Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 27, 1944, Page 7, Image 7

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    Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, Juiy 27 , 1944
Classified : and . Legal Advertising
Want Ads
acre, Cash. the County Court of the State of title in and to the following des- SUMMONS
All of Section 21, Township 4 Oregon for Morrow County, which cribed real property in Morrow IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE
North, Range 26, E. W. M. for order is dated June 29th, 1944, di- County. Oregon, towit: STATE OF OREGON FOR
the minimum price of $1.00 per recting that service of Summons
- - acre, Cash. be had on all non-resident Defend -
RANCH FOR SALE One of the THEREFORE, I will on the 5th 8,113 State o reeon Pub
best little diversified ranches in day of August, 1944, at the hour J0" for a
HTntrfviir mH, noic t 29ft L rTV' I . " four (4) successive weeks, which
r Jt v;w a. no. at tne iront aoor ti of r,iHkvtinn rwt Am
acres 300 acres wheat land, bal- 0f the Court House in Heroner. ,ttiM-JZ jfj , , ..jj u
Oregon, sen said property to tne ants of this suit and which said ners in f simole of said real ore- nv rawmw r-
K - JWU .
ance hay and pasture. Fair 6-
room house, good barn, double highest and best bidder.
garage and wood shed, rock eel- JOHN H FUl'l'EN
lar. and other outbuildings. 850- . Tax CoUector
watt wincnarger light plant, good
The east half of Section one (1) mukwuw uini i
and northeast quarter of Section Stanley V. Tucker, Plaintiff,
12 in Township two (2) South, w vs.
Range 23 East of Willamette Margaret K Smith, Defendant
Meridian. TO: Margaret E. Smith, DEFEND-
ain l .
answer ' the
against you in the
never-failing soft water spring, SUMMONS
first publication is on the 29th day whatever claim you quired to appear and ar
of June 1944, and the last pufchca-4 my to have ta 5omplaint fjjd against y
uon tnereoi on memaay oi juiy nifll nd vol, and above entitled Court and Cause
1344; and if you, and each or you, md each rf within four weeks from the date of
and yard, garden, family orchard
and berries. Cash price $25 per COUNTY OF MORROW,
acre, or $30 per acre with crop
E. C. LLOYD, Plaintiff,
before it's harvested, and crop vs.
rr .JV " Z-j iILf forever barred of and from a"l the first publication of this &um-
tit will ap- 11bj,,-i ,
euer prayea " ki-j , r .
for in his complaint on file against have such other and further relief n;aV(vl fer in the said
water piped to house, barn lot IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE manner plead to said .complaint, ror - interest mons and if you fail to appear and
STATE OF OREGON FOR THE uwreoi, tne piainmi wui ap- ZZl .-lo! answer, for want thereof, the plain-
Ply to the court tor tne reuet prayed m s" rean yivi .y a .... ... . r-,
you, and each ot you, in accordance as may be just and equitaoie. Camclaint to-wit: for a decree
therewith: that the above named This summons is served uoon ,1.,.. . ...
' " 1 SSSJSK, Z by publication hereof for four SbP5tK following describ-
iiCKlicl '"tj""). ;7rU wujw xi, imnHnn catuic u. uikii m m uCuiu- successive weeks in tne neppner j r.ror.p.rtv to-wit-
mail. Phone 9F3. A. W. Gammell, MATTSON, GEORGE JOHNSON, ter described property adverse to Gazette -tws a newspaper of f T TT'if f Lh p,,r
Heppner Oregon 18-19c EDITH JOHNSON, LAW- this plaintiff, but that such claims f26"? ThlkW in Tjl6.801 hl im
ueppner. RENCE JOHNSON and JANE DOE if an?, on the part of said defend- neral JJnt (V Township Two (2) North
FOR SALE-300 aged ewes. Rufus JOHNSON, RAYMOND JOHNSON ants, or any of them, is without Morrow County Oregon pursuant Range Twenty-seven 27)
and ESTHER JOHNSON, YOUB- any right whatever and that said w an ola1 7'' ra l uie wiuameiie mwuu..
ERT JOHNSON and JANE DOE defendants nor any of them do not Judge of e County Court of Mor- And that the plamtiff is the owner
Piper, Lexington. 18-2 Ip
FOR SALE Jersey cow, just fresh, JOHNSON, CLARENCE MATT- have any estate, right, title or in- row County, Oregon which order in fee simple of the said land, free
Will sell with or without calves. SON and ELLEN MATTSON, MA- terest whatever in said lands and is dated June 28th 1944 and the of any right, title, estate, lien or
A. M. Edwards, Lexington. 18p BEL MATTSON and JOHN DOE premises described as follows ' to- date of the first publication of this interest in the said land or any part
FOR RENT Rooms, close in. By and JANE DOE MATTSON, AD-
week or month. S. H. Shan- OLPH MATTSON and JANE DOE
non. Heppner. 13tf. MATTSON, ROY MATTSON and
FOR SALE 34-foot Kewaunee FRANCY and JAMES FRANCY,
grain elevator, 3-chain, practical- OLWJJS ANDER HpRYAN
ly new; one 3-horse John Deere gSO aESTHER ANDER
J . Bit r-- ii SON, ELLIOTT ANDERSON and
engine, age of elevator. Rig all AUCE andersqn, LAWRENCE
summons is June 29th 1944.
