Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 27, 1944, Image 1

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County Receives
Share of School
Support Money
Sums Allotted to
Several Districts
By County Supt.
nir , j i
Morrow county's share in the
nas just oeen turned over to tne
several counties is $J1,87 J6 tor the
year 44, according to Mrs. Lucy
J.1 J.' i J J ' X 1
x: j :.
uue uuici apportionments ana is
ready to turn over the allotments
The total is less this year than last
when the amount was $24,195.
rjieii uie amount was oi.iu.
Under the apportionment plan,
based at approximately 17 cents
per capita, Heppner district, No. 1,
..n ha!1f, t. ... t.
10, Irrigon will draw 2,716.19 of the
fund; No. 12, Lexington, $1,920.91,
T j oo, . riRureb
for Boardman had not been com-
pleted when the report was made. J7 X V i7 l J cry for box shook caused them to vented what might have been a se
Figures for the other districts of ,' FernaP the keenest hurt was make a seCond venture into mami- rious field fire at the A. E. Stefani
i x ...l-..j ,t. tne ioss oi tne aog, aitnougn dogs fatliroj jn,0 v i, .i,
balance of $6,385. 14 going to kon-
high school uits and BoardLn
The funds are made available to
the schools from a state income tax
fund in excess of $5,000,000.
Mrs. Hughes' Brother
Aim Dwamhmmm
" u 1
Mrs. Joe Hughes received a let-
ter the first of the week from her
brother, William Bassett, stationed
at Camp Crowder, Mo., stating that
he will sing over. the Blue network
Saturday. He will be one of the
soloists with the Wayne King or-
chestra which wiU broadcast at 2
p. m., Chicago time, or betwe. 1
11 and 12 coast time.
Bassett recently was transferred
from the intelligence division to
Wm n chanlain'R assistnnf Vv.
" 1 -
cause of his musical ability. He
has been made director of the
Camp Crowder male chorus.
Lt. Jack Forsythe, son of Mr. ard
Mrs. B. C. Forsythe of lone is
home from the European area, ar-
riving from Portland Wednesday,
He was met at Arlington by his
wife and parents.
r , ' . .
la., rorsytne was inducted m
Jackson county in 1942, took his on me lower lloor ot residence
basic training at a Texas camp, was iov Rumbles which will be
later transferred to the northwest,. made available to another tenant,
taking polishing off work at Eph-
rata, Walla Walla and Redmond. G0ES TO CAMP LEMOORE
He left the latter point in the fall Pvt. Willard Blake left Wednes
of 1943 for an undisclosed destina- day for Lemoore, Calif, after spend
tion and it was not long until he mS about a week here with his
was overseas. Upon completion of wife and little daughter, Beverley
the specified number of missions Lucille, and other relatives: It was
over Germany and western Europe his privilege Saturday to witness
he was assigned to the courier the christening of his daughter,
command, in which he has served with Archdeacon Neville Blunt per.
several months. He will be with forming the rites and Mrs. Alva
his family until Aug. 24 when he Jones and Mrs. Fred Parrish serv
will report at Snta Monica, Calif.; ing as godmothers and Lowell Ash
for a new assignment. baugh as godfather. Pvt Blake will
fjnd another Heppner soldier at
VACATIONING HERE Camp Lemoore, Don Jones, son of
Miss Sibyl Howell is spending a Mr. and Mrs. Alva Jones, who re
week's vacation in Heppner with cently was transferred from a Tex
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee as camp.
Howell. Sibyl works for the Kaiser
company and recently had an op-
portunity to take a test ride on one
of the big flat tops turned out at
the Portland plant. One of Sibyl's
duties is to prepare a column for
the company paper, The Bos'n's
Mrs. Frances Dobyns of Pendle
ton, field director for the OP A, paid
an official visit to the local ration-
ing office Tuesday. Mrs. Dobyns
was accompanied by Mrs. Fred E.
Farnor who took advantage of the
ODDortunitv to visit her form.r
Heppner neighbors for a few hours,
u " ; V
Runaway Pickup
Causes Death of .
Faithful Canine
Faithfulness of a dog sometimes
is not always rewarded. Such was
the case this week when a runaway
pickup in which the. family dog was
riding wound up in a wreck and
the faitliful canine was transferred
from this troubled world to a hap-
py hunting ground not bedeviled
with income taxes and rationing.
