-o CO O r 73 - r- 'mi C n l) o Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, August 17, 1944 Volume 61, Number 21 r News From Service The Boys at Heads Real Estate The Front Cattle, Sheep, Lumber Move for. Housing Shipments Keep Branch Project Launched o o w Deals of Week Traffic at High Level Tuesday Evening SAILOR GIVES IMPRESSIONS OF EASTERN UNITED STATES Nolan N. Turner Y3c, recently wrote his father, Monroe Turner, and other members of the family about a trip from Norfolk Va. to Claude Cox Buys Property Housing Recapping Shop Effort to Secure 25 or More Units Objective of Group Faced with a serious housing There may have been a few people month could not be foretold by who were fearful that the Union Agent Floyd Tolleson, but he was Pacific intended to take up the mi total would .. . , T , , run close to the mark established rails on the old Heppner branch m August 1943 when m but there is nothing in freight traf- left the local depot. x Purchase of the Lundell service fic figures to warrant such fears. T$v comparison, the 210 carloads Washineton D. C. The letter is full station at the corner of May and Rmht now and for months past are broken down as follows: Sheep, shnrtam whioh mav direetlv affect of historic interest and we are privr Chase streets by W. Claude Cox, business has been good along the 56; cattle, 16; wheat 48 (old crop critical industry located here, citi- ileged to pass it on to our readers. Heppner creameryman. highlighted 45-mile spur and there is no indi- shipped out to make room for , . n-r "Will write vbu a nice rosy let- the realtv transactions of the week. cation that there will be a let-up bumper new crop); barley, 10; peas fnS , aePPar tok mmal ste?9 ir tik Renins while on duty at Cox bought the property from Nor- for monihs to come, although one, and lumber 53. It is "readily Tuesday evening to secure auth- . s. . . , hnn Lundell as an investment, it be- ,lri ar,r.riat. rfut ;,. ,,i drity for launching a housing pro- fho VtrvtfH 1 is Olliet 3Jiu peace- m -v. y-1- nwv! ovcui urn i, aluiulci io uic jiu.y piu- - , . - , , W Uth the band playing ing" already occupied by the OK a slackening long enough for them duct on the increase and which Decision to renew the effort , - - Riihhpr We riers shoD operated ov u,ct k,-if ,raHni: ...:n i u:i tu u iiaa io acquire more nousing was ifdui- nnnfkir Tt :0 (Tfiti CT awl 1 1 1 V TIOLSV 4 . WAC db Itoav mwv.v..w. W LLL uiaivt; a L1U W Hiatal! lilt: iJIt , , ... ... neaiuy. xt x &c & j , Frank Enfflcraf. who ,. , . ,. . j i.i. il.i t " 1 j 4V,o fmm Hn. vniim of t, KPrr ftifforH waro. manager oi me neppner Luraoer at the barracks, we haveso many e n naur mpn mminS and coin? mere ... an exaiiipie, we niiu uuu uwn "cp- tAvura ixui u-im , , j , new men coming auu b""R " , service. ' , . ,A , . , , , company, outJmed the needs and nil V, mo . . , pner Uie local ireigUl nas iiciuieu nuua;, DLuiagc ojmvc ""PC iui . - , . , .. .. aE the time. There has been no small amount p loadfi loads -s wheat ft ex. pointed out the serious situabon Will start with my trip to D C as of scurrying around for houses 4fi loads luber and an ted current crop wiU not confronting the community and thr that is about the only event that during week) with at ieast two av 'of two of wheat start moving in earnest until some Pations in particular m a has broken the monotony here for places changing hands. Arncld & from one rehouse and a time later. fk to, the chwnber of commerce a long while. I made good connoc- Eberti new Morrow county agri- of f .ye carloads from oth. Stock wheat shipments from forum tions on the way in by bus. btarted cuitUral agent, this week purchased a to and jmjing Aug. 14. other stations on the branch go to Following the luncheon, Presi- from here at 1:30 p. m. and