4 Heppner Gazette Times, August 3, 1944 EDITORIAL . . Where the Difference Lies This may not sound very musical to the ears of those whose job it is to clutter up the- local press almost weekly with government propaganda but when the editor's desk gets piled up so high with this and that "essential" that he can't see over he has to do something drastic. Ususally he musters up courage enough to heave the "must" material into the waste basket. How many of our readers have seen paid ad vertisements in their local paper by any govern ment agencies conducting financial bureaus for profit? Why is it that the individual or corporation or company wishing to sell service buys space in the local paper? Why do they not seek or de mandspace to tell the people about their pro ducts? The answer is that they are business minded. They have something to sell and are will ing to invest a little in printer's ink to tell pros pective customers about it. Not so with the gov ernment agencies. They take the dodge that the editor should deem it a privilege to serve his read ers by carrying their bids for business free of charge, and we don't mind adding that their copy writers always' have plenty to say. There usually is a polite, kind-hearted sort of note to open with that "we know you have many readers who will be interested, etc., etc." and what can the editor do about it. Well if all editors were to get together and demand that the government agencies conduct their business on the same basis as private, enter prise and refuse to publish their publicity matter except when paid for at the regular foreign rate there might be more private enterprise, or at least less government competition in business. The newspapers have done a magnificent job throughout the war in everything their services could be of most value. They will continue to carry on, trying to give their readers the best in the news and other services for which they are de signed. But that is not saying they do not get tired of the endless chain of propaganda to which they ire asked to give space propaganda which in most instances could be done away with and pro vide a direct check to the paper waste that has the government worried. , It Won't Be the Same We suppose we will get used to it in time, but it's going to seem a bit strange to see the name 'erguson Motor Company blacked out on that fa miliar corner. It has been there a good many years a fixture in the community and one of those things ve hadn't thought about ever changing. Time has a way of changing things, however, and we have to accept its rulings as inevitable. No doubt, ere long we will look upon the new name in the same light of familiarity as we have grown to look up- Crismon Brings His Jap to Camp Pvt. Earl Crismon believes a sol on the outgoing management. should produce evidence that It is only fair in passing to state that the ener- he has got his Jap and in a recent ev and good judgment of the Ferguson brothers engagement in the South Seas he f . t. n a backed up his belief by bringing in the conduct of their business has resulted in one of of Kippon tato abundant success. They have extensive property camp. Writing his moiher, Mrs. interests in Heppner and the county which will Sarah French, he says in part: . , j u- u -ii Here I come with a few lines to continue to occupy their attention and which will lei you x m stm alright x bind them to the 'community. am out of the hot spot now and This newspaper is indebted to the Ferguson hope I never have to go through , . t u that again. 1 sure would nice to Motor Company for many years of pleasant busi- come w don,t want to mm ness relations and extends best wishes to them in less I can stay ..... their continued operations here. At the same time Mom, see if you can can get me we wish ,o ex.end a welcome ,0 Mr. Hodge nd 'JSTii l?Z his family as newcomers to Heppner. of them. Matches are hard to keep q dry over here. D , .... I haven't seen Grant for some Remember I 93Z time now, as he isn't here with me, In his campaign for President, Gov. Roosevelt but I expect to see him soon. John promised to consolidate and eliminate bureaus "to McRoberte and Jock Fell both got . wounded but not seriously. I am accomplish a reduction of not less than 25 per- pretty lucky I guess I never got cent" in federal government expenditures. Candi-- a scratch; but I did get one Jap. I date Roosevelt went up and down the country m 1 hron h in , . .... ajbve Have you heard any preaching a program of tax reduction and rigid more from Hubert Hudson or Ben? government economy. And, ever since, his admin- I sure would like to see them ... I istration has piled debt upon debt and superim- Saw, 0011 Bellenbrock about four , or five months ago. We took some posed bureau upon bureau. Today, as Senator pictures Jockj Don and myseif. . Byrd has said, every extravagance of bureaucracy I am still sweating out thte rota- "is cloaked in the pure white raiment of national tion s 5 me 801X16 defense. Gov. W. Lee O Daniel News. w 0 Professional Directory Jos. J. Nys ATTORNEY AT LAW Paten Bmlldlmf , Willow Street Heppner, Oregon J. 0. Peterson LUt Jewelry and Gift Good Watcbei . Clocks . Diamond Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner. Oregon Blaine