Heppner Gazette Times, August 17, 1944 7 Classified : and Legal . Advertising Want Ads FOR RENT Roomsv close in. By week or month. S. H. Shan non. Heprmei'. 13tf. LAWN MOWtSaS sharpened fac tory style. N. D. Bailey. 2tf FOR SALE 1927 Chev. coupe. 5 objections to said final account and CARD OF THANKS sale at Pendleton Friday at which good 4:50x21 tires. James Healy.- the settlement of said estate and all We are deeply grateful to neigh- time there is a meeting of mem- 21-22p persons having objections thereto bors and, friends who have been so ters of the state group and usually ; are required to file same with said sympaithcr,ic in our bereavement. QUILT CHESTS Size 18x18x36 in- Cour). Qn or fore the time set for Their heartfelt expressions and side, removable bottoms; choice of said hearing kindly offers of assistance have light oak, maple, walnut or ma- Dated firet pubUshed this made our burden less difficult to hogany linisn. iu eacn. cue win- - , AufiUsL 194i bear. LILLIAN E. BRISTOW. Mr. and Mrs. Omar Rietmann 20-24 ' Administratrix. ters, former Christian parsonage, Heppner Ore. church a tea at the iwme ot Mrs. Mac Hoke. Mrs. R-j'ph Thomrson, past nlior-l p-ppident, and Mrs. L. D. Neill, president of the local auxili ary plan to ettend and take several others with them. FOR SALE Romney and Hamp shire yearling and lamb bucks. F. M. Page, Monument Ore. 21-34p Best quality blotting paper in 19x24 sheet for desik coveis or tin smaller to suit your nutd. Gazette Times printer). FOR SALE Dry board ends, $2 pe. Iprge trailer load 74 cubic feet. See Edwin or Eldon Tucker. 6tf FREE! If exoes.- aeid causes you psins of Stomach Ulcers, Indiges tion. Heartburn, Belching. Bloat ing. Nausea. Gas Pains, get free sample. Udga, at Humphreys Drug Company. 16-30p FOR SALE Used" Delco light jn THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE plant. Allen JrTidemore, iij west STATE OF OREGON Alder, Walla Walla, Wash. ' 1721p M0RROW COUNTY Stanley V. Tucker, Plaintiff, vs. HERE FROM PORTLAND Mrs. Tom Fiaters has been NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT .. . , , . xi Spending a few days in the county iNotice is nereoy given uwi ue . ... rjat5wQ nj n.inl, nftfr in, i 5 ft 'milps tot hour. A 60 Legal Notices SUMMONS WANTED to buy used irons, ap nKmcoc o1prtrir mntnrs. wash ing machines, etc. Heppner Home Margaret E. Smith, Defendant. Service. ' 19if TO: Margaret E. Smith, DEFEND- ANT. FOR SALE 300 aged ewes. Rufus IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Piper, Lexington. 18-2 Ip OF OREGON you are hereby re quired to appear ana answer ine undersigned, administratrix, of the estate of Edward O. Neill, deceased, has filed her final account with the County Court of Morrow County, Oregon, and said court has set as a time and place for hearing on said final account, Monday, August 21, 1944, at 11:00 A. M. at the County Court House in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon. All persons hav ing objections to said final account FOR must file the same on, or . before, the said date. Dated and first published this 20th day of July, 1944. OLETA AKERS, 17-21 Administratrix business matters. Returning 1o Portland she will be aoompanied by Mrs. L.o?m Marqiurdt who will visit several days in the city. TO ATTEND RAM SLE Members ' of the Woolgrowois auxiliary of Morrow county are planning t6 attend the annual in .; A SIMPLE PROBLEM A motorist was 100 yards from an open railway "rcssing and was pro- train was a:o ;wo?:rmg at mi' en hour, Us distance from the crossing was 375 feet. Problem: Did " the motorist get across? y Solution: Yes, the motorist got a cross. His widow bought it out of the insurance money. ' Capper's Weekly. FOR SALE 'Two ice box refrig- Complaint filed against you in the erators one 100-Lb capacity, above entitled Court and Cause other 75-lb Arnold Pieiper, Lex- within four weeks from the date of inffton la-jp Ule iu umiuun uu mo uum WANtTED Stubrile pasture for answer, for want thereof, the plain- cattle as soon as available. P. tiff will aptly to the said Court p ire ir ; j.1 i J O Box 462 Heppner, or phone tor reiier as prayeo. ior in uie uu 2F33. 