Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 07, 1944, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Heppner Gazette Times, September 7, 1944
ing satisfactorily from her recent tween harvest and school J
Mrs. Leroy lumer ie xuesuuy ucijr
to visit in Spokane. moving in.
News Notes of Comings and
Goings in lone and Vicinity
Muiray ranch known as the Lind
say place until their turkey flock is
ready for market.
Ernest Drake, youngest son of
Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Drake had his
tonsils removed in Heppner Mon
lone schools will begin the fall
term Sept. 11. Henry Clark and as
sistants have been cleaning and re
finishing the buildng preparatory
By vas. OMJLR BIETMAHTJ were Tone visitors Saturday. They to the opening. Miss Barbara Lever
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bergevin re- returned to Portland Sunday Mrs. of McMinnville has been secured to
turned from Portland Wednesday Ida Moore who accompaned them, teach the commercial subjects in
evening of last week. remained to visit at the Wm. Pad- the high school. One more teacher
Miss Eva Swanson of Salem ar- home- - is needed in the high school to
rived Friday evening to spend the Frank Woods who has been ill complete the teaching staff for the
week-end with her mother, Mrs. in Portland for some time was school.
Mary Swanson. Mrs. Regina Miller moved by ambulance to the home Lewis Padberg and son Earl left
and Miss Lena Miller of Salem, of his sister, Mrs. John Bryson in for Portland Monday for a few
mother and sister of Mrs. Garland lone Sunday. re days visit before Earl returns
Swanson come with Eva for a visit Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Yarnell and to his ship in San Francisco
at the Garland Swanson home. son Alton left Monday morning for Mrs. Nola Bnstow returned from
, , , , , Jt P irir in PnrtlanH Portland Monday of last week
Fred Buchanan has sold the J"P attended the auc- where she competed registration
creek ranch he recently bought of . ldrf crow attended toe auc- Western states colleee whre
rvtnn KMfnmv r Mr anH Mr, tlon sale at e J- A. ' Troedson at western states college wnre
n lyJrMr:i tS: ranch near Morean Saturdav. The she will study the science of chiro-
ouuiiy xaei.ua.ui ui xxii.Biuu. ue Troedsons discoSed of all their farm practics, a 36-months course. Mrs.
Buchanans are moving to the Mc ftdla" h lr RristJ will Kp W at.,,
equipmem utuure moving 10 uieir o
new .home in Heppner. Sept. 18th.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Morgan be- The Ione birthday club met at
came the parents of an eight pound gran8e hal1 Wednesday after
daughter Saturday, Sept. 2 at the noon' Honor guests were MiS' Hazel
St. Anthony hospital in Pendleton, nge, Mrs. EsteUe O'Meara and
Mrs. Beacher Emert left for Port- Mrs- msie Peterson. Hostesses were
land Sundav. Orville Buthanan ' Mrs- Ida Coleman, Mrs. Kittty Yar-
Miss Margaret McDcavitt has went along to chauffeur the car. neU Mrs- Vlda Heliker Mrs.
been visiting at the home of her Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Sperry of Steena Schleevoight.
sister, Mrs. M. J. Fitzpatrick last Portland were Ione visitors last . Pvt and Mrs Gilbert PeLlvs
week. The Fitzpatricks left Monday week-end. Mrs. Sperry will teach amIly of Boardman sPent a few
to accompany her to Pendeton in Newberg this winter. They re- hours vlsllmS at e home of his
where she has been teaching several turned to Portland Monday with aunt' Mrs itailk Engeiman, Wed-
years. James Lindsay. nesday of last weeK. i-vt f-eUys was
The Hugh Smith family complet- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Feldman of home on a 20 furlough from
ed moving their household goods Sunnydale, Calif, arrived Thurs- ;t" Bra22 N. C. He returned to
Saturday to the McNamer house day and are the guests of Mr. and cartlp Sept 5-
uiey recently oougnt in neppner. Airs, ijert Mason. Also visiting the " y "Ulufl"u"1 icil II
Hershal Townsend and familv wiU Masons nvPr the. wWk.Pnrl c Friday for a short vacation trip be-
occupy the ranch house vacated by Mrs. Knappenberg who went on to
the Smiths. Heppner Sunday to visit her sister
Harold Ahalt and daughter Mrs. D. M. Ward.
Joyce were Ione visitors last week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gorger spent
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Holcomb and Saturday in Ione moving the last
daughter Joann arrived in Ione of their household goods to their
Saturday. They will live in the new home in Pendleton.
Henry Gorger house. Mr. Holcomb Miss Olga Johnson who. has been
is superintendent of Ione schools, spending the summer with her bro-
Mrs. Matt Gordon and Janice of ther, Judge Bert Johnson, returned
Hermiston spent a few days visit- to Portland Monday to resume her
ing in Ione last week. teaching there.
Mrs. Marion Palmer and Mrs. Mrs. Steena Schleevoight enjoyed
Lewis Halvorsen were hostesses at a short visit with her cousin Mrs.
a bridal shower for Mrs. Roy Pet- John Gulbranson of Flandreau, S.
tyjohn (Betty Lou Lindsay Friday D. from Saturday evening to Mon
afternoon at the grange hall. Many day morning. Mrs. Gulbranson
beautiful and oppropriate gifts was on her way home a'ter visiting It
were presented the young people, her children in California.
Delicious cake and jello refresh- Two truck loads of stock were (I
ments were served. taken to Poitland Monday. James fl
Ray Barhett and Rev. Ralph De Lindsay took a load of hogs and i
Boer drove to Portland Sept 2. Milton Morgan and Cleo Drake a if
With them were Misses Mary Bar- 1ok1 of catttle. fl
nett and Joyce Ahalt, and Stewart A large dinner gathering at the II
Aldrich who continued on by bus to Congregational rooms Sunday in l
Canyonville where they will attend honor of Earl Paderg, E Div. 3:c and if
the Canyonville academy this win- Les Roundy S. R. U. included Wm. f!
ter- Padberg and family, Lewis Padberg fl
Mrs. Dale Ra received word from Mrs. Les Roundy and family, Mrs. II
Portland Saturday that Mrs. Alice Ruby Kincaid and family, Mr. and It
Wiles had broken her hip in a fall Mrs. John Bryson, Mis. Lana Pad- !!
Wednesday. Lloyd Wiles had gone beig, Arlie Padberg, Mr. and Mrs. !f
to Portland to bring his mother JJarrell Padberg and family, Mr.
home.. Mrs. Wiles has been ill for and Mrs. Terrell Benge and family, j
some time and the fall will confine Mrs. Ida Moore, Mrs. C. W. Swan-
her to the hospital a while longer son, Carlton Swanson, Rev. and Mrs.
Rollo Crawford and Pete Cannon H. N. Waddell and family, Mr. and
returned home Saturday from their Mrs. Walter Roberts, Mrs. Dale Ray
trip to California. and Buster Padberg. A delicious and
Mrs Martin Cotter had the mis- bountiful dinner was served,
fortune to fall in Rhea ireek when. Frank Engelman accompanied his
fishing Friday. She is carrying her son Joel Engelman M. Sp 2jc to Se
arm in a sling now as a result of attle to visit another son, Gene, who
the fall. is in naval electrical training there.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eubanks Mrs. Lena Ray s reorted improv-
i-'-ltrtwnif S ' " .j---. -v.
0 tometrist
Children start to
school soon
have their eyes
checked NOW.
Hghly trained
eye spec;alist
with years of
serve you.
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tram Optical Co.
5 Scuth Main 403
Pendleton, Oregon
fe- From where I sit ... fa Joe Marsh
Thad Phibbs'
Formula far Fun
Thad Phibbu has a theory of en
joyment all his own. The more
tired he is from working at the
War Plant, the more fun he has
pitching horseshoes with the
boys these summer evenings.
"That's because I feel that T
deserve it," Thad says simply.
And I wonder if he isn't right.
I wonder if we don't enjoy
things in proportion as we know
we've earned them. Is a little
relaxation ever more welcome
than after a hard day's work?
Do we appreciate our little
pleasures quite as much as when
Ave know in, our hearts we've
done a good job well?
From where I sit, that's one
of the things this wartime
strain has tausrht us. We're all
of us working hard at our jobs,
doing our level best to pull our
weight. And we're learning the
little rewards, the simple pleas
uresa home-cooked meal, a
glass of beer with friends are
more welcome now than ever . . .
because we've earned them!
No. 93 of a Series
"opy right, 1944, Brewing Industry Foundation
Liv jutts
and the woods don't mix
,0U don't tost burning cigarettes around a powder plant.
But enough smokers toss burning cigarettes around forests to
start 20,000 forest fires a year, more than a quarter of the total.
In years of average fire loss, smokers cause a national loss of
more than $10,000,000 in our forests.
Few people realize how explosive a dry forest is in fire season
. . how, in a twinkling, a lone spark may be fanned into a roaring
conflagration, destroying in a few hours what nature,, aided by
man, has taken years to produce.
A cigarette in a forest is a spark in a powder plant