Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 10, 1944, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 Heppner Gazette Times, August 10, 1944
ter S lie and Mrs. Edwin Dick Jr.
and little son Laddie, Mr. and Mrs.
Continued from First Page L E. Dick, Mr. and Mrs. Kemp
this week-end with his parents and j)jct Ptl(j c0n Dsmi: of Heppnrr.
registered for military service, re-
n r,o tV,p.m. Continued .'r;.;.. First I'age
Drawings Made for
ccial Game Tags
No more aoplications will be ac-c-.f-'ed
by the Oregon state game
remmission for the following big
fee of $2.50 for a resident or $5 for
a non-resident together with in
formation as to the number and
kind of hunting license held by the
in British Columbia, looking very
fit and rested and ready for the
winter's work.
lone missionary society met at tne ui u. me tags;
Congregational church parlors last Pacific. No information is available Grant-Baker, doe deer; antlerless
Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Laxton s to when Milton will arrive or k; Qr Hart mountain buck and
McMurray was hostess. where the debarkation point will doe deer number of appli-
The Women's Topic club will be- Hf. 5,, W TV j ,:3iions exceeds 1uota
meet at the home of Mrs. Henry s and U be hospitaW were hdd m Aug.
Gorger Friday aftemoon, Aug. 11. teT hls arnval m homeland. 2 tQ determine suecessfui ap-
Mrs. Milton Morgan Sr. is very ' ' ' Plicfs- Everyone will be notified
iU at her home and a physician was Al W T.FA ERAL 0, the results of the drawings as
called Sunday evening to attend rCP! Dna1d Robinson, ca-aa.ty last as the notices can be mailed
her Mrs. Perry Barltemay, daugh- ?l lhf . Normandy invasion, 13 now out commission, and those
ter of Mrs. Morgan, arrived from ospi a ized at Mc.aw General who are to receive tegs will be gi-
, 7 1 l t - hospital m Walla Walla. Dor?ki, vpn ten davs from the date of the
her home at Meacham to care for r . , . ven xen "ys rrom 1116 "f-16 01 Ule
W IhW SKp was accomoanied son of Mr- and Roy Robmson notice in which to forward the re-
her mother. She was accompanied of Ha,.draanf wiU be gad fo Er
- 0I me loiJCS trom over tnls
Mrs. Louis Bergevin and daugh- way who chanee to in Walia
ter, Miss Betty, left Monday ior WoPa.
Haines where they will spend a ...
few days visiting relatives and VTSmN FRIENDS
liituuo. .. . . . l
rucnara xroenneice, vivi c, is
Rev. Eric O. Robathan and Mrs.
Robathan were guests Monday of
Archdeason and Mrs. Neville Blunt.
Mr. Robathan had just returned on
Saturday from a month's vacation
Mrs. Vaster Hams took her little
boy to Pendleton where on Tuesday
he submitted to a major operation.
The little fellow came through the
ordeal all right and it is expected
he will be able to come home some
time next week.
There are plenty c . .1 . 0
available and these are now being
issued in the order applications are
received. To apply lor an antelope
tag it is necessaiy to lorwaid the
Fiank Bolts and his nephew and
rmewirig acquaintances around
niece, Jiein ana uary oous icii on tt,:. u,,ofslr Ho wno m.
Monday's stage for their home in p1f)yed at thg wilkinson ranA p,j..
Portland. They have been visiting or to outieg 0f ths vr
here for some time while Frank Upon his arrival here went im
worked in harvest. mediately to the ranch for a visit.
Lester Baker of Walla Walla ar- He has been stationed in the Ha-
rived on Saturday night's stage for wiian Islands for the past 30
a visit with his sisters, Mrs. Milton months.
Morgan Sr. and Mrs. E. R. Lundeli. " .
Richard Waddell left Sunday af- REPORTS AT BREMERTON
ternoon for San Jose, Calif, to at- Tom Huston, S 2c. left Friday
tend a Bible college there. Rev. H. for Bremerton, Wash., after srend
N. Waddell accompanied his son ig a leave at the home of his par-
but will return soon. ents- Mr and Mrs- Charles Huston.