It all haDDened when Mrs. Iannis
Cason uecided to go to the garden,
the yjcjnity of Parker's Mill, is not
exactiy ieVel. The garden is located
some distance from the house and
Mr?' aSn d!ive the
P - - k.uP over ana onng dhck a sup-
,v nf nrpA ,QO 0 ,
f ' r , u -i T s T
" tl, nTtC JT T
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a , i a .. , i i.
t0 g n T ?
f,', " 7 1 ,
V i T ,
cu un uuwii uie giaue inuring up
? 77 T.u j ,
k i 1 j.1 T j. A i
T t J t Z T vT
canK and towed up, one mignt say.
Mrs. Cason was not seriously in-
. , u Tit i "luUBiy
T X rePkceable
than pickups
u - a cut-off rig. and was destroyed but the crew L. " - .
NeW Home SerYICe Starting out on a one-shift basis and neighbors were able to prevent first thought was to erect a roster
CLnn fJn-Pic Uaa the first of the year the little plant spread of the flames to surround- board in some prominent spot down
anOp UpenS Mere offered employment te a of mg stubble grain. town but since it is a county pro
Add to the newest business addi- six men. Later, putting on a second Lack of wind at the time also aPlPears more feasible to
tions in Heppner the Heppner Home
Service, located in the Braden-Bell
uiii .i r xja
ware store formerly operated The
new enterprise is being installed by
Walter S. Ready who states that as
fast. M materials can be obtained
he will be in voim to offer com-
vJfite service for home and home
at)pliance reDairs.
included in the list of services of-
fprpf1 arp retfr'urpratinn rpnair nnH
service, household appliance repair,
interior decorating, paint supplies,
Maytag washer sales and service,
a -,.,11 QC Ut- mQL.Q! r. e,o.r
generator and magneto repair ser-
Ready and a helper are busy to-
day straightening up the room He
WM go to Portland for supplies and
expects go be set up with a general
stock by the first of the week.
The new man and his family will
reside at the Frank Rumble home
where they have taken the entire
upper floor and are making it into
m apartment. Ready stated that he
ol a .
" v
, ruur ya Jen wednes-
daV mming for Weston to join a
f5 , ?y ,SUtS headed
for W3 lak where they will
Spnd e. next 10 davs in Scout
XT' . T T 1 1 r . .it -t
camp. (joing rrom rieppner were
Bobbie Bennett, Francis Plumon
dore, LeRoy McFerrin and Carl
Among armed service people
spending furloughs at home this
week is Pvt Robt. D. Alstott Jr
He received his first training at
r Di , j .j .
w"f" "" " ne" repon
at Camp Shelby,
Oregon, Thursday, Juiy
Small Factory Makes Valuable
cuniriuunon to
Development of
One of the best illustrations of
doing a big business on a small
scale is to be found in the opera-
tion of the Heppner Box Factory,
located across the track and a little
south of the Union Pacific depot,
The little sheet iron covered build-
in? is a KppViivp nf indnstrv 1fi nf
o j
the 24 hours each six work days of
the prosecution of the war and
helping make Heppner a stronger
town comrnerciallv.
The Heppner Box Factory is the
c1lU . fu. nf tV,,o
yunS business men, Orville Smith
and P" W" Mahoney of Heppner
and Leonard Kraft of Portland. All
n-vimi u iou w winwiu. wi
ged in the manufaaure
of lumber at the Heppner Lumber
company plant, they realized the
uT,Qfu fA 4V, rof oo m11
as to community of turning out
more finished roducte- Hence, in-
otniiatinr. r.r th rJnic in
I ' 1 T &
conjunction with the sawmill. The
commodious housing thry leased
freight baMag and installed
shift, the force was increased to 12
men, which in itself is no fancy
ii u..A io i.u
gaged in the industry before. "
The fine texture of Morrow
county ponderosa pine compares
favorably with that of the Bend,
Klamatth and Lake' county .pine,'
A materiol increase in the num-
ber of voluntary enlistments in the
navy which may be accepted in this
was made Public today by
Mrs. Grace Turner who is liaison
0lJilcer for Morrow county.
The enlarged quota considerably
mcreases chances for qualified
aPPcants to be accepted for enlist-
ment No indication was received as
to whether the increased quota will
be mainained so those desiring na-
valserve are advised to act im-
new luota P1 voluntary
enlistment of youths 17 and not
" "" 1 "IC
f 38 and 50 years.
An Armv doctor with the Fifth
dead American soldier so that his
av 5 e tot tA country. All your
Tour auuarp iu vaca up ui men
,?V M a & .'Wto.
W &&&f$i fTrP& Two of Uncle Sams bluejackets
L who took their boot training at
' S7tT7!J:i San Diego are home this week.
r.CVH" ' ' A;iUlW'Vl rt James Driscoll and James Este.