1921p Complaint, SUMMONS EQUITY NO. 3573 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MORROW COUNTY mons and if you fail to appear and MARGUERITE e. GLAVEY, Plaintiff From where I sit ... it Joe Marsh. Ella Sproule versus the Horseless Carriage to-wit: for a decree '- that the olaintiff is the owner in FOR SALE Several good, well fee simple of the following describ- broke saddle horses; one bicycle, e( reai property, to-wit tires. O. Wendell Herbi- 20-21c The South half of Section Four (4) in Township Two (2) North of Range Twenty-seven (27) East of the Willamette Meridian. And that the plaintiff is the owner in fee simple of the said land, free of anv rieht. title, estate, lien or new son. I BUY, sell and repair all makes of telephones, new or old. Also as parts are becoming avail able I am again repairing house hold apliances. McCaleb. 14-19c interest in the said land or any part Swinburne, deceased, and also - .. ihrnmnf o S nornpr T3 u rpsi.r h r LOST-BiUfold. Name inside, Lois , . . 'h d and assigns, from asserting or claiming Rondeau Singer. Write in care ot Sid Zinter, lone, Ore. 19-21p any rijjht, title, estate, lien or in 16c banked Heppner-Spray high- Summons is served UT30n way. Write Wes Phegley, Condon, yQu by pubication thereof for four Ore. 18"21P consecutive weeks in the Heppner milk Gazette Times by order of Honor able Bert Johnson, Judue ot the WILL SWAP young Jersey r n Rmum W Ore County Court of Morrow County, filed against you in , , 2Q state of Oregon, and A'hich said nrder was made and entered the FOR SALE New Hampshire Red 24th day. of July, 1944, and the first pullets $1 each. Ph. 10G4. 21-22c date of' this publication is the 27th FOR SALE-18 Rambouillet bucks. of Rufus Piper, Lexington. 20-22P P. W. MAHONEY, Attorney for the Plaintiff. WANTED1 Furnished apartmeni or small furnished house for two " -people. Mrs. Fred Gramse, Hotel Heppner, Oregon. Heppner. 18-22 20-21p N0TICE OF SALE OF COUNTY. PROPERTY By virtue of an ORDER OF THE COUNTY COURT, dated August 3rd, 1944, I am authorized and di ricted to advertise and sell at pub lic auction at not less than the BOARD and ROOM for school children at my home during the school year. Phone 1172, Mrs. Charley Fraters, Heppner. 20-24p FOR SALE Used Multnomah drag minimum price herein set forth: saw and two blades. Fred Mankin, lone. Price $75. 20-22p Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye Sight Spec ialist of Pendleton will be at the HEPPNER HOTEL on WEDNES DAY AUGUST 23rd. WANTED To trade a locker box in lone for one in Heppner. J. A. Troodson, Morgan. Lots 4 and 5 in Block 18, Irrigon Morrow County, Oregon, for the minimum price of $20.00, cash. Quarter, and Southeast Quarter defendants of the Southeast Quarter of Section 36, Township 4, South, Range 28, E. W. M. for the mi- vs The unknown heirs . of Vie E. Swinburne, deceased, and also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint here in, Defendants. To the above named defendants: the unknown heirs of Vie E. all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described ia the complaint here in, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON You are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint the iibove en- tilled Court and cause within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this Summons and if you fail to so appear and ans wer,1 for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to said Court lor the relief prayed for arid demanded in said complaint, towit: A decree that plaintiff is the owner in fee of the following 'des cribed land, to-wit: The Northeast Quarter (NEV4) of Section 36, Township 4 South, Range 27 Ea-t of tl.