arrived from y. R. Runnioin the residence . , , . i,if .,!, ,m tr..;,, nmMnu dent B. C. Pincknev asked mem- in D. C. at 8:40 p. m. baturaay. property on south Chase street at month mark -gther or not this main line length ere the locd ben of a former housing committee Had .a seat all the way m and really present occupied by the Runnions. ge will for rest of fae freight reaches Heppner Junction, to meet at the bank Tuesday eve- enioved the scenery. This country Ebert wUl move liis family to Hep doesn't seem to be overly prosper- pner as soon as the Runnions aie . ' . j ous. The farms don't look anything able to move into their property Information Ott LOOn frOgram On like they do around Boise, or in the recenfly acquired from R. E. Tho- Surplus War Goods Wheat in Operation Willamette valley. I guess the soil mas Aborts family has lemained r r wasn't too good to start with and is m Fossil pending housing arrange- Available Here County Agent Arnold Ebert several such projects he was able getting pretty badly worn out. nts here and he has . spent the g piney manager of the stated week &at althouSh e to - advise on procedure and hie Corn, peanuts, tobacco and small week-ends there carrying on coun- 1 ' branch- f First Na demand for wheat loans has not counsel will be foUowed by the vegetables are pretty common crops. ty agent work until his successor fe of Portland this week 1x2611 active e AAA P1"08"1 stiU persona intrusted with the job of The country is rolling and has tkes over. . ... , ' is in effect. AJ1 farmers are eligible contactinc the irovernment bureaus ning at which time a plan was out lined to the group by V. W. McCor mack, Pendleton contractor who is completing a housing project at Pi lot Rock. Having been interested in strips of timber all througn . Another residence changed nanos organic in the First Nation- 10 PaclPf ana up to uie iirsi m rge of housing and wartime There are lots of oak, hickory, wai- this week when Mr. ana ivirs. nar- bankto 3 information re- 1 ine wee approxamaeiy iu,u materials. nut. sycamore, etc. here and some 0id Kirkham of Camp 5 purchased g offered bujheb had been oUated of it is being cut for lumber. I saw Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grabil J J J government. JnCTeaS1"g, mteJTSt has. that the Heppner Lumber company no beautiful streams as I had ex- the house on West Baltimore street haye ft ed n jit become now employ 140 people and hSZ pected, nor did I see any ducks or occupied by Mrs.. W. P. Mahoney desire foP a training yplane or geta fw llJLnt annual payroll T approximately wild hfe. . and her daughter Mrs. C. J. Espy, any other of surpIus war pr0. neppner. addition even cents $mm here We went through Richmond on Jr., who now are house hunting. It perty from the federal government IjJ "JJp X' mlklt 1939 the company has brought in tiie way in. It is the capital of Vir- is understood the Kirkhams want nQW get information on how to p-. Z h 80 families fro de, it requir- ginia and a pretty good looking to move to town as soon as they gQ about k from pinckney. E. F. "gu- fj J C0re a Ln that many to make up the dif- town. However, these , old towns can get possession. sade) vice president, of the Sirst can , ",,J ference between local labor and have a lot of tumble-down shacks beveral other deais are in uie Nationaji bank hi Portland, will n , ' ... . r contacting the government bureaus with darkies sticking out of every making, so it is reported, some of , . t, npW det)artment in the . . . ear ,g more (han 12 nw h,, "ha, i. nook and cranny. About all I no- which may be completed before the PortIand head ofifice, Df the bank P! mfU"L! U,"!r buOt and Hiesc were largelv for what was needed. Since 1939 not ticed in Richmond was the fac- end oi the week. Rumors have been flnd wiU clear requests from the . " .CrSZ T W h!1 local people aside from mill em- tories and warehouses oi two Dig heard that several ump 0 lamuies branches throughout the n . .r, ,0Z, Pyes. Every available house and apartment has been taken and ev erybody knows how active the real estate market has been of late, ii rvf ,rco thprP tin wintPr nnarters. in town . V, L u aBem Siaiea. W1TJ1 the COHClU- Luuiiucu .