see a good hospi-
Sgt Charles Smith left Thursday lone writes the uazette limes as tal in Heppner ana nave aiways
for Salt Lake City, Utah after en- follows: been ready to help, and if it can
joying a few days visit with his lone, Oregon Sept. 3, 1944. be arranged to build one in the
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith To the Heppner Gazette Times, near future Mrs. McMurray and
and family. He expects to go over Heppner, Oregon. myself will donate an up-to-date
seas in the near future. Dear Sir: I have been reading in iron lung, freight paid to Heppner
I. Skoubo returned home from your paper in regard to Morrow for the use of all creeds or clans
the Pendleton hosital Saturday. county building a hospital, which I the hospital to be known as Mor-
, , , think is the finest thing ever row County hospital.
Ihe cannery opened business q as j wg nee(J Yours truly,
Saturday. Mr. BlacK and Mrs. Flos- lext'ON McMURRAY.
sxe Coate are in charge, Itwdl op- q maimed and crf (
erate Monday, Wednesday and pled nQ tQ cafe for MoyE TQ UQME , ,
lda)" them. Why not vote the tax then Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Troedson
Mr. and Mrs. ft. Black returned float a bond issue at a smau inter nave moved to their new home, the
from Utah Wednesday where they est rate and build hospital at former Snyder residence, in south
spent their vacation visiting. once? There ig no priority on tile Heppner. Mr. Troedson disosed of
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allen spent brick the best building material his farming equipment in a public
the week-end visiting friends on there is and as for transportation sale held at the ranch near Mor-
the project. Mrs. Allen has just re- on the material there is not a red gan Saturday and they moved
turned from a six weeks visit with
her mother in Los Angeles.
Ihe grange fair will be held Sat
urday. All -exhibits to be in by 6:30
in the evening. The exhibits are do
nated to the grange and will be
auctioned off with the proceeds go
ing to the grange. Dinner will also
be served in the evening for which
ticketst are being sold. Games and
dancing will be enjoyed in the
Mrs. Jerry Gronquist and new
baby have returned from the Pen
dleton hospital.
School opened Tuesday with the
following faculty in charge: George
Linn, superintendent; Mrs. George
Linn, english; Ronald Black, FFA;
Zoe Billings, first and second; Floy
Washburn third and fourth; Mrs.
Scott, fifth and sixth; and Mrs. La
Vein Partlow, seventh and eighth
grades. Bus drivers, Leland Mc
Louth and Daisy Gillespie, cafeteria
cooks, Mrs. Ball and Flossie Coates
complete the school set-up
Pic and Mrs. Gilbert Pettys and
children spent, several days visiting
Mr. Pettys mother near Walla
Capt. and Mrs. Hervey Ide and
children stopped for a few min
utes enroute to Portland. Capt. Ide
will go on to Camp Beal, Calif, for
overseas assignment.
Mrs. Ed Barlow and daughters
returned to Renton Thursday night.
The Community church is getting
a new coat of paint this week.
Miss McComb and Miss Osburn
are holding missionary meetings at
at the church this week.
The Sunday school council din
ner will be held at the Community
church Sunday.
By Advertising In
This Newspaper
OU fights for freedom . . . every possible drop
must be conserved for essential war use. Here's
how you can do your part to save and serve.
7 Practical Ideas for "Waste Chasers"
1. Avoid overheating. 65 is recommended,
2. Weatherstrip doors and windows.
3. Close off unused rooms.
4. Make sure thermostat is accurate.
5. Close fireplace damper v.hen in use.1
6. Lower heat at night or when away.
7. Keep humidifiers full.
f a U. S. Navy Official Photo.
HE SHARES YOU CAN IQO-'1 reports from com
bat zones tell of gen
erosity of American fighting men, towards people of liberated areas.
This example set by "G. I. Joe," can be followed by people on the
home front supporting their community war fund, representing
National War Fund's war philanthropies for our own and for our
Allies, j
Phone 622
Heppner, Oregon
A seven pound seven ounce baby
boy was born to Sgt. and Mrs.
Vester Hams, Aug. 28 at the St.
Anthony's hospital in Pendleton.
The mother is the former Loraine
WE arc pleased with
ihe many friends we
have made housewives
who have exclaimed over
the nutritional qualities of
all our meals. Menus are
carefully planned to give
you good, wholesome, nu
tritious foods. Breakfasts
to give a mill or farm worker
"something to work on."
Lunches arc always appe
tizing. Dinners are always
a treat for hungry families.
COME. Come in soon!
Cabinet Stationery
250 Sheets
size 7 1-4 x IO 1-2
250 Envelopes
Size 3 7-8x7 1-2
50 per cent Rag Content Certificate Bond
You can still get 20-pound--the standard
stationery weight in rag bonds.
See these Cabinets for either business or
personal stationery. It is nice paperyou'll
like it.
Gazette Times Printery