Heppner Gazette Times, August 17, 1944 3 COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS FOR JULY, 1944 The minutes of the June meeting were read and approved. The Court orders the publication and sale of the following county property: Lot 10 in Block 2 of the City of Boardman, Morrow County, Or egon for the minimum price of $10.00, cash. South half of Southwest Quarter of Section 5' Township 1, North Range 26, E.W.M.. for the mini mum price of $1.00 per acre, All of Section 21, Township 4 North, Range 26 E.WJVL for the minimum price of $1.00 per acre, cash. The Court orders the county tax levy, as published, extended on the rolls this 5th day of July, 1944, for the fiscal year beginning July 1' 1944 and ending June 30. 1945. The city levies were also ordered ex tended on the rolls as follows: City Heppner $9,530.00, City of lone $800.96, and Town of Lexington $2,358.00. The Court orders the following personal property taxes cancelled and removed from the taxv rolls: Glenn A. Ball $16.10, Lydia Ball $37.60, C. W. Barr $16.08, H. E. Bates $12.68, Al Bolstad $6.35, W. W. Brannon $5.24 Thomas Brew $14.27, Fred Casteel $8.66,, A. B. Chaney'$5.93, H. R. Channing $2.40, A. B. Chapman $20.84, Henrietta Cohn Estate $144.45, G. A. Conrad $21.82, H. G. Coxen $49.40; Wm. Disbrow $3.46, B. E. Duggan $6.27 Charles S. Dykstra $8.03. John E. Edwards $3.40, A. Engleman $9.06, Leonard Ferguson $17.02, First Nat. Bank Pendleton $167.29, Claude L. Finley $126,99, C. E. Glasgow $16.79, Gladys Griffin $7.52, George Gross $23.76, F. R. Hadley $4.04 G. A. Harjn $14.18, W. R. Harrington $46.92, Earl Harvey $11.14, J. H. Hayes $48.96, W. W. Head $7.59, F. J. Hiatt $26.59, Howell Service Station $3.83, E. P. Jarmon $38.66, N. M. Johnson $7.28, George W. Kirk $31.03, Ed Knoblock $5.31, La Grande Nat. Bank $2.71, Cora La Hue $6.48, Erskine La Hue $4.84, C. L. Lieuallen $33.02, Gunner Lindhe $14.12, Kyle McDaniel $47. 22, A. P. . McNary $23.38. Frank Markham $12.02, Fred Markham $3.89, F. H. Miller $22.35, C. A. Minor $378.34, Ellis R. Minor $35.09, A. P. Morey $5.60,, W. A. Morgan $15.75, Gilford Olson $9.97, A. M. Porter $9.36. W. T. Reynolds $3.66, F. Rider $13.50, Mike Rowell $22. 09, Y. P. Rutherford $20.53, Sha"w & Son $16.80, S. E. Simonton $24.43, L. A. Spagle $34.98, E. G. Sperry f 7.47. .. 3. Stanley 51.13, Stender : res. 170.29, J. C. Swift $154.73. C. ' 'lerv S.2P7. H. V. & O'ace Tyler $46.50, O. H. Warner $14.55, F. H. ..alts $7.47, F. W. Wilkins $2.48, J. A. Williams $46.57, C. R. Woods $12.00, Louis & Sadie Woods $24.27, 1. H. Frederickson $32.64- Oregon Sheep Co. $284.16, George Moore S3.54, W. H. Ayers $3.59, E. E. Clark $11.36, M. L. Curran Est. $31.03, A. R. Reid $119.40, John Kilkenny $47.81, Arthur Turner $59.66, E. J. Evans $18.41, Maggie E. Bell $21.06 W. A. Price $51.32, E. H. Turner $37.16. Herman E. Young $54.36, Anna Schmidt $82.85, O'Connor, care of Glavey $5.92, Mary E. Ball $3.87, B. H. Bkakman $6.49, L. E. Knighten $151.55, Voile & Medlock $41.85, Ira E. McConkie $93.76, Young & Swift $7.48. A. R. Reid $152.62. J. R. Oliver $0.80, Coats Grocery $27.02, E. H. Turner $5.12, P. F. Hatch Electric Co. $419.13, Heppner-Rhea Cr. Tel. Co. Sp2i.i9, Line 1-F, Lexington $21.69, Line 2, Boardman $1.45 Line 3, Heppner $17.65, Line 4. Lexington $14.58, Line 5, Lexington $28.41, Line 6, Heppner $9.22, Line 10 Boardman $5.14, Line 11, Lexing ton $6.58- Line 11, Morgan $2.46. L;ne 16, lone $4.95, Line 11, Iorte $2.69, Linel9, Lexington $4.39, Line 15, lone $0.09, Line 24, Lexington $2.49. Line 34, Lexington $4.75, Line 35, Lexington $3.72, Line 37, lone $4.83, State Refrigerator Trans. Co, $7.13, Line 12, Heppner $2.17 WARRANTS DRAWN ON GENERAL FUND Edna Hughes, deputy salary $122.81 P. A. Mollahan, deputy sal. 156.46 Marjorie Peterson, office elk 90.40 "Marie Barlow, depiity salary 110.40 Letha Rippee, Supt. Asst. 50.00 EARLY NEWS by LOWELL THOMAS 7:15 pm. DON LEE-MUTUAL Standard of California J. O. Archer, janitor Dr. A. D. McMurdo, Phys. Susie W. Miller, Ct. Rep. Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co., court house fuel L. D. Neill, county court Gazette Times, Off. Pub. $85.70; tax col. $7.00; Co. court $15.00 Pac. Power & Light Co.. court house $25.83; elec- . tion $2.00 Chas. B. Cox P. M., curent expense Wightman Bros., Bangs' disease control Lawrence Palmer, Bang's disease control W. O. Dix, assessor mileage West Coast Printing & Bind ing Co., Clerk $11.13; as sessor $13.75; justice court $12.50 Pac. Stationery & Printing Co., sheriff Lucy E. Rodgers, Supt. $6.71; Supt. travel ex. $33.90 Oregon Protective Society, juvenile court Children's Farm Home, juvenile court ' 90.40 25.00 25.00 300.00 26.32 State Dept. o' j-iculture, expense district cealer 6.15 John H. Fuiten, sheriff Lucy E. Rodders, 4-H club 150.00 First Nat. Bank, salaries Robert S. Farrell, account- Mis. L. L. Taylor, Bangs' ants, audits 184.98 disease control Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co., current Continued on Page Four 47.62 39.20 149.97 18.00 107.70 27.83 115.36 28.00 44.00 2.80 37.38 26.30 40.61 5.00 5.00 C. W. Barlow, clerk, cur rent expense 3.00 Ferguson Motor Co., coun house 1.25 For Good Eats Go to the Victory Cafe lone, Oregon Roy and Betty Lieuallen Proprietors vsv.-s- . a mm n 1 rmi wlw - OSS m Our Harvest Bedroom Set Special Amber Oak or Walnut With beautiful matched box spring and tuftless mattress. Six Pieces Only 169.50 Case Furniture Co. 51 w e re Not root an Paper is scarce! And if s growing scarc er every day. Kuip in suiTncient quanti ties to permit manufacture of packag ing materials-paper sacks and cartons -is no longer available and production of these commodities is dependent.on salvaged paper. . . We not only ask but urge your cooperation in relieving this shortage of vital matci'Mal. Do nor burn or otherwise destroy paper cartons, egg packages or other packaging material. Bring them to the store for re-use . . . Please do not insist on sacks or wrap ping paper for goods already packaged. These are suggestions we hope you will be able to act upon and beta us and the nation through a trying period For t Bovs! Be We he Open II Dressed ing of School! Central Market Jm C w V. ' -A 1 i ' x ; I. J . Wilson's Men's W Build up Your Wardrobe with JACKETS and SLACKS Add variety and good prac tical value to your wardrobe with these masterfully tail ored slacks and jackets. The jackets, in tweeds, gabar dine and covert, are highly serviceable while giving a well - dressed appearance. The slacks are carefully cut in matching or contrasting materials. See them today and tomorrow you will be the well-dressed young man ready for school and its whirl of activities. Also complete neiv selection of fall Shirts and Ties ear