Heppner Gazette Times, August 24, 1944 5 CHURCHES t'HURCH OF CHRIST O. Wendell Herhison. Pastor Bible school 9:43. A class for ev i .' asr Mo iling worship 11 a. m. Ch.H'nn Endeavor, 7 p. m. E.emng service, 8 o'clock. MUST METHODIST CHURCH Bennie ilowe. Minister f "."d-y, August 2"th: Divine worsnip at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. T-o :t!it for the Week: ' ? Church does not seek to 1--:-rt Christ down to man's level, fo bin" men up to Christ's !e .:!. f-.nday Sept. 10th: .:.-glnning Sept. 10th a series of m e tings will be held with Rev. WiUcr Duff, Dallas, Oregon, speak- Power Company to Pay Rate Dividend Another 'rate dividend' totaling $300,000 will be received by custo mers of Pacific Power & Light com Ipany about the end of September giving them the equivalent of one month's fre service in 1944. Announcement of the 'dividend was made following a meeting of the company's board of directors in Yakima, at which the payment va authorized. Like a similar payment made, to electric users last May, the latest 'dividend' will amount to approxi mately one-half of a typical month ly bill. It will be paid by checks mailed to each customer. The two rate dividends will mean, total savings of $600,000 in electric bills of Pacific Power & Light com pany' customers in 1944, and will be equivalent to an 8.3 percent rate reduction. , The girl of today is as good ns the ijti't 1'v same g':rl.- This method of sharing wartime one of 40 years ago provided she "lesienger. c n:r.s5 with customers was in it- iatod in the Pacific Northwe:t by :he P. P. & L. company lant spring with the approval of the Washing ton Department of Public Service and the Oregon Pubic Uti.iues commissioner. -Lodi (N. J.) CELEBRATE BIRTHDAYS "e home of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Anderson was the scene of s. m-""- pnrty Sunday when relt;--ps "d friends gathered round to help cele brate a couple of birthdays. Dur the week Mrs. Nola Bristow. -'-r of Mt.. A rHevson, rr( Carter TToure. right hand man of the An dersons, son o-. Mr. and M"s. Ken "r'h lie- e-rh had a bi thd'y and Sunday was the chosen cby to ""'gly ob-orve the occsions. n t.I dinner vrs enjoyed by he 21 persons, o'dsters and young r'e':s who wore present. New Crop Honey Ask far a Jar oi"- WaUenbcrger Brand hi one 7 at Your Local Grocery. 2. B. Wattenherger Producer of Chnxe Mc-sw ? . ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL U1UKCH Archdeacon Neville iJliint Ilo'.y Communion 8 a. m. uirii School 9:45 a. m. Holy Communion 11 a. m. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH Rev. Francis McComiack Pastot Schedule ot Services: Hefner: Sunday mass at 9 a. m. on the 1st and 3rd Sundays; al 10:30 a. m. on the 2nd and 4th. lone: 10:30 a. m. on the 1st and 3rd; 9:00 a. m. on the 2nd and 4th Sundays. Week day mass at 8 a. m. First Friday at 7:30 a. m. Confessions: Saturdays, 7:30 p- m. to 8:00 p. m. Sundays 8:15 a. m. to 8:55 a. m. Ci.UKCH oflONE COOPERATIVE H. N. Waddell, Pastor Bible school. 10 a. ra V.'o. . hip service 11 a. m. Preaching service at 8 p. m. at Lexington. ..ucsd.iy 8 p. m. Bible study Thursday 2 p. m. Union aid meeting. Come to church. "Name?" queried the immigration u'ficial. . "Sneeze," replied the Chinaman proudly. ,. 'j. he official looked hard at him. ''Is that your Chinese name?" he asked. "ho. Melican name," said the Oiiental blandly. Then let's have your native name. ' 'ih Choo." itenchtown (N. Y.) Spot Lite. A general, returning to camp one evening, couldnt produce his lden tLication. The rookie on guard duly, unimpressed, refused to let him pass through the gates. Finally the exasperated general bent for ward pointed to the stars on his shoulders, and bellowed. "Do you know what these mean?" "6ure, ' popped the rookie, "ybu got two sons in the service.'1 Wich ita (&as.) Democrat. ONLY IN iiili 1i.CuONARY ihunderboit pilots overseas are taking a ribbing from Lightning puots becauise a dictionary was lound which deuined thunderbolt as: "a large crash of noise, causing no damage, immediately followed by a bolt of lightning." Sioux Fads Polar Tech. THE ORIGINAL AIR DEODORANT banish ODORS in Living Room Before and after the parly pray with Sweat' Aire. A whilf cleanse the air instantly . . . die ilpateM odor completely! xmmtg - - wwillillll iliiiiiiiii .aw tl $&l$JS& $tM$ A aft fflft --3ffW' MUG WW" " aflh mi!tbi ta TO PP&L CUSTOMERS EVERYWHERE: Last April, as you remember, we announced a "rate dividend" to all our electric customers, in the form of individual checks for approximately one-half of their average monthly electric bills. The total amount, all over the PP&L system, was $300,000. Now we are glad to notify you that another rate dividend check will be nailed to you aa soon as possible after the end of September It will make a total of $600,000 of savings to our customers during 1944 the equivalent of a full month's electric service free.. It has been our wartime responsibility to supply efficiently very need of the military establishments, the industrial plants and the civilian population on our lines. Naturally, this abnornal demand for power has increased our total volume of business. With the approval of the Washington Department of Public Service and the Oregon Public Utilities Commissioner, we feel that the fairest possible way to share the revenue from this extra business, while it lasts, is to distribute these "rate dividends". The cost of electricity in homes on the PP&L system is about -half of the national average. These two rate dividends reduce it about S-l3 further for 1944. As a taxpayer, you will be gratified to know that we have paid constantly increasing taxes while reducing rates, and that we have never drawn a dollar of subsidy from your public treasury. PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY )Tour Business-Managed Power System Humphreys j Drug Company 1 nm