-uuiyaiiic. "'-"o " -a stale, ine aepaimem iiau uccn scv - 1 , , . , , !-i- ...i.: . if v,o w,r, r)icn,iratr1 Vw thp . V . , . slon ot harvest he looks for a are 101s 01 uimga a iiv.i- j-- u nav .v.. up at tne request 01 uie surplus have the time. We also went thru lack of living quarters. The same war properties administration. Fredericksburgh and Alexandria. holds for farm families who are a stepping up in the program. Ted Smith of lone has been plac The first part of Washington that interested in placing their children MOVmG xo heppner Mr. and Mrs.. Dorris Mitchell and ii Tiru;,. i,t,, in school saw was uie . yvusiuiib1'-'11 m ment. It sure is a landmark. Pulled ... . . Ci.-. into the stage depot and Bob Offi- MlSSOUNOnS tO itOge cer was there to meet me in a few - . ; n L C vault minutes. (Bob Officer is a fellow I r;iCniC On KHeO V-reeK used to duck hunt with in Burns. haye 4 for a Wo ic now in t.hp armv). We had a , , , , ... j a.. oa ' " ' - i n-r 1 r tn rwa noin .-M nriHV. rviiy. lu. lunch and then went down to the , , . . forks has been employed to teach the A special meeting of the I. O. O. 1 1 . t r t 1 - daughter ix,rene ox josepix soon as Hving quarters ob scneauieo. 10 arrive in iicijijii;i tamed sometime next week to make their home at Uie FrarJ, S. Parker ranch. Qrond Master of Mr. Mitchell will take over the op- .... eration of the place. Mrs. Mitchell I. U. U. f. KayS VlSlt ed in charge of this division of the Smith stated Ho declared that un AAA set-up and he and his family Ts sethmg is done immediately contemplate moving to Heppner as "V "lulua 00 fverai 01 its key employes which will direct ly affect production and in its small way affect the war effort in asmuch as virtually all of the out put of the concern goes into war use. When this story was repeated to USO to see about a room for the canyon on creek The fifth grade in the Heprner school, p. lodges of the county was held McCormack and John Odell of the night. They sent us out to a private ,'. , e,j u Min. .,T.r nnv in Heppner Monday evening, at Tum-A-Lum Lumber coniivinv vho .apartment house about three miles residing the county and A 7i4 pd baby boy was born hlTf U J!d master. Ralph accompanied him here from Pen- from downtown Washington. It was nrimaxilv a Missouri Pr;jav it tn Pfr and Mrs. b RusseU of seburg, paid an of- dleten, they expressed the opinion a nice room though, and the lenow . . ... t v, "ci,a, . . . , - n.. ncial , , , , - r- , piuuiu uie peuyie iium uk jjeiphia Uoit at tne nome 01 ire who had the apartment was friend- iJS :..: K . . , We didn't go downtown that ly visit. A feature of the grand that the town's demand for a hous- L L - Utrilllld UUll OL llUlllv , 1 . ., . ,, . . 1- 11 j'f 1 M? slate are extending an invita- mothers parents, Rev. and Mrs. vl&u w """T , mg p rojeCT W3S "my Jusuaea- tion to people from all other states Clifford Noble. The father was the Heppner and grand lodges' farm At Tuesday's meeting P. W. Ma- evening, but talked in our room to participate in e home Qn f j. flnd has been P" on Heppner hill, farmed honey and OrviUe Smith were until aoout c -u - progrf)m and basket lunch. wanted an 8-day extension. The ?y x ranK J,arKe- ne 'expressed named to contact the housing au- rwf fun pnmnar nB notes and makmfT J . , ijionutu uii uiciy cAttuo , f , , j ,u - ,. , . ,, . . .. . 7 V . 