The northeast quarter (NEVO-of JOS. J. NYS,
section Twenty- our (24), Town. Attorney for ' plaintiffs,
ship Two - (2) North, Range p t qjq address and resi.
Twenty-six (26) East Willamette , TT ,
Meridian, and the North half dence Heppner, Oregon.
rL t r.nr:n m;(-., ria 14-18
thereof and perpetutally restrain
and enjoin you, your heirs and
assigns, from asserting or claiming
any right, title, estate, lien or in
terest in the said land or any part .
thereof, adverse to the plaintiff.
This Summons is served upon
you by publication thereof for four
consecutive weeks in the Heppner
Township Two (2) Range Twen- NOTICE TO CREDITORS
M-riiar, Mrrrtw Pflun. Notice is hereby given that the Gazette iws bv order of Honor
i.. o4- f undersigned has been duly ap- aM TWt .TnVinson Judye of the
Willys chassis, good rubber. SON, STELLA LUSK and ROBERT nLn. a tu 't, ; iQiTU pointed administrator of the estate County Court of Morrow County,
Phone 38F45, Art Stefani, lone, LUSK, ROYAL ANDERSON and ri.:rJaM. ZfAih of Joseph W. Baird, by the Court State of Oregon, and which said
Ore. 12tf JEAN ANDERSON, ESTHER defedS and each of them maj of Oregon for Morrow County, and order was made and entered the
t a ttttvt wr.Pc u ZTY BEESE and URWOOD REESE, Jf JSred to "sS forS SSaSS has accepted such trust. All per- 24th day of July, 1944, and the first
LAWN MOWERS sharpened fac- GLADYS ANDERSON FCES -quired to set forth nature ep .
tory style. N. D. Bailey. 2tf ANDERSON, ALICE BOWEIfflJAN a'u ad;erse ;laims of said de. tatg are hereb requested to file day of July,. 1944 .
FOR SALE Dry board ends, $2 pe. ADErSn B an n'ELLE , Jfan? ftsTJur? tT Attorney TorSf SSff
i i i--j ia t . . rr, determined bv decree OI llUS Court, xUA w iU sa A nrlmmistrator at iiwiney lor uie rwuiuu.
large trailer ioau r tuuu; ain uHirvovJiN , 1V1AJK.KI iviai isuin. , , . , , . . , Postoffice Address
See Edwin or Eldon Tucker. 6tf MABLE MATTSON, HENNING , (b) That by said decree, it be the office of J. O. Turner, Hepp- H Qr '
OATT. MATTSON and ESTHER MATT- declared and adjudged that said de- ner Oregon, within six months
FOR SALE Oliver Grain Master .T a t ttpj MiTram: ii cn fendants or either of them have no r Ata KQf
. . -t tUKSXV , ruJVJ.il mill ikJUi.i iijjuv , i i x xi win uouc nvivui.
Combine, 6-ft cut. First class KN0WN AS ARVTL MATTSON, right, estate, cr interest whatever Dated gnd first published this
running condition with new dra- ED jQHNSON, GERTRUDE MAT- in and to c :hoe described land mi
pers. $600. Paul Smith, Board- TSON, DAVID E. LOFGREN, Ad- an- premises, and that the title Sinned,
man 16-19p ministrator of the Estate of Augusta thereto of the plaintiff is good and , jry F BAIRD
n - Anderson, deceased, DAVID vallu
ail manes T . j c
- . .i 1 -i r i t. J
, , LOFGREN. Administrator of the W Tht tne sam aeienaants hub NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT
I BUY, sell and repair
U UVJ. uil-Ull, iiuiiuiiwiiaiui vi wiv. i i 1 i J ' "-
of telephones, new or oio. v. , nf AJniv, Matt Ar-ron- each of them be iorever enjoined M-tiro : m vpn that the
Also as parts are becoming avail- edj and -ALSO ALL OTHER PER- by! frorn asjeirt11? undersigned, administratrix, of the
able I am again repairing house- SONS OR PARTIES UNNAMED claim v, .ntso?ver in and to the said of ward O. Neill, deceased,
hold apliances. McCakb. 14-19c OR UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY herein described land and premises account with the
RTHHT TTTTF FSTATE LIEN OR adverse to the plaintiff and that the nied nerinai account wnn uic
FREE! If excess aid causes you StSesT IN THE REAL ES Plaintiff do have such other and County Court of Morrow County,
pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indiges- TATE DESCRIBED IN THE COM- further relief as to this Court shall Oregon, and said court has set as a
tion, Heartburn, Belching. Bloat- plaint HEREIN" AND THE UN- seem meet kand equitable in the time and place for hearing on said
ing Nausea, Gas Pains, get free KNOWN HEIRS OF CARL E. premises and for plainiffs costs final account, Monday, August 21,
sample, Udga, at Humphreys MATTSON, deceased, and disbursements herein. 1944, at 11:00 A. M. at the County
Drug Company. Defendants. JAMES H. McMENAMIN, Court House in Heppner, Morrow
16-30p Attorneys for Plaintiff. County, Oregon. All persons hav-
To Christine Ford and Ely Ford, 410 Henry Building, mg objections to said final account
FOR SALE Used grain sacks and Aucg Anderson, Hannah Mattson, Portland, (4) Oregon. must fie 6 on or .before,
some wier, cheap. Mrs. Cora Bur- George Johnson and Edith Johnson, Date of first publication June 29, sdd date
roughs. Ph. 37F13, lone. 17-18p Lawrence and Jane Doe Johnson, 1944. Dated and 'first published this
' 7T Raymond Johnson and Esther John- Date of last publication July 27,
FOR SALE-One 10 John Deere son7Youbert Johnson Jane Doe 1944. . 2Wl f AKERS
power bmder. W. G. Seehafer, Johnsorii clarence Mattson and El- . OLETA AKERS,
lone, Ore. 17-20p ien Mattson, Mabel Mattson and SUMMONS 17-21 Administratrix
ZZZZ att tt.-j t3H iik John Doe Mattson, Edmund Matt- r-mrrrrr rvwroT nv TWIT
plant Alen Pridemore, 113 West jiESJhS STATE OF OREGON
Alder. Walla Walla, Wash. 1721p J iSg MORROW TOUNTY.
