4 Heppner Gazette Times, August 17, 1944 EDITORIAL . . Doing a Good Work One cannot read or hear about the work being carried on by the Blue Mountain Camp and Hos pital Council without a feeling of pride in the unselfish efforts of the people who are giving of fheir time and substance to this worthy program. But for the activity of the council the boys hospit alized at McCaw and other hospitals of the dis trict would find life humdrum, to say the least, and perhaps in many instances there would be doubt about the wisdom, of having offered their lives in the cause of democracy and the American way of life. It is a matter of justifiable pride that we speak of the part played in this splendid work by Mor row county. Our people have subscribed generous ly and not a few have devoted much of their time to seeing that funds are expended in procuring the most useful and serviceable articles to provide comfort and recreation for the boys who are our beneficiaries not of their own choosing. It has been a source of genuine satisfaction to our county chairman and her committee to be able to respond when called upon for some worthy project. That has been done repeatedly and in appreciation of of the manner in which the funds have been ex pended, some of our well-to-do citizens are seeing to it that the fund does not run too low to permit the committee to carry on in a substantial way. A large hospital like McCaw Oeneral at Walla Walla requires constant assistance in retaining comforts and entertainment for the young patients who are trying to regain their health, either to return to military service or to carry on forthem selves when released from government service. That our people realize this is seen in the many gifts of money and articles that go forth with regularity. 0- Lamb Grower Forgotten Man A lamb grower of the Pacific northwest could vell look upon himself as the "forgotten man" in sofar as the War Food Administration is concern ed. Refusal by the WFA to remove lamb from the ration list, at least until the enormous surplus is reduced by natural processes, has created a situa tion which the lamb growers are not inclined to tolerate so long as they have the right to protest. To date, Pacific Wool Growers and other agencies have joined governors of Idaho, Washington and Oregon in placing the seriousness of the lamb i larket before Marvin Jones, of the War Food Administration, but so far their petitions have made no impressions on that worthy gentleman. It has been pointed out to the administrator fiat the dressed lamb market in this area is at a cDmplete standstill with carcasses actually spoiling J. O. Turn.v, civilian de fense West Coast Printing & Bind " ing Co.- clerk ing in coolers and in shops due to the fact points State Industlial Accident simply do not exist for lamb purchase. Thirty to Comm., sheriff $5.50; sher- v .... , , . iff salary $0.30; sheriff 40 days is the length of the lamb market and they deputy $o.30 must go during that time or be wasted, just as Jack W. Grondahl, M. D., , . . insane they were last year. A repetition of last year s dis- First jjat. Bank, sheriff aster is absolutely inexcusable with the record clear and understood and there is only one answer and that is to make lamb and mutton point free and do it now. That, in effect, was the wording of a mes- 25.00 i.r Nolo Bristow INSURANCE Phone 2811 or 2121 , IONE, OREGON deputies Chauncy W. Grim, circuit court J. O. Hager, justice court Ore. State Agr., College, county agent sage sent to Jones by R. L. Clark, president of Bert Johnson, judge general Pacific Wool Growers. In addition to those herein assistance , Bert Johnson, judge blind mentioned, the directors of agriculture from Ore- assistance gon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, Nevada and Cali- Bert Johnson, judge, aid to fornia wired Jones. Twenty-five organizations and pendent children . Bert Johnson, judtre, old age countless individuals wired; local and district of- assistance ficials of OPA wired and telephoned urging this WARRANTS DRAWN ON action; U. S. Senator Cordon and Congressman GENERAL ROAD FUND Ellsworth personally met with OPA officials in A. J. Chaffee Portland and insisted on action but the answer ; ; u'nt M. V. Nolan was no. Harry Quackenbush Clark said: "It would be unpatriotic to waste E- A- Kelly paper setting forth their reasons they were jfrank jjixon weak .... In the meantime, an average of 200 Walter Gilman fine Oregon lambs are being taken to rendering W. Cunningham plants every day in Portland alone that is by Gnman actual count, and estimated at 500 at least in this Austin Wilson area. Harold Wilson H. Sherer "Now, I'll have to admit that I don t know the Earl Warner answer. When these Brass Hats take an arbitrary