27, 1944
the local manufacturers state, and
while most of their output is ta-
ken by ordnance plants in the
midwest it is their hope and ex-
pectation that there will be a ready
demand for the local box shook in
the fruit raising sections of the
tiV.,.,Qc-t tU :i
uwiuiwwi wucu utc manual tcui
be diverted for that use.
m turning out 105 m.m. and 90
m,m, shook; some bomb cases, the
20-pound fragmentary and 100-
pound chemical types, and a small
amount of Dear ends worked W
,1 , ... , .
m or, snon enus. Approximately
ou.uw -jeei ox lumoer aany is re-
quirea xor uie operauon.
In addition to the Heppner plant,
me company, is operating a six-
men pianc ai iveiux.
Loaded Grain Truck
Dcfrovrl hv Fir
"csuuycu uv rut.
. , . .,,
Quick response by neigl.Lors pre-
grain truck, owned and operated by
Ar1jiur gtefani, Jr. caught fire
contributed somewhat to the sue-
cess in saving the field.
vrt cf;
field with a load of grain and had
reached the highway when the fire
was discovered. That the grain and
grass over which he drove did not
catch fire is'something of a miracle
and later when the gasoline tank
exrloded there was good cause for
fields on either side of the high-
wav to destroved Mrs Stefani
saw the explosion from the house
more than one-half mile distant
and spread the alarm by telephone.
uir, nmp nmmntlu anrl n lions,
f ' f ' f "
ter was averted.
traruc W. IMrner went to Fort-
land Sunday and returned Monday
bringing Mrs. Turner home from
the hospital. Mrs. Turner with-
stood the trip nicely although very
tired upon reaching home. She will
re?uire a few days rest before re-
ceiving callers. Mrs Helen Curran
Green accompanied Mrs. Turner
a'1" , """" U1
mother, Mrs. Agnes Curran.
M ? r
. ; ' .
"V i
2 " j
Army in Italy looks at the doe taes of a
beloved back home may know that he
country is asking you to do is to give
wno an ugnun ivr jou oy DUyinf war
U. S. Irnmr, Utprlwu
Atmy Signal Coins Photo
Volume 61, Number1 IS
Permanent Li
Of Servicemen's
Names Proprosed
Project Advocated .
At C.-C. Luncheon
Viewed With Favor
If a proposal submitted Monday
luncheon forum of the cham-
r of commerce is carried out all
Persons in the armed services from
Morrow county will have their
names inscribed on a permanent
luSLer lo Pc-ea in a prominent
Watinn n K AiA , K
,u J
proper authorities.
The proposal was made by "Bud"
,XT. , , j A
Winters who has offered to paint
----- - -
f - v - -
roster .board. Winters' idea is that
not one cent of profit should ac
crue to anyone, that the entire
project be put through on a vol-
untary basis, materials, labor and
, ' ' ' - .
the like.
"While there was not time to
take the proposal up for discus-
slon at e luncheon nusetog, sev-
?ra ."Sl1
Place 11 on.,me courtnouse grounds
The most likely spot is at he south-
west corner of the building. That
end, e basement is not occu-
Pied by anything that would suf-
fer from having the outside view
obstructed, and besides there is a
walk on that side of the building
Judge Johnson said he could
see 110 objection to erecting the
board front of court howe
would be agreeable to it if the
commissioners held the same atti-
Visitors at the Monday luncheon
were James Driscoll and James Es-
tes, home on boot leave from the
U. S. Naval training base at San
Diego. They s(poke highly of the
training course and assured their
hearers that the country has every
reason to be proud of the greatest
navy the world has ever known.
Chairman John H. Fuiten read a
highly illuminating article on juve-
nile delinquency by J. Edgar
Hoover. s ,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Engkraf,
new arrivals from Fossil, have pur
chased the W. L. McCaleb house on
4 north Court street and will occupy
the place as soon as it is made va
cant. They were here Wednesday
enroute to Portland and closed the
While in Portland Mr. Engkraf
will assemble the equipment for in
stalling a tire recapping plant in
Heppner. They are planning on
leasing the Lundell service station
but if unable to obtain that have
an offer from Mr. McCaleb on the
former bakery room in his build'
mit on West. Willow street. Whiln-
here Wednesday they "stated tb?y
expect to get set up by the first
of the week.
both of whom are enjoying the
short stay with their families. The
boys were guests of the chamber
of commerce at Monday's luncheon
and Driscoll was a busy papa look
ing after his two children, both of
whom insisted on sittting on his
lap while he ate and sharing the
food with him. Driscoll has been
employed in tne man service dur-
ing his stay at San Diego. Leaves
terminate the first of the week and
,two navy men will start south
g noay evun