Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 17, 1944, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 Heppner Gazette Times, August 17, 1944
Wilbur Pearson was taken to the
Hermiston hcrpitr Wednesday
evening following a kick in the
chest bv a cow. He had been on the
verge of pneumonia and the injury
brought it en sooner. He rfctu-ned
home Saturd' v much improved.
HEC met. t Mt.. Bouey's with
Mrs. Briggs as joint hostess. A large
crowd attended. The noxt meeting
will hz n.t the grange ha!l the fi-:;t
Thursday in September to c'n-n
the hall for the grange fair which
will bs held Sept. 9.
Harry Thorpe mnde a business
trip to Hcpr-ie:- Friday. He wai ac
companied, bv Be: nadin o H-vcrzn
and Mrs. Nrthan Thorpe and child
ren. Mrs. Bill Lilly was taken to the ,
Hermiston hospital Thursday suf
fering from ? gall bladder attack.
She returned much improved.
Mr. and. Frs. F'don Shannon and
daughter returned home from the
coast F.idry whc;e he haj been
family. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Tanne
hill and Keith, Mr. and Mrs. Na
than Thorpe and children, Mr. and
Mrs. Eller and family, High Hoff
man, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marlow
,:J f.ir.ii'y, yic. a;d Mid. Dan Han
fief, Mrs. Margaret Hamilton and
children, Mr. and Mrs. George
Daniel, Mr. and Mrs. Deibert Car
penter and children. Mr. and Mrs.
Roach and the host and hostess,
.Liui A'l.kerman ie. t Tuesday
1.10. ning for Soap Lake lor medical
I. raiment.
ivlr. and Mrs. Al Macombsr and
lamily lelt Sunday for their home
at Spray.
and Mrs;. V::ncn Root and
son of Athena spent Sunday at the
Leo Root home.
Frank Marlow rc.mr;d he
from Pendleton Saturday where he
recently underwent an operation.
M:-s. FMon Wilson and daughttr
came from Portland Wednesday to
visit at the Ray Brown and Robert
Wilson homes.
Mr:,. Blanche Shannon passed
away Saturday afternoon following
a heart attack. She had been ill
with heart trouble for several years.
Mrs. Shannon has lived in Board -man
lor nearly 15 years. Funeral
services were held Wednesday at
Weiser, Ida. She is survived by two
sons and a daughter; Eldon and
Mrs. Doris Lilly of Boardman and
Norval of. Los Angeles; also four
Frances Skoubo spent Sunday at
home. She returned Monday morn
ing to Bingham Springs.
Ted Ekker of the U. S. Navy
spent Sunday visiting friends on the
project. Te left Monday morning
for Hood River to visit his father.
Guest at the Lehman home over
the week-end was Mr. Lehman's
Harry Thorpe and Chas. Dillon
each took a load of cattle to Port
land Sunday.
A picnic was held at the Lehman
home Sunday. Those present were
iff md
Mr. and M.S. ilucse'!
Irrigon News Notes
Mrs. Roy Minnick and daughter
Luella left for Spokane Saturday
to visit their son and brother Le
roy Minnick S 2!c who is stationed
at Faiiagut but who will meet them
in Spokane.
Cpl Doug Whipple, who h?.s seen
service in Australia and New Gui
nea has been in Tacoma and Se
Wh for a lew days and is to arrive
with Mrs. Whipple Tusrsdny evs
J i;:;; according to a wire received
..'jor.i him,. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin
T7b:pple jre aYo expected Tues
day evening to visit with the H. H.
Whipples. Doug has been gone al
most four years.
Mrs. Tom Caldwell left for Port
laud Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Adams were
visitors at The DaP.es Sunday
bringing their .gons Don.;: Id and
Robtrt home with them.
Wm. Allen is back from Heppner
and Portland where he took his
physical exam. He is back at his
job at the Holub ranch near Penr
'dleton for the present.
Mr. and Mrs. Adren Allen and
two children came up. from The
Dalles and took Mrs. C. W. Acock
and daughter Luolla down there.
They spent a wtek there. Chas.
Acock Jr. went down Sunday and
brought '.hem i-.orne.
Boy ii in a . buvu'h of bomber
made a mistake pr.d bombid the
Acock turkey pen but did no dam
age. There weie pits to show where
"the Lo.rbj hi..
Mr. and M s. P,oy Va- C" ve of
Kennewick arrived Monday to vis
it their daughter Mrs. Mil 'on Bailey
and family. Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. Van
Cleve and J. A. Shoun were Hep
pner visitors Monday.
George Linn of Boardmon was an
Irrigon visitor Monday.
Jack White and Darrel Cowgill
spent a few days at Jerry White's
leaving Monday for Freewater.
