Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 24, 1944, Image 1

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News From
The Boys at
The Front
San Fancisco, Calif. It's now
Staff Sergeant Orrin W. Bisbee.
Promotion of the . Heppner, Ore.
native son has been announced by
Headquarters Fourth Air Force
where he is on duty as an admin
istrative specialist.
He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. L.
E. Bisbee of Heppaer. Prior to his
army service the sergeant was an
analytical specialist with the Stan
dard Oil company of California. He
holds a Bachelor of Science degree
from Stanford university.
Pvt John J. Lane is training wth
an infantry battalion at Camp Ro
berts, Calif., according to informa
tion received this week. John was
a member of a recent class of draf
tees from Morrow county.
Lt. (jg) John H. Barrie and wife
and children drove to Pendleton
one day last week where they met
his parents from Washington and
spent the day. Lt. Barrie is com
mander of a PC boat and has made
several jaunts into the Pacific area.
He left the fore part of the week
to report for duty.
Claude Drake, A. S., is spending
his boot leave at home. His parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Drake, drove to
Pendleton - Tuesday - to meet him.'
Claude took his boot training at
Mrs. Edwn Dick and little son
Ladd Edwin are preparing to drive
to San Francisco where husband
and father Edwin, S lc, is in train
ing. They recently returned from
Spokane where they spent several
months while Mr. Dick was in
training at Farragut.
Rev. E. R. Snider of Irrigon, pas
tor of the Pentecostal church at
that place, was a Heppner visitor
Friday. He also is moderator of the
church for this district.
Ted Blake, who spent the sum
mer in the county working for Leo
Gorger, returned Sunday to his
home in Portand.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bergstrom and
children left this morning for Port
land to spend several days while
their daughter Marilyn is fitted to
new glasses. They were accompan
ied by Mrs. Bergstrom's mother,
Mrs. Charles Osmin, and Frank
Mrs. .Lavern Hams left Sunday
for Paso Robles where she will
work at the airbase where her hus
band is in training. Mrs. Jim Hams
is taking care of the baby during
the mother's absence.
James Kenney, son of Mr. and
Mrs. John Kenny and Wilbur Wor
den, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Worden, hove .been assigned to an
undisclosed army training camp for
active service, according to infor
mation received this week at the
office of the Morrow county selec
tive service board Vernon Ami?,
formerly of Heppner but register
ed from a southern state, also has
been assigned to training camp.
C. L. Hodge spent several dayj
in Portland this week on business.
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, August
Scenes Depicting
Industrial Life of
County in Demand
Have you pictures of your
farm grain fields in process of
being harvested, herds of cattle,
Kinds., of., sheep,., etc. taken
in the last year or two which '
you would be willing to lend to
the Morrow county court? Or
are there lumbering scenes or
other forest pictures revealing
the county's now extende tim
ber industry available. If so,
the court would like a few of
Judge Bert Johnson announced
Monday that Morrow county
has taken a page in the nat
ional magazine published in the
interest of county courts and
that it is the purpose of the lo
cal court to make this advertis
ing as effective as possilbe. Pic
tures save many words and tell
a more graphic story. If you
want to help make your county
better known to the country at
huge you can make a valuable
contribution lending some pic
tures. They can be-left at the
Gazette Tunes office.
Judge Sentences
kl d
ne3ru rriuners
P!ens of guilty were entered
Wednesday morning by the three
negro youths held in the Morrow
county jail on a charge of larceny
of automobiles, and Judge Calvin ited with saving valuable stands of
L. Sweek passed sentences com- timber. Main loss included graz
mitting two of the boys to the state ing land and 700 sacks of wheat
prison and turned the third boy burned on the Griffith ranch which
over to Judge Bert Johnson for CoatHul on Pfcgo Eight
disposal of the case under the ju-
venile law. Johnson is endeavoring TWO More HoUSeS
to get the youth accepted' for mili- r i r A I
tary service, . Sold PuriJig Week
Chester Laverne Burke, 19, said
to have been the chief culprit, was
given a term of three years. Floyd
Arnold Glasby, 18, drew a one- lar- arly m the weeK v. w. Ma- companied by Alene Dyer, head of hospital, for that is apparent to
year term. honey purchased from Mr. and Mrs. the division of public health nurs- anyone who has given it some
Matthew Robinson, 17, is still in Don Strait the small residence es. visited Heppner Aug. 18 when thought. What the court is concern
jail here pending the outcome of property on west Center street, arrangements were made for her ed about ia the matter of getting
Judge Johnson's efforts to get him Mahoney made the purchase to to take up her work here. the machinery in motion for secur-
in the army. provide residence for his mother, Miss Gillis has been public health ing the hospital. The court has in-
Sheriff John Fuiten and State Mrs- w- p- Mahoney, and sister, nurse in Polk county for the past vestigated the possibility of a coun-,
Foliceman Ed Albert left this morn- M"- c- J- Jr- who at pres- eight years. ty financed building and finds there
ing for Salem with Burke and ent occupy Part the house on In the absence of Commissioners is nothing in the way of proceeding
Glasby. west Baltimore street recently pur- L. D. Neill and J. G. Barratt, Mrs. in that direction if it is the' will of
Judge Sweek disposed of several chased by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lucy Rodgers and Mrs. George the majority of voters within the
birth certificate applications during Kirkham. Geitsen acted on the conference county. To ascertain that sentiment
his short visit. Ted Smith of lone completed a board with Judge Bert Johnson. it will be necessary to place -the
deal Wednesday for the puroliase of matter before the electorate at the
ouniy oupi. i,ucy noagers ana
Mrs. Don Romine and ' Mrs.
