Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 10, 1944, Image 1

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    3 O
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Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, August 10, 1944
Volume 61, Number 2D
. a o
in in I
News From Paul Rietmann
The Boys at Reported Killed
The Front
Swim School Here
Proposed by County
Red Cross Chapter
Morrow Moves to
Second Place in
"E" Bond Sales
Koor Attendance
Camp Heppner CCC
Enrollee Hero in
Normandy Campaign
John Wightman is in receipt of
In Action July 10
Popular Youth of
lone Was Member
Of Invasion Force
Wir came very close to this com-
If fn instructor
available Heppner
Edging out ahead of Gilliam
county, Morrow county took sec-
can be made
will havp a
late this month, ond place in the states K bond
This was decided at a meeting of campaign in the recent Filth War
the county chapter, Red Cross Loan drive. Sherman county cap
when Miss. GSrace Jackson, field tured first place, thereby winning
director for Oregon, was present the privilege of naming one of the
and discussed the matter with the government ships to be launched
local proulp. Contact has been from a Portland yard.
made with the San Francisco of- While figures are not. available
Record Reflected
In Support Fund
Report Shows How
Funds Disbursed
Absenteeism as related to school
. a 11 1 r ,-, . 1 1
John wiantman is in receipt m . . - . . ji on uie -""-j - it j n Vio an
letter from Ada H. Robinson of and it is expected that a chairman p. W. Mahoney informs i.
, 1 1 1 I I II 1 H V IMIIIIllIlf L11QL i VI X CX i I . mi-v-lIt lirl 1 I rC rDCP UP 1 Jl 4-l-ti-i tKirv TWHY!jTiiTQ
Brockton, Mass., m wnicn was en- - ------ iavuidu icFJ, neVvspai;i . flirwiq for 1944 as shown in
7w a dicing from a Brock- Rietmann, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. Blaine mVL is chairman of the quola was a Uttle higher there than ffJLi i ALnTlL?
ton newspaper telling of the ex- Omar Rietmann ot lone had been water .n coimty According to Ma- -
ploit of her son, Sgt. Tech. Earl ki led in France on July 10 Paul geveral oth matters of nnpor- honey buying in Sherman is more Mrj W Rodgen , Sin ce toep
Robinson, paratrooper in the Nor- w .wuvb s tance were taKen up ana airou regular than nere or nas oeen restx)nsib;iitv for decrease
' , ... i mirl reared here, and was a mem- c rw ,oe v,o ovtPtKmn nf Mrs. x,. . u -rQci twn, nr dance responsiDUity ror a aecreds.e
mandv campaign. .axi was mem- - ' , , ,. , , lnlo ul- r",a "lv- . , uiai way uuiui6 " . ,i
ber of one of the companies sta- ber of the graduating class of 1942. Tress McClintock's chairmanship of or iiaee frs as a usual m
tioned at Camp Heppner CLC a
tricts of the county as a basis for
figures, since quoting all the dis-
elected tricts wouM involve considerable
county's share is readily
tioned at Camp ileppner u- a . - 7 r . nome nuis.uiB u.uu trung tne comnun.ee uv uiac . , .
1 ,nvt fnr 1943 and after training in several simprvisinn. a- nutrition canteen is a nnia anPad of most of Taking the five high school dis
ICW VCclIB W m'U v. .. t 1 , . 1
this year. He was a member of the
anti-tank division in a replacement
fpw vpars aao and also womed ior - supervision, n. imuiuuu!uii.rcu. taln
the Widitmans. The story says in camps, left for England in May ot planned for SOme time during the neighboring counties.
