Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 29, 1944, Page 7, Image 7

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    Heppner Gazette Times, June 29, 1944 7
Classified : and . Legal .; Advertising
Want Ads
FOR SALE Tudor Ford Sedan;
good rubber, good condition. See
Floyd Jones. 13-14p
FOR RENT Rooms, close in. By
week or month. S. H. Shan
non. Heppner. I3tf.
FOR SALE Six head Guernsey
milk cows, all 2-year-olds, heavy
producers. Phone 37F24. Chester
Inman, lone, Ore. 13-14p
FOR SALE Six milk cows, four
with' young calves. E. W. Moer,
Heppner, Oregon. . l-14p
-John Doe McCune, her husband, Anderson, deceased, DAVID , E. each of them be forever enjoined NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT
whose true name is unknown to LOFGREN, Administrator of the and barred from asserting any Notice is hereby given that the
plaintiff, D. F. Glover, and Mary Estate of .Adolph Mattson, deceas- claim whatsoever in and to the said unjersigned, administrator of the
Doe Cflofcer, Ms wife, whose ed, and "ALSO ALL OTHER PER- herein described land and premises f Cadwell deceas.
. i 4i- SONS OR PARTIES UNNAMED adverse to the plaintiff and that the ... . ., r
rue name is unknown to plain- SumSg ANY. plaintifl! do have such other and f has filed with the County Court
tiff,. J. E. Leonard, and Jane Doe WGHT TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN OR further relief as to this Court shall of the State of Oregon for Morrow
Leonard, his wife, whose true INTEREST IN THE REAL ES- seem meet and equitable in the County his final account of his ad
name is' unknown to plaintiff, TATE DESCRIBED IN THE COM- premises and for plainiffs costs ministration of said estate and said
1 also the unknown heirs of said PLAINT HEREIN" AND THE UN- and disbursements herein. court has fixed Monday the 10th
G. W. Davis, if deceased, the un- KNOWN HEIRS OF CARL E. JAMES H. McMENAMIN, d of July 1944 at the hour 0f
known heirs of Debbie Bell Mc MATTSON, deceased, Attorneys for Plaintirt. 0.clock A M of said
in the County Court room at the j
Court House at Heppner, Oregon 1
. ... . 1 11111 11 .1 U1C L111JV U1U lui
of J E- Leonard, if deceased. George Johnson and Hidith Johnson, , , ,. x. T . n . . . t- i ,,,.x j
ui o. ej. utohcuu, xi uawscu' . & ,. , T , niota nnhlirat.inn Julv 20. obiections to said final account and
Alsr. all otW mr, nr oartips Lawrence ana Jane uoe jonnson, ,.---- , . ,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Cune, if deceased, the unknown . . Defendants. 410 Henry Building,
heirs of D. F. Glover, if de- - To Christine Ford and Ely Ford, Portland, (4) Oregon,
ceased, and the unknown heirs Alice Anderson, Hannah Mattson, Date of first publication June
i,-.; Raymond Johnson and Esther John-
LUliUlUWll i;ictmiiiiki tUIV ILUU, .!. T I i t T".
. . son. Youbert Johnson and Jane Doe cimiiuniVS
uue, estate uen or interest m Johnso cjarence Mattson and n rTRPTTTT rOTTRT OF THE are herebv reiuired to file
the settlement of said estate and
all persons having objections there-
LOST Reddish brown Cocker
Spaniel. Answers to name of Rus-
POR same with said court on or before
the time fixed for said hearing.
the real estate described in the i !... m.l.i ir.u i IN
i . . n , j ; len iviaiison, mauei ividnsoii aim C,TC nlT, nRKGON
r Jonn Ae mausun, unu.B -u- nnnnw rOTTNTY.
IN THE NAME OF THE STATE son and Jane Uoe iViattson, Adoipn ? " n , JVVNV . jted and first published this 8th
Mattson and Jane Doe Mattson, Koy uaiujumu owi-owi,, .
