0 CHURCHES CHURCH OF CHRIST O. Wendell Herhison. Pastor Bible school 9:45. A class for ev ery age. Morning worship ' 11 a. m. Chrisfen Endeavor, 7 p. m. Evening service, 8 o'clock. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Bennie Howe. Minister Sunday, Ausrust 29th: Divine worsnip at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m: Thought for the Week: The inspiration to better living must come from some higher source than ourselves. Go to Church Sunday. ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Archdeacon Neville Blunt Holy Communioin 8 a. m. 'Church School 9:45 a. m. Holy Communion 11 a. m. Pastot Heppner Gazette Times, August 17, .1944 5 Lexington News Gifts to Hospitals with necessary globes, $9250 backwood diplomacy Mrs Mary Edwards i i i u for new radios, $100 for fur- Hunter (to old guide): "Have you The Misses Shirley and Hazel May LfStcd by MOITOW nitlLre or sunroom at Walla Walla cver been lost in the J0 entertained a group of young folks QouMy Committee ir. base, $42.50 for new curtains J forfour Tys."- at their home Thursday evening 7 for wavd 9 and $10 f westem chronicle-Telegraph. It was a farewell party for tiie At the committee meeting held stories Pnd comic booy. Also $25 giris as mey are leavmg soon ior Auft. li, it was decided tne nuwic was sent for Mra Reser-S pceount their new home in Spokane. might be interested in the list of and $5 for telcphone can at fre Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wickersham, Sifts sent each month during the reguiar monthly birthday party, who have been visiting at Jhe Harry year p.nd the following is the list Employes 0f "the bank are giving Duvall home left for their home in for July 1944: ' e wrapped prizes for August and Portland Sunday. The toys at Pasco Naval Station ftfica creek grange will give them Mrs. Eula Barnhouse ind Jesn vere snt the following presents: for September. The committee went to Portland last week. They a maple finish desk with lamp, would welcome help from organha were accompanied by S. G. Mc maple record cabinet and two foot tions and grou(ps for these prizes Millan and Mrs. Ladd Sherman and stools for the sun room. For the as it i? something the patients en daughters, barracks recreation room, an un- Joy very much. It takes so many A M Edwards spent a few days i"llallcu "" vnoc, yau '"uu eacn monin and eacn county snouia in Spokane this week on business. hree ,ffolfnS stands and a flo lvide a certain amount. 1h: . lamp. Ihe lest two items were used ghls attending the evening session Mrs. Douglas Gibson and daugh- article;: in wood condition. Two 0 the Red Cross are glad to do the ter spent Monday at the home of pairs oi hr.nd made curtains with wrapping and will do the shophK Mr. rnd Mrs. Breshears. Miss June rods we c sent by the Valby mis- el donors who do not have the Steagall returned with her after sionary society and 5,009 sheets of (jme. spending several weeks at the stationery were given by Holmes - Gibsons. Gabbert a former resident of lone. ON BUSINT7.S TRIP At the last meetiing of the school Sixty-live pocket she 'bocks were ' B- C. Pinckney left Vcdn :sJ;.- board Mrs Lilian Turner was sent by Mrs. Vehna Parker of Port- c'lernocu for Portand to spend 7 granted a year's leave of absence land to the credit of Rhea Creek few days on business, rnd Mrs. Juanita Carmiehael was grange. Mrs. Fred Mankln sent one elected to teach in the upper grades, and one half dozen cups, saucers Lexington now has a full staff of and small plates for the Waves mid teachers. Mrs. Bethel Taylor has night snacks. An iron and cord were baen elected superintendent, Mrs. given the colored boys by Mrs. Bob Barnhouse and Mrs. Louise ihonipson. . THE ORIGINAL foS:i C ;3?C3AW7 banishes COOKING ODORS instantly Spray away cooking and other unwanted odors with this mar velous air cleanser. It dissipates odors completely. llt Humphreys Drug Companj ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH Rev. Francis McCorniack Schedule ot Services: Herrner: Sunday mass at 9 a. m. Eula am .fit.. 1 1 o 1 O 1 . Ttr 1 n 1 .1 1 t 1 1 1 in 1 oUJ ill' " W00a3 Wm teacn m me nigtl scno01- McCaw hospital received the fol- ione nr tf,fa A MrS- Sherman' first and lowing items: A box of wrapped lone. lU.dU a- n. on