Dart: - uus , . uc .. . lall, Representative Giles French
a; nr.mn in n f DTI QPOrnOnT i- i TT 1 J x
chairman of the Sherman county
"For heroism in removing, prac- Besides his parents, Paul is
11 A 3 OA linlnlacc! ... ! , i "t
ticaiiy unassisieu, t.u Eurvjveci
wounded men after an incendiary Larry
shell hit a tarmnouse ui lNormanuy
Miss Harriet Hager was
which was being used as an aid Mr and Mrs Horace q. Holcomb or parlv st3rina m the meantime y
ctotmn RcH-. Tp rh . Earl Robinson i v, xj -- t p.rrra roc. . : , , n i j .. Morrow couti
fw"u", -"Ov' iiaVW XCIlLCUi U1C 1J.CIU jr jwi fev-x
fw"u", -"Ov' iiaVW XCIlLCUi U1C 1J.CIU jr jwi 5 v.
of the paratroops, son of Mrs. Ada idence and iive there the
Kobinson, riam sireei, nas ing scnooi year
awarded the Distinguished Service twa has received
Cross. The news was contamed in , c
an army communique from the in- McCurdy Jr Mrs. McCurdy, are available. These cards are
vasion front. . . u- n:innte nf n KaKv ctonarrl anil rwr)pni7fvH bv enemv
"Even though the Germans began " - T T " " j,,,' ""jTl;"" uii " Ampriwn nris-
r , , .,, , j ivlorrow cuu iv s umK " "
a set of by-laws will be drawn up . ma $1fi7nil nH, total
W nrpspntation and adoDtion at . . V
the meeting.
It was announced that the Red
net mgw w v- chairman of the Sherman county . :t . . . . . n
(.rm cnvuH no Mrs. Don . . Ti u njr. uetau wum, 11. 1a wuuu uiai. w "'
survived by two briers, Gene sTrX resigned. c ege to W nrisTen Te fJ total of 12,114 absences dur
diary Qnrl TPrv i. 15,1 or n Tencns privilege m . school r Heppner
icuwuvc puxma - vessel named DV trie cinzens - -ui it c ono e. t:
1 itv, ir, n fall vessei nuueu " was responsible for 5,808.5 Irn-
gon. 1,083; Lexington 1,090.5; lone
1,810.5 and Boardman 1985.5.
Total tardiness was 1,658, of
which, Heppner absorbed 617, Ir
rigon 133, Lexington 190, Board
man 240, and lone 421.
The school support fund appor
tionment is a little under 17 cents
1 At X I
"T , , daughter, Lhane mane, oorn Juiy countries noicung American pus- Columbia river towns experienced per pupu a oay. YDsemeeisiu wsi
using flame throwers on the house Q of war Mrg Brown . strike Wed. the county approximately $2,000 the
and. an adjoining barn and nay Davidson's sixth great grand has been named assistant to Mrs. pkabV wnpn drivers of the Over- past year.
stack, Robinson contmued puwng . ckra B Gertson m handiing this and Greyhound system refused Total school census in the county
litter patients to a safer pla ce. is Lindstrom and material. to go to work. The strike even af- is 1146, with a total enrollment of
bravery helped restore the morale home Blaine Red Cross tfected jjeppner, although the lo- 942, and a high school enrollment
and confidence of other men dug con.in-law and dau- production chairman, reports her cal stage is an independently oper- of 225. Broken down, the high
in nearby, wno weie ugiiun& a and Mrs, j. w. Howk at group has cleaned up current Pted affair. When notified that the school enrollments are as follows:
amounted to $216,000.
Bus Drivers' Strike
Is Short Lived
- , phter - Mr and Mrs. J. W. riowK at group nas ueaucu uy pted anair. wnen noiuieu uwi buiuui ciuuuukuu
lriOT JrCe u j c rwa Condon Alan Howk, who spent work and is . waiting for .new ma- busses were not running on the Heppner, 106; Irrigon 41, Lexing
' The DistinguishedService Cross Condon juan , , to . the local operator can- ton 26, Boardman 34 and lone 48;
. ,mv ?, ,,.r,Tl rn celled his morning trip pending grades, Heppner 293, Irrigon 92.
LAVERNE VAN MAHTEK TO f h strike Lexington 74, Boardman 103 and
F. W. Turner accompanied Blaine The strike was short lived and lone Heooner $42-
Tonm PrtlW Satnrdav to nick the bus drivers returned to their Operational costs Heppner $42
x rr:: u.. .,lolw,a " , , ,..:r .j hv 3 n. m. Wednesday. A dif- irrigon, i,4x.OJ iiexmu-
iho ormv in 1 H.i i . servine in uic mnn ir-o Mr and lvirs. ijonnie vu- im a trtioK usea dv me lieu ruui- - . .
