Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 10, 1944, Page 7, Image 7

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    Heppner Gazette Times, August 10, 19447
Classified : and . Legal ; Advertising
W ant Ads
FOR RENT Rooms, close in. By
week or month. S. H. Shan
non. Heppner. 13tf.
LAWN MOWERS sharpened fac
tory style. N. D. Bailey. 2tf
FOR SALE Dry board ends, $2 pe.
large trailer load 74 cubic feet.
See Edwin or Eldon Tucker. 6tf
FREE! If excess acid causes you
pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indiges
tion, Heartburn, Belching. Bloat
ing. Nausea, ' Gas Pains, get free
sample, Udga, at Humphreys
Drug Company.
100 GRADE III TIRES-for sale.
All popular sizes. Rosewall Motor
Company. 20c
FOR SALE Used Delco light
plant. Allen Pridemore, 113 West
Alder, Walla Walla, Wash. 1721p
FOR SALE Case combine. Nedds
a little repair and it will be ready
to go. Call Gazette imes. 18-19c
WANTED to buy used irons, ap
pliances, electric motors, wash
ing machines, etc. Heppner Home
Service. 19tf
FOR SALE 300 aged ewes. Rufus
Piper, Lexington. 18-21p
WE have hydraulic jacks available
to farmers. Rosewall Motor Com
pany. V
FOR SALE Two ice box refrig
eratorsone 100-$) capacity,
other 75-lb. Arnold Pieiper, Lex
ington. 19-21 p
WANtTED Stubl$e pasture for
cattle as soon as available. P.
C. Box 462 Heppner, or phone
2F33. 1921p
FOR SALE Several good, well
broke saddle horses; one bicycle,
new tires. O. Wendell Herbi
sora 20-21c
I BUY, sell and repair all makes
of telephones, new or old.
Also as parts are becoming avail
able I am again repairing house
hold apliances. McCaleb. 14-19c
GET your radio power pack bat
teries at Rosewell Motor Com
fpany. 20c
FOR SALE One lOnft. John Deere
power binder. W. G. Seehafer,
lone, Ore. 17-20p
LOST Billfold. Name inside, Lois
Rondeau Singer. Write in care of
Sid Zinter, lone, Ore. , 19-21p
FOR SALE Tamarack fence posts,
16c banked Heppner-Spray high
way. Write Wes Phegley, Condon,
Ore. 18-21p
FOR SALE Residence property.
Excellent location. Mrs. A. Q.
Thomson. 19-20p.
FOR SALE Some Shorthorn year
old calves and some 4 -month -old
pigs. Win. Kummerland, Lex
ington, Ore. 19-20c
FOR SALE 27 ewes $50 for the
bunch. W. G. Roberts. 20p
WILL SWAP young Jersey milk
cow for light, dependable saddle
horse. V. C. Brown, lone, Ore.
FOR SALE New Hampshire Red
pullets, $1 each. Phone 1054. 0201c
QUILT CHESTS Size 18x18x36 in
side removable bottoms; choice of
light oak, maple, walnut or ma
hogany finish. $10 each. Bud Win
ters, Box 724, Heppner, Ore. 20p
FOR SALE 18 Rambouillet bucks.
Rufus Piper, Lexington. 20-22p
FOR SALE Residence property.
Inquire at Gazette Times of
fice; 20p
LOST Chevrolet car keys; minia
ture license attached No. 70-543.
Phone 1065. Mrs. W. E. Davis.
WANTED Furnished apartment or
small furnished house for two
people. Mrs. Fred Gramse, Hotel
Heppner. 20-21p
LOST Bed roll on Heppner hill objections to said final account and
road. Finder please return to this the settlement of said estate and all
office and get reward. Harold persons having objections thereto
Peck. 20ovare required to file same with said
, 'Court on or before the time set for
TO TRADE Flamo refrigerator said heari
and plate for electric refngera- Dated fct blished. this
tor. J. A. Troedson, Morgan. 1Qth Aust im
BOARD and ROOM for school 20-24 Administratrix,
children at my home during
the school year. Phone 1172,
Mrs. Charley Fraters, Heppner.
