Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 29, 1944, Page 5, Image 5

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    From Over There . .
fir. and Mrs. W. C. McCarty of
The Da'les have received word
fio-i their ron, Lt. Paul McCarty,
stating that he was in France,
ha-'ing a "h....l of a time," and. for
them not to worry. The letter was
written - vr.e 11, which is to say
that Fau V outtit must have been
in the vargu-.d of the invasion.
He is a parat.ooper and it is un
derstandable that things were just
about as hot as he emphasiz d
Heppner Gazette Times, June 29, 1944 5
Kpv Ferguson recently made a
trip to London after supplies and
writes his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.
B. Ferguson that the British capital
is very much like our cities except
it i- much o'der. One thing this
yorrg soldkr observed about Eng
land k quit- '-rtinent. He said the
wenthc- is consistent it rains reg-u:ei-,v.
His latsst letter was dated
Jur.:: 13, which indicated that his
cut.it had not yet been orderel
moved up to the front.
the 'town and of Mendenhall gla
cier but haven't had them devel
oped yet so don't know how they
turned out. Will show them to you
some day as I can't very well mail
After I wrote I visited Peters
burg, Wrangell and Ketchikan. The
first two are interesting little
fishing towns that just "exist and
let exist." Very few Indians in them
however. Ketchikan compares with
Juneau and I . believe has nicer
buildings, both residence and bus
iness. I spent 12 hours there. One
thing about these towns, they cost
a casual so much to live. Souve
nirs and curios are other things
that are expensive. They have
built the price on ivory .carvings
and leather goods by the Indians to
such tn extent that they are cut-
mg their own throats. Most of the
merchants admit it because their
stuff isn't selling.
(Clair would like to hear from
some of his old friends. His address
may be obtained by writing to his
parents route 1, Hermiston.)
Archdeacon Neville Blunt
Holy Communion 8 A. M.
Church school 9:45 A. M.
Holy Communioon 11 A. M.
There will be no services in July
after this Sunday.
Rev. Francis McCormack Pastoi
Schedule of Services:
Herwrner: Sunday mass at 9 a. m.
on the 1st and 3rd Sundays; at
10:30 a. m. on th 2nd and 4th,
lone: 10:30 a- m. on the 1st and
3rd; 9:00 a. m. on the 2nd and 4th
Week day mass at 8 a, m. First
Friday at 7:30 a. m.
Confessions: Saturdays, 7:30 p. m.
to 8.00 p. m. Sundays 8:15 a. m. to
8:55 a. m.
O. Wendell HerMson, Pastor
Bible school 9:45. A class for ev
ery ago.
Morning worship 11 a. m.
Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m.
Evening service, 8 o'clock.
H. N. Waddell, Pastor
Bible school 10 a. m.
Worship service 11 a. m.
Preaching service at 8 p. m. at
Lexington. i
Tuesday 8 p.m. Bible study
Thursday 2 p. m. Union aid
Come to church.
I "BUY, sell and repair all makes'
of telephones, new or old.
McCaleb. 14-17p
Came to my place on middle fork
of Rock creek last November, one
brown work hese, weight about
1400 pounds; no visible brand; has
scar just back of right shoulder and
one on neck. Owner may reclaim
same by identifying said animal
and paying feed and advertising
Raymond Wright,
13-14p Heppner, Ore.
This newspaper is in receipt of a
card from the commanding officer
of the United States Naval Reserve,
Midshipmen's school, New York,
announcing the graduation of the
eighth class of Reserve Midshipmen
and their commissioning as Ensigns
in the United States Naval Reserve,
Thursday, June 29, 1944. Mid'n
Hugh V. Crawford is a member.' of
the class and after today will be
Ensign Crawford, the. second son of
Mrs. Lera Crawford to attain this
rank within the year. Mrs. Craw
ford went east June 11 to visit her
sons, Jchn and Hugh and to be
prcirent for the graduation exer
cises. The third son. Calvin, mem
ber of the Seabees. is on duty in
the Pacific area
Clara Belle Adams, member of
the class of 1944 at Oregon State
coClege, will go to Portlard this
week-end where she will vit two
weeks) before entraining for Ala
bama where she expects to remain
for some time.
Miss Olga Johnson of Portland is
spending the smmer at lone with
her brother, Judge Bert Johnson
Consignee .
Union Oil Company
For prompt, dependable service
Phone: Heppner 76
E are pleased with
the many friends we
have made housewives
who have exclaimed over
the nutritional qualities of
all our meals. Menus are
carefully planned to give
you good, wholesome, nu
tritious foods. Breakfasts
to give a mill or farm worker
"something to work on."
Lunches arc always appe
tizing. Dinners are always
a treat for hungry families.
COME. Come in soon!
Raymond Frederick Parrish, ton
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parrish of
Heppner, is one of 29 Oregon boys
taking a 10-week program of in
struction covering physical, aca
demic and military training at the
San Antonio Aviation Cadet Cen
ter, Texas. This is a rigorous train
ing period which bombardiers, na
vigators and pilots receive togeth
er the first five weeks ther a'-
scparated for specialized t' ;- inr'
Mr. and Mrs.' Frank Young, for
mer Morrow county residents now
living at Hermiston (Route 1), re
cently received a letter from their,
son Clair following an inspection
trip he made through a generous
portion of the big northern terri-
tory. Dated 11 June, 1944, he says
in part:
Dar Mother and Dad:
I am afraid I missed a letter or
so to you while I was gone. I got
back here Thursday and have been
busy since.
I wish I could visit with you
for awhile and tell you all about
the country I saw. I enjoyed the
trip, immensely. Yes, it was an
inspection trip but I had time to
do quite a bit of sightseeing. I be
lieve that. I wrcte you about Ju
neau wa there seven days so got
fairly well rcquainled with the
place. I think ilt would be the best
place to live of any of the towns
we saw. I took some pictures of
It 7.
B dMV r.lVli
An Appeal to the Citizens
of Morrow County
Not one of us can minimize the seriousness of the two-front war which our boys are
having to fight. This war was not brought about by the misbehavior of our boys or
their desire to destroy life and property. Our boys have no choice. They gave up their
jobs, their pleasant home surroundings to fight for our existence as a free nation.
Many of our patriotic citizens have purchased bonds, some very liberally, to en
able our government to carry this war. We are told that the majority of the citizens of
Morow county have not yet purchased a single bond in this drive. This is disappointing
and disheartening to the people responsible for the success of the drive, and more so
to many patriotic citizens who have bought until it hurts.
We know that Morrow county people arc patriotic and have just as much pride in
our boys as anyone in the whole United States. Therefore, the reason must be lack of
interest, delay in carrying out your good intentions, or failure to realize your part in
this mammoth fund raising effort.
The Fifth War Loan drive will officially end July 8. We urge every citizen who has
not already purchased to the full extent of his ability to consider these facts:
More than $100,000 in bonds has to be purchased before Morrow county can re
port that it has filled its quota.
Those who do not have the funds available to purchase at this time can borrow at
your local bank to purchase certain bonds, and have 9 months in which to repay the
Scan. The interest rate v:!S be the seme as the bonds pay.
Tax bonds which can be used to pay your Federal income tax during the next
three years will count on the county quota.
You are not asked to give. You are asked.only to loan your money. $75.00 invest
ed now will pay you $100 in 10 years, and the cost of your bond will buy from 25 to
50 more of certain goods in five to 10 years from now.
Idle funds will not win the war.
If you buy now, you will save the necessity of someone calling on you. The solicit
or's time is just as dear as yours.
Heppner Lumber Company
Heppner Box Company
Boosters for Morrow County-and proud of it
Standard of California