FOR SALE-150 year-old R I hens, Lillian Francy and James Francy, GARSWANSON , d IRENf.
head old ewes. W. -"yus uiaerson, ' "
ii 10. and CiStner Anaerson. taiiott An- """i
ucl auil aim rum nuwiauu, yaw
e p.
Standard of California
$1.25 each; 27
G. Robertst, Heppner.
FOR SALE Irrigated farm, 2 miles rence Anderson and Hattie Ander- EDMUND C. NOLAN, and JANE
east of Stahfield Oregon. 148.63 JLUU, 11 1XJC IMU1VUN, nis wue, wnose iru
acres running water year around; ?ders and name is unknown to plaintiffs, and
bath and electricity, 3 room bunk delson, Alice Bowerman and El- C- Noan d dased- 1Als0 ,her
house, big barn in excellent con- ton Bowerman, Ernst Anderson, P61115 or. Partl?s, unknown claim
dition, other sheds and small Henning Mattson and Esther Matt- ing any right, title, estate hen or
buildings. Good for pasture, hay son, Alvin Mattson aso known as interest in the real estate described
or grain or other crops. Good Arvil Mattson, Ed Johnson, Gertrude in the complaint herein,
stock ranch or dairy farm. Price Matteon, Annabelle Anderson, Mar- Defendants
$22,500.00. Other irrigated farms Mattson and Mabe Mattson, Da- To Edmund C. Nolan, and Jane
i ,nlh, ,xf ci7f nnri rjrices. J) . ; , ioe nuioii, ma wuc,
"v " , , , estate of Augusta Anderson, deceas-
A. Baker, Real Estate, Stanfield, David E Lofgren, as the admin
Oregon. 17-19c Crater 0f the estate of Adolph
- Mattson, deceased, and also all other
T sfrffil frhfl f0Z. persons or parties unnamed or un
LstZgLll 1 VI7l LiJ known claiming any right, titlt, es-
tate described in the complaint
herein and the unknown heirs of
Carl E. Mattson, deceased, Deftnd-
Union Oil Company
For prompt, dependable service
Phone: Heppner 76
name is unknown to plaintiffs,
and the unknown heirs of
said Edmund! C. Nolan, if de
ceased. Also all other persons or
parties unknown claiming any
right, title, estate, lien or inter
est in the real estate described
in the complaint herein,
By virtue of an ORDER OF THE ants:
t tat't'v nmnyv AteA T.,iv k TM nTR MAMF, OF THE STATE
1944 I am authorized and directed OF OREGON: You, and each oi OF OREGON, you and each of you
to advertise and sell at public auc- you, are hereby commanded and re- are hereby required to,appear and
tion at not less than the minimum quired to appear or answer the answer plaintiffs' complaint filed
, opt forth complaint filed against you, and against you in the above entitled
price herein set . of m aboye entitled court within four weeks rom
of $10.Uu, uasn. Summons. This Summons is serv- r .
South Half of Southwest Quar- ed and each of you, by plaintiffs will apply to the above
ter of Section 5. Township 1 publication thereof as required by entitled court for the relief prayed
North, Range 26, E. W. M. for the -law, pursuant to an Order of the for in their complaint, to-wit:
minimum price of $1.00 per Honorable Bert Johnson, Judge of For a decree quieting plaintiffs
Starting July 22, 1944, the fire insurance business will
tell its story to the nation in a most effective way. It will
have a truly nation-wide insurance radio broadcast over
the country's leading stations. Unlike previous efforts,, this
broadcast is specifically scheduled to come on at designat
ed times, and will continue as iper schedule until further
Blue Network Stations Broadcasting National Board of
Fire Underwriters' Program Featuring
8:30 P. M. Pacific War Time
F. W. Turner
Phone 152