the 1st and ceconrl trrsdes Mrs Verio Prpder- -tj. t t tj if 3rd; 9:00 a. m. on the 2nd and 4th r , 5 I fu I for 511203 from HumPhrevs Sundays. - lckson- tlurd 311(1 fourth-and Mrs. Drug company, a radio from Mis. Week day mass at 8 a. m. First Carnuchael grades. Barr of Portland a crescent wrench Friday at 7:30 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. W. E McMillan for the bicycles, two boxes of fun Confessions: Saturdays, 7:30 p. m. drove to North Powder Sunday ny books from Lexington, a radio r"w m. w taking her rather and brother who from Gus Nikander, a ukelele and nave Deen visiting nere. arcnery set irom wixs. ivnsner, Dan- Cecil Jones visited his familv over J tTorn Mrs- -P" JacKson. 18 the week-end. He is drilling a well mystery stories and a year's cop- on the Hanford project for the les 01 "eauers digest, aixreen pri- government. were stnt the Pnts at the . , Veterans' hospital from Valby mis- at VISITING SON'S FA"T,y sionary society. Mrs. D. House of Dayton. Wash., Morroy county funds were given is visiting at the home of her son, for the following things: $80 for aid Kenneth House and family. She canvass for the awning, $70 for spot a. m. CHURCH oflONE COOPERATIVE a N. WaddelL Faster Bible ohool 10 a. m. Worship service 11 a. m. Preaching service at 8 p. Lexington. , , Tuesday 8 p. m. Bible study Thursday 2 p. m. Union meeting. Come to church, m. 1 lTW75-iV4 V t r 7t m w m f a n r 1 1 191 M l 1 liLLiij(.& . busy times espec'aiiy so for the one v !io iK.j to plan and pre pars the meals for the fimily for she too is do he share of war work. It will be a boost to her's and the family's morale to eat out occasionally to enjoy one of our STEAK DINNERS, er an oyster supper, or any one of the wide variety of excellent meals to be found on our bill of fare. Come any time . . '. we're always prepared. Elkhorn Restaurant expects to be here two or three weeks. A Message from your Insurance Agent If you stop to figure it out, many of the freedoms you and I take for granted are made possible by something we seldom think about, and that some thing iis .property protection. Our freedom to buy and sell . . freedom to invent our savings . . to obtain credit . , to start a business these are good examples. And they all depend upon the protection of fire insurance. For fire insurance GUARANTEES MEN against losing what they BUILD or OWN or INVEST if fire should strike. So that fire insurance, written especially for your needs by your local agent, plays a vital part in the life of.every one every day. Most im portant of all, this protection costs so little that everyone can enjoy its benefits. Year after year, America's fire insurance companies provide protection efficiently with small profit to them selves at low cost to you! Some of the most important services your fire insurance gives you aren't even in the policy written for your special needs by your local agent. They're extra services that are voluntarily rendered. They surround you and your job and home and family with safeguards few people even know, but which steadily REDUCE THE COST of fire insurance to you. For example, in, great laboratories sponsored by capital stock fire insurance companies, thousands of products are tested by experts. Radios, refrigerators and oil burners, electric wiriing, roofing materials and many others tested by experts for your protection. And you BENEFIT in dollars as well as in safety. In 30 years, services like these have reduced the rate of fire ioss by more than 407, . And as a result, they have also lowered tLe AVERAGE COST of fire INSURANCE by more than 40. Thus the EXTRA services which come with your fire insurance policy are bringing you ever greater protection at steadily lowered cost. W. G. BELL-zera Insurance Associated with Garland Swanson, lone, Oregon rainiMira .-building foods for our armed fori and homo- i' front workers are kept fresh and moved swiftly MM1 J in P-f-E- car refrigerators on wheels SSSf fesJ -over Union Pacific's "Strategic ' W Wm ssIIIIIpT - tm ffitfSffi , "IJllOliflLK KIVZ leV&RTj -"fr-" " MM s JV t MMMKMeMMMMMiH II "ffKlllV "KEEP W BBU1E3I THE RAILROADS ARE WE BACKBONE Of OFFENSE USTIN TO "TOU AMIRICA" ON YOUR AVORITI N.I.C. STATION IVIRY SATURDAY 2 P.M. PACIFIC WAR TIMI 1