Lexington News Mrs. Mary Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. Ja-re ,---" r Portland have been visiting rela tives and friends and attending to business matters in Lexington this week. Word has been received of the birth of a son Aug. 13 to Mr. and Mrs. W. T.Erickson in Minneapolis. Mrs. Erickson is the former Wilma Leach of Lexington and has been an instructor in physical education in one of the large high schools in Minneapolis since he.' g.auUtt..i from Oregon State. The young man has been named William George. A. M. Edwards and daughter Beth spent Sunday in Walla Walla, Mrs. C. C. Carmichael returned Sunday after spending the past week in Portland. Mrs. Eula Barnhouse and .daugh ter Jean and S. G. McMillan return ed Thursday ai.'ter a short vacation spent in Portland and on the coast. They were: accompanied home by Mrs. Ladd Sherman and daughters. Joe Ihornburg has been employ ed by the school district 'as janitor for the coming year! Mrs. Kate Slocum and Mis. Law rence Slocum of Heppner visited relatives and friends in Lexington Wednesday. Mrs. Cecile Jackson and daught ers and Louise Hunt returned Thursday alter several days vaca tion in Portland. Mrs. Elmer Hunt entertained at a birthday dinner for Elmer Hunt Thursday. Guests were Glen Thompson of Seattle and Miss Es ther Thompson of Heppner. Mrs. Ray Patterson entertained at dinner at her farm home Thursday for a group of the younger married set. Dan Way was seiously injured Friday evening in an accident in volving his car and one driven by Eleanor Trueblood of lone. Mrs. Way and Mrs. Maxine Harshman weie bruised and suftered from shock. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Gray and son Bobby of Stanfield spent Sunday visiting relatives and rriewis in Lexington. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McMillan and family are enjoying a uio.c ,a tion in Portland and vicinity. Ed Grant, was called to The Dal les last week 01 ar-iount ;Vif- se rious illness o' his sister. He r?-or1-d her somewhat improved and able to be taken home Sun. lav. "vs Thursday after spending 10 days with his mother, Mrs. Nora Wilson and other relatives. He is a Pentecostal minister there The T. A. Shouns had letters from both their sons this week. James, a Scbee, is a welder in Guam and Andrew is in the supply depart ment of the army engineers in France. Mrs. Milton Bailey and Mrs. Em ery Bediwell were Pendleton visit ors Tuesday. Mrs. Elsa Voile and daughters arrived Friday from Walla Walla to snend some time with her sister, Mrs. John Voile and family. Her -on George lives with his uncle here. Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgevs, county school superintendent was an Ir rigon visitor Tuesday night. George McNeally, orchardist from across the Columbia river, was an Irrigon visitor Thursday. Mrs. Henry Miller had a birthday party for Mr. Miller Wednesday evening with neighbors coming in to p'ay pinochle. Mr. Houghton and Mr. Umiker received high score and Dan Hill and Mrs. Umiker low i hey had delicious refreshments of sandwiches, cake and couee. Pvt Joe Wilson left for Camp Roberts after 10 days here his mo ther and other relatives. Grace Haney was here from Uma tilla Thursday. ' Franklin Kincheloe arrived home from Portland Wednesday. He has been visiting his sisters there. Sgt Morris Godwin and parents Mr. and Mrs. Tom Godwin and brother Roger spent T'uesday with his grandmother, Mrs. Martha Fer rill and other relatives here. He is an airplane pilot with 53 missons. He has been shot down twice over Europe. Leslie Lathrop of Portland ar rived Thursday to visit his sister, Mr:.. Elmer Rucker and family. Miss La Verne Duus was a Pen dleton visitor Monday, and Tues day deft for Portland for med ical treatment. The C. W. Grims and Frank Ri der were Hermiston visitors Mon day night. O'en Darby returned from Walla Walla Sunday where he has been in the veterans hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Van Cleve and son Vernon left Friday to visit a brother in Yakima. and sons H;rval, Billy and Howard; Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Privett, daugh ters Billy Jean and June and son Joe; Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Carson; Mr. and Mrs. Bye Brown; Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Stout; Mr. and Mrs. Wocdrow Irby and children Patri cia and Bobby; Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Neiil; Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Bailey; Mrs. Sophia Nighton; Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Gentry; Mr. and Mrs. Chester Inman and son Don; Mr. and Mrs. Ain Boyd end daughters Betty Jane and Shirley, and Bob Harris, Frank Brown, Milton Spur lock, Noah Pettyjohn and Wilbur Babb. Heppner Gazette Times, August 24, 1944 3 "Tr. and Mrs. Mark M. Taylor of home of Mrs. Taylor's parents. Mr. Salem are due to arrive this eve- ;nd Mrs. E. R. Huston. They will ning to spend a few days at th? return to their home Sunday. Irrigon News Notes By MBS. J. A. SHOUN John Voile and daughter Juanita and Kathleen Voile went to Port land Sunday returning Monday. They took a load cf M b -vn. Ellen Miliar.. cpd" nu-p home Sunday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller She is completing he- tu-- ' "-'-'.-- then she will have a two weeks vacation before she starts Work.-' Mrs. Clra Ge-ton p" the ve1'.''"e board was an Irrigon visitor from Heppner Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wilson and three children left for New Mead- (7- at It I v ' ' . . . Always ... REASONABLE PRICES combined with comfort and painstaking examination BETTER VISION means BETTER HEALTH DR. STRAM Over 20 years optical experience St ram Optical Co. 225 South Main St. Pendleton. Lrregon 1 DON'T fllP??4!! t RELY ON mkM 4. LEAF Vy' fifes t Garbage Disposal Service Phone 3F12 For Prompt, Dependable Service Make arrangements now for regular hauling. Job hauling a specialty. Robert Mollahan TSSOURIANS FROLIC ON V- NKS OF RHEA CREEK While not as many neople turned r'Ut as the sponsors had wished to ve, upwards of 50 former Missou rians gathered at the forks of Rhea Creek Sunday and spent a pleas ant day reminiscing, : pitchiing horseshoes and otherwise enjoying 'H outing. Of course there was a basket dinner of southern fried "hicken, delicious cakes, salads, rien 9nd all the trimmings, disposed r by Missouri appetites that ,have ot diminished through residence in Oregon. Enioying the picnic were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ayers and daughter Rose ann; Mr. and Mrs. James Hayes and son Jimmie; Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Pettyjohn, daughter Virginia For Good Eats Go to the Victory Cafe lone, Oregon Roy and Betty Lieuallen Proprietors We H aven't Got Pop on Ice But we do keep Irrigon Watermelons chilled ready for your table. 11 4 You won't go wrong taking one of these delicious melons home as a treat for the entire family, Grown right here in Morrow county, thev are unexcelled. Please help us out by bringing cartons with you when you buy groceries. Central Market WA ED LATE MODEL CARS We will pay top ceiling prices for late model cars in average condition. Why bcther trying to sell your car when we will pay all the law allows and will take care of fill ing out all necessary forms. Rosewall Motor Co. Your Dealer