1 ,l e 11 j" Come out and spend a pleasant oahv has be cracks about the other fellow's f, . 0... a?nied and visit. branch of the service. Bob is in the , Tiir?Qr,0 - sonal aversion to disposing of it, as 11J,, LI1C niiouuiiaiio "j nas Deen suggestea. infantry and does plenty of march - thoritv and obtain the necessarv dition of the place and a strong per- priority to proceed with the project. Arthur Campbell was a guest of the luncheon forum and gave a few in connection with his UP FROM PORTLAND Lowell Ashbaugh spent a few Russell, who is a cousin of Mrs. si(leli2nts ing with full back. He made me RETURN FROM COAST shudder when he said he had just Mrs. Percy Hughes and grand- d s here week comng Up from Emma Evans, is a printer and has . , ith r , Solvents ij on v,ii,o ntlior aii j t: , c (Mr . . . . 11 1 w,r. a .i, r 1 J wiin uie uommercai ooivems coiujjucw;u a ou-iiu.c mn-v. Uiv buns, n-uvu aim uiiuiiijf, own ul jJ0ruand where he is empioyea. 'w-" u" nuscuuis corporaton of Terre Haute Ind As day. and Mrs. Edwin Hughes and Mr. and News-Review for many years. . , , . , ... ' . j We didn't know it at the time, Mrs. Arthur Hughes, respectively. NEWS NOTES FROM THE ' - - . .job has to do- with war mdus- but there was an army air base returned Wednesday evening of HEPPNER FOREST SERVICE IO MOVE SOON there was little he could di- near tlie aparment, so next morning last week from Cannon Beach Boyd Rasmussen, staff official Al Troedson. in town the past to y that it claims we were awakened at 6 a. m. as where they spent two weeks. Mrs. from the Pendleton forest of ice in week stated that he and Mrs. his best chemical knowledge and usual by the bugler on the loud Hughes' sister Mrs. Bertrand War- charge of timber operations on the Troedson expect to take up their the most interesting work he has speaker system. You just can't beat ren of Walla Walla, abo was ere Umatilla National Forest is visiting HcJppner about the taken up since becoming a chemist this old game. We didn't sleep much with her two grandsons, Nat and the various sales on the Heppner middle of September. Al has only Aff FiTFI after that and drifted downtown at Micky Vale of Spokane. Larry Lut- district inspecting selective cut- been farming Morrow county soil hom Morrow about 9 a. m. Bob had been in chcr of Milton, Mrs. Hughes' other ting, residual stands, timber stand hTSaSS bee" S Washington several times before- grandson was a member of the improvements and slash hazard leUie ne got too familiar .1. as he is stationed only about 12 group and the two grandmothers reductions. W1LU aul , IQy Martin and Elmer Piper of miles out, so he showed me around, conducted a regular boys' carrp Kinzua' Pine .Mils company have VIglT S0UTIIeKN OREGON Lexington, Garnet Ashbaugh, Hep- we went up into me wasningHin ror two weere. aoout coinpieieu aiiuu - Mr md Mrg Georg(j Gerlen pner and Maynard Hogeland and ivionumem iirsi, ana ooy, 1 ku yuu paspo u,tir ,u8,lwi- ? s" f , ollcr-" spent the past week in Central 550 feet is a long way up. I was V.7 PAC . . five miles will be oiled and then Gertson's dau- i, 1 .l. Wavne Hanlon. of Pasco is visit- ...jh v rolnl visuing ivirs. vjensons aau- reaiiy amazea at uie ue 01 uie - - u e ,TT and family- C. W. An- . - monument. From the windows at TltowreS Mr S Mr? Wmeland lake to Opal butte. Th were accompanied to IN IDAHO the top you could see every part. J, , The huckleberry crop is sparse frQm Bend Ada Blaine .g of Washington. However, there was J5 T eP Sr son herC,aS, elsewhere. The late frosts who her northern Idaho making insur- ,stricuyno pnoiograpmng. - - - - - wreasea vengeauce 0.1 i - ghte- Muriel Aiken. ance adjustmenta on hav losses. William Allen, the group. Irrigon comprise o o r o o a m H Ontlou4 oa fac might n HT1P. f 'n.t t i I. 1 W1 Alt kO C7A K..DI ' ' -