Heppner Gazette Times, August 3, 1944- Classified and . Legal ; Advertising Went Ads RANCH FOR SALE One of the best little diversified ranches in Morrow county, consisting of 420 acres 300 acres wheat land, bal ance hay and pasture. Fair 6 room house, good barn, double garage and wood shed, rock eel- lar. and other outbuildings. 850- watt Wincharger light plant, good never-failing soft water spring, water piped to house, barn lot and yard, garden, iamily orchard . . cum V(UU, taiucii, laiimv uiuiaiu and berries. Cash price $25 per acre, or 3J0 per acre with crop before it's harvested, and crop ready as of Aug. 1. 2 miles south of Heppner on highway. Daily mail. Phone 9F3. A. W. Gammell, Heppner. Oregon. 18-19c FOR SALE Dodge, pickup. Rosewall Motor Company FOR RENT Rooms, close in. By week or month S H Shan- non.' Heppner. 13tf. FOR SALE 34-foot Kewaunee grain elevator, 3-chain, practical ly new; one 3-horse John Deere engine, "age o elector. Rig all mounted ready for use. Also '37 E tiat'SLX Ore. 12tf LAWN MOWERS sharpened fac tory style. N. D. Bailey. ' 2tf FOR SALE Dry board ends, $2 pe. large trailer load 74 cubic feet. See Edwin or Eldon Tucker. 6tf BRING YOUR TRUCK TIRE- certificate to us for 100 x 20, 32 x 6 and 750 x 20 tires. Im- mediate delivery. Rosewall Motor Company FREE! If excesi' said causes you pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indiges tion, Heartburn, Belching. Bloat ing. Nausea, Gas Pains, get free sample, Udga, at Humphreys Drug Company. 16-30p FOR SALE One 10-ift. John Deere power binder. W. G. Seehafer, lone, Ore. 17-20p FOR SALE Used Delco light plant. Allen Pridemore, 113 West Alder, Walla Walla, Wash. 1721p pnu RAT.Prw pnmhinp Npdds a little repair and it wm be ready to8o.ct is. , , ., FOR SAIX-Irngated farm, 2 miles east of Stanfield Oregon, 148.63 acres, running water year around; eood modern, 6 room house with bath and electricity, 3 room bunk house, big barn in excellent con- dition, other sheds and small Duildings. Good for pasture hay or grain or other crops. Good stock ranch or dairy farm. Price $22,500 00. Other irrigated farms ' in variety of sizes and prices. F. :.- "1J A. jaer, ueai jusiaie, oianneia, rrfrn 17-19e uregon. u-ivc " i WANTED-to buy used irons, ap- pliances, electric motors, wash- ing machines, etc. Heppner Home Serv06- FOR SALE-1937 Ford Tudor 60, $495 cash. Heppner Home Ser- vice. 19c FOR SALE 300 aged ewes. Rufus Piper, Lexington. 18-2 Ip m TTATm t-iTt a tw ttt rrrer-o wj ruvr, -, in all the popular sizes. Bring in your certificates to us for quick service. Rosewall Motor Company FOR SALE Two ice box reifrig- erators one lOOlb capacity, other 75-lb. Arnold Pieiper, Lex- ington. 19-21 p 7 " WANtTED Stubble pasture for cattle as soon as available. P. C. Box 462 Heppner, or phone 2F33. 1921p ' ' 77" PUMP TYPE Fire extinguish- ers, $9.95. Rosewall Motor Company WE HAVE 3, 5, and 12 ton hy- draulic jacks available to far- mers. Rosewall Motor Compa,y 1 1 I BUY, sell and repair all makes of telephones, new or old. Also as parts are becoming avail- able I am again repairing house- hold apliances. -McCaleb. 14-19c LOST Billfold. Name inside, Lois Rondeau Singer. Write in care of Sid! Zinter, lone, Ore. 19-21t - , th o nnri srmif rnairs. n. rv table and some chairs. , , , .. Thma duplex at corner Chase ,.i m,, llQ.1t 19p 1 FOR SALE Tamarack fence posts, i6e banked Heppner-Spray high- w&y write Wes Phegley, Condon, Ore. 18-21p rwiv ox xvraiuenw Vy. Excellent location. Mrs. A. Q. Thomson. 1920p- FOR SALE-Some Shorthorn year- M calves and some 4 -month- old pigs. Wm. Kummerland, Lex- ington, Ore. 19-20c Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye Sight Spec- ialist of Pendleton will be at the jS " ' AU(jUax imi' FOR SAloe wer ,d uue IIU V. vw, 11 can. xjeil italic, Heppner. 19p LegCll NotiCeS NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY virtue of an ORDER OF THE --x, 1944 1 authorized and directed to advertise" and sell at public auc tion at not less than the minimum price herein set forth: Lot 10 in Block 2 of the City of Boardman, Morrow County, Oregon for the minimum price of $10.00, Cash. South Half of Southwest Quar- ter of Section 5, Township 1 North, Range 26, E. W. M. for the minimum price of $1.00 per acre, Cash. All of Sntinn 21. Tnwnshm 4 North, Range 26, E. W. M. for t.h minimum WW nf !t1 fin Wr acre Cash. ' ... iU THEREFORE, I will on the 5th j e a J ,n ,i . day of August, 1944, at the hour f 10:00 A. M. at the front door , - h12f'.ibS;dbi:rj' ,o 11,6 . JOHN H. FUTTEN 15-19 Sheriff and Tax Collector SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MORROW COUNTY y Xucker( puff VSi Margaret E. Smith, Defendant Margaret E. Smith, DEFENU- h 1 . m ttto VAMI! np ruw. statv. --wht , v; qf OREGON you are hereby re- quired to appear and answer the Complaint filed against you in the above entitied Court and Cause within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this Sum- fJjZ SreVlaTn- &py to the said Court for relief as prayed for in the said Complaint, to-wit: for a decree at fae plaintiff is the owner in fee simple of the following describ- ed real property, to-wit: The half of gg Four m xuw.up xwu Vw you by publication thereof f., Sf . Tfu x,enty;feV,T -i2?) four successive weeks in the Hep East of the Willamette Meridian. ,. , , , And that the plaintiff is the owner 1 1? TGS' y "" f in f cimnl rwf t.Vif snifi land, frpe of any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the said land or anv Dart thereof and - perpetutally restrain and enjoin you, your heirs and assigns, from asserting or claiming any right titie estate) Uen OT m. terest in the said land or any part thereof, adverse to the plaintiff. This Summons is served upon yu by publication thereof for four consecutive weeks in the Heppner Gazette Times by order of Honor- able Bert Johnson, Judge of the County Court of Morrow County, State of Oregon, and A'hich said order was made and entered the 24th day of July, 1944, and the first date of this publication is the27th day of July" 1944' " p- w- MAHONEY, Attorney for the Plaintiff. postoffice Address: Heppneri 0regon. 