: . , . , . Tom iinished his quartermaster
Miss Rose Mane Gorge? returned schoolmg at Farragut was as.
Sunday from Portland where she ,.gned to Bremerton for further
had been working in a hospital. She Gaining,
will Remain here with her parents, '
Mr. and Mrs. ; Henry forger until pyt Ddphia j Go,,s q y s
the family moves to the new home Marine vjsUing hig wife
in Pendkton where she will enter and her peo the CMord Nob,e
nurses training at St. Joseph hos- jamijy
Guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. B. C. Forsythe and Lt. and
Mrs. Jack Forsythe on Sunday were
the formers' son-in-law and daugh -
mmJhm M 9
A whiff or two of
Sweet -Aire and un
pleasant odors dis
appear instantly. Not
a "cover-up" per
fume ... it dissi
pate! odors.
Drug Company
STAR Reporter
Friday-Saturday, August 11-12
Seven Days Ashore
Wally Brown, Alan Carney, Gordon
Oliver, Marcy McGwire Alan
Dinehart, Freddie Fisher and Or
chestra Elaine Shepard, Dooley
Brown and Carney (rookies no
longer) join hands with splendid
musical and dancing talent for a
full blast of amusement.
Vigilantes Ride
Russell Ilayden, Shirley Patterson
Western melodrama.
Sunday-Monday. August 13-14
Broadway Rhythm
George Murphy, Ginny Sims, Char
les Winninger, Gloria DcIIavcn,
Nancy Walker, Ben Blue, Lena
Home, Rochester, Hazel Scott,
Kenny Bowers, Tommy Dorscy
and his Orchestra
Gay goings-on in a melange of me
lody and mirth, accentuated by the
glories of Technicolor. Based on the
popular musical, "Very Warm for
M mr w & fir fiB
Tuesday, August 15
Jam Session
Ann Miller, Jess Barker, Chas. D.
Broun, Eddie Kane, Charlie Bai
nott, Jnn Barber, Teddy Powell,
Glen Gray, Lours Armstrong, Al
vino Rey and their orchestras,
Nan Wynn, the Pied Pipers.
Lots of good musical numbers and
excellent dancing.
Hugh Herbert Comedy, Table ten
nis, Cartoon.
Wednesday-Thursday, Aug. 16-17
Casanova in Burlesque
Joe E. Brown, Dale Evans, June Ha-
vak, Lucicn Littlefield.
A bright spot on the entertainment
horizon. PLUS
MARCH OF TIME; Americans All
For Fall Variety
As Seen in Woman $ Home Companion
All-Wool Crepe Jacket Misses' Matching Skirt
Slim waisted, flap QQ Pleated all round j& QO
pocket style of kit- w BtYe f W00 crepe,
ten -soft, vibrant- dyed to match the
toned wooL 12-20. jacket colors.
dean-lined, long-eleeved style with yoke back, con
vertible dob collar. White, pastels. 3240.
111 DELUXE Ifff?s& II
( Will You Find: fNffjf A I II
ill 1. Gear-Grip Tread for MHifw V . 3 J 11
11 Bure-footed control on wet, 4f itasM a llj
ill slippery pavement. ' f mfM 11;
HI 2. Softi-Lock, Gum-Dipped Jl W i
111 Cord Body,. SO tough the zZJi C 011
111 tire can be recapped time . JPjA ill
HI after time. MSV III
ill Softi-Sured Construction V&fmV II
11 increases tire life, provid- vxf'' "
11 longer mileage. l
ill I V- lUlllS I Drive in today. Let ns II
I: 'J' 3 " I 1(1 inspect yonr tires thor- 1 1
I i ji I oughly. Our recaps are
" No Rationing
V rJ Certificate 11
mns Required. 11
Immediate delivery on
the following truck tires:
32x6 Ten ply
750x20 Eight ply
750x20 Ten ply
750x20 Mud Grip
825k2O0AII Traction
825x20 Transport Tread
Motor Co,
Your Firestone Dealer