Doe Mattson, SWAiNSUJN, his wiie, ' mT, '
. n TTT A T n ti.tr" A TI It I VD TTT t
FOR SALE Duo-Therm fl We, "ffipiS fiW ' """" Ad,,
vs. 1
An Anni aut i 1 t
-r i t-i ini i7P imjvAxiJiN. vm ann. wen or vou
ty. xvewara. x-none xj-x4P .,'., t " A Mattson and Jane
nib iicitkfjr j. v-v v.Lii vx cv- w v-1
Inquire at Gazette Times office. a?ainst ' Wu in the above entitled U1VUa, ae?' "1,?
FR SALE-mall roU-top desk in court within four weeks from, the irZ L-" EDMUND C. NOLAN, and JANE NOTICE OF FEVAL ACCOUNT
good condition. J. O. Turner. 14 date of the first publication of this rGnce Anderson and Hattie Ander- DOE NOLAN, his wile, whose true Notice -w hereby given that the
summons upon you, and if you fail SOn, Stella Lusk and Robert Lusk, name is unknown to plaintiffs, and undersigned administratrix of the
FOR SALE 34-foot Kewaunee to so aFear or 3, for want Royal Anderson , and Jean Ander- the unknown heirs of said Edmund estate of Loms H. Fredenckson
grain elevator, 3-chain, practical- thereof, plaintiff will apply to the son, Esther Reese and Durwood C. Nolan, if deceased. Also all other deceased, has filed with the County
ly new; one 3-horse John Deere above entitled court for the relief Reese, Gladys Anderson, Frances persons 0r parties unknown claim- Court of the State of Oregon for
engine, age of elevator. Rig all wayed for in fog complaint, Anderson, iee Bowerman and El- m an right titlGi estate, lien or Morrow County her final account of
mounted ready for use. Also '37 Tamely. ton we1,01311' Ernst Anderson, inlerest m real estate described her administration of the estate of
Willys , chassis, good rubber. Foa decree quietmg piaintiffs Henning Mattson and Esther Matt- h laint hereill( . said deceased and said court fixed
, Phone 36F45, Art Stefahi, lone, title m andT thowL des- T'- Ma"fn.aso " Defendants, Monday, the 3rd day of July 1944
rw I2tf ., ? , touowing oes Arvil Mattson, Ed Johnson, Gertrude ' at the hour of .10:30 o'clock A. M.,
Ure- : cribed real property in Morrow Mattson, Annabelle Anderson, Mar- To Edmund C. Nolan, and Jane at Cour(. rQom flt
LAWN MOWERS sharpened fac- County, Oregon, to-wit: ry Mattson and Mable Mattson, Da- Doe Nolan, his wife, whose true House at Hepwner Oregon,
torv Style. IN. U, nailey. 2tl IjOIS X, , o, , v, tu, iu viu jc. xjoigicii, nuiuuuauaHu w- uic
llf xz, 13, 14, 10, Xo, 61, co estate or Augusta viiuerbou, uewa-
29, 30, 31, 32, and 33, all in ed, David E. Loigren, as the .admin-
Block 29, and lots 15, 16, and istrator of the estate of Adolph
17 in Block 38, all of said real Mattson, deceased, and also all other
. , . ' . .v . m persons or parties unnamed or un-
property being m the town of own clai right mt es.
iiTigon, xvxorrow wwmy, dftscribed in complaint
S011! herein and the unknown heirs of
as the time and place for hearing
FOR SALE Dry board ends, $2 pe.
large trailer load 74 cubic feet.
See Edwin or Eldon Tucker. 6tf
name is unknown to plaintiffs,
and the unknown ux of objections to inal aocount
said Jamuna u on, u u- and ttlement of said estate
ceased. Also all other persons or persQns objections
parties unknown claiming any flre hereby to file
right, title, estate, Uen or inter- on or
est in the real estate described fixed for said hearing.
in the complaint herein, Dated and first published this 1st
Defendants: rf June( 1944
FOR SALE Apricots, pick them
yourself, Mooreparks,. Blendlhein
Lewis, early, medium and late.
