2 Heppner Gazette Times, August 10, 1944 Recapping Plant Enjovs Good Start Opening up for business Monday morning, the OK tire welding plant found plenty of tires and tubes on hand for repairs. Passenger car and small truck tires are being handled at present pending the arrival of the larger mold which will recap tires up to the 8V4 inch size. With installation of the larger mold most of the trucks employed in this ter ritory can be served. It requires about one hour and 15 minutes to recap a tire by the OK process. This type of service has a strong appeal to people with tire troubles. If they have but one tire that needs recapping most of them drive up and wait until it is ready for delivery, put it on and drive away. Mr. and Mrs. Frank EngkraL proprietors of the OK shop, have called attention to the re-use value of the Irish linen wrappers which comes around every one of the rubber recap strips. The linen , 'flk !;f?4 fa L rd'h IS SIIORB STARTS HIS CAMAIGN FOR HOUSE C T. rihorb. dcmocraic nominee for Congressman 2nd District is starting upon his active campaign o' tha district this week. He left for Cascade Locks alter visiting at the of Mrs. Harrison s parents, suitable tor cutis, collars, aprons Fortlerd to attend the department home and other articles. They state that ( onyc.tkm of the American Legion Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Palmer, anyone wishing to try out the linen as a delegate from the La Grande . T is wplcomp to call at thp nlnnt and rw r ,l,iU V, ; uLESTS OF LAMIAMS t x uaL ji vvxiiii uuai iiiz 10 a fjaoi it. 11 c a J 1 , ask for it. In some tlaces the Red various Ktrf nn a trit whirl, will taW him nciieton are visiting this week at Lexington News BOARDMAN NEWS Mrs. Mary Edwards - , 7 v, Mrs. Kenneth Palmer was hostess Mr. and Mrs. Surrell left the at a bridal shower Friday afternoon first of the week for Pendleton honoring her sister, Mrs. Gene Ma- where he will be employed rs sig- jeske, a recent bride. A large crowd nal maintainer. Mr. Watson is the was present and many lovely gifts new maintainer1 here, were received by the honoree. Re- Mr. and Mrs. Merritt left last freshments of cookies and punch week for the coast where they will were served. spend a two weeks vacation. A crowd of young folks went to Josephine Rands returned this the home of the Marshalls in Lex- week after spending several weeks inglon Sund?y night and had a real her husband who is stationed old charivari for Mr. and Mrs. Gene at San DieS taking marine train Maeske. mS- Mary Ann and Nancy also re Mrs. Edna Munkers and Mrs. turned from visiting their grrnd Faye Munkers and Marilyn were parents, Mr. and Mrs. Royal Rands. Pendleton visitors Saturday. Fank Marlow underwent a mi Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Edwsrds were noT operation at Pendleton last business visitors in Walla Walla week. He is getting along fire. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Goodwin Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ruhl went to spent Wednesday and Thursday in Pendleton Monday after repairs Portland on business, for the combine. Mary Ann Rands had her ton- II. G. May left for Portland on sils removed at Pendleton Friday, the stage Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Harwood were Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle Harrison vacationing out of town the past have departed lor their home at week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miller and family spent Saturday in the valley A good, crowd attended the dance and ice cream social following the way truck. He slipped and the truck lan over his foot. Cross uses. takes the cloth for TniWI RFTTTOV Blaine E. Isom drove to Portland ma"y pe0ple, as Posusible Mrs. Isom and Harriett. They returned home Mon day. Isom was accompanied to the city by Mrs. Lena White and little grondson who had been visiting here several days- and Frank W. Turner. Mrs. Eflfie Miller of Portland is mw. .v. , into all the counties of the district . , , u ""..Tf vlsltinS tne "ussem lviuier home. Al Macomber who has spent se veral months in the hospital in n Portland with a broken foot is here ii i . . . Lannam. Mr. Parker will join his where he says he wants to meet as , ., , , . ' . family here the end of the week. Klamath Best Quality blotting aper Falls on Aug. 27 to attend the coun- J9X24 sheet for desjk covers of cui visiting relatives smaller te suit your nfcfcds. Gazette Mr. Eller broke his foot Mon Times printer. day night when he got off the high- ty democratic picnic at that time Some of the things which Shorb stands for is all-out effort looking to earliest possible victory all pos sible aid for war casualties and sol dier rehabilitation. Extension of so cial security to include business men, school teachers public servants, domestics and farm labor- WE are pleased with the many friends we Tiave made housewives who have exclaimed over the nutritional qualities of all our meals. Menus are carefully planned to give you good, wholesome, nu tritious foods. Breakfasts to give a mill or farm worker "something to work on." Lunches arc always appe tizing. Dinners are always a treat for hungry families. YOU'RE ALWAYS WEL COME. Come in soon! HEPPNER CAFE COUNCIL MEETING SET A meeting of the Morrow county unit rf Via RIua lWTriinQ!n f timti end Hospital council committee has ater development of our been scheduled for 3 o'clock p. m. rjesources, specially power Saturday, Aug. 12 in the Red Cross and flod ntro1. f continu vroduction room in the I. O. 0. F. ance rf a forward lookuig farm building in Heppner. Urgent busi- prf af and lw interest rates. r.ess is to come before the meeting Shorb a publisher of the Eastern and it is desired that all members reon Review at Grande and ad any others interested in the eUSO P-'ras a reran ana wnoiesaie any work of the council attend. stationery business. CHURCH SERVICES CANCELLED Regular services at the Assembly of God church have been cancelled for Sunday morning, Aug 3, ac cording to the pastor, Rev. Clifford Moble. The church and Sunday .hool will be held in the moun tains, the group leaving at 9:30 a. m. A basket dinner will be served, to which everyone will have the privilege of contributing. Your personal stationery needs iulfilled at the Gazette Times office. THREE TONSILLECTOMIES Peggy and Jimmy Wightman, children of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wightman, and Billy Hughes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hughes, sub mitted to tonsillectomies at the Heppner hospital Tuesday. WITH PARENTS IN PORTLAND Mrs. C. W. Barlow was a passen ger on Saturday's stage for Port land where she expects to remain lor some time caring for her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Akers, both of whom are ailing. , c DANGER j Paper Shortage Accute it We have repeatedly warned the public of the pending paper shortage which now is upon us. tgg cartons are upob tainable, paper bags and wrapping pa per only in limited quantities and fast getting shorter. Manufacturers are de manding return of empty cartons of all kinds, So bring your cartons with you whenever possible c.s containers for packing qroceries to take to the coun try are almost a thina, of the past. Your cooperation in this matter will be areatlv appreciated. Let's work to gether for a common end, namely, a ouick winning of the war. Central Market Live butts and the woods don't mix OU don't toss burning cigarettes around a powder plant But enough smokers toss burning cigarettes around forests to start 20,000 forest fires a year, more than a quarter of the total. In years of average fire loss, smokers cause a national loss of more than $10,000,000 in our forests. Few people realize how explosive a dry forest is in fire season . . . how, in a twinkling, a lone spark may be fanned into a roaring conflagration, destroying in a few hours what nature, aided bjr man, has taken years to produce. A cigarette in a forest is a spark in a powder plant PINE MILLS COMPANY