Sherman of Lexington are spend
ing the week in La Grande attend-
ing a ret resher course for grade
teachers at Eastern Oregon College
of Education.
l1 - . V3 ill
This is an air view of the newly-opened Marine Corph rehabilitation center near Klamath Falls, rest
haven for thousands of Leatherneck veterans of Pacific warfare. Men suffering rom tropical ailments
are treated here until restored to full vigor and fitnness. First of its kind in the nation's history, the
center is still growing and will accommodate more than 5,000 Marines when completed. It is commanded
by Colonel Bernard Dubcl.
1600-Acre Fire
Brought Under
Control Yesterday
Large Crew of Men
Battles Flames
For Three Days
A erass and brush fire which Parents received a letter from him
was battled by a large force of men Wednesday telling of a hospital ex
for three days was brought under porience but revealing nothing re
ctntrol Wednesday afternoon and garding the manner in which he
by hte evening most of the fire received the fractured member,
fighters had returned to their -.- Jack Benney and his troupe of
sportive jobs, leaving a skeleton entertainers were visiting the area,
crew of 10 men to guard against JE-'k had in and visited . the
further outbreaks. The burn was in boys in Francis's ward. After a bit
northeastern Wheeler county and the captain came in and told Fran
was started by an electric stem he had better shave. The young
which hit that section Monday af- sudier was complying with the
ternoon. suggestion when the door opened
Lightning struck near the Whee- End in walhed Martha Tilton. He
ler Point lookout. Mrs. Carl Mc was in .. a 50-50 condition half
Daniel, observer, caught the time at shaved and half lathered. The ra
1:13 p. m. and had her report in & r told him he needed super
to headquarters by 1:15 p. m. This vision and proieeded to supervise,
enabled Ranger Fred Wehmey- hen i4 was decided that such an
er and his crew to get organized in important task should be photo
short order and forest workers and graphed, with the result that Bai
nearby timber and mill worke s iey and Miss Tilton were "shot'
were soon on the fire line. By looking into the mirror together.
Tuesday morning reciuits were
sent out from town and upwards of
250 men were on the job. At one
stage of the fire 160 men were on
the line at one time and are cred-
The real estate market tapered
ff a htttle this week, with two res-
idence transactions reported thus
the residence property of Mrs. Sa.a
McNamcr. The Smiths will taks
possession Sept 1. He is the new
AAA manager in the county agent's
Mrs. McNamer has taken a suite
in the Jones apartments.
24, 1944
Shaving Has Its
Good Points in
South Pacific Area
A man with a broken leg can en
ioy shnving himself under such
f.-vorable conditions as that recent
ly experienced1 by Francis Bailee,
soldier son of Mr. and Mrs. N. D.
Bailey of Heppner. Francis is some
where in the South Pacific where
he has been hospitalized with a
broken leg sustained July 2. His
irancis says the boys get a thrill
out professional entertainerh
but that perhaps not many of them
fiet nd of attention he en-
HeW County NurSe
C & L. 1
uue September i
Morrow county, without the ser-
vices of a county health nurse
since June 1, when Mrs. Roger
Thomas- resigned, will again be
numbered among-the counties en
joying this service when Miss Mar-
garet Gillis takes over the duties
of the office Sept. 1. Miss Gillis ac-
Miss Bobbie Wicks of Portland
arrived Monday night 4 visit her
une'e and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. G.
A. Sanders. She will assist in the
Heppner Bakery until the opening
of school.
Volume 61 , Number 22'1
rn r-
For Entire County
fold by Barratt
Need of Hospital
Time to Finance
Building Now, Says
Luncheon Speaker
President B. C. Pinckney of
the Heppner Chamber of Com
merce Wednesday named the
following persons as a steering
committee to ascertain the need
of a hospital, obtain figures on
' possible costs and other infor
mation needed to present the
project to the people of the
county: Judge Bert Johnson;
Lee Beckner, lone district, Ma
yor J. 0. Turner, neppnerj
Ralph Jackson, Lexington dis
drict; County Supt. Lucy E.
Rodjcrs; County Commissioner
J. G. Barratt; Jack Gorham,
Boardman district; A. C. Hou
ghton, Irrigon district; . P. W.
Mahoney. Heppner, and Mrs.
Percy Hughes, Lena district.
Need of a hospital and how the
county can finance construction,
equipping and maintenance of such
an institution formed the basis of a
talk at Monday's luncheon of the
chamber of commerce by J. G. Bar-
ratt, who, as a member of the
county court presented that body's
views M welI M .lhi8 personal
thoughts Barratt had been asked to
present some impressions by the
county court and offered the hos-
pital as the most pressing need of
the moment.
The speaker stated there was
very little need of devoting time
to discussion of the need of the
fall election, either on the' regular
ballot bv Detition or Kv a sno-inl
"When the proposal was made
four years ago county and individ-
ual finances were not in so favnr-
able condition as they are today,"
Barratt slated. "Money- is more
plentiful, indebtedness has been
greatly reduced, and property val
uation has increased from some
$9,000,000 to $10,385,000. A special
levy of one mill for a period of
four or five years should suppy
ample funds to build and operate
a county-owned hospital.
It was pointed out that the county
now has . 79 people who are taken
core of under the welfare set-up.
Some of these people have had to
be taken to hospitals outside of
the county for medical attention.
With facilities fhe local .hospital
would offer they would be cared
for at home. That is one phase; on
the other hand accommodations for
the people who are able to 'pay for
hospital services, not only within
the county but from neighboring
counties lacking such facilities,
should place the enterprise on a
paying basis.
While no definite building site
is under consideration, Barratt
staled that property situated just
south of the court house offered
specific advantages inasmuch as
the two properties could be oper
ated more or less as a unit. A cen
tral heating plant could serve both
buildings; the county has its own
water system, and in addition there
is a beautiful little park already
developed at the rear of the court
Continued om Page Eight