E. Isom All Kinds of INSURANCE Phone 723 Heppner, Ore. 0. M. Y EAGER CONTRACTOR & BUILDER All kinds of carpenter work Country work especially Phone 1483 Junk It Junk something every day . worries, junk your fears, junk junk your little jealousies Whatever interferes with MEDICAL CORPS DRAWS PRAISE FOR SERVICE "Heroic Service" is the caption . . Junk your for an editorial in the Stars and your anxieties, Stripes, official " army publication envies and hatreds. and of the American over seas forces, a corv of which was recently re- your getting up ana rsivei bv Richard Lawrence getting on in the world junk it. from her husband. Apparently Capt. Every night before you go to sleep put-in the'"Dbc" Lawrence has seen results , , ,. . of medical corps work among the junk heap all your disappointments, all your b,jys at lhe front in western France grudges, your revengeful feelings, your malice for he voiced the sentiment of the junk everything that is hindering you- from be- e0""1 in writing to his wife. ' 'Ycink cis unites bsck from t if ing a big strong, fine character. The great trouble front ln No,mnllc;y express wa-m with most of NEW AUTO POLICY Bed. Inj. Pr. Dam. Class A 6.25 5.05 Class B 6.00 5.25 Class C 7.75 5.25 F. W. TURNER & CO. Phelps Funeral Home Licensed Funeral Directors rVnie 1332 . Heppner, Ore. ion!, m Joi-manay express us is that ve haven't anv iunk praise for the heroic work being - heap of his sort. We pull all our mental enemies, donc ty tl!e Medical C,MS'" ,. , ,. ,. . article states. "Unarmed, in the all our handicaps, our d.scouragements, our losses, heat of Effioke and bRltie, the Med- our misfortunes, our troubles, worries, and trials, ics are liskins their lives to press along with us. That eats up more1 than fifty inl serv evcr discovery of mod- . .. ,. , eirn scier.ee to aid the wounded, percent of our vitality and energy, so that we Ever since' the beach assaults , have only the smaller amount left for the great when the Medics rushed to the aid achievement of making life a success. of lhe wounded lying in front of . , ... the flrme-seared pill .boxes, they Author Unknown. have been-tUEhing on in close sup. O . p0rj 0f the advancing platoons. Car- RF MEMBER THIS lying precious blood plasma sets, The immediate increasing of the public debt complete with transfusion appara- from 200 billion to 240 billion means that the tus; sufP"-3 cf morphine and sul- government of the United States has a mortgage pha drugs to ease sufferins; sPlint of $8,000 on the property and earnings of every ;'ets mfic;"on for preliminary a m f -1 , . . . nn ..... ' treatment of burns and other first American family. And, when it goes to 300 billion aid measures Aey Bre keeping the. mortgage will be tipped $2,000 or a total of cWties alive for early surgical $10,000 on the property and earnings of each of treatment. us. By early January, 1945, the debt is expected to reach 300 billion. JleppniT City Council ' Meets Firsl .Monday l-.,cl Month Ciuzi'M!- having mattr-rs for dis- cussion, please bring before the Council. J. O. TURNER. Mayor A. D. McMurdo, M.D. Trained Nurse assistant PHYSICIAN & SURGEON f I we in Mixoniu Building HEPPNRR, OUS. J' J' ustin Leather Wallets ust a Little Better Look for the Justin name and the Justin price tag on every Justin Wallet. Compact all-purpose wallet with ample room for identification pockets, records, passes and hidden pock ets for bills and checks. Imported goat skin with or without zipper. vvvvv First Things First War Bonds "Generally within three or four hours casualties in need are either treated at far shore field hospitals or loaded into landing craft and ducks for evacuation to British ports. Thus is avoided the critical lapse of time between injury and treatment which resulted in so many fatalities in World War I. "The scope of the medical ser vice inland has broadened with the landing ofi larger units belonging to the advancing spearhead units. Large evacuation hospitals includ ing operating tents and laboratory, X-ray and dental tents have been set up to provide care comparable to that given in the permanent hos pitals in Britain. Wounded are be ing evacuated by hospital ship and transport plane." Lt. Lawrence bscame Capt. Law rence as of July 1. HiiPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, established Mcrch 30, 1883. The Heppner Times, established November 18, 1837. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. Published every Thursday and en tered at the Tost Office at Hepp ner, Oregon, as second class matter. O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor Dr. W.H. Rockwell Naturopathic Physician & Surgeor 227 North Main St. Office hours: 1 p. m. to 7:30 p. m. Exam free Ph. 522 Heppner, Or. J. O. Turner ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 17? Hotel Heppner Bulldlmg Heppner. Oregon Morrow County ) Abstract & Title Co. INC. ABSTRACTS OP TITLE TITLE INSURANCE i'fwi In New PntM Building Or. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician A Surgaon FIRST NATIONAL BANK KUDU v."' I'I.mmi' )UVJ Orflre I'Ikiiip 4-tV MI'II'NWR OKEUON Directors of Funerals M. L. CASE C. E, NIKANDKH V"2-- PhniH v 2K2 r P. W. Mahoney ATTORNEY AT LAW RENEBAL I&STTRANCE tleppner Hotel Building Willow St. Entrance