18-22 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersignei administratrix, of the ofEdward 0. Neill, deceased, t;1 . . fi , BOOtnmt witn the Countv Court of Morrow County, xm-ix - -J Oregon, and said court has set as a time and Biace for hearing on said final account, Monday, August 21, 1944, at 11:00 A. M. at the County Court House in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon. All persons hav- mg objections to said final account must file same on or before, the said date. Dated and first published this 20th day of July, 1944. OLETA AKERS, 721 Administratrix SUMMONS EQUITY NO 3573 THE CIRCUIT COURT OF -tje STATE OF OREGON FOR MORROW COUNTY iVlAI.LlUxUlVlxi Hi. V Hj I , Plaintiff vs The unknown heirs of Vie E. Swinburne, deceased, and also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, liar' nl- inorocf in tKa roal 2tat fa complaint here. in, Defendants. To the above named defendants: the unknown heirs of Vie E. Swinburne, deceased, and also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title,' estate, lien or intsrest in the real estate described, in the complaint here- in, in 1115 NAME OF THE STATE qj, OREGON Tr . You are hereby required to ap- pear and answer the complaint luea against you in tne aoove en- titled Court and cause within four weeks from the date of the first , ,. ,. , ... 0 , publication or this Summons and f, , A wci, iui wciiiu ui-i c f.. uidiiiuii. a to d t f & . - m said complaint, towit: a h. a. liiff " www-, lh 111 M,A kj Vlll. owner in fee of the following des cribed land, to-wit: The Northeast Quarter (NEV) of Section 36, Township 4 South, Range 27 Ea-t of tl.-. Willamette Meridian, in tho County of Morrow and State of Ctoegon, and that plaintiff is such owner in fee of said land free from any right, title, estate, lien or interest . . ' ' ' : " oi aerenctants and of each of defendant That defendants or any one or more of defendants has no right, tftle, estate, lien or interest in said land or in any part thereof- J f defendants, their heirs and assigns, Perpetually restrained and en- Jined from asserting or claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or in- terest in said land or in any part thereof,, adverse to plantiff. This summons is sonorl nTvin rtlve which said order was made and dated the 28th day of July, 1944, and the ' date of the. first publication of this sum- mons is the 3rd day of August, 1944 ' ATPOTrn-P ,.. J-LrKED F. CTJNHA Attorney for Plaintiff post office Address: p . , 19-23 HERE FROM BEND- Mr Mrg Walter Darron amj two sons of Bend were visitors a few days the past week at the home of Mr- and Mrs- Durward Tash. The Darrons run a grocery store ;n Bend and were on vacation. The ladies are sisters. Home Canners Advised How to Avoid Deadly Botulinus Poisoning jj i x ( V& "rpilERE is vital need to can as many vegetables as possible as well as fruit; but the only safe way to can any vegetables, except toma toes, is by correct use of the pres sure cooker," advises Katharine Fisher, Director of Good House keeping Institute. "This method is the only one which provides the hotter-than-boiling heat that's nec essary to kill botulinus germs which : may be on any non-acid food you ' can and th'at means all vegetables except tomatoes. When botulinus germs are not killed in the canning process, they thrive in sealed Jars and create a powerful poison. "This botulinus poisoning cornea from bacteria that live in the soil and cling to vegetables. Although rare, this poison ia particularly dan gerous because it usually does not change the food's appearand, odor PIRL HOWELL Consignee Union Oil Company For prompt, dependable service Phone: Heppner 76 ATTENTION. LOGGERS! Public liability on logging truck and trailer only $60! See me today! FARMERS: Combine insurance includ ed while operated ror both fire and accidents. Easy rates $1.50 per $100 per year. F. W. Turner Phone 152 MOVE TO CENTRALIA Mr. and MrS. Edgar Morris and rtlin children have moved to C-ntr.ln, Wash., where Moms is employed. His sister came the prst week and helped them move. Hie have sold their residence property opposite the Heppner hospital. or taste. Analyses of soil indicate . that there is a chance thut botulinus spores may be found almost any where. Fortunately, they are harm- 1 less until they get in air-tight jars of canned food." Use Pressure Cooker ! "Correct use of the pressure cooker also protects against other types of spoilage," Miss Fisher said. "A re- cent national survey showed that home canners who put up non-acid vegetables by the hot water bath method reported a hundred per cent greater rate of spoilage than those who used the pressure cooker method." "Never taste to discover spoil age," Good Housekeeping advises, r "All borne canned products should ! be examined carefully when opened i "1 If there to any evidence of spoil agp. 'he food should not be msed."