-. Willamette Meridian, in th;' County of Morrow and State of Ctoegon, and that plaintiff is such owner in fee of said land free from any right, title, estate, lien or interest of defendants and of each of Miss Ella Sproule is a town legend. Never could get used to automobiles. Said there ought to be a law to ban the pesky things. Finally, Miss Ella went to Ber muda where automobiles were outlawed. Then the Allies need bases there and now Miss Ella watches jeeps whiz by and mut ters, "There ought to be a law!" Funny how certain folks, who don't like something, think it ought to bo prohibited. Or clso they try to run away from it, and it catches up with them like Progress will. Take the quest' on c f Pro" '. tion versus Mod err. ion. r.v.": today, after Pre hi',, t ion's d.' mal failure, you c?." hear well meaning people say: " Thcr ought to be another Ir.vr." From where I sit, there or?,l:t to he, instead, more f;:cl.-,; ol the facts more realization that 110 law can ever take the place of tolerance and moderation, and decent law enforcement under proper regulation. No. 90 of a Series Copyright, 1944, Brewing Industry Foundation That defendants or any one or more of defendants has no right, title, estatev lien or interest in nimum price of $1.00 per acre, said land or in any part thereof; cash. and that defendants and each of THEREFORE, I will on the 2nd defendants, their heirs and assigns, FOR SALE Medium sl;:e 6-cap day of September, 1944, at the hour be perpetually restrained and en- They are patient aliout waiting 21 j Cascade range. Inquire Gazette Times oiiice or Mrs. R. B. Rice. of 10:00 a. m., at the front door joined from asserting or claiming of the Court House in Heppner any right, title, estate, lien, or in- FOR SALE Two 7:50x20 truck tires with tubes, good condition. 1.000 second hsnd grain sacks. E. W. Moyer. 21-22p Oregon, sell said property highest and best bidder. JOHN H. FUITEN, Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon. 20-23 to me terest in said iand or in any thereof,, adverse to plantiff. part FOR SALE Dodge truck. 6 Main, Hepipner. South 21p NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is herehv eiven that the undersigned administratrix of estate of Edmund J. Eristow, ceased, has filed with the County Court of Morrow County, Oregon, her final account of her adminis tration of the estate of said de (rvisod and that said Court has FOR SALEPeaches for canning fixed Monday, the 11th day of Sep now ready at Wurster ranch, tember 1944 at the hour of 10:00 1 milt lAfjc-t nf Umatilla. Please o'clock A. M. of said day at the brinii boxes. Prices reasonable. Court House at Heppner, Oregon, Pendleton, Oregon FOR SALE Residence property in North Heppner. Phone 464. Frank W. Gentry. 21p FOR RENT 2-room cabin. Phone 1172. Mrs. Charley Fraters at Wil son cabins. . 21c This summons is served upon you by publication thereof four successive weeks in the Hep pner Gazette Times, by order of C. L. Sweek, Judge of the Court above named, which said order de was made and dated the 28th day of July, 1944, and the date ot the first publication of this sum mons is the 3rd day of August, 1944. ALFRED F. CUNHA Attorney for Plaintiff Post Office Address: 21-22c a3 the time and place for hearing 19-23 because ffiose Long Distance calls mean so much A soldier has to line up for a lot of things but we don't like to see him wait too long for a Long Distance call. Would you mind helping a little by saving the wires from seven to ten for the serv ice men? That's when thousands of soldiers rush to the telephones at the camps and we'd lika to give them first call on Long Distance. Buy War Bonds for Victory THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY ' West Willow. 1 eh phon 5