1 1. j-- - f( continued on rwo 4Jlbil
is awarded to soldiers ior - - -
traordinary heroism in connection
with miUtary operations against RACING MAN AND WIFE
an armed enemy." VISIT HERE MONDAY
Set. Robinson first enlisted in Visitors in Heppner Monday eve
mir in 1937 sprvine in the ;,y TVTf nA Mrs Txinnie Co- m a truW uspH bv the Fred Alii- jods oy o p. in. ""'""" , u,.on. r j mcimic
uic dxj o 11JJ1B " , - f. nri;nion hptween drivers lon i-,ow.uo; JDoaruiiun 94j,wu.ij,
u..,.;;o TdanQ fnr a time. He r on4 littU rlnimhtpr. who enne in mnu ncf hrmsphold eoods to ierence of opinion oetween uiiveis ' nn
iianauou itiiavi o . o -- , nmr.unv nvpr as.sif?nment ana lone $ooiou.
re-inlisted nearly five years ago were enroute from Miami Fla. to the city. Returning Tuesday he ".rTL fusses arrv- Total general fund expenditures,
while in California, serving in the Shasta City, Calif., where Copen- brought La-Verne Van Marter to "to Angers was the aU districts, $192,541.78; ending net
medical corps and while at Camp yy wUl break and train young Heppner to make his home with J s "geervice Extra cash 0r deficit, $48,686.93.
Berkley, Tex, changed to the para- racing stock. The Copenhavers his mother, Mrs. Raymond Rice ? assienedto the Bonded indebtedness: (add en
chute infantry. spent the past season in Florida and Don Turner accompanied them and b warrant3 $10,841.76 out-
during the past two months Lonme spent Wednesday herewith this par- overload and , peaK : UK : $5952864.
LEXINGTON YOUTH IN has been in Boston where he has a ente, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Turner. s should be considered cash balance or deficit end of year,
VETERAN INFANTRY DIVISION string 0f horses. He left the horses Verne, absent from Heppner aSS2he;ulUed 0 $59,528.64.
From somewhere in the South- in charge of his brother Edgar and past four years, during which B reservations were sold Total bonded indebtedness $14-
..x unnit-in jir"n dc T nn mi iiwiiii .- w urocr mpw. nff 1 1 1 s I l 1 1 1 1 v in t.ma Ha mgno nits n f i r 1 1 wii.u iiin rnr r
Weal x ai-iii awncu "--i miro .1 iL. riiiiWIi. in advance
information relative to a Morrow Chicago. They called on Mr. and father in Portland, contemplates UJe .
county boy: Mrs. R. B. Rice in Heppner and working in the F. W. Turner Corn-
county boy: Mrs. K. a. Kice in xieppnei WOrking in tne j. w. lurner um- IIAVE DAUGHTER
Pvt Clarence A. Buchanan, son Spent the night with his cousin, insurance office. He is now
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Bu- MrE. Alena Anderson. aDle to work his way around in a Arm Ridinf
chanan of Lexington, Ore., recent- T n:e Conenhaver was a resident
ly joined the 37th Infantry Divi- orrow county for many years gain strength as time goes on.
sion, veterans ot two major soio- and left here in 1926. He has gained nl,cv '7
mon Islands campaigns. considerable renown as a track HAS UUUWbuut
Buchanan, a 20-year old rule- anA ror . time handled the , "ouse guest 01
000, of which Heppner owes $8,000
and Hardman $6,000.
The county's 50 teachers
. . Kalarips ttalino $8R KR8 93
T.Trc Al,nr. AnHprson. oklo tr. ,.,rvrU nis wav around in a ",ui omiiv
ifii qiic iw tt i
. :j.i , 1 , , j :i :. uj v, ,iii given tneir daughter oorn weujies
Lonnie Copenhaver was a resme.u wneei cnair anu iu x
Ridings and Mrs. , Ridings. The
nlrl ril'lp
oucxicuiciii, a iu- trainer and ior a time iiaumcu . , . tt i n
man, is assigned to an infantry c(jU string for the Samuel Goldwyn tyre this week is Miss Helen Car
i f r- .nninc at . . lin nf Portland.
regimeni iamuua mi .w" stables.