FOR SALE Used Multnomah drag
' saw and two blades. Price $75.
Fred Mankin, lone. 20-22p
Legal Notices
uiuuuiN iuu must file the same on, or before
MORROW COUNTY the said date.
Stanley V. Tucker, Plaintiff, Dated and first published this
vs. 20th day of July, 1944.
Margaret E. Smith, Defendant. OLETA AKERS
TO: Margaret E. Smith, DEFEND- 17.21 Administratrix
OF OREGON you are hereby re- SUMMONS
quired to appear and answer the EQUITY NO. 3573
Complaint filed against you in the ' pnTTRT nv
above entitled Court and Cause m CIRCUIT COURT OF
within four weeks from the date of THE STATE OF OREGON FOR
the first publication of this Sum- MORROW COUNTY,
mons and if you fail to appear and , p Tn rT AVFV
answer, for want thereof, the plain- MARGUERITE E. GLAVEY,
tiff will aptly to the said Court Plaintiff
for relief as prayed for in the said vs
Complaint, to-wit: for a decree , , , . , v
w k i; ti . The unknown heirs , of Vie E.
that the plaintiff is the owner in . , ,, , ' ,
fee simple of the following describ- Swinburne, deceased, and ako all
ed real property, to-wit: &?r Persons or parties unknown
The South half of Section Four damming any right title, estate,
(4) in Township Two (2) North hen or interest in the real estate
of Range Twenty-seven (27) described in the complaint here
East of the Willamette Meridian. in
And that the plaintiff is the owner Defendants,
in fee simple of the said land, free To the above named defendants:
of any right, title, estate, lien or the unknowxi heirs of Vie E.
interest in the said land or any part Swinburnei deceasedj and also
thereof and perpetutally restrain ' ,
, . . r r i . , other persons or parties unknown
and eniom' you, your heirs and , . . . . . . .
assigns, from asserting or claiming Ti& tltle estate.
any right, title, estate, lien or in- lien or interest in the real estate
terest in the said land or any part described in the complaint here-
thereof, adverse to the plaintiff. in,
This Summons is served upon m THE NAME QF E g T
you by publication thereof for four
consecutive weeks in the Heppner OREGON
Gazette Times by order of Honor- You are hereby required to ap
able Bert Johnson, Judge of the pear and answer the complaint
County Court of Morrow County, filed against you in the above en-
State of Oregon, and A'hich said titled Court and cause within four
order was made and entered the weeks from the , date of the first
24th day of July, 1944, and the first puWicalion 0;f Sumnwns
date of this publication is the 27th yQU gR tQ n appear ang
Attorney for the Plaintiff.
Postoffice Address:
Heppner, Oregon. 18-22
By virtue of an ORDER OF THE
COUNTY COURT, dated August
3rd, 1944, I am authorized and di
ricted to advertise and sell at pub
lic auction at not less than the
minimum price herein set forth
Lois 4 and, 5 in Block 18. Irricron
Morrow County, Oregon, for the fee of said nd free from any
minimum price of $20.00, cash. titUs estate. Hen or interest
North Half o the Southeast defendants and of each of
Quarter, and Southeast Quarter defendants.
of the Southeast Quarter of defendants or any one or
Section 36, Township 4, South, more of defendants has no right,
Range 28, E. W. M. for the mi- title, estate, lien or interest in
nimum price of $1.00 per acre, said land or in any part thereof;
cash- and that defendants and each of
THEREFORE, I will on the 2nd defendants, Jheir heirs and assigns,
day of September, 1944, at the hour be perpetually restrained and en
of 10:00 a. m., at the front door joined from asserting or claiming
of the Court House in Heppner, any right, title, estate, lien, or in
Oregon, sell said property to the terest in said land or in any part
highest and best bidder. thereof,, adverse to plantiff.
Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon. This summons is served upon
20-23 vou y publication thereof ftl
four successive weeks in the Hep-
NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT pner Gazette Times, by order of
Notice is hereby given that the C. L. Sweek, Judge of the Court
undersigned administratrix of the above named, which said order
estate of Edmund J. Bristow, de- was made and dated the 28th day
ceased, has filed with the County of JuJy, 1944. and the date of
Court of Morrow County, Oregon, the first publication of this sum
her final account of her adminis- mons is the 3rd day of August,
tration of the estate of said de- 1944.
CraSfanf St -,C0Url ch3S ALFRED F. CUNHA
fixed Monday, the 11th day of Sep- . . , , .
tember 1944 at the hour of 10:00 Attorney for Plaintiff
o'clock A. M. of said day at the Post Office Address:
Court House at Heppner, Oregon, Pendleton, Oregon,
as the time and place for hearing 19-23
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, administratrix, of the
estate of Edward O. Neill, deceased,
has filed her final account with the
County Court of Morrow County,
Oregon, and said court has set as a
time and place for hearing on said
final account, Monday, August 21,
1944, at 11:00 A. M. at the County
Court House in Heppner, Morrow
County, Oregon. All persons hav-
to said nal account
wer, for want thereof, plaintiff
will apply to said Court for the
relief prayed for and demanded
in said complaint, towit:
A decree that plaintiff is the
owner in fee of the following des
cribed land, to-wit:
The Northeast Quarter (NEy4)
of Section 36, Township 4
South, Range 27 Ea t of tl.:
Willamette Meridian, in the'
County of Morrow and State of
30(1 that plaintiff is such owner in
Then Should Know
Our Navy relies on the Merchant Marine 4V
Nomaritime nation has
ever been able to fiqht a
war successiuuu w.inout
an adequate Merchant j?y x'zfSJlTM
Marine declares Admiral "';,:-IJ,4 0ttfSL
Ernest J. KinjXommAndet-'C7lM--th
in-Chief , U.S. Fleet
. !?
Plans oi the Chief of Stall hinge
uponthe Merchant Marine
General George C. Marshall
declared thai our Merchant
Law Ml
air fc--
Marine is'making it possible to
transport fiqhtinq men and sup
plies wherever they are needed
to defeat theenemij
information Courteiyor
AmerktnMtirhtni Home Institute. Utw Yark
, From where
With 57 blue stars on our Serv
ice Flag, our town's been mighty
excited over the way things are
progressing on the Continent.
"Shucks," says Bob New
comb happily, "I knew wc were
going to lick them Nazis, soon .
as the Invasion started."
"I knew it before that," says
Doc Hollister. "I knew it from
the way our boys were getting
along with their British bud
dies in those English camps.
They had a lot of differences
to overcome before they could
work together as a team. And
they overcame 'em."
No, 89 of a Series
Union Oil Company
For prompt, dependable service
Phone: Heppner 76
Public liability on logging truck and
trailer only $60!
See me today!
FARMERS: Combine insurance includ
ed while operated for both fire and
accidents. Easy rates $1.50 per
$100 per year.
F. W. I urner
Phone 152
i Xfltt -Ai
everywhere are dependent upon
our Merchant Marine
r,Pr-, 1 Dwiaht D.Eisenhower
saus:"When final victory, is
ours there is no orqanizalion
that will share its credit more
deservedly than the Merchant
I sit ... 6y Joe Marsh
What Made Cur
Invasion a Success?
Prom where I sit, Doc's
mighty right. The success of our
Invasion began months ago
when (lie English Tommies and
the CI Joe s got together over
friendly beer, and games of
darts and learned to like each
other in spite of differences in
tastes and habits.
And that spirit of tolerance
and understanding between
men and nations will go far to
wards building a secure Peace,
Copyright, 1944, Brewing Industry Foundation