Season beginning July 1. R. V. and plaintiff be adjudged the ow- Cari g Mattson, deceased, Deftnd
Jones. 2V2 miles east of Irrigon ner in fee simple of said real pro- ants
or 4 miles west of Umatilla perty and that whatever claim you w THE NAME OF THE STATE 0F OREGON you and each of you 10-14
sign on highway. i-xoc nave in said real property De nun OF OREGON: You, and each ol u u , nrtrvoar anrl .
"rr777rTi ui 1 v. and void, and that you and each of you, are hereby commanded and re-' r-,ntra' nrnrant filod N0TICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT
FOR SALE-. large black horses. J; or answer plamtiff s complaint Wed Notice hereby
Only one broke. A. V. Wright- " Uen or fa- mpiaint filed against you, and aainst you in alfve, entlt undersigned administratrix of the
Ifll! Sest their! ami plahitiff have each of you, in the abbve entitled witfnn four weeks from the o WaUer deceasedf
APRICOTS will be ripe about July such other and further relief as may Court and suit, on or before the Jou fattto ap! filed Sf CouIfir f
4 You toick and furnish own be iust and eauitable expiration of four weeks from the summons and it you tail to so ap g of o, for Morrow
4. You (Pick and turnisn own be just and equitapxe. publication of this pear or answer for want thereof, Countv her final account of the
container. J. O. Swenngen, Irn- This summons is served upon Summons j. is serv. Dlaintiffs will apply to the above Crl:J "Lf
g" 0re- J ilC yu,bv Publication thereof once a and each of yoU) by entiUed court for the relief prayed hVfixed lav flTe 3rd
FOR SALE-1934 Chevrolet long weeK Ior w bwiv w . publication thereof as required by for in their complaint, to-wit:
wheelbase truck: or will trade Heppner Gazette Times a iaW, pursuant to an Order of the For a decree quieting plaintiffs
for cattle, W. 'C. Kxk, Hermiston ' Z Vr" ' X " ' 7 "(T 11 tme m and to me Allowing oes-
court has fixed Monday the 3rd
day of July 1944 at the hour of 10:00
o'clock A. M.. at the County Court
Ore. Phone 2137.
, """iuic c.. - h- tif p in and to tne tollowme aes- . .1 x tr
14 ifo published at Heppner, Oregon, of the Circuit Court of the State J rt -n rrow rm " me LOU? V 7Z
14-lop r . r, f ivrrrr rmmHr Hi. CT1Dea real propcuy in muiiuw Oregon, as the time and place
- pursuant to an oruei 01 m. t - Countv. Oregon, towit: . t'u?'; tA
nf thp Countv recline mai service 01 ouiimiuiis , , r .. 1 necum uwjcnvj'iia w
TTHT? SAT.P 1flSf5 IV9 ton Interna- Tnlcnr, .Ti iH ae nf the Countv
w" - uu.iuw, D 'ill ... 11 !Ji r J
Uonal truck-new tires, good bulk Court of the State of Oregon for a n non-resiuem .ui
rack and stock rack. E. C. Dou- Morrow County, which order is Stote.of W pub-
gherty, Lexington 14-15p dated June 19th 1944, and the date . f4) successive weeks which
3F3 today. Chris Brown
Legal Notices
The east halt ol bection one (I) 0wlim nnj fu0 cpitipmpn of said
and northeast quarter of Section egtate and M having 0b-
12 in Township two (2) South, jections thereto are hereby requir-
ti . no T-i i r TIT : 1 1 .it. J
ed to file same with said court on
or before the time fixed for said
Dated and first published this
East of Willamette
Range 23
and plaintiffs be adjudged the ow
ners in fee simple of said real pro
FOR SALE New Hampshire fry- ,f first publication of this sum- time of publication the Court deems
