2 Heppner Gazette Times, August 3, 1944 Volunteer Smoke Chasers Busy in lone Neighborhood By Vra.3. OMAB BrETMAHTN Volunteer fire fighters have been kept busy this past week with two large fires. The first occurred at Leo Gorger farm north of lone on Thursday, the fire starting back of the combine and burned nearly 200 acres of fine wheat before it was brought under control. The second fire on Friday was probably started by a careless smoker beside the highway near the A. C. Crowdl farm at Morgan. The fire aided by a brisk wind, burned quickly over the hill where it began burning in the stubble field belonging to Ed Buschke. Fortunately, fire fighters stopped it as it swept across his iield before it came to any standing wheat. Mrs. Mary Swanson returned on Saturday from a two weeks visit in Portland at the home of her son, Norman. Mrs. Nola Bristow and two dau ghters, Margery and Mildred, her mother, Mrs. E. Keithley, and uncle Sam Esteb, drove to Echo Sunday where they met her brother and Mster-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Keithley and children of Baker for a picnic. Another brother, Howar l Keithley and family of Heppner were also there. Topic club met at the home of Mrs Bert tMason Saturday for the social meeting. Two tables of bridge were in play with Mrs. M. D. Cotter winning high and Mrs. Harry Yarnell low. Other hostess es were Mrs. Agnes' Wilcox, Mia Clyde Denney and Mrs. Mary Swanson. William Thomas returned to his home in lone Wednesday from the hospital in Hcrnusron, where he had been for some time. Harold Ahalt and daughter Joyce arrived last week from Wallowa t.nd have been visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. Fred Buchanan. '-13 will remain and work throubn harvest here. Ladies of the lone church gave a shower for Mrs, Walter Corley Saturday afternoon. The honor e itceived many lovely and useful lifts. Mrs. Delbert Emert left for Spo l.ane Wednesday to receive medi cal attention. Sunday guests at Bingham Springs were Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Corley and Miss Jean Cole man. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pomerantz and son are visiting at the home of Mrs. Pomerentzs parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clark They are moving from their home in Li , Angeles to Portland. Fred Buchanan was taken to a phsician in Heppner Monday. His arm, which he hurt recently in a fall from a hay stack, is giving him trouble. Tilman Beckner was taken seri ously ill Monday afternoon and was rushed to Heppner to a phy sician and was taken from there to Pendleton in the ambulance. Mrs. W. G. Seehafer, Mrs. Echo Palmateer and Laurel, and M s. Ada Cannon drove to Pendleton Wednesday. Mrs. Seehafer went over to bring her daughter, Gla dys, a student nurse at St. Jos eph's hospital, home for a week's vacation. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Howk and family of Condon are moving soon to Troutdale where Mr. Howk will be agent at the Union Pacific de pot'. He was agent in lone for many years before going to Condon. Word has been received by friends in lone that Mrs. Delia Nonce, a former lone teacher, will teach in Redmond this yeor. Mrs. Alice Wiles of lone, who has been very ill for several weeks, has left the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lester Brittain of Tygh Valley and has gone to visit at the home of another daughter Mrs. . Ned Carr in Portland. Mrs. Wiles is not yet able to return to her home. Mrs. Echo Palmateer is having her house reroofed, painted and papered and painted inside. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gorger have purchased a new home in Pendleton and plan to move there before school opens in the fall. They are going to rent their home in lone. Louis Padberg drove to Arling ton Sunday morning to meet his son-in-law and daughter Mr. an-1 Mrs. Les Roundy and two child ren from Bremerton, Wash., where Mr Roundy is an electrician's mate 2jc. He left on Monday's stage, but tho family remained and will live in their trailer home hei e. According to word received by relatives here, Mrs. W. A. Em-, t and daughter, Patricia, left Sun day for Seymour, 'T'enn., where the will visit Mrs. Emert's daughter-in-law, Mrs. Alfred ISmert. KINZUA PINE MILLS SPONSORS RADIO PROGRAM Sta't'nr August 2, Kmzua Pine Mills company will sponsor a radio program over staton KODL, The Dalles, 1230 on your dial, which will be known as "Timber Trails"", snd will be heard from 5:45 to 6:00 p. m. 'erv dny excrot Sundav. This program will stress the im portance of. "Keefpingj Oregon Green" by practicing forest pro tective measures, will inform the people what the lumber industry is doing to perpetuate our forests for future generations, thj impoHance of lumber to the war effort, and the impct-nt psvt wood will play in the further development and proirc.-s o' our civilization. - Kinzua Pine Mills company will appreciate ?.ry criticism or sug gestions; their listeners will care to make tinue to keep the same records as in the past, but keep them on their own forms. The CWN-17 and CWN-17a forms that you now have should be used as long as possible. It has b2en suggested that the hack of the certificate of war ne cessity be used for tire inspection notations by offical OPA tire inspectors. W. G. Rockwell, who spent 10 d.ys here with his father, Dr. W. H. Rockwell and Mrs. Rockwel1, returned to Seattle this morning. This was his first vacation in two years. He is employed as major layout man in the engineering de partment of the Boeing Aircraft plent at Seattle. STATE INVESTS $4,888,140 IN FIFTH WAR LOAN Participation of the state of Oregon in the Fifth War Loan amounted to a purchase of $4,888,440 as fixed by the state bond com mission on recommendation of State Treasurer Leslie M. Scott, and was announced by Governor Earl Snell, chairman. L. O. Arens, member, state industrial commis sion is the other commission member. The bulk of bonds purchased are early maturities, according to Scott, which was deemed neces sary because of the needs of the state lor cash to carry on its ac tivities such as post-war plans .beneficial to returned servtcmen tna industrial workers ).o longer engaged in war plant work. TRUCK OPERATORS MUST KEEP C-WN RECORDS ODT will no longer be able to furnish additional forms CWN-17 and CWN717a, the forms used f.r weekly operating records nd tire inspection re-cords acciraing to Marshall E. Nauman, district man ager. Truck operators must con- Mr. and Mrs. Blaine E. Isom left Tuesday morning for Portland, taking their daughter Harriett to the Doernbecker hospital for ex amination and possible treatment. Harriett was ill :?veral months during the winter and since that time has not made satisfactory impiovement. Mrs. Isom will re main with her while Mr. Isom ex pected to return Rome in a day or two. 1 1 r t ivt n-i xt r l for More BUSINESS r4 Try Our Ad Canning Time '-S:IVM in m 7-e mmmm Fruit canning season is at hand. The big volume is due to come soon. Be pre pared now with jars and accessories and don't forget your sugar, or the best place to get your canning supplies. Central Market - it IT ISN'T very likely you'll be called upon, personally, to fight forest fires ft$r they start But there's plenty you can do to fight them r they start For most of them are preventable. Careless smokers cause a quarter of them. Incendiaries another quarter. Campers cause 6.6 Fire in the woods rolls up a national loss of $30,000,000 to $45,000,000 every year. New growth in our forests would exceed timber harvested in normal years, if fire losses and other natural ill' " vuiuumivui of1 . si6 .t,4t 1 iwitrt Your helo will aid in conserving fnr 5 j- V j D ti 1 ..t r -imS nernemal eet ' 9' ' and only renewable natural resource. i- to j UA E MILLS 4PANY