. f 11 TIT ".-4
Munda Ainieid. on iNew ueuia,
and Hill 700 on Bougainville.
Since he left the states in Febru
ary, 1944, Buchanan has seen ser
vice in New Caledonia and on Bou
gainville Island.
little lady arrived at the George
town hospital in Washington, D. C.
She is the granddaugher of Mr.
and Mrs. M. D. Clark of Heppner.
More Than 200 Red Cross Councils Provide
Comforts for Sick and Wounded Service Men
Eight Men Leave
for Pre-Physicals
Another draft of men left Hep
pner Tuesday morning for Port
land to take pre-induction physi
cals. In the list were some transfers
from other selective service boards,
men now residing here or employ
ed in this county.
Following announcement of the
bus drivers strike Wednesday a. m.
ThoniDson chairs you gave or wrote letters on side of the recreation building, local draft board olliciails were
RETURNED TO ISLANDS "7 Kd f" ... , anniver the tables and desks, listened to the Walla Walla county provided the wondering how the inductees would
Pfc James C. McLaughlin- son July 1944 wwfJ. radios and phonographs and used lumber for the frame and paid the get back home. They traveled by
of Con McLaughlin of Lena, is in sary or. the Ked u V gent Jt helpcd carpcnter and the boys and their bus going into Portland and of
a hospital in Hawaii according to hospital council. g & easier and friends are enjoying the shade over course could be brought back to
a letter received from him by his definite need as vmce y & hap chahs Qnd benches as well Arlington by train. Since the Case
sister, Mrs. Edward Rice. James armed torces. unit s. pier soldier or sailor. as their croquet groundf. We also, beer stage is an independent line
was injured in the Saipan cam- cerned over the w.efar werg At time the boys at Pasco provided three new radios for the it is thought that the local situa
paign the latter part of June, re- thousands ot recrui station all them train- private rooms for blind patients, tion could be handled without con
ceiving leg and shoulder wounds, pouring in but au tneir 1 dangerous missions on car- A radio is one of the first things flfcting with strike 'orders on the
lie received the Purple Heart for given over to training and outut henjoying the gifts this they can use. We purchased drap- main line. Casebeer did not operate
wounds received at Tarawa in Nov. mg them, neu urois w county has sent them The field di- ery material for the windows in Wednesday as he did not want to
1943 and also saw action at Gua- tc .act as a f 'J rector writeg .the enlised per- the eye, ear, nose and throat ward carry passengers to Arlington to
dalcanal in November and Decern- comforts and Pleasus sQnnel of station know there is and these were made by a woman be held up there indefinitely,
ber, 1942. He is able to get up and boys in . their res t p enoas. for .
around he informs his sister. tnat date ovei ooodhearted voeople live." patients. The doctor in charge, sent has been called off and the boys
Pfc Hugh McLaughlin. anoOier 17 cotS theaS -t lis thanks and the appreciation of are due home this evening after
brother, left the States about a e areas these boys was 5,000 sheets of let- all the patients for providing an spending an extra night in Port
month ago and is now on a small djbJ and hos. terhead stationery with envelopes atmosphere so cheery, sunshiney land.
island in the Pacific. . T8 ' 1 to match, given by Holmes Gab- and homey."
' ' pltS- t a 1 , mwi Whnn bart a former lone resident. We are And again we voice our thanks LEAVE FOR PORTLAND
RETURNING TO STATES . of us are deeply moved when bart a former tone reswtent we
The Morgan family-Mr. and Mrs. we see PjrCtf Aman W tl2 iZ vicmity a gift from who gave money to help with this Monday for Portland where they
'William Morgan and Mrs. Milton marking graves of American boys j0" g work. With this help we promise will spend most of the time until
Morgan-are in high spirits this all over toe world. iy Morrow county will stand after the election. Aiken, chairman
week following receipt of news who gave .JJ" jZ WiST Anfong a among the first in the Blue Moun- of the state democratic central corn
that Milton Morgan, AMM 2c, is council work Aould have this con- McCaw army hosprtaL J uin .g one of wer tee, will have his headquarters
ofWfSi SrceTul toe cTvaslorl ge Twalong 200 councils in the nation. in Portiand.