. Just right for the 4th. Phone mons 15 June "Ila . sutlicient to give notice to detend-
JjJq Illiuilic.y 1U1 mmuui, ailUS Ol U11S SOIL cUUX WHICH SitlU
Pt nffipp aHrP nH ' , of June 1944. and the last nublica- pcriy anQ 11181 wnaiever Llal'u oay m June-
residence, Heppner, Oregon. tion thereof on the 20tlj day of July V ?a to have f sald real
1944: and if vou. and Vai of vmi. property be null, and void, and 10-14
'. ! fail to appear, answer or in some that you and each of you be rnrniTAPS
iiiciiiiirx UlCdU tL aciiu. LUUlkridUU. 1U1 luicvu i-Kti tvx jl anu uwi" -
IV nrc rinriTTT f.OURT OF THE want thereof, the Dlaintiff w411 an- Hunt, title, estate, lien or interest notice is nereoy given mat uie
nF OREGON FOR IN IJzViLJ2!L ZT Ply to the court for the relief prayed in said real nronertv and nlaintiffs undersigned has been duly appoint-
. j A Pi l)M DKhi iUN MJK. Ml . , . ... T " " r , 1 -. i r HI
r 7 ror in his complaint on lile against r,a c,.nV ntr anrl furtW rlif ea oy tne vouniy iouri oi mimuw
you, and each of you, in accordance as maV be iust and eauitable. County State of Oregon, Adminis-
urciewn.ii, uidL uie aoove namea Tni cummnns is sprvfd nnon tratnx ot tne iiSiate oi riaroiu
A. C. HOUGHTON, Plaintiff ,
V R TTnwarrl Jr.. Receiver or his
successor in
E. C. LLOYD, Plaintiff,
, vs.
ii., iw-v... TrM rv-YRr Drlj ttt v vrvRn estate or interest in said
interest whose true . . TT . . T' ar Wriki rvrr.,, successive
delendants claim or may claim an mtt . WVntinn Tt,or,f fnr fn,.r Anderson, deceased, and all persons.
Xiereinai- . T . TT liavincf rilQimQ ncf:iint flip sain flfi-
weeks in the Heppner having claims againat the said de
,mnwn to nlaintiff Lw"t. "yJfV? 1IT uT.V .u" "T Gazette Times, a newsoaoer of ceased are hereby required to pre-
.iciuc r - - IVXA11&U1N, liiajKliJii JUllJN&UlN, "iliJ ""'un. uui uidi sura claims . - . t ith nrnvsr VOUcheri
G. W. Davis, and Jane Doe Davis, EmTa JOHNSON, LAW- M "y. on the part of said defend- general circulation, published in Uie same with proper voucher
his wife, whose true name is un- RENCE JOHNSON and JANE DOE ants or anV of tbe'u. is without Morrow County, Oregon, pursuant ay vermed as required Dy law to
known to plaintiff; Debbie Bell JOHNSON, RAYMOND JOHNSON iany "S whatever and that said to an order of Hon. Bert Johnson, the said Administratrix at the Law
MoCune and John Doe McCune, and, ESTHER JOHNSON, YOUB- defendants nqr any of them do not Judge of the County Court of Mor- office of P. W. Mahoney at Hepp-
litir hiidhand whose true name is mi juxunouin ana jainHj LKJth cflwlc aiil, uue or m- row oouniy, uregon wmcn oraer "-t
lw", r. A- r..iT. SON and ELLEN MATTSON. MA- Premises described as follows to- nflte of the first, oublication of this Dated and first published this
and xvxary aiattqtvm a tahm nni? wit: ... " T...
j..0 tmi( name "" v-n ,, , ,,,. . summons is June cum liiii.
whose true naiuc M41TpQr,M WTvrTTisrrk ATATrQrvM The northeast auarter (NVMi nf
ElfJ4i A. J. A. MVH ) Ui4llVlA ATA A A A. A , w .
J, T A A TTT T-"VC H T A mmCAT A T SPff inn TSlfOntvrfrtllf 9.1 T,r-n JUS. J . IN Yh.
ship Two (2) North, Range Attorney for plaintiffs,
Twenty-six (26) East Willamette Post Office address and resi-
Meridian, and the North half dence Heppner, -Oregon.