The E. R. Schneiders returned
from Freewater Friday where they
had been at the Pentecostal camp
Mrs. Hazel Steagall will drive one'
of the school buses this fall.
Mrs. Nora Wison has had her son
Joe home for 10 days. He left for
a California camp Wednesday.. Mrs.
Bessie Edward and two children of
Cook, Wash., arrived Thursday to
visit her mother and ot'ior rchti'es.
Her husband, Herb i-a. can:--up
Sunday and took ht-r and the
children home. Mrs. Wilson's son
Chester and family of New Mead
ows arrived Wednesday and are
spending some time here with all
of the rest.
The watermelon men are busy
picking and delivering their ripe
melons. Among those in this vici
nity are Don Kenny, Glen Aldrich,
H. H. Whipple, Provancho &
Sparks, Paul Slaughter and the
Verna May Sauter of -The Dalles
is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Paul Ha
berlein and family.
Mrs. Mike Hinkley went out to
the Ordnance hospital Sunday. The
Jack Bomes took her there.
Mrs. Cora Williams of Tillamook
arrived Wednesday - to visit her
sister, Mrs. Wm. Gollyhom and
family. She went to Pendleton Wed
nesday to meet her son Cpl Williams
who has been stationed in Mexico.
Fred Houghton was a Pendleton
visitor Saturday.
The Marshall Markham, Harvey
Warner and Batie Rand families
spent the week-end at Freewater
attending the Pentecostal camp
meeting. Mrs. Liiie Warner also
was there.
Mrs. Walter Agee of Umatilla was
an Irrigon visitor Sunday.
Mrs. White is back on the mail
route after spending a week taking
a car to Reno, Nev.
"Why ain't ye?"
"Standin' in a b'ar trap." Rox
bury (Mass.) Gazette.
Grandpappy Morgan, a hillbilly
of the Ozarks, had wandered off
into the woods and failed to return
for supper so young Tolliver was
sent to look for him. He found him
standing in the bushes.
"Getting dark, Grandpap," the
tot ventured.
"Suppertime, Grandpap."
"Well, air ye comin' home? '
WE arc pleased with
the many friends we
have made housewives
who have exclaimed over
the nutritional qualities of
all our meals. Menus are
carefully planned to give
you good, wholesome, nu
tritious foods. Breakfasts
to give a mill or farm worker
"something; to work on."
Lunches arc always appe
tizing. Dinners are always
a treat for hungry families.
COME. Come in soon!
r :
Do you know
about the crusade
to lower
the cost of hearing?
If you find yourself training to
hear ... if you can't "get" all that's
said at home, at business, at thea
tres or social gatherings, you owe it
to yourself to try this sensational
new hearing aid. At its low price, it
is helping thousands who could not
"afford" to hear. Let your own ears
decide you will not be pressed to buy.
Radionic Hearing Aid
Readv to
plate with radionto
tubes, crystal micro
photic, 4-position oat.
sid tone control bat
teries and battery
saver circuit. Liberal
guarantee. One model
one price on qua'
Zenith' fmtttk
Accepted hy America Med'
kal Aetoeiatkm CouneO m
Physical Therapy
Gmim In for Demonstration
Stram Optical
iJl-??":7--S. Sfr
ft W 1
... :. Br Z -tl laT C
3 Z3a
12 l-2c lb.
" 28c lb
Ability assd Hesi
a particularly tough and important job comes
v v along, it usually lands in the lap of someone who Is
already doing a lot of other jobs well.
People like this who are used to getting results aren't
too plentiful. They need to have both ability and a sense of
responsibility. One alone won't do for ability can sometimes
be misdirected, and a sense of responsibility without ability
can lead to troublesome meddling.
It's men with this combination of talents who have been
carrying a heavy load on the home front these past few years.
On the farm and in industry they've been meeting and
Solving the difficult wartime problems of production.
After the war is won, somebody must shoulder the equally
big job of getting this nation back into peacetime production,
f laying the groundwork for the better and more prosperous
America we all want. This is a challenge, and an opportunity,
for the producers of America for the men and women who
have sense of responsibility and have shown their ability
to get things done. General Electric Co., Schenectady. N. n
Hef Ike General tlectrta nolo roa'rainsi "Die C I Alt-gM Orehettra'' leeenr
10 Mb IWT,HK The WW Today" newt, every weekday 4.45 ja, IWT, Of
Lard, Pure Ml. Emily -
Beef Roasts Steer Beef, -
Shoulder Pork Roast
Juicy Tender-
Veal Steak Choice or A.A Veal, - 33c lb.
Salt Pork, - - - - - 28c I
33c lb.
Pork Steak, Lean and Tender - 36c lb,
Dacca Locker Packs Pts. and Ots.
The price o f Liberty Seems to. have
gone up with everything else so
Let's All Buy Our Share
Mrs. A. E. Burkenbine