L. N. Morgan stand like this, there just is no answer unless we A??en,sJlJttp!y Co- , Auto Wheel Service want to get rough. Maybe that is what we should jackson Implement Co. do.' Certainly we can't stand this much longer." Pacific Power & Light Co. q First National Bank of Portland Hitler says the Germans will pass to the offens- Union Oil Company ive within six weeks. What does he mean "pass Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. to the offensive?" They've been offensive for R LundeH years. Rosewall Motor Company City of Heppner, Water Dept. Stete Industrial Accident Commission Robt. S. Wilson S. C. Russell tt; i-vi n Money-making may not be the true end of life, HepPner Garage 6.10 5.00 6.64 15.G0 65.10 1,200.00 28.09 9.00 22.80 390.40 Jos. J. Nys ATTORJfEY AT LAW Peteri Building, Willow Street Heppner, Oregon J. O. Peterson Iatct Jewelry and Gift Good Watches . Clocks - Diamond Expert Watch arid Jewelry Repairing Heppner. Oregon o Only an effort of will divides the scatter-brained from those who can really concentrate. o but it's often the real beginning of living. o- Ferguson Motor Company Shell Oil Company Plenty of people have a good aim in life, but a Sam Forman lot of them don't pull the trigger. Oregon State Highway Commission 166.14 124.54 177.84 134.94 160.94 91.27 29.85 145.34 149.71 120.57 133.74 135.19 134.94 217.93 19.17 82.92 330.28 10.00 169.72 335.11 3.05 142.83 11.38 3.91 7.60 69.31 27.96 10.60 16.50 93.61 37.84 9.25 22.50 78.21 Simplicity, truth and persistency are three fac- WARRANTS DRAWN ON tors that build success in advertising. j-0 Time is like money; the less we have of it to spare the farther we make it go. We don't exactly disagree with vegetarians but we do think that the taste of an onion is improved greatly by adding a pound of steak to it. Dignity is a narrow, unstable bearing which mental spindle-shanks try to stand upon when they have no other support. Genuine Leather Watch Straps . . . Finest leathers used, with metal buckles still available. Prevent watch damage with a new strap. We also have a wide selection qf metal watch bracelets yellow ancf coral gold filled, including the popular expansion watch bracelet. A good sturdy bracelet protects your watch. vvvvv MISCELLANEOUS FUND Joheph Baltrenas, rodent fund Carl McDaniel, rodent fund John Laurence' rodent fund Gilliam County Cricket Con trol, rodent fund Swanpon's Warehouse, ro dent fund The Harbord Rogers Co., dog fund First National Bank of Port land, rodent (fund The Ourd; certifies to the Secre tary of State of Oregon that the amount of $2,400 has been appro priated for use in and about agri cultural or farm demonstration and field work in Morrow county dur ing the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1944 and ending June 30. 1945. The Court orders that men work ing on the road crews be and are entitled to a two-weeks vacation with payNfter they have worked foi the county for one year. Blaine E. Isom All Kinds of INSURANCE Phone 723 Heppner, Ore. O. M. Y EAGER CONTRACTOR & BUILDER All kinds of carpenter work Country work especially Phone 1483 KBW AUTO POLICY Bai.taJ. Fi. Dm Ckm A US SJ6 Ckm Mi 5JB CIm C 7.78 SJtS p. w. Tirana co. Phelps Funeral Home Lioenaed Funeral Directors Phone 1332 Heppner, Ore. Heppner City Council Meets First Monday Each Month Citizens having matters for dis- f cussion, please bring before the Council. J. O. TURNER, Mayor 20.00 25.00 10.00 350.00 10.00 69.50 7.50 A. D. McMurdo, M.D. Trained Nurno Aslgtnt PHYSICIAN & SURGEON offi''H In Moannir building HEPPNER ORE. Dr. W. H. Rockwell Naturopathic Physician & Surgeor 227 North Main St. Office hours: 1 p. m. to 7:30 p. m. Exam free Ph. 522 Heppner, Or. J. O. Turner ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 17? HoiH Heppner Building Heppner. Oregon DRIVES TO PORTLAND Howarc' Svnc1: rf Miumcit left Henpnc-.- lor For'rand Saturday on a business trip. He was accompan ied from here by his mother, Mrs. Anna Bayless, Mrs. Frank Wilkin son, Miss Frances Wilkinson and her house guest. Morrow County Abstract & Title Co. INC. A HSTRA.CTS OP TITLE TITLE IXiSTJBANCE otfict m New Peters Building Buy Mote IS. S. Vu? ;onds Oft HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, established March 30, 1833. The H?-;pner 'iines, established November 18. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. Published every Thursday and en tered at the Tost Office at Hepp ner, Oregon, as second class matter. O. G. CRAWFORD s Publisher and Editor D. Tibbies VliVHician & Surgeon I'iKST NATIONAL BANK !UJ.: -. ' HI' 1 itfli-e Pl.nne w IIKI'PN'KR OREGON Directors of funerals M. L. CASE G. E, NIKANDEK ",;:z. . fj,,.v 2(12 r 35 W. Mahoney ATTORNEY AT LAW GENERAL II SUB AH CE Hi'ppner Hotel Building Willow St. Entrance 1 V I