, plaintiff- D F Glo- JOHNSON, CLARENCE MATT- terest whatever in said lands and is dated June 28th 1944 and the
U111V11UVY11 i-w , -- j TjrTT-cnvT TlrArTrC
his' wife,
..1!a:iT. t
is unlaiown to puainuu, . . JANE DOE MATTSON. AD
Leonard, and Jane Doe Leon- 0LPH MATTSON and JANE DOE
ard, his wife, whose true name MATTSON, ROY MATTSON and
is unknown to plaintiff, also the JANE DOE MATTSON, LILLIAN
unknown heirs of said G. W. FRANCY and JAMES FRANCY,
Davis if deceased the unknown OLTVUS ANDERSON, HENRY AN
heirs ' of Debbie Bell McCune, DERSON and ESTHER ANDER
heirs or yeooie ELLIOTT ANDERSON and
if deceased, me uhmwu ALICE ANDERSON, LAWRENCE ty, State of Oregon,
of D. F. Glover, if deceased, ANDERSON . rr axtder. and that the title thereto
within six months
from the date hereof.
Dated and first published
15th day of June, 1944.
P. W. Mahoney
Attorney for Administratrix
(N) of section Nineteen (19).
lownship iwo (2) Range Twen-
24jg Heppner, Oregon
Notice is hereby given that the
ty-seven (27) East of the Wil- NOTICE TO CREDITORS
nvr;j: nr n
"""" I'lciiujaii, mmiuw uun- Mi 4 V, U V, i,nMm1 ,c .,.;tl
AO liClCUJ glVCll U1QI I11C iJ iv.J 'j' .1.V TT Il.J uuij tlJUll
. . i, nlarci ctnaA Viae kaan r4 1 1 1 1 t in. Vw tVto C i 7 (ri 1 vt- .f 4Via Rtqu
A TT.T7mO-vTlT J TIAfTTTTTCI XT1-.'CT3 rM that tho tit n Ihofotn , r. nlnml v.v-. huiy tir- j v la.v.
tJiP unknown heirs of J. E. cthtt t . a t ttctt potjtot iff is 2ood and valid: ra1 That t.h pointed administrator of the estate of Oregon for Morrow County, ex-
Leonard, if deceased. Also all o- LuSK, ROYAL ANDERSON and defendants and each of them may of Joseph W. Baird, by the Court ecutrix of the last Will and Testa-
ther persons or parties unknown jeaN ANDERSON, ESTHER 06 required to set forth the nature of Oregon for Morrow County, and merit of W. G. McCarty, deceased,
claiming any right, title, estate, REESE and DURWOOD REESE, of his, her, their, or its claim and has accepted such trust. All per- and all persons having claims
lien or interest in the real es- GLADYS ANDERSON, FRANCES that all adverse claims of said de- sons having claims against said es- against the 'estate of said deceased
tate described in the complaint ANDERSON, ALICE BOWERMAN fendants or either of them, may" be tate are hereby requested to file are hereby required to present same
. J and ELTON BOWERMAN, ERNST determined by decree of this Court; the same with proper vouchers at- to the undersigned duly verifi-
Defendants, ANDERSON and ANNABELLE (b) That by said decree, it be tached with said administrator at ed as required by law, at the law
Tn R S Howard, Jr., Receiver ANDERSON .MARRY MATTSON, declared and adjudged that said de- oJ5fice j 0 Turner, Hepp- office of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner,
To R. o. nowaro, jl, MABLE MATTSON, HENNING fendants or either of them have no 0 ... . X. r -it- t.
or his successor in interest K0N and tmtt. right, estate, or interest whatever ner' 9"'" S1X mnths J
whose true name is . unknown alvjjj MATTSON ALSO in and to the above described land froTtdfte T" . , ihea1 ' . uv u J u-
to plaintiff, G. W. Davis, and kqWN AS ARVIL MATTSON, and premises, and that the title Dateo first published this Dated and Ifxrst published this
Jane Doe Davis, his wife, whose ejj JOHNSON, GERTRUDE MAT- thereto of the plaintiff is good and 29th 'day of June, 1944. 22nd day of June 1944.
true name is unknown to plain- TSON, DAVID E. LOFGREN, Ad- valid; Signed, , SADIE SIGSBEE,
tiJf Debbie Bell McCune, and ministrator of the Estate of Augusta (c) That the said defendants and 14-18 ' HENRY F. BAIRD 13-17 Executrix