t 6 Heppner Gazette Times, August 3, 1944 WE- HAV QUIT BUSINE To Our Customers of Many Years Standing: We take this means of announcing to you that we have retired from the automotive field and that as of August 1 the business of the Ferguson Motor Company passed into the hands of Mr. C. L. Hodge of Hermiston, who has purchased our garage equip- ment and the Morrow County agency for the Chevro let and the Shell Oil Co. We wish at this time to express our appreciation for the pleasant relations that have existed throughout the period of years it has been our privilege to serve the people of the community and for your unbounded faith in the products and service we have offered. It has been a pleasure to serve you. Our successor, Mr. Hodge, is an experienced gar age man and Chevrolet dealer, having operated in Hermiston for a number of years. You will find your continued patronage of the old familiar corner fully justified. R. B. Ferguson will be at the garage until August 5 to help the new proprietor get adjusted to the plant and to introduce him to our friends and former patrons. TT7- 7T? n TrrenirT MOTOR COMPANY