Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 24, 1944, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 Heppner Gazette Times, August 24, 1944
Urrurtilla Ordnance D?pof, Ordnance
Ors., is urgently in need of muni
tions handlers. Workers are aver
All. appointments are under civil well as providing the best facilities
service rules and regulations arr for handling a large number of
; entitled to the benefits thereof, men.
Twenty-six days of annual leave Forest officials of the Heppru.T
and fifteen days of sick leave (used district and neighboring distrcts
aging 53 hours per week with time only in case of actual sickness) are rushed to the scene. Ranger Weh-
and one-half for all work in ex
cess of 40 hours.
Trainmen and yardmen re
quired by Union Pacific Rail
road Company, and men with
out experience in good physi
cal condition, 21 to 55 years of
age, will be given course of
training to qualify them for
this work and will be paid for
training period if they com
plete training, qualify and go
to work. Men with previous ex
perience will be considered up
to 60 years of age.
If now or recently employed
in an essential industry, must
furnish Statement of Avail
ability or release from former
emplo"er and should also have
Social Security card and lat
est draft board registration
card when reporting.
Vacancies are in territory
Portland to Riefh-Pendletoa
and branches with terminals at
Portland, The Dalles and
Union Pacific
Apply to Agent at Umatilla,
Pendle4n, Stanfield, Hermiston,
Ordnance, Arlington, Heppner,
Condon, Hood River or The
Dalles or write direct to Train
master, The Dalles.
STAR Reporter
Friday-Saturday, August 25-26
Mystery Man
William Boyd, Andy Clyde
Another of the popular Hopalong
Cassidy western
Pardon My Rhythm
Gloria Jean, Patricia Knowles, Mar
jorie Weaver, Dob Crosby and his
orchestra, Saul Grauman and his
musical Slairatone, Patsy O'Con
nor, Mel Torme.
Neat musical entertainment.
earned each year. meyer was assisted by Paul Tay-
" here is no housing shortage; ex- lor, forestry engineer; Glenn Jor
cellent one, two and three bed- genson, assistant ranger, R. U.
room housing units and dormitor- Cambers, R. L. Barber, Pendleton;
ies are available at a nominal ren- Hubert McDonald and Glenn Par
tal charge. sons. George Corwin, who spent
lihe starting rate of pay for mu- tart ol the summer at a lookout
aiUons handlers is $43.16 per week station, took on the job of running
o: 43 hours. Pay increases are given the supply truck,
vter a trial period to munitions The region visited by the fire is
handlers whose work is satisfactory.
Contact your nearest US empW
ment office for cleaance or write
to the Commanding Officer, Uma
tilla Ordnance Depot, Ordnance,
Ore., for employment.
rugged country and this added 'A
the difficulties of the fire lighters.
Hospital .....
Continued from First Pace
house which could serve as a re-
Plfg creation spot for convalescent pa-
Continued from First Page SpekeT Wmted im"
was in the path of the fire. Very dfirstood court nt com
little timber of value was burned, rmtted to a. site and tftat no steps
thA fire sweeping through a craz
ing region, burning grass, juniper
and sagebrush.
The serious threat brought out
not only men but some heaw
v'.l1 be taken to secure one until
'M legal formalities are out of the
,t the suggestion of the speak
er, the chamber of commerce ac-
equdpment including two cat and rented the job of setting uo the
killifer units (forester's terms) and machinery for getting the proposal
m RD-8 bulldozer from Kinzuo submitrted to the voters. A peti
Pine Mills company. The main camp tion will be prepared and circulat
was set up at Fairview station be- ed in the several precincts, and it
rxuse of proximity to the fire as is felt thore will be no difficulty
in securing plenty of names. In the
A fact brought out by Barratt and
ether speakers was that there is no
intention of attempting to build a
hospital at this time. Even if the
go ahead were given by war hous
ing authorities it is felt that ma
terials for the high type of building
desired would not come up to spe
cifications. The point stressed by
all was that now is the time to start
building up the fund. The actual
building should be deferred until
the building material and labor sit
uations are more favorobie.
Monday's meeting was featured
by an unusual attendance due to
numerous guests. Frank Turner in
troduced LaVern Van Marter; Mrs.
Sara McNanier had three guests,
Mrs. Etiie Crow, Mrs. Agnes Wil
cox and Mrs. Roy Orwick; Dr. A.
D. McMurdo introduced his son, Lt.
Bernard McMurdo; others were
Mrs. L. D. Neill, president of the
Morrow County Wool Growers aux
iliary, Mayor J. O. Turner, and the
county court, Judge Bert Johnson,
Comissioners L. D. Neill and J. G.
Barratt. (Outside of this list there
were several regular members
W. G. BELL, lone
General Insurance
Invites You fo Listen to
8-30 P' o I
1 on SWt,n J
, " mied by Capital -5;i
The Heppner Gazette, established
March 30, 1883. The Heppner
Times, established November 18,
1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912.
Published every Thursday and en
tered at the Post Office at Hepp
ner, Oregon, as second class
Publisher and Editor
meantime plans are going ahead to
obtain a cost estimate, the type of
building desired, operating expen
: es and other details.
P. Pol. Adv
Public liability and property damage on
logging truck-trailer only $60!
See me today!
FARMERS: Combine insurance includ
ed while operated for both fire and
accidents. Easy rates $1.50 per
$100 per year.
F. W. Turner
Phone 152
Stmday -Monday, August 27-23
A Guy Named Joe
Spencer Tracy, Irene Dunn, Va
Johnson, Ward Bond, James Glea
son, Lionel Barrymorc
A heart-satisfying experience you
will long remember.'
Tuesday, August 29
Man from 'Frisco
Michael O'Shea Ann Shirley, Gene
A thrilling account of the creation
of an industry, forged out of neces
sity and the spirit of workers of war.
Three Stooges
Wednesday-Thursday, August 30-31
Between Two Worlds
John Garfield, Paul Hcnreid, Syd
ney Greenstreet, Eleanor Parker,
Edmund Gwenn
An unusual and poignant story.
We A
O T Quitting
But We Are Closing for a Week
or Two for a Vacation.
Due to a shortage of help and in view of
the impending opening of school, we have
decided to get some rest. Scotty's will
remain closed for ten days or longer, after
which we will be on the job with the